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No. 28112017-E.

Govemment of lndia
Minisfy of Finance
Deparlment of Exp€ndituIe

Netv Delhi, dated th6 l4hAugusl, 2019.


Subject! HM to he civilian employees of he Central Govemment serving

Grant of additjonal
the States ot North Easlem Region, AnOamin A Nbobar tstanOs,
LirctraOtrcp rsranOs
and Ladakh.

Conse{ueot upon levision of rates of House Rent Allowance (HM)/additional HM

w.e.I.0't.07.2017 vide Deparrnent,s oM. No 252017_i it€idi-r.o-or)0ip6;
even number -his
dated 19.07.2012 respectivety,
-iOliiU-ii"r and o.M. of
it fras Oeen Oaideli-'ro grarr HRA at old
dutyttrtion w.e.r.0i.0720t7 to ait rhose'.ent rr eorurr;ni.irita'n;pi-il[
fansfened to Norh Eastem Regbn, Andaman & trticotar
ueun n"ru
tstands, LaiJJGJis-fa'#s ano raOatn,
pnor to 01.07.20,7 or afrer 01.07.20,7
and conlinue to Emain po.rO-u,.,"iili'bi.oz.zOrZ,
uMeri ..
ti) ! ca1^01^c1vr1an_employees of Cenhd covemmenl transfercd to and posted from a date
Ftor to 01.07,2017 who lea\€ their famities behirO a U" Orty rlm,'Ure im of fne ofO
duty station rvil be catcutated on he rwbed p.i "fO
a"*' i, i'i-oiiriiz tm
rares of HRA ofiocrtve on or.oz.zoti as per"iiiiffi.r(etd"r;

(ii) ln c€se ofcivrlian enployees of C€nfal

Go,,/emmenl fansfenEd to and pooted from a date on
or afler 01.07.2017 who teave heir famiti€s behr.A
.tt . orO OrtV ,Li fi:i.
inn ot Ue otO
or* * tf,! a"c i rriitf* u,"
duty station s/ilt be catculabd on tre laytrod pay
the dite ol tonrfall=_--:
psrconhge rato! of HRA efiective on
2. This is issued wih he appovatofS€crBbry (Exp6nditure).

Deputy sec.rary ro the

nrr"Jl$il? ml

All f,ini.t l€s/t rpartnonb of$o Gov€mmont ol lndh as p3rlbndard

dbtribrnbn 3t.
Copy to: C&AG, UPSC, stc. .! Fr.t ndard ondoEemont lbt

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