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Leo Tolstoy’s method in his works includes conventions about the inner world of

the people and the life surrounding them. His writing always sought to reveal the reality
and explores themes of faith and morality. In his work, Two Brothers, he used text clues
and illustrations in order for the readers to understand the underlying meaning and
philosophy of the different choices the characters made. In addition to that, every reader
can have different interpretations with the text and anyone can choose whether they relate
to the elder brother or to the younger one. Thus, I personally think that the literary
criticism that best fit the story is Reader-Response Criticism.

The title of this story suggests that the two brothers are central to the theme and
that each brother signifies different personalities of human being; the elder brother for
having conservative thoughts and contented with life without seeking glory and the
younger brother for risk takers who are willing to pursue their ultimate dreams. If we also
analyze the setting of the story which is the forest, the river, the bears, and the mountain,
we’ll realize that all of this represents danger to the elder brother but not with the
younger. We could also put into consideration that the writer might be making the readers
ponder about the brother’s different outlooks in life whether there is a right or wrong
choice. In addition to that, the author wants to make the readers recognize the real
existence of the story and complete its meaning through their own interpretation by
choosing whose life or choice is better. Thus, I chose Reader-Response Criticism because
us, readers, are essential in bring the text to life by giving our personal reaction whether it
may be based from our personality or own experiences.

Overall, the purpose of a Reader-Response Criticism is examining, defending and

explaining the reader’s reaction to a text which I think everyone in our class did as we
discussed the lesson. Each of us had our own opinion, feelings, and interpretation, that is
why we chose differently; some chose the older brother and some chose the younger one.
I’m personally very fond of the younger brother for being brave in choosing to pursue his
dreams. Some might not agree with my choice but this story really taught me that the
future might still be ahead of us and things will still change, but I would always put in
mind the younger brother’s choice that if I’ll never try pursuing what I really want, then I
would never know. Thus, it is evident in the story that people make their own decisions
and that there is no right way to live life, it only depends on what will make a person
happy and satisfied.

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