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Fallacies- logical inconsistencies

Appeal to popularity

It is an attempt to win popular assent to a conclusion by arousing the feeling of the multitude.

Instead of rational argument and evidence the speaker appeals and emphasizes on emotions making the
argument hallow

Appeals to Emotion

You just appeal to the humble hearts of the spectators

Appeal to pity

You beg for a want not for logic or justice but through pity.

The red herring

It is used to lead away or a distraction in an argument which shifts the focus.

The straw man

When a position of one’s opponent is misrepresented and that distorted position is made the object of

A misrepresented, exaggerated, distorted manner is presented.

Argumentum ed Hominem

The character or the circumstances of the individual are attacked. It is a personalized attack on the
individual’s character rather than the argument.

Argumentum ad baculam

Appeal to force is when the argument relies upon an open or veiled threat of force.

Chairman of the board “All those opposed to my arguments for the opening of a new department,
signify by saying, I ‘resign’.”

Missing the point

When the premise support a different conclusion from the one that is proposed

Also known as “irrelevant conclusion”


AD ignorantiam

Appeal to ignorance the fallacy that a proposition is true simply on the basis that it has not been proved
false or that it is false simply because it hasn’t been proved false.

Appeal to inappropriate authority

Argumentum ad verecundiam is committed when someone argues that a proposition is true because an
expert in a given field said that it is true, whether or not the expert‘s area of expertise is relevant to the

It is based on the feeling of respect that people have for the famous.

False Cause

In which something that is not really the cause of something else is treated as its cause. ( Non causa pro

Hasty generalization

An informal fallacy in which a principle that is true of a particular case is applied, carelessly or
deliberately to the many cases .


Accidental circumstances

In which generalization which are largely true may not apply to be given case(s). If these accidental
circumstances are ignored and we assume that the generalization applies universally.

Plurium Interrogationum

It is a fallacy in which a question is asked in such a way that you indicate and answer to it.

Beggin the question



In which two or more meanings of the same word or phrase has been confused wither accidently or


Comes from greek “ampho” which means “double” or on “both sides”. Instead of using the same word
with multiple meanings.


Accent refers to the stress placed upon a word in a sentence or a syllable in a word. This fallacy occurs
when a argument relies on one possible emphasis but the conclusion relies on another.



Inferring that something is true in a part hence will hold true for the whole.

Premise and conclusion

An argument is a set of propositions

Propositions are building blocks of an argument. Propositions are statements which assert something.
They may be true or false.

Premise and conclusion

The conclusion of the argument is affirmed at the end of the argument.

Conclusion Indicators

Certain words which indicate that if it is a conclusion of the argument.

( IN the slides)

Premise Indicators


(Check the mofo slides)


What is the aspirational quality of literature?

It gives readers hope and eventually merges the reader’s and poet’s hope. Both of them are emboidied
as one if they work you you know?

This may allow them to connect through atrocities and inspires them to raise voice against these
atrocities even if they haven’t felt it.

Baba says Audin, my homie, is taking it next level and is exclusive of individual experiences. Taking it to
the realms of individuals, and individualization is taking place. It is able to connect human relations with
historical disasters. It is able to induce the human suffering the way it is conveyed and that suffering
when stating in this manner brings it close to the others and is brought to life as it is able to give voice to
the minorities or the people who are never represented. And if it is hence, included in the broad sense
of law, it may as well be so.


The idea of institutionalization, that we or characters become part of the same machinery which is used
to suppress them.

We stop questioning why something is happening because of deep order in the society.

Existential philosophy- existence precedes essence.

We see a protagonist who we know limited about but no knowledge of his emotions. The identification
with the character is hard to occur as much about his nature was not portrayed but at the end of the
book you can co relate with the philosophy of necessity.

The parable was narrated by the priest to Joseph Kane for him to let go of the macchans behind his

The doorkeeper does not allow the man of the country to enter the place of law, and the story goes on.
The door is open, but the doorkeeper denies him access. He gives him an option to go him without his
consent but warns him that he is a powerful doorkeeper, and he is the least powerful amongst the other
guards who he will have to face if he has no consent.

He waited but the hurdles which came in his way of justice have derailed him. He is persistent but does
not enter due to denial of permission. He keeps trying to bribe the guard which but gives him to hope of
consent. He kept asking the man about general happenings but he would do so in a very indifferent
man. He is not really interested in the happenings but he continued to wait for years. Over a period of
time, the man turns feeble and old. The man is not in a position to stand up. By this time, he had even
tried to appeal to the fleas on his court to go and convince the guard to let him enter.

Then, the man asked the guard his last question “Why is it that I am the only one who has been waiting
outside and why are not others coming to attain justice?”

This gate was only meant for you and now that you’re dying I’m going to shut it.
It is a parable because in the story, Joseph K is trying to gain access through the law but is unable to as
similar to the countryman.

The priest says that the cause does not matter be it just or unjust or cruel, it is about what or which is

Hannah Critiques

How does necessity function?

The fact that Kafka was an Austrian born Jewish writer who wrote in German before WW2 affected the
way he wrote. He trained as a lawyer and went on the work in a bank and helped many friends
get entry into Germany. Through his writing he is depicting the Austrian bureaucratic regime.

Theological Perspective.

Faith is the reason religion survives. In bureaucracy, it conveys

Law even though made my man it is positioned or projected as the will of god. No one is in a position to
question it or find a way about or around it.

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