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JANUARY 4, 2021













JANUARY 4, 2021
This is to declare that this project work which is done under the supervision of Mr. AMARE A.
contribution of: Eyerusalem Seife, Haymanot Tariku and Dawit Birhanu. No part of the
project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be considered as
Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been cited properly.
We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this declaration is proven.

Date: _____________________ Group Members:

Full Name Signature

1. Eyerusalem Seife ____________________

2. Haymanot Tariku ____________________

3. Dawit Birhanu ____________________

This is to confirm that the project report entitled CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM submitted to Wolkite University, College of Computing and
Informatics Department of Information systems by: Eyerusalem seife, Dawit birhanu and
Haymanot Tariku are approved for submission.

Advisor Name Signature Date

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------

Department Head Name Signature Date

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Examiner 1 Name Signature Date

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Examiner 2 Name Signature Date

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------

Examiner 3 Name Signature Date

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------

Firstly, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to GOD. Secondly, we are highly gratitude to
our advisor Mr. Amare A. for his better supports throughout the end of our project. Thirdly
thanks for Wolkite University Construction project office for help us by giving information and
forms that help us to do the project. And, we would like to forward our special thanks to college
of computing and informatic for gave us by preparing computer lab class and internet access to
done this project. Finally, we would like to express our deep gratitude to our instructors and our
trust and closest friends for constant support and goodwill.

Table of Contents
TITLE PAGE..............................................................................................................................................1
APPROVAL FORM...................................................................................................................................ii
LISTS OF FIGURES................................................................................................................................vii
LISTS OF TABLES.................................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of organization.........................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Project...............................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific objective.................................................................................................................2
1.4 Feasibility Analysis.....................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Technical Feasibility............................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Operational Feasibility.........................................................................................................3
1.4.3 Economic Feasibility...........................................................................................................3
1.4.4 Schedule feasibility..............................................................................................................4
1.4.5 Political Feasibility..............................................................................................................4
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Project.............................................................................................4
1.5.1 Scope of the Project.............................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Limitation of the project......................................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the Project...........................................................................................................5
1.7 Beneficiaries of the project..........................................................................................................5
1.8 Methodology of the project..........................................................................................................6
1.8.1 Data collection tools and techniques....................................................................................6
1.8.2 System analysis and design..................................................................................................6
1.8.3 System development model.................................................................................................7
1.8.4 Development tools and technologies....................................................................................7
1.9 Document organization................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER – TWO......................................................................................................................................9
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM.................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction of the existing system..............................................................................................9
2.2 Users in the existing system.........................................................................................................9
2.3 Major functions of the Existing system......................................................................................10
2.4 Forms and other documents of the existing system....................................................................12
2.5 Drawback of Existing system....................................................................................................16
2.6 Business rules of existing system...............................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................19
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM......................................................................................................................19
3.1 Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................19
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements...................................................................................................20
3.2.1 User Interface and Human Factors.....................................................................................20
3.2.2 Hardware Consideration....................................................................................................20
3.2.3 Security Issues...................................................................................................................20
3.2.4 Performance Consideration................................................................................................21
3.2.5 Error Handling and Validation...........................................................................................21
3.2.6 Quality Issues.....................................................................................................................21
3.2.7 Backup and Recovery........................................................................................................22
3.2.9 Resource Issues..................................................................................................................22
3.2.10 Documentation...................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................23
4. SYSTEM ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................23
4.1 System Model............................................................................................................................23
4.1.1 Use Case Model.................................................................................................................23 Use Case Diagram..............................................................................................................25 Use case description...........................................................................................................25
4.2 Object model..............................................................................................................................36
4.2.1 Class Diagram....................................................................................................................36
4.2.2 Data Dictionary..................................................................................................................38
4.3 Dynamic model..........................................................................................................................39
4.3.1 Sequence Diagram.............................................................................................................39
4.3.2 Activity Diagram...............................................................................................................46

4.3.3 State chart diagram............................................................................................................53
CHAPTER - FIVE.....................................................................................................................................57
5. SYSTEM DESIGN............................................................................................................................57
5.1 Design goals..............................................................................................................................57
5.1.1 Performance.......................................................................................................................57
5.1.2 Maintenance.......................................................................................................................57
5.1.3 End user.............................................................................................................................57
5.1.4 Security requirement..........................................................................................................58
5.2 Proposed System Architecture...................................................................................................58
5.2.1 Subsystem Decomposition and Description.......................................................................59
5.2.2 Hardware/Software Mapping.............................................................................................60
5.2.3 Detailed Class Diagram.....................................................................................................61
5.2.4 Persistence Data Management...........................................................................................62
5.2.5 Access Control and Security..............................................................................................64
5.3 Packages....................................................................................................................................65
5.4 User Interface Design................................................................................................................66
CHAPTER - SIX.......................................................................................................................................68
6. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING.............................................................................................68
6.1 Implementation of the Database.................................................................................................68
6.2 Implementation of Class Diagram.............................................................................................70
6.3 Configuration of Application Server..........................................................................................71
6.4 Configuration of Application Security.......................................................................................71
6.5 Implementation of User Interface..............................................................................................74
6.6 Testing.......................................................................................................................................75
6.6.1 Testing Tools and Environment.........................................................................................75
6.6.2 Unit Testing.......................................................................................................................76
6.6.3 Integration Testing.............................................................................................................76
CHAPTER – SEVEN................................................................................................................................77
7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................77
7.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................77
7.2 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................77


Figure 2-1 Workflow of the existing system..............................................................................................12

Figure 2-2 Material order form..................................................................................................................13
Figure 2-3 Work progress report form.......................................................................................................14
Figure 2-4 Project schedule form...............................................................................................................15
Figure 4-1 Use Case diagram....................................................................................................................25
Figure 4-2 Conceptual class diagram.........................................................................................................37
Figure 4-3 Sequence diagram for login.....................................................................................................40
Figure 4-4 Sequence diagram for add user................................................................................................41
Figure 4-5 Sequence diagram for add project............................................................................................42
Figure 4-6 Sequence diagram for update user............................................................................................43
Figure 4-7 Sequence diagram for update project.......................................................................................44
Figure 4-8 Sequence diagram for Prepare project schedule.......................................................................45
Figure 4-9 Activity diagram for login........................................................................................................46
Figure 4-10 Activity diagram for Manage account....................................................................................47
Figure 4-11 Activity diagram for Manage user..........................................................................................48
Figure 4-12 Activity diagram for Manage project.....................................................................................49
Figure 4-13 Activity diagram for Manage item.........................................................................................50
Figure 4-14 Activity diagram for Order item.............................................................................................51
Figure 4-15 Activity diagram for Prepare project schedule.......................................................................52
Figure 4-16 State chart diagram for login..................................................................................................53
Figure 4-17 State chart diagram for Order material...................................................................................54
Figure 4-18 State diagram for manage project...........................................................................................55
Figure 4-19 State chart for manage user....................................................................................................56
Figure 5-1 Proposed system architecture...................................................................................................58
Figure 5-2 Subsystem decomposition diagram..........................................................................................59
Figure 5-3 Deployment diagram................................................................................................................60
Figure 5-4 Persistence diagram.................................................................................................................63
Figure 5-5 Package diagram......................................................................................................................65
Figure 5-6 User interface for login............................................................................................................66

Figure 5-7 User interface for Contractor home page.................................................................................67

Table 4-1 Use case description for login...................................................................................................26
Table 4-2 Use case description for Manage account..................................................................................28
Table 4-3 Use case description for Manage Employee..............................................................................29
Table 4-4 Use case description for Manage Project...................................................................................30
Table 4-5 Use case description for Manage material.................................................................................31
Table 4-6 Use case description for Order materials...................................................................................32
Table 4-7 Use case description for Chatting..............................................................................................33
Table 4-8 Use case description for Prepare project schedule.....................................................................33
Table 4-9 Use case description for Generate report...................................................................................34
Table 4-10 Data dictionary for Manager table...........................................................................................38
Table 4-11 Data dictionary for Contractor table........................................................................................38
Table 4-12 Data dictionary for Employee table.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4-13 Data dictionary for Stock Manager table.....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4-14 Data dictionary for Material table............................................................................................39
Table 4-15 Data dictionary for project table..............................................................................................39


BR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Business Rule

CIMS--------------------------------------------------------------------------Construction Information Management System

CSS------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cascade style Sheet

GUI------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graphical User Interface
HTML------------------------------------------------------------------------Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP-------------------------------------------------------------------------Hypertext Transfer Protocol
MySQL----------------------------------------------------------------------Relational database management
OOSAD---------------------------------------------------------------------Object Oriented System Analysis Design
PC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal Computer (Client Computer)
PHP---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hypertext Preprocessor
UI--------------------------------------------------------------------------------User Interface
UML--------------------------------------------------------------------------Unified Modeling Language
WKU--------------------------------------------------------------------------Wolkite University
WWW-----------------------------------------------------------------------World Wide Web.
XAMPP--------------------------------------------------------------------Platform apache MySQL Perl PHP

The Construction Information Management System (CIMS) at Wolkite University (WU)
manages every activity related with materials, project creation and prepares schedules. The
existing system CIMS at WU is susceptible to the following major problems: poor time
management, Problems in project schedule creation, high paper & overhead costs, difficult to
search documents or data, problem in generate report. The general objective of the project is to
develop construction information management system for Wolkite University. The main task
handled by this system are user management, manage project schedule, manage project, allow
viewing project status and generate report. To get a precise data from organization we used
interview, observation and document analysis. To analyze the collected data, the project follows
an object-oriented analysis and design approach. After implementation of the system the
developers will conduct unit testing, integrating testing, system testing methodologies.


1. Introduction

Projects in the construction industry are becoming increasingly large and complex, with new
construction technologies, methods, and the like developing rapidly. Furthermore, owners of
construction projects are making increasingly diverse sets of demands while all related laws and
regulations undergo rapid change. As a result of such advancements in construction technology
and the growing complexity of the construction industry, efficient management of the diverse
information generated from construction projects is becoming increasingly necessary. In
particular, since the construction phase is the phase where the building begins to take shape
based on the blueprints, a successful project requires comprehensive management of large
quantities of information to allow the construction phase to succeed.[ CITATION jor18 \l 1033 ]

In manual way recording construction materials, employees and reporting process are all time-
consuming tasks. Construction information systems; that will accessible for all employees in a
wolkite university construction project by improve efficiency and enhance the flow of
information within the construction place. Constructions have spent years with manual customer
service processing, and this project will automate this activity and our system developed for
wolkite university Construction.

1.1Background of organization
Wolkite University (WKU) is one of the third-generation higher institutions that have been
founded in 2004 E.C. The University is located in the Southern Nation Nationalities Regional
State, in Gurage zone, 170 km southwest of the capital city, Addis Ababa, on the way to Jimma.
In November 2001 E.C the late Prime Minister, his Excellency Mr. Meles Zenawi, laid the
foundation stone of the University in a plain landscape which is quite ideal for academic pursuit.
It is situated at Gubre sub-city, 15 km away from Wolkite town, of the Gubre-butajira road. Now
a day the university has almost 7 colleges and 42 departments.[ CITATION Abo18 \l 1033 ]

1.2Statement of the Problem
Wolkite university construction have many problems regarding to the manual processing of
managing workers, properties, Forman, and other activities with in construction. Some of the
problems with the system are listed as follows.

 Paper based document transfer between different employees.

 Work load on all employees.
 Lack of centralized database to register all Materials of the construction
 Wastage of time cost and energy of employee and the university.
 Inconsistence of record of different documents.
 Difficult to prepare report about the materials, employees.
 Difficult to prepare Schedule of the

1.3Objective of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective

The main objective of this project is to develop a web-based construction information
management system for Wolkite university construction management system.

1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the project are listed as follows.

 To perform a requirement analysis to find out the system functional and

nonfunctional requirements.
 To design the system using object-oriented models for understanding the system and
to make the implementation easy.
 To design the database for storing construction materials, employees and schedule
construction site information using MySQL.
 To design the proposed System using UML diagram.
 To design a user Interface for the proposed system.
 To implement a web application using PHP
 To test the proposed system using different testing mechanisms.

1.4Feasibility Analysis

1.4.1 Technical Feasibility

In technical feasibility study, one has to test whether the proposed system can be developed
using existing technology or not. It is planned to implement the proposed system using Windows
operating systems, web-based applications. It is evident that the necessary hardware and software
are available for the development and implementation of the proposed system. So, the system
will technically feasible. The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to
determine whether the office has the technical expertise to handle the new system. The
Organization (Wolkite University) already possesses Windows products Operating System. So,
the solution is technically feasible.

1.4.2 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definitions. The proposed system we
will develop will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor of workers. Since
the system is web-based application. It is platform independent which indicates that the system
will be operationally feasible.

1.4.3 Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new
system. It is the first to be considered when we are going to develop the project. Since the system
will not need special requirements like standalone server, additional cost incurred for tools and
large cost for system development process the system will be economically feasible.

We categorize the benefits the system into tangible and intangible.

 Tangible Benefits:
 Reduce processing error
 Decrease response time
 Manpower reduction
 Cost elimination
 Intangible benefits:
 Improve stockholders and wolkite university satisfaction
 Improved customer response
 Accurate and faster access to data.
 Increase employee satisfaction

1.4.4 Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility means that project will implement in an acceptable time frame or the
probability of a project will complete within its scheduled time limits, by a planned due date.
So, the project will accomplish and deliver within the given time. Since the project contains
the documentation parts. And also, the technology we will use to develop the system is known
and there is a work division in our group. Due to this reason the team will deliver based on the
given time scope.

1.4.5 Political Feasibility

This project will not have any political contact and it never abrogates any type of rule and
constitution. It is not conflict with any government directives, because it gives services for the
people effectively and efficiently, all the stakeholders also agreed before the system
developed. So, our university is profitable and the system will be politically feasible.

1.5Scope and Limitation of the Project

1.5.1 Scope of the Project

The aim of this project is to develop web-based construction information management system for
Wolkite University which helps to manage the employee, materials information and other
activity done in the existing system. The proposed system will enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of Construction management of Wolkite University.
The scope of the project is the following: -

 Manage construction materials (register, update their detail and delete them).
 Manage all employees involved in the construction (add, update and delete)
 Generating report (About materials, employee, and construction site)
 Allows the Contractor to manage schedule of the project (life time of the project).
 Allows the contractor and consultant units to communicate with manager and
appropriate employee.

1.5.2 Limitation of the project
In our project there are some limitations:

 Our interface is not support Amharic language.

 Do not control quality assurance.
 Do not perform financial transaction process.

1.6Significance of the Project

Generally, the system will facilitate the construction management system by providing the
 Minimize wastage of time, cost, and energy while managing all employees and
properties and schedule of the construction.
 Increase efficient use of properties, money and time.
 Reduce inconsistency of data
 Minimize employees work load.
 Create easy and operable environment to manage employees, materials and the
 To get well organized information in short period of time
 Improve processing speed.
 Identify and control properties of the construction

1.7Beneficiaries of the project

The main beneficiaries are:

 Employees of the construction: employees of the construction are beneficiary on

this system by viewing project schedule online and view project progress report
and easily order different materials.
 Contractor: beneficiary from the system by managing the project easily and
generate schedule of the project.
 Forman: beneficiary form the proposed system in view project schedule, view
progress report and communicate with employees.
 Manager: beneficiary form the proposed system by managing all employees of
the construction.

 Stock manager: beneficiary form the proposed system by managing materials
and receive order from employees online.
 We (System Developers): We are the first beneficiaries; because we got
advantages; we got a lot of experience while doing this project and help us to gain
more knowledge.

1.8Methodology of the project

1.8.1 Data collection tools and techniques

Data collection is the most important part of the project to find the main requirement of the
system and to understand how the system works. We are going to use different methods to
collect data. Among the methods, we use the following:
 Interview – Interviewing the manager of construction and other employee of the
university work in the construction by preparing the question, ask the question and
get the answer for every question.
 Document analysis – this technique helps us to analysis the existing system
problems and enable us to know how they work and this give us everything about
the activity in wolkite university.
 Direct observation – this technique helps us to directly observe what they work
and we can identify what is the real problem in the existing construction area.

1.8.2 System analysis and design

In our project we will use object-oriented software engineering methodology (approaches)
to develop the system. Because it is a popular technical approach for analyzing, designing
an application system, or business by applying the object-oriented paradigm and visual
modeling throughout the development life cycles. Object oriented system analysis and
design is selected since it has so many advantages and which can make the system more

The advantages of Object-Oriented system analysis and design (OOSAD):

 The ability to tackle more achieving problem domains.

 To simplify the design and implementation of complex program.
 We can inherit properties of the class that are defined in the super class.
 We can reuse methods for avoiding redundancy.
 Increased consistency among analysis, design and programming activities.
 The data and functions are encapsulated in the objects that help us for easily
debugging purpose.
 Explicit representation of commonality among system components.

1.8.3 System development model

Iterative software development model
The iterative model is a particular implementation of a software development life cycle
that focuses on an initial, simplified implementation, which then progressively gains more
complexity and a broader feature set until the final system is complete.
This model has so many advantages some of them are:

 Results are obtained early and periodically.

 Parallel development can be planned.

 Progress can be measured.

 Testing and debugging during smaller iteration are easy.[ CITATION SDL19 \l
1033 ]

1.8.4 Development tools and technologies

Modeling tools
 Edraw-Max - for designing different model of our system.
Programing language tools
 PHP– now a day this language is one of the best backend programming
and it help us to code.
 JavaScript – this is used to code client-side code.
Database design tools
 MYSQL - is a relational database management system based on SQL
which used as storage.
 Xampp-Server which function as server in one computer.

1.9Document organization
Our project proposal organized from project contents that performed in each topic of the
project and the purpose of this to show activists and its order or sequence in each topic.
Activities are shown below. This project consists of six chapters. Chapter one discusses about
introduction, background of the existing system. Statement of the problem, objective of the
project (both general and specific objective), significance of the project, scope of the project,
limitation of the project, methodology of the project, feasibility, Document Organization.
Chapter two deals about description of the current system, major function of the existing
system, user of the existing system, organization structure and work flow the of the existing
system, strength and weakness existing system, forms and other documents of the existing
system follow, Bottlenecks of the existing system, and, expected outcome of our project after
finishing. Chapter three deals about overview of the proposed system, business rule, functional
requirement, process requirement, input requirement, output requirement, storage requirement,
and nonfunctional requirement. Determine security and safety procedures for our project.
Chapter four deals about we define system analysis and design for our projects include
scenarios, system model, user class and characteristics (actor specification), use case diagram
(system use case diagram and use case description), class diagram, dynamic model of our
system and this includes sequence diagram, activity diagram, ER Diagram, Data Dictionary or
Mapping, and Normalization. Chapter five covers System Overview, Design Considerations,
Design Goals, Design Trade-offs, Architecture of the proposed System, Sub-system
Decomposition, Hardware/Software mapping (Deployment design), Persistent data
management, Class interfaces, and User interface design. Chapter six covers conclusion and



2.1 Introduction of the existing system
Studying the current system is a method that is used to gather the requirements in the project.
The purpose of studying the current system is to identify the existing reside entities. It is to
gather requirements and identify problem in the current system.
As we have analysed wolkite university constructions tracks the personal data of construction
employees, material information, site information registered, updated and deleted in the
construction each and every day task keeps the record using manual methods. Currently they
use documented paper to track their data but, due to increasing number of workers, sites and
materials the documented paper has become slow in data retrieval and accuracy. Therefore,
after preliminary investigation we realize that there is a need for a better system.

The process of work in the existing system is depicted as follows.

 The Foreman and employees, who got that information, will come and ask to join the
work on the construction.
 The constructor then will accept and assign the needed worker at the right position with
the paper record and approval.
 After the construction process is started, the contractor, store manager and Foreman uses
manual process (papered documented) to control different sites, construction materials,
employees and all activities.
 Communication and deal between Manager, consultant and employee is only in both oral
and paper based respectively.

2.2 Users in the existing system

The followings are users in the existing system:

Manager: The listed below are duties of the manager.

 Order Forman.
 Give commands to Foreman according to their task.
 Communicate with engineer.

 Manage employee (Procure, control, and fire) and sites.
 Accept report from Contractor, Foreman, Stock manager and employee.
Contractor: Has the following responsibilities:
 Deal with manager and owner.
 Receive the project from the owner.
 Create and delete Schedule of the project.
Consultant: Has the following activities:
 Give feedback
 Communicate with contractor and manager.
Foreman(supervisor): The task of the Foreman is listed below:
 Control sites.
 Report about chars, work, and activity.
 Accept report from stock manager.
 Prepare budgetary, and material request in written format.
Stock Manger: The job of Stock Manager is:
 Register construction materials.
 Record the give out materials.
 Announce the manager to buy holdings.
 Modify materials information.
 Report about materials.
Employee: The employee of construction has the following duties
 Report their work.
 Announce whenever they take materials.
 Request resource.

2.3 Major functions of the Existing system

The existing system has the following functions

Material Registration: -Whenever the new construction material come in to sites, the
manager first signs and approve the assurance, then the stock manager will register the
detail of each materials in each site using paper.

Report preparation: Report is being prepared in the form of paper documentation from
the work done either by Forman, stock manager or other employees.
Document collection: Document is being collected from the prepared report according
to their function and submitted time to allocated place it in shelf.
Ordering process: Even if ordering is done orally, it is needed:
 Order Forman: By looking the request service, the manager orders the Forman by
giving the word or written command.
 Order stock manager: The manager tells and/or orders the Stock manager about the
number of holdings, by looking the site either that do or do not need much more
holdings and maintain service for proper function. The Forman may order the
stock manager to put out material for work.
 Order employee: The manager orders the employee orally or using paper.
Recruit and assign employee: The manager prepare procurement form and procure
employees based on that agreement.
Approval of request: Forman, employees and stock manager import request and/or
application in paper to the manager, then the manager accepts or reject request service.
Manage sites: The manager manages sites using paper and roving.
Remove Document of sites: When sites are completed or rejected the manager removes
the document of these sites by finding them from the shelf/cabinet.
Document approval: Roving is needed to approve letter and other document for
different purpose.
Managing Project Schedule: The contractor is responsible to manage project schedules
(The life time of the project).

The detail work flow of existing system (Construction) is depicted below.

 Order Forman
 Communicate with manager
 Prepare schedule

 Communicate with
owner, contractor,
consultant  Communicate with
 Manage employees owner, Manager, Forman
Contractor  Communicate with
 Deal with owner, Contractor
manager and  Manage Chars
 Give Feedback

Employee Stock Manager

 Order by manager  Initiate the project
 Give comment orally  Contact with
 Work with manager consultant, manager
 Send request and Forman

Figure 2-1 Workflow of the existing system

2.4 Forms and other documents of the existing system

When we interview the construction manager of the university Engineer Biniyam, he told us
about the whole work done in the construction, and he allow us to analysis the document and we
capture the following forms and documents.

There are a lot of forms and documents some of them are:

 Material order form.

 Work progress report form.
 Project schedule form.

Figure 2-2 Material order form

Figure 2-3 Work progress report form

Figure 2-4 Project schedule form

2.5 Drawback of Existing system
In the existing system materials, employees and project registration is done manually, which is
time taking, exhausting and has no accuracy. The whole document is stored using file cabinets
and suspension filing system for a long period of time. This makes overcrowded and easy to
damage. Generally, the existing system faces a lot of problems, and these problems results due
to the manual system of accomplishing its operations. Such as

 Doing activities using manual document results week performance.
 Is time consuming.
Information (and Data)
 Outputs

 Lack of any necessary or relevant information.

 Too much information –huge paper stack- no systematic storing technique.
 Information that is not accurate.
 Information that is not timely to its subsequent use.

 Inputs

 Data is not captured in time to be useful.

 Data is not accurately captured – contains errors.
 Data is difficult to capture.
 Data is captured redundantly – same data is captured more than once.
 Too much and/or unnecessary data is captured.

 Stored Data

 Data is stored redundantly in multiple files.

 Data is not secure from accident or vandalism (because data is stored in
 Data is not well organized.

 Data is not flexible – not easy to meet new information needs from stored

 Costs
 Costs are too high (needs too much employee).
 Profits
 New Construction who have a system can be explored.
 Current dealing can be improved to systemized.
Control (and Security)

 Too little security or control.

 Input data is not adequately edited.
 Crimes (e.g. fraud, theft, embezzlement) are (or can be) committed against the
 Ethics are breached on data or information – refers to data or information getting
to unauthorized people.
 Redundantly stored data is inconsistent in different files or databases
 Processing errors are occurring by people

 People waste time
 Data is redundantly input or copied and processed.
 waste holdings and manpower
 Effort required for tasks is excessive.
 Holdings required for tasks is excessive (e.g. paper)
 The Existing system produces inaccurate, inconsistent and unreliable results
 It is not easy and awkward to use.
 It is difficult to coordinate with other systems.

2.6 Business rules of existing system
Business rule are principles, requirements and polices that must be fulfilled and obligated in
order the system are function properly and effectively. The business rules that must be
considered for this project are described below.

BR1: Manager is responsible for managing the entire activity of the project.

BR2: The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the project.

BR3: The contractor is responsible for preparing schedule of the project.

BR4: Every contractor should be registered project and monitor project.

BR5: All employee must be registered before start their work.

BR6: Every contractor should submit project schedule in order to perform on time.


The proposed system will solve the existing system problem that has been faced currently. This
system will be design and develop in such a way that will solve all the pre-describe problems in
the existing system that has been practiced. The proposed system will be more flexible and user
friendly for user to access information without wasting their time.

The proposed system that is going to be developed by our team will automate the operations of
the current construction in the university. It will be used to manage and process data recording
based on the rule and regulations of the current system. The new system provides capability of
organizing all information in a single client-server system, easy way of recording and accessing
information by its well-organized user-friendly interface.

3.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are the functions of the proposed system and its components. It
describes the interactions between the system and its environment independent of its
implementation and specific functionality that define what the system is supposed to accomplish.
The major functionalities of the system are the following:

 Login to the system.

 Manage users account (create, view, delete and update).
 Manage Employee (create, view, delete and update).
 Manage project (Add, update, delete, view).
 View schedule of the project.
 View project status.
 Prepare project schedule.
 Add materials.
 Update materials.
 Delete materials.
 View materials.
 Order materials.

 Report work progress.
 Chat with employee.
 Generate reports.
 Logout from the system.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

3.2.1 User Interface and Human Factors

The user interface of the proposed system will be simple to understand, easy to use and
user-friendly and users of the system can easily use and perform their task, this interface
provide visibility to the functioning system. To design better user interface we design
beautiful buttons, check boxes, menus and others by using bootstrap framework and this
framework enable us to easily create responsive user interface. The developed system
provides web application user interfaces will be responsive user interface in all devices.

The system we will develop require no expert level anyone who has basic computer skill
and who know how browse can easily access the system.

3.2.2 Hardware Consideration

The Software product to be developed should run on existing system standard server and
accessible by any computers. The system will be portable that can accessible by any type
of computers, it run in any operating systems like WINDOWS, UNIX, LINUX and etc.

3.2.3 Security Issues

The proposed system is protected from internal and external intrusions or unauthorized
user by the following methods: -

User authentication

 The system provides username and password for each user based on their
 When users try to access the system should authenticate by asking user name
and password.
 The system allows only valid user to login to the system.
 System data modification shall only be done by Privileged users.

Encryption mechanism

 To prevent credential data like password not easily view by anyone so, the
system will encrypt those data or information using Message-Digest algorithm
(MD5) hashing algorithm.

3.2.4 Performance Consideration

Since the system is going to be accessed by different users with different needs, it should
be capable of handling concurrent tasks and processing their tasks as quickly as possible.
Generally, the system should be able to handle many users at the same time. To increase
the system performance, we implement the best searching, inserting, and retrieving
algorithm and also properly normalize our database. The system should be responsibly fast
in order to access the required information easily.

 The login information shall be verified within a few seconds.

 The users get the expected result within a few seconds.

3.2.5 Error Handling and Validation

Since the system is going to be accessed by different users with different needs, it should
capable of handling different exceptions like inserting empty string to the database and
inserting a duplicated user id, incorrect user name and display an appropriate message for
each error. The system shall handle an attempt to login with incorrect username and
password and display error message.

3.2.6 Quality Issues

Reliability: The proposed system will minimize crash during its runtime, since more than
one user could use the system simultaneously in good validations for user inputs and avoid
incorrect storage of records.

Availability: There is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed,

can be captured very quickly and easily by using more than one server. The server should
be always on to be availability. The system should have to be functional at any time.

Usability: The system will offer simple navigation function so, can be operated by any
user with basic computer knowledge.

3.2.7 Backup and Recovery
Storing data in another place for backup purpose, if the system is destroyed, then it is easy
to get the lost data. This can be done by placing the data in another place. If the data is
failed or lost, then the lost data can be easily recovered from the database.

3.2.8 Physical Environment

The system is deployed or installed on the server computer, but for more feature we
recommend that the system to deploy on the cloud that is free from any disaster.

3.2.9 Resource Issues

The system consumes resources that required high processor speed and memory for both
server and client.

3.2.10 Documentation
The system will provide two types of system documentation. These are internal and
external documentation. System documentation addresses programmers, system
developers, owners, and users. Programmers include those who are currently working on
the project as well as those who give support and maintain the system including the
system administrator.


This chapter describes what the proposed system does and how it carries out its activities. These
include use case diagrams, use case description, analysis level class diagram, sequence diagram,
activity diagram and state chart diagram.

4.1 System Model

This section consists of the modeling of the proposed system using object-oriented
methodologies such as unified modeling language (UML).

4.1.1 Use Case Model

Use case model is composed of a use case diagram and the accompanying documentation
describing the use cases, actors, and associations.

Use case diagram is created to visualize interactions between systems with the external

Use case: It’s the identification and representation of a sequence of actions that the user
(Actors) takes for a system to get particular target. It can be identified and represented by
ellipses with a respective descriptive name[ CITATION wik194 \l 1033 ].

Actor is a person, system, or real object that plays a role in one or more interactions with the
system. Relationship between actors and classes are indicated within use case diagrams.

There are 7 major actors in the proposed system are: -

 Administrator.
 Manager.
 Stock Manager.
 Contractor.
 Foreman (Supervisor).
 Consultant.
 Employee.

Actor Description
Administrator Responsible for managing user accounts.
Manager Responsible for managing employees.
Stock Manager Responsible for managing materials and receive orders.
Contractor Responsible for managing project and preparing schedule of
the projects.
Forman (Supervisor) Responsible for supervising employees and view project
Consultant Responsible for communicate and consulting employees and
manager of the construction.
Employee Ordering material and view schedule of the project.

Lists of use case

 Login
 Manage account (Add, Update, Delete and View account)
 Manage employee (Add, Update, Delete and View employee)
 Manage materials (Add, Update, Delete and View materials)
 Order materials
 View project status
 Chatting
 Prepare schedule of the project
 View schedule of the project
 Give Feedback
 Generate Reports
 Logout

xxxiv Use Case Diagram

Figure 4-5 Use Case diagram

xxxv Use case description
Use case name Login
Use case identifier UCID - 01
Actors Admin, Manager, Stock manager, Contractor, Foreman,
Employee and Consultant.
Description Allows user to access the system.
Precondition The users must have valid username and password.
Post condition The user successfully login to the system.
Basic Course of Action Actor actions System Responses
1: user initiates the system. 2: The system shows the login
3: user enter username and page for the user.
password. 4: The system checks user
name and password.
5: The system displays user
required page.
6: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of Action 4.1: If the input information invalid or empty.
A1.1: The system displays error message.
A1.2: The system returns to 2.

Table 4-1 Use case description for login

Use case name Manage account

Use case identifier UCID - 02
Actor Admin
Description Allows admin to create, update, delete and view user account
Precondition The admin must have valid username and password.
Post condition The admin successfully creates, update, view and delete user account
Basic Course of Actor actions System Responses
1: Admin enter username and 2: The system validates user
password. name and password.
4: Admin select manage account: 3: The system displays manager

1. Create account page.
2. Update account 5: The system displays Create
3. Delete account account page.
4. View account 7: The System add user account
4.1: If the Admin Selects Create information to the database and
account go to 5. go to 4.
6: Admin enter user account 8: The system displays Update
information. account page.
4.2: If the manager selects Update 10: The System checks updated
account then go to 8. account information and go to
9: Admin enter user account 4.
information to be updated. 11: The system displays Delete
4.3: If the Admin selects Delete account page.
account go to 11. 13: The System checks deleted
12: Admin enter user account account information and go to
information to be Deleted. 4.
4.4: If the admin selects View 14: Display user accounts
account go to 14. information.
15: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
Action A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the input is incorrect or empty then go to 4.

Table 4-2 Use case description for Manage account

Use case name Manage employee

Use case identifier UCID - 03
Actor Manager
Description Allows manager to create, update, delete and view employees.
Precondition The manager must have valid username and password.
Post condition The manager successfully creates, update, view and delete employee

Basic Course of Actor actions System Responses
1: manager enter username and 2: The system validates user
password. name and password.
4: manager select manage employee: 3: The system displays manager
1. Add employee page.
2. Update employee 5: The system displays add
3. Delete employee employee page.
4. View employee 7: The System add employees’
4.1: If the admin selects add information to the database and
employee go to 5. go to 4.
6: manager enter employee 8: The system displays Update
information. employee page.
4.2: If the manager selects Update 10: The System checks updated
employee then go to 8. employee information and go to
9: manager enter employee 4.
information to be updated. 11: The system displays Delete
4.3: If the manager selects Delete employee page.
employee go to 11. 13: The System checks deleted
12: manager enter employees’ employees’ information and go
information to be Deleted. to 4.
4.4: If the manager selects View 14: Display employees’
employees go to 14. information.
15: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
Action A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the input is incorrect or empty then go to 4.

Table 4-3 Use case description for Manage Employee

Use case name Manage project

Use case identifier UCID - 04

Actor Contractor
Description Allows contractor to create, update, delete and view project information.
Precondition The contractor must have valid username and password.
Post condition The contractor successfully creates, update, view and projects.
Basic Course of Actor actions System Responses
1: contractor enter username and 2: The system validates user
password. name and password.
4: contractor select manage project: 3: The system displays
1. Create project contractor page.
2. Update project 5: The system displays Create
3. Delete project project page.
4. View project 7: The System add project
4.1: If the contractor selects Create information to the database and
project go to 5. go to 4.
6: contractor enter project 8: The system displays Update
information. project page.
4.2: If the contractor selects Update 10: The System checks updated
project then go to 8. project information and go to 4.
9: contractor enter project 11: The system displays Delete
information to be updated. project page.
4.3: If the contractor selects Delete 13: The System checks deleted
project go to 11. project information and go to 4.
12: contractor select project to be 14: Display project information.
Deleted. 15: The Use case end.
4.4: If the contractor selects View
project go to 14.
Alternative Course of A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
Action A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the input is incorrect or empty then go to 4.

Table 4-4 Use case description for Manage Project

Use case name Manage materials

Use case identifier UCID - 05
Actor Stock Manager
Description Allows Stock Manager to add, update, delete and view materials.
Precondition The Stock Manager must have valid username and password.
Post condition The stock manager successfully adds, update, view and delete stock
Basic Course of Actor actions System Responses
1: stock manager enters username 2: The system validates user
and password. name and password.
4: stock manager selects manage 3: The system displays stock
material: manager page.
1. Add material 5: The system displays add
2. Update material material form.
3. Delete material 7: The System add material
4. View material information to the database and
4.1: If the stock manager selects add go to 4.
material go to 5. 8: The system displays Update
6: stock manager enters material material form.
information. 10: The System checks updated
4.2: If the stock manager selects material information and go to
Update material then go to 8. 4.
9: stock manager enters material 11: The system displays Delete
information to be updated. material form.
4.3: If the stock manager selects 13: The System checks deleted
Delete material go to 11. material information and go to
12: stock manager enters material 4.
information to be Deleted. 14: Display items information.
4.4: If the stock manager selects 15: The Use case end.
View material go to 14.
Alternative Course of A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
Action A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the input is incorrect or empty then go to 4.

Table 4-5 Use case description for Manage material

Use case name Order material
Use case identifier UCID - 06
Actor Employee
Description Allows Employees to Order materials.
Precondition The employee must have valid username and password.
Post condition The employee successfully orders materials.
Basic Course of Action Actor actions System Responses
1: Employee enter user name 2: The system validates user
and password. name and password.
3: employee select manage 4: The system display
material. Manage material page.
5: employee select order 6: The system displays lists of
material. materials.
7: employee select materials 8: the system display materials
and click order button. successfully ordered.
9: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of Action A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
A1.1: The system display error message and Go to 1.

Table 4-6 Use case description for Order materials

Use case name Chatting

Use case identifier UCID - 07
Actors Manager, Stock manager, Contractor, Foreman, Employee
and Consultant.
Description Allows Manager, Stock manager, Contractor, Foreman,
Employee and Consultant communicate and talk to each
Precondition The Users must have valid username and password.
Post condition The users successfully chat with each other.
Basic Course of Action Actor actions System Responses
1: User enter username and 2: The system validates
password. username and password.
3: The users select Chat 4: The system displays the
Area menu. chat area page.
6. Users chat with other 5: The system display message

users by typing messages area and select user to send
and by click Send button. message.
7: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of Action A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the system fails to send message Go to 5.

Table 4-7 Use case description for Chatting

Use case name Prepare project schedule

Use case identifier UCID – 08
Actors Contractor.
Description Allows contractor to prepare project schedule.
Precondition The User must have valid username and password.
Post condition The contractor successfully prepare schedule.
Basic Course of Action Actor actions System Responses
1: contractor enter username 2: The system validates
and password. username and password.
3: The contractor selects 4: The system displays
Prepare project schedule Prepare project schedule page.
menu. 5: The system displays
6. contractor select the appropriate information for
information and prepare scheduling.
schedule. 7: The system displays
prepared schedule.
8: The Use case end.
Alternative Course of Action A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
A1.1: The system display error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the system fails to prepare schedule Go to 6.

Table 4-8 Use case description for Prepare project schedule

Use case name Generate report

Use case identifier UCID – 09

Actors Manager, Stock manager.
Description Allows manager to generate reports.
Precondition The manager must have valid username and password.
Post condition The user successfully generate report.
Basic Course of Action Actor actions System Responses
1: user enter username and 2: The system validates
password. username and password.
3: The user selects Generate 4: The system displays
report menu. Generate report page.
6. select the information and 5: The system displays
click Generate button. appropriate information to
7: The Use case end. generate report.
Alternative Course of Action A1: If the user name and password is incorrect.
A1.1: The system displays error message and Go to 1.
A2: If the system fails to generate report Go to 6.

Table 4-9 Use case description for Generate report Use case scenario

1. Scenario name: Login. Mr. X wants to login into the system

A. The Mr. X must enter username and password and

B. Then Mr. X click the login button,
C. If Mr. X has valid account, the system displays user page else display error

2. Scenario name: Prepare Project Schedule. Mr. X wants to prepare project schedule.

A. First Mr. X must login into the system and the system displays Contractor page
B. Then Mr. X selects prepare project schedule link
C. The system displays different information.
D. Mr. X selects appropriate information and click Prepare button.
E. The system displays prepared successfully message.

3. Scenario name: Manage user Mr. X wants to manage user.

A. First Mr. X must login into the system and the system display manager page
B. Then Mr. X selects manage user link
C. If Mr. X wants to add a new user, click to add user link and
D. The System displays create user form Then Mr. X fill needed information
E. The system displays user added successfully.
F. If Mr. X wants to update user, click to update user link and
G. The System displays update user form Then Mr. X fill needed information to be
H. The system displays user successfully updated.

4. Scenario name: Manage account Mr. X wants to manage accounts.

I. First Mr. X must login into the system and the system display administrator page
J. Then the Mr. X selects manage account link
K. If Mr. X wants to create a new account, click to create account link and
L. The System displays create account form Then Mr. X fill needed information
M. The system displays account successfully created.
N. If Mr. X wants to update account, click to update account link and
O. The System displays update account form Then Mr. X fill needed information to
be updated.
P. The system displays account successfully updated.

5. Scenario name: Manage Project Mr. X wants to manage projects.

A. First Mr. X must login into the system and the system display contractor page
B. Then the Mr. X selects manage project link
C. If Mr. X wants to create a new project, click to create project link and
D. The System displays create project form Then Mr. X fill needed information
E. The system displays project successfully created message.

F. If Mr. X wants to update project, click to update project link and
G. The System displays update project form Then Mr. X fill needed information to
be updated.
H. The system displays project successfully updated message.

6. Scenario name: Manage material Mr. X wants to manage material.

A. First Mr. X must login into the system and the system display stock manager page
B. Then the Mr. X selects manage material link
C. If Mr. X wants to add a new material, click to add material link and
D. The System displays add material form Then Mr. X fill needed information
E. The system displays material successfully added.
F. If Mr. X wants to update material, click to update material link and
G. The System displays update material form Then Mr. X fill needed information to
be updated.
H. The system displays material successfully updated.

4.2 Object model

In this section, discussed an overview of object model such us class diagram, Data

4.2.1 Class Diagram

Class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a type of static structure
diagram that describes a conceptual relationship among objects/classes [ CITATION
wik195 \l 1033 ].



Project manageProject()
Administrator ID prepareProjectSchedule()
Manage Username ID
manageAccount() Password Name
Role Start_date
Addaccount() order
Deleteaccount() Budjet Order 1
Addproject() Stock manager
View manage View manageOrder()
Manager Employee
manageUser() manage
viewProjectSchedule() viewprojectSchedule()
Order ID
viewProjectStatus() Supervise Quantity
chatting() Unit Consult
viewProjectSchedule() Price


Figure 4-6 Conceptual class diagram

4.2.2 Data Dictionary

Table 4-10 Data dictionary for Manager table

Table 4-11 Data dictionary for Contractor table

Table 4-12 Data dictionary for Material table

Table 4-13 Data dictionary for project table

4.3 Dynamic model

4.3.1 Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams show the interaction between participating objects in a given use
case. They are helpful to identify the missing objects that are not identified in the analysis
object model.

Figure 4-7 Sequence diagram for login

Figure 4-8 Sequence diagram for add user

Figure 4-9 Sequence diagram for add project

Figure 4-10 Sequence diagram for update user

Figure 4-11 Sequence diagram for update project

Figure 4-12 Sequence diagram for Prepare project schedule

4.3.2 Activity Diagram
Activity diagram used to represent the flow of control from activity to activity or to model
the flow of an object in different activity.

Figure 4-13 Activity diagram for login

Figure 4-14 Activity diagram for Manage account

Figure 4-15 Activity diagram for Manage user

Figure 4-16 Activity diagram for Manage project

Figure 4-17 Activity diagram for Manage item

Figure 4-18 Activity diagram for Order item

Figure 4-19 Activity diagram for Prepare project schedule

4.3.3 State chart diagram
State chart diagram is a diagram that captures the behavior of an object by specifying the
sequence of states it goes through during its lifetime in response to events; together with
the responses to those events describe changes in state in a procedure also called state
chart diagram or state machine diagram.

Figure 4-20 State chart diagram for login

Figure 4-21 State chart diagram for Order material

Figure 4-22 State diagram for manage project

Figure 4-23 State chart for manage user

This chapter focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into
account the nonfunctional requirements and constraints described in the problem statement
and requirement analysis sections discussed earlier. We are going to describe a brief
overview of the design goals, proposed software architecture, Hardware/software mapping,
Persistent data management, Access control and security, package and user interface design.

5.1 Design goals

The objectives of the design are to model the system with high quality. The design goals are
derived from non-functional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the
description of the feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any
constraints that may limit the boundary of the proposed solution. The design Goals specify
the qualities of the system that should be achieved and addressed during the design of the
system like:

5.1.1 Performance
The proposed system performs its operations within a minimum amount of time and the
user gets the expected result within a few seconds and the system is effective. To make our
system has a high performance we will properly normalize our database, design based on
three-tier architecture, implement multiple database.

5.1.2 Maintenance
The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should
also be easily modified to make changes to the features and functionalities.

5.1.3 End user

The system has simple and understandable graphical user Interface such as forms and
buttons, which have descriptive names.

5.1.4 Security requirement
Since the system hold important information (data), the system requires strong security
features to protect that valuable information i.e. not allow other users or unauthorized
users to access data that has no right to access it.

5.2 Proposed System Architecture

The proposed system has three layers of architecture. The layers are the following:

 Presentation layer
 Logic layer/Application layer
 Database layer

Figure 5-24 Proposed system architecture

5.2.1 Subsystem Decomposition and Description
Subsystem decompositions will help us to reduce the complexity of the system. The
subsystems can be considered as packages holding related classes/objects.

Figure 5-25 Subsystem decomposition diagram

5.2.2 Hardware/Software Mapping
Deployment diagram is used to show the hardware of the system, the software that is
installed in the hardware and also the middleware that is used to connect machines to one
and other.

Figure 5-26 Deployment diagram

5.2.3 Detailed Class Diagram
Class diagrams are used to describe the structure of the system in terms of classes. It
describes the system in terms of objects, classes, attributes, operations, and their


+ID : string
+Firstname : string
+Middlename : string
+Lastname : string
+Gender : string
+Age : int
+Phone : string
+E-mail : string

* 1 Contractor
Project +manageProject()
Administrator 1 +ID : string +prepareProjectSchedule()
* +Username : string
Manage +ID : string
+Name : string 1
+manageAccount() +Password : string
+Role : string +Start_date:date 1
+End_date : date *
+Budjet : float
+Deleteaccount() Order
+Addproject() Stock manager
1 View * * manage View +manageOrder()
1 View
Manager 1 Employee 1
+manageUser() manage
+viewProjectSchedule() * +order()
* * Order
+ID : string
1 +Name : string
+viewProjectStatus() Supervise +Quantity : int
+chatting() +Unit : string Consult
+viewProjectSchedule() +Price float
+Description : string
+Deletematerial() 1

Consult 1 1

Figure 5-27 Detailed Class Diagram

5.2.4 Persistence Data Management

Figure 5-28 Persistence diagram

5.2.5 Access Control and Security

List of use case Admin Manager Contractor Stock Forman Consultan Employee
manager t

Login       

Manage user 

Manage account 

Manage project 

Manage materials 

Order materials    

Chatting      

View work progress     

Prepare project 

View project schedule     

Generate Report  

Logout       

5.3 Packages

Figure 5-29 Package diagram

5.4 User Interface Design
User interface designs are used to model the interactions that users have with software
defined in single use case. User interface are an excellent way of exploring system interface.
Interface mainly helps to facilitate the interaction between user and the system.

Figure 5-30 User interface for login

Figure 5-31 User interface for Contractor home page



The implementation phase in the software life-cycle is where the actual software is
implemented. The result of this phase consists of source code, together with documentation
to make the code more readable. This is what we call software implementation. The purpose
of these activities is to convert the final physical system specification into working model
with reliable software and hardware, document the work that has been done and provide help
for current and future users and take care of the system.

6.1 Implementation of the Database

Sample code
Database: `CIMS`
CREATE TABLE `account` (
`User_Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`Password` varchar(255) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `employee` (
`Employee_ID` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`First_Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`Last_Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`Gender` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`Age` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`Phone_Number` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`Salary` float UNSIGNED NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `orderr` (
`Order_ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Order_Date` date NOT NULL,
`Product_ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`Employee_ID` varchar(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE `product` (
`Product_ID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`Product_Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`Quantity` int(11) NOT NULL,

`Price` float UNSIGNED NOT NULL,

`Status` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`Description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

`Image` varchar(255) NOT NULL


CREATE TABLE `project` (


`Project_Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`Project_Type` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

`Start_Date` date NOT NULL,

`End_Date` date NOT NULL,

`Project_Description` varchar(255) NOT NULL


ALTER TABLE `orderr`





6.2 Implementation of Class Diagram

Identifier Type CIMS(Construction Information Management

Methods +CreateAccount();
Variables +Int ID
+VarChar First_Name
+VarChar Lase_Name
+VarChar Email
+VarChar Gender
+Int Age
+VarChar Prduct_Name
+VarChar Prduct_Quantity
+VarChar Product_Description
+VarChar Project_ID
+VarChar Project_Name
+VarChar Start_Date
+VarChar End_Date
+VarChar Status

6.3 Configuration of Application Server
We use XAMPP application server because XAMPP is simple and lightweight. Apache
distribution is extremely easy to create a local web server for testing and deployment

purposes. Everything you needed is to set up a web server-server application (Apache),
database (MYSQL) and scripting language (PHP). XAMPP works on different operating

6.4 Configuration of Application Security

We validate our inputs by using client and server sides. Validate of the inputs sides allow
the user to fill correct information in our system we validate all the input to enter the
correct format. Example the name must be in the form of string not include other like
spatial character number our system refuse this inputs. In addition, age must be in the
form of number.

Sample code for input validation in Login form




if (isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {

function validate($data){

$data = trim($data);

$data = stripcslashes($data);

$data = htmlspecialchars($data);

return $data;

$uname = validate($_POST['uname']);

$pass = validate($_POST['password']);

if (empty($uname) && empty($pass)) {

header("Location: index.php?error=User Name and Password is required");


elseif (empty($uname)) {

header("Location: index.php?error=User Name is required");


elseif (empty($pass)) {

header("Location: index.php?error=Password is required");



$pass = md5($pass);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM account WHERE User_Name='$uname' AND Password='$pass'";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) === 1) {

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);

if ($row['User_Name'] === $uname && $row['Password'] === $pass) {

$_SESSION['User_Name'] = $row['User_Name'];

header("Location: Home.php");



header("Location: index.php?error=Incorrect User Name or Password !!!");




header("Location: index.php?error=Incorrect User Name or Password !!!");




header("Location: index.php");



6.5 Implementation of User Interface

Our system is built with a user interface they should match and satisfy the skills and
expectations of its users. There are many human factors we have considered before

designing an effective interface. It is natural that users make mistakes when they use new
interface and things like alarms or messages might panic the user and will become the
reason for more mistakes. The system has consistent user interface when navigating
through the pages.
1. Login page

2. Project page

6.6 Testing
Developing software is a complex process. No matter how hard we try to eliminate all
faults simply by going through the phases of requirements, design and implementation,
however through good practice we can make sure that most series fault does not occur in
the first place.

6.6.1 Testing Tools and Environment

Testing tools are important for the success of testing phase and naturally the
success of product. In our unit testing phase Sublime Text3, Google Chrome and
XAMPP are used.
Sublime text3:- is used to edit PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS code.
XAMPP: - is an open source tool used to handle the administration of MYSQL
database. It allows user to view, modify, add and delete tables and their records in

database. This tool will be used in order to check the correctness of the database
and database related part of the project.

6.6.2 Unit Testing

It is done at the source or code level for language-specific programming errors
such as bad syntax, logic errors or to test particular functions or code modules.
The unit test cases shall be designed to test the validity of the program’s
correctness. It is a way of testing each of the system functionality independently.
Accordingly the team has tested each one of the systems activities and the rest
accompanying activities independently using different user input, different login
mechanisms and any technique of fault finding so that an incorrect functioning of
the activities was corrected at the right time.

6.6.3 Integration Testing

We have the specific permissions related to each user type (authorization) and
authentication mechanism. Our integration testing procedure is given below.
 Firstly, we will create users who have role types namely Admin or
 Then we will login with the user name and password of each user. This
tests whether the authentication mechanism works correctly.
 Then we will also try some wrong user name and/or wrong password. We
expect an error message by trying this case.

7.1 Conclusion
Our general objective is to develop Web-based Construction Information management
system for Wolkite University. In order to solve different problems of the existing system
we tried to develop this system. We believe that different tools and techniques have
helped us a lot in capturing real user requirements and model the right system for the
users to perform their activities.

7.2 Recommendation
According to the scope of our project the team develops web-based application. Due to
time limitation we can’t do all the tasks that are needed in the system so to enhance the
performance and functionality of the system our team believes that this system should be
fully operationally by adding some functionality that are not included in the proposed
system. We recommended also the next developer can include the following tasks:-
 To develop interface that support Amharic language.
 To develop financial transaction process.


[1] "jornals," 19 February 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2019].

[2] "About Us," 22 April 2018. [Online]. Available: www.Wolkite [Accessed
November 2019].

[3] "SDLC Tutorial," [Online]. Available: [Accessed November 2019].

[4] "wiki/Use_case," 18 December 2019. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 29 December 2019].

[5] "wiki/Class_diagram," 5 December 2019. [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 30 December 2019].

[6] "Research," 5 May 2018. [Online]. Available: www.Wolkite [Accessed 10

November 2019].

[7] "Home," 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2019].

[8] E. J.Hom, "Home," 11 February 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed



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