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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®

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Volume 22 Number 1 March 2011

To Give Is to Receive
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Parallel passages from Hamlet and A Course in which allows us to recognize the judgments we make on
Miracles provide the framework for this article on giving another as projections. This enables us to be aware of what
and receiving. In the dramatic scene between Hamlet and we need to forgive in ourselves, for the way we learn that
Gertrude, where our Danish prince confronts his mother the gifts of vision and salvation are ours is to let them
with her sins and apparent complicity in his father’s mur- extend through us. Since we do not know we are minds,
der, Hamlet says these words to the queen: “And when the gift of forgiveness that is in the mind cannot be recog-
you are desirous to be blessed, I’ll blessing beg of you” nized until it is extended ( in what can be
(III,iv). In other words, if you want a blessing from me, thought of as right-minded projection. This understanding
you must first bless me; if you want to receive, give. of giving, based on our shared abundance as God’s cre-
Although one would never characterize Hamlet’s visit ation, is the opposite of the ego’s giving to get that is cen-
with his mother as benevolent (he himself says, “I must be tered on a self-perception of scarcity and lack. We begin
cruel, only to be kind”), as with so many of the Bard’s our article proper by lifting the veil of specialness that
verses, his words have a healing significance that fore- conceals the world’s insane nature of giving.
shadows by almost four centuries the teachings of
A Course in Miracles. Thus, for example, we read from Giving to Get: The Principle of Differences
the text: One of the most salient characteristics of the ego
Give faith to your brother, for faith and hope and thought system when it comes to giving is that it does not
mercy are yours to give. Into the hands that give, the give to receive, but only to take. This fundamental ego
gift is given. Look on your brother, and see in him the principle, borrowing the language of The Song of Prayer,
gift of God you would receive (T-19.IV-D.17:1-3; ital- can be termed giving-to-destroy (S-2.II). The ego cannot
ics mine). help itself, nor can we who choose to identify with it, for
To your tired eyes I [Jesus] bring a vision of a different once we believe in a separated self, the belief in scarcity or
world.… Yet this a vision is which you must share lack is inevitable. This sets into motion a veritable chain
with everyone you see, for otherwise you will behold it reaction of cascading and projected guilt, culminating in
not. To give this gift is how to make it yours (T-31. our special relationships. In these insidious bargains with
VIII.8:4-6; italics mine). reality, each a “pictorial representation” (W-pI.23.3:2) of
We all need to know we are forgiven or blessed, as we our original bargain with God, giving always comes with a
share the same guilt that made the world ( and price to pay, and hopefully by the object to be cannibal-
our separated self, feeling condemned and deserving of ized and taken from, not ourselves.
punishment. Yet the only way we can undo our guilt is to The ego, of course, would prefer to take what it wants
teach the lesson of shared purpose by forgiving others. without having to give up anything, but since this is not
While this may seem to be counter-intuitive—after all, we usually possible here, it devises its specialness tactics of
are the ones in need—this principle rests upon a central giving, but only to get. It is enraged by the unfairness of
theoretical premise of A Course in Miracles: our uncon- such iniquity (always forgetting its own hatred) that
scious guilt would be forever inaccessible were it not for demands that it pay for what it feels was properly its own.
projecting our self-unforgiveness (guilt) onto others, Murder, which would be the only “sane” reaction to the
To Give Is to Receive (continued)

wrongness so offensive to us, has to be displaced onto the would prefer to accomplish directly: killing to get. It must
psychological murder of besting the other in the bargains resort to seduction and subterfuge to acquire the special
of specialness that appear to be loving and caring: something it lusts for. The ego’s insidious plots form the
... every relationship the ego makes is based on the idea manger of its shibboleth of giving to get, a thin veil that
that by sacrificing itself, it becomes bigger.… [This] is seeks to conceal its underlying thought of murder. As
actually the root of its bitter resentment. For it would Jesus reminds us: “What is not love is murder” (T-23.
prefer to attack directly, and avoid delaying what it IV.1:10). And who in their right minds could ever think
really wants. Yet the ego…recognizes that no one that placing one’s special needs over the needs of others,
could interpret direct attack as love (T-15.VII.6:1-4). demanding sacrifice to achieve peace, were loving?
Following this logic, the ego gives as little as possible Since we are born into this world with a sense of lack
and gets as much as possible in return. This principle, that embodies the scarcity principle—no one knowing
clearly articulated in A Course in Miracles, smacks of the abundance would ever come into this desert of despair—
almost universal practice of capitalism since the time of our insane relationships are not only unavoidable, but are
Adam Smith, wherein the needs of one easily outweigh the norm. This bargaining-to-get is expected if not
the needs of another, and the common good of shared demanded, as anyone knows who has ever shopped in
interests is subverted to the good of the individual. Italy, the home of the quintessential bargaining tourist. Yet
This haggling with the truth of our inherent oneness while bargaining can be fun in La Bella Italia, if not taken
and abundance is summarized in the following combined too seriously, it is anything but fun once the ego has gotten
passages from the text: its vicious hands on it. Nothing less than survival of the ego
species is at stake, for without its specialness—its
If paying is equated with getting, you will set the “precious…priceless pearl…[its] treasure” (T-23.II.11:2)
price low but demand a high return.… “Giving to get”
—the individual self that is the ego cannot long exist.
is an inescapable law of the ego, which always evalu-
ates itself in relation to other egos. It is therefore con-
Our profound need to survive impels us to embark on
tinually preoccupied with the belief in scarcity that this endless and unrewarding chain of special bargainings
gave rise to it (T-9.II.10:1; T-4.II.6:5-6). (T-15.VII.4:6), wherein we continually seek for what will
make us complete, whole, and happy, at least according to
Relationships to the ego are really battlegrounds, in the ego’s tenets of greed. Because we seek such treasures,
which personal need satisfaction is the goal, demanding we shall surely find them, conquering another and another
that we triumph over others and seize the cherished and yet another in order to grasp the satisfaction our need-
strength from the defeated selves of our prey (T-16. iness demands. All the while, we give as little as possible
V.11:3-5). However, “There are no triumphs of love” for the treasures we covet.
(T-16.IV.5:1), which means that striking a bargain with As was briefly stated above, we feel that this most
our special partners is, once again, re-enacting the original unfair situation was brought about by others taking what is
“bargain” we believe we achieved when we got what we really ours, establishing the terrible condition of having to
wanted from God, at His expense: bargain, if not sacrifice for what belongs to us. Conse-
The special relationship must be recognized for what it quently, we cannot avoid a life of bitterness. After all, “we
is; a senseless ritual in which strength is extracted from had innocence and love first!” we scream, “and then they
the death of God, and invested in His killer…(T-16. were taken from us.” Often in the world in which we live,
V.12:4). wherein there are rules, laws, and conventions for every-
We can easily see from this dynamic of lack, projec- thing, such feelings are more than justified. Indeed, in
tion, hate, and murder that in the insanity of the ego some circles, not to have them would seem symptomatic
thought system, giving is associated with loss or sacrifice. of repressive psychopathology. Yet, the truth of the matter
The ego’s fourth law of chaos comes into play here: is that the ego’s sturm und drang that surrounds its dramas
This seeming law is the belief you have what you have
of specialness can be easily reduced to one single error:
taken. By this, another’s loss becomes your gain… our having chosen the wrong guide: the teacher of lack,
(T-23.II.9:3-4). scarcity, and specialness, instead of the Teacher of abun-
dance, wholeness, and love. Because of this underlying
If I have something, then I must have taken it; if others cause of our distress, Jesus gently rebukes all who feel jus-
have what I lack, they must have taken it—from me! I tified in their bitter feelings of neglect and unfairness:
have lost what was rightfully mine (ultimately my inno- “Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself unfairly
cence) and this justifies my wresting it back in righteous treated” (T-26.X.4:1). Here is why:
wrath (T-23.II.11:2). Yet, again, the ego cannot do what it

To Give Is to Receive (continued)

We have been given everything. If we refuse to recog- any more than God will, but I must wait as long as you
nize it, we are not entitled therefore to our bitterness, choose to forsake yourself.… I will come in response
and to a self-perception which regards us in a place of to a single unequivocal call (T-4.III.7:5,8,10).
merciless pursuit, where we are badgered cease-
We must remember that to say “yes” to Jesus and his
thought system in that single unequivocal call means to
To restate this in terms of our theme, we are not enti- look at the ego’s scraps of fear and say “no” to it (T-21.
tled to the bitterness of never having received enough, VII.12:4). This is the “activity” of the holy instant, when
because we can always give a blessing, therefore receiving our decision-making minds choose Jesus as our teacher
one. The issue reverts to the mind’s decision between the instead of the ego, abundance over lack, and Atonement in
ego and Jesus as its mentor, and their mutually exclusive place of separation.
thought systems of differences and sameness. This distinc- There is no one in this world, regardless of his or her
tion is succinctly summarized in these lines: religious persuasion, or lack of it, that does not yearn to
The ego.…is always willing to strike a bargain, but know that the sins buried deep within the mind are for-
it cannot understand that to be like another means that given. This is the fervent prayer of everyone who walks
no bargains are possible (T-7.I.4:1-3; italics mine). the earth, with no hope of even having hope. We are like
“To be like another” means to be the same as the the person standing beneath the cross in Helen Schuc-
other. Giving and receiving are perceived as different only man’s painfully evocative poem, “The Wayside Cross,”
because we believe that God’s Sons are different. Once feeling sorry for ourselves over our miserable lot in life:
again, in the world of bodies we all are quite different I tarry by the wayside. Homeless I
from each other, but above the battleground (T-23.IV) Return each evening to an empty house
Jesus patiently waits for us in our right minds, the home of But to awaken and return each day,
forgiveness in which we are under no laws but God’s To wait again in silence and despair.…
(W-pI.76). Here in this place of rest, our kind and loving The cup from which I drink is empty. And
The crumbs allotted me will not sustain
teacher gently exposes what is behind the ego’s differenti-
My little life but shortly. I retain
ating thought system of giving to get, contrasting it with A hope so frail it stifles in the dust
his teachings that giving and receiving are the same. Of waiting on an ancient way that seems
To lead to nowhere.…
Giving to Receive: The Principle of Sameness (The Gifts of God, p. 50)
The first of the Holy Spirit’s three lessons reads: As we are told in Lesson 182, after a content-similar
Egos do join together in temporary allegiance, but description of our experiences of alienation and exile: “No
always for what each one can get separately. The Holy one but knows whereof we speak” (W-pI.182.2:1). This
Spirit communicates only what each one can give to place, this “dry and dusty world, where starved and thirsty
all.… His teaching begins with the lesson: To have, creatures come to die” (W-pII.13.5:1) is the “living” testa-
give all to all (T-6.V.A.5:9-10,12). ment that the ego has successfully triumphed over truth,
This establishes a situation, dire indeed for all who that the crucifixion of God’s Son is the reality, while his
search for the specialness that is craved with the same awakening from the dream of death (resurrection) is
intensity found in a drowning person gasping wildly for merely the empty fantasy of illusion. In fact, our sojourns
oxygen. The ego lusts for guilt, which is an inevitable here as bodies cannot help but lead to the nowhere of
result once others are used to satisfy our driven life of existence, barely sustained by crumbs of special love, sto-
finding guilt in another. Yet guilt over our attacks len from the equally barren body of another, a path wind-
demands punishment, and so just as inevitably we fear the ing its inexorable way to death.
punishment we secretly know is deserved. “Is this what Since the pain of such hopeless despair is beyond our
we want?” Jesus asks throughout his course. Only when capacity to tolerate, we keep it hidden behind the walls of
we can joyously say “no” to his question can he help us. specialness, protected still further by the insane bargains
Early in the text, Jesus reflects his wanting us to recognize with truth that we believe will enable us to have, let alone
the horror of the ego’s thought system, that we may truly enjoy, what we steal and kill for. We are all in pursuit of
decide against it, choosing to look at the ego with open the one certain and differentiating trait in another that will
eyes, free from judgment, guilt, and attack: work; if only for an instant of need gratification. And then
Watch your mind for the scraps of fear, or you will be
we awake in the morning to continue our lives of Sisyphus-
unable to ask me to do so.… I will never forsake you like futility, pushing the rock of specialness to the top of
our mountains of neediness, only to have it fall to the
To Give Is to Receive (continued)

ground, there to be pushed up again and again in an otiose To the world, generosity means “giving away” in the
effort that is as worthless as it is pointless. sense of “giving up.” To the teachers of God, it means
To the madness of our prayer to survive yet another giving away in order to keep.… The teacher of God is
day of specialness, wherein we seek shreds of hope and generous out of Self interest. This does not refer, how-
pleasure, Jesus says: “If you would know your prayers are ever, to the self of which the world speaks (M-4.
VII.1:4-5; 2:1-2).
answered, never doubt a Son of God” (T-9.II.4:1). When
we are feeling down, depressed, and despairing, the most Despite the ego’s lies that we are a self in lack, we
healing thing we can do for ourselves is to help another. now understand that true generosity means giving what
Thoughts and acts of kindness, however small, have the we have. This reinforces the abundance of the Self not
power to move mountains of guilt and hate, helping to only in ourselves but in everyone, for minds are joined and
break the ego’s cycle of guilt, projection, and attack that one brother is all brothers (W-pI.161.4:1-2). In this sense,
so imprisons us. Such kindness reflects the shift from see- giving can only lead to receiving, for we give but to our-
ing others as different from us to Christ’s vision that rec- selves. As Lesson 108 says in the workbook:
ognizes the universal sameness of God’s Son, in truth and …giving and receiving seen as different aspects of one
illusion. Our eyes to the contrary, we remain alike on the Thought.… And in this understanding is the base on
mind level, sharing the same dynamic interplay of wrong which all opposites are reconciled, because they are
mind, right mind, decision maker. Thus is the vicious perceived from the same frame of reference which uni-
cycle of scarcity (guilt) and specialness (attack) eroded. fies this Thought (W-pI.108.4:1,3).
Jesus further tells us: The apparent differences among the Sonship that
Whenever you are not wholly joyous, it is because divide us, leading to the perception that giving and receiv-
you have reacted with a lack of love to one of God’s ing are not the same, reflect the ontological thought of
creations (T-5.VII.5:1). separation that we all took seriously, consequently giving
This puts the burden of responsibility—not guilt—firmly birth to the ego and its thought system of guilt, punish-
back where it belongs: the decision-making mind that ment, and death. Yet when we give a blessing to another
alone is responsible for how we think, feel, and behave. instead of demanding one, that thought is transformed into
How else could it be in a world of illusion that has never the one Thought of Christ, reflected here in the thought of
left its source in illusion? We remain as God created us: Atonement. Our frame of reference shifts from making
spirit, the home of perfect love and oneness. differences real to that of using our perception of differ-
With Jesus’ love happily by our side, we embrace the ences to learn that we are all the same. This sameness
shift from giving to get what is not there to giving to unites us all by the vision that sees all people as needing to
receive what we already have. Early in the text, Jesus learn salvation’s simple lesson: “What is the same can not
teaches that having and being are the same, since the love be different, and what is one can not have separate parts”
we have is the love that we are. This is the reality of the (T-25.I.7:7; italics omitted). That single Thought is what
non-dualistic world of being, in contrast to the dualistic contains this joyful truth, and to reprise this happy theme:
world of existence in which what we have, another lacks. having, being, giving, and receiving are one.
In this profound misperception, God’s Sons are seen as And so our lesson each day—in every relationship,
different, and the separate identity that we are is also the situation, and event—is to see the inherent sameness in all
separation that we have. However, when the vision of things. Not one can be perceived differently from another
sameness replaces the judgment of different needs and if we are to undo our hold on the ego thought system and
goals, we happily grow into the true perception that giving truly embrace Jesus’ message to us in his course. Indeed,
and receiving are the same. We simply receive the for- what else could be our heart’s most fervent desire than
giveness we have given, and have given the forgiveness that we spiritually grow to become like our teacher?
that has already been given to us in the right mind we Helen’s touching poem “A Jesus Prayer” expresses just
share with all God’s Sons. In this way we learn to awaken this wish that we become the same as he, not to mention
from the dream to the joyous truth that having, being, giv- recognizing that all God’s seemingly separated Sons are
ing, and receiving are one. Can there be any greater joy in the same. These are the salient lines, addressed to Jesus by
the world of illusion? And if we do not feel joyful, can we the reader and presented here in prose:
in good conscience truly maintain that it is another’s fault? What but Your likeness would I want to be?… I am
This fourfold equation of having, being, giving, and blessed because in them [those You send to me] I see
receiving is the meaning of generosity, one of the ten char- You shining through.… Come, brothers, see how like
acteristics of God’s advanced teachers: to Christ am I, and I to you whom He has blessed and

To Give Is to Receive (continued)

holds as one with me.… As they [Your brothers] look enter Heaven alone, but “together, or not at all” (T-19.
up let them not look on me, but only You (The Gifts of IV-D.12:8). This wonderful passage helps us see that the
God, p. 82). total forgiveness of our one special partner is the new per-
The challenge as we awake each morning is to learn to spective within which Jesus asks us to see every relationship:
exclude no one and nothing from our new perception. This Beside you is one who offers you the chalice of
need to generalize is the major theme of the early pages of Atonement, for the Holy Spirit is in him.… Is this
the workbook, as is its counterpart of excluding nothing giver of salvation your friend or enemy? Choose which
from our perceptions as we do our daily exercises. Com- he is, remembering that you will receive of him accord-
ing at this same idea another way, we learn that to forgive ing to your choice.… Everyone gives as he receives,
one person fully means we have forgiven all. For example: but he must choose what it will be that he receives.
And he will recognize his choice by what he gives, and
Your brother first among them will be seen, but thou- what is given him. Nor is it given anything in hell or
sands stand behind him, and beyond each one of them Heaven to interfere with his decision (T-19.IV-D.
there are a thousand more (T-27.V.10:4). 13:1,3-4; 20:5-7).
Lesson 158, “Today I learn to give as I receive,” pro- The final line highlights just how powerful we are
vides the same teaching, the vision of forgiveness: within the dream. Indeed, our decision-making mind is
This lesson is not difficult to learn, if you remember in more powerful than either thought system it may choose.
your brother you but see yourself. If he be lost in sin, The ego has power to hurt only because we have invested
so must you be; if you see light in him, your sins have our power in it. Yet this is true of the Holy Spirit or Jesus
been forgiven by yourself. Each brother whom you as well. Being but symbols of our right-minded thinking,
meet today provides another chance to let Christ’s They have no power to help us unless we give it to Them.
vision shine on you, and offer you the peace of God Citing the famous scriptural passage, Jesus reminds us:
You who perceive yourself as weak and frail, with
However, each brother also offers us another chance to futile hopes and devastated dreams, born but to die, to
reinforce the ego’s thought system of separation, differen- weep and suffer pain, hear this: All power is given unto
tiation, and attack. The choice is ours whether we look you in earth and Heaven. There is nothing that you can-
through the eyes of judgment or vision. Perception of not do (W-pI.191.9:1-2).
another reveals to us the mind’s decision, thereby helping
And speaking of the advanced therapist, Jesus says in the
us gain access to its decision-making power. Otherwise
pamphlet Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice
we can never choose again. One of the major purposes of
that he “understands all power in earth and Heaven
the workbook’s mind-training program is to have us see
belongs to him because of who he is” (P-2.VII.6:4).
each and every day as an opportunity to exercise the
The choice is clear, but it must be clearly seen with a
mind’s ability to choose differently. Jesus exhorts us to
vigilance and diligence that equals our determination to
make the choice between Heaven or hell, as he says at the
learn this course and return home, for they are intrinsically
end of the text, to “take your place among the saviors of
the same. God’s gift of love is there for our receiving. Will
the world, or…remain in hell, and hold your brothers
we extend it to others in blessing, or withhold it, thereby
there” (T-31.VIII.1:5; italics omitted).
cursing both of us? That is the question we need always
Furthermore, Lesson 187 explains how if we are to
answer—in all ways, with all people, in all situations.
help others we must first help ourselves; giving a blessing
Only we have the power to determine our fate and the gift
is how we know that we are blessed. Yet this blessing
we shall give and receive: love or fear.
must be all-inclusive. Not one person, situation, or event
can be excluded from our experience. Only then can the Giving and Receiving God’s Gift
idea of blessing God’s Son include ourselves:
Helen’s scribed prose poem “The Gifts of God” closes
Ideas must first belong to you, before you give one of its sections with these inspiring words, given by
them. If you are to save the world, you first accept sal-
Jesus as a message for his scribe:
vation for yourself. But you will not believe that this is
done until you see the miracles it brings to everyone Here is His [God’s] gift, complete and undefiled. It is
you look upon (W-pI.187.3:1-3; italics mine). Himself He gives, and it is this that is the truth in you.
How beautiful are you who stand beside me at the gate,
Similarly, the consummatory climax of our journey, and call with me that everyone may come and step
passing through the veil of terror that is the final obstacle aside from time.… Enter with me and let its quietness
to peace, cannot occur unless we recognize that we cannot cover the earth forever.… Father, your Voice has

To Give Is to Receive (continued)

called us home at last: Gone is the dream. Awake, My Our concern, therefore, would be only to give God’s
child, in love (The Gifts of God, pp. 122-23; italics gift of love in whatever form would be most helpful to our
mine). friend, companion, and savior. This means that the one
We have seen how we cannot awaken from the dream who is right-minded or sane must give of this ability to the
unless we bring everyone with us, without exception. other who has a greater need at the moment. This is articu-
God’s gifts fall on the fallow soil of neediness until we lated in the following passage from the text:
recognize there is but one need, which we share with all Whoever is saner at the time the threat is perceived
God’s Sons. Yet it is equally true that in the illusory world should remember how deep is his indebtedness to the
of differences, God’s Sons are not alike in terms of their other and how much gratitude is due him, and be glad
spiritual progress. Some are higher than others in their that he can pay his debt by bringing happiness to both
ascent up the ladder of salvation, despite the ladder’s illu- (T-18.V.7:1).
sory nature. It was in that spirit that Jesus wrote that he is This is reminiscent of the eighth principle of miracles:
in no way separate or different from us except in time
Miracles are healing because they supply a lack;
(T-1.II.4:1). Within the unreal world of time, these
they are performed by those who temporarily have
“higher” minds are needed to help lift their younger sib- more for those who temporarily have less (T-1.I.8).
lings to where they are, teaching them to see differences as
transitory, understood now as the means of achieving the We learn that we have “more,” reflecting the abun-
end of recognizing the total equality of the Sonship. dance of God’s Son, by giving to those who believe they
Karl Marx, the 19th-century German philosopher, set have “less.” By so doing, our giving enables us to receive
forth an idealistic principle that one day may become the what we already have, but had not recognized. Realizing
basis for a truly egalitarian society that benefits all people, that having, being, giving, and receiving are the same, we
transforming what has been a failed utopian vision into a allow this unity to extend through us to embrace the Son-
reality envisioned by philosophers since the time of Plato ship as one. Giving this all-inclusive blessing is our one
and his Republic. Marx wrote that societies should be built function, which we now happily accept as the “price” for
on the principle: “From each according to his ability; to receiving the blessing that will take us home.
each according to his need.” Moving beyond the political We close with this passage from Lesson 187, “I bless
movements (the form) that Marxism has fostered in our the world because I bless myself”:
recent history, not to mention Marx’s own economic Now are we blessed, and now we bless the world.
frame of reference, we can take this thought (the content) What we have looked upon we would extend, for we
as the foundation for how all relationships should be con- would see it everywhere. We would behold it shining
ducted. This would not only put an end to the blatant ine- with the grace of God in everyone. We would not have
quality that exists among the world’s populations, but in it be withheld from anything we look upon. And to
our relationships as well—personal, business, national— ensure this holy sight is ours, we offer it to everything
undoing the injustice that almost raises to a divine edict we see. For where we see it, it will be returned to us in
form of lilies we can lay upon our altar, making it a
the doctrine of differences and judgment. This principle
home for Innocence Itself, Who dwells in us and offers
would correct the idea that God’s Sons are unequal, the us His Holiness as ours (W-pI.187.11; italics mine). Q
ego’s first law of chaos (T-23.II.2). It would see instead
that we are all equal in our need to awaken from the night-
marish dreams of individuality and specialness.

* * * * * * *

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THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
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MIRACLES, Christian Psychology in A COURSE IN MIRACLES, Ending Our Resistance to Love, Glosario-indice
para UN CURSO EN MILAGROS, Glossary-Index for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, Las preguntas más comunes en torno a
UN CURSO DE MILAGROS, Overeating: A Dialogue—An Application of the Principles of A COURSE IN MIRACLES,
Psicologia Cristiana en UN CURSO DE MILAGROS, UN CURSO EN MILAGROS y el cristianismo: Un diálogo, Una intro-
duccion basica a UN CURSO EN MILAGROS, and “What It Says”: From the Preface of A COURSE IN MIRACLES.


by Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
CD163 Entering God’s Presence (17:20) $94.00 plus shipping
3m163 Entering God’s Presence (17:20) $83.00 plus shipping


3m31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (6:36) $32.00 plus shipping
3m100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love (30:05) $108.00 plus shipping
3m164 “And God Thinks Otherwise” (2:05) $10.00 plus shipping
AB19dl The Healing Power of Kindness –Vol. One (AUDIOBOOK) (2:57) $8.00
3m100-1dl Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love –Volume 1 (10:35) $30.00
(includes Introduction, Jesus: Fantasy or Truth?; Forgiving Jesus: “Stranger on the
Road”; The Importance of Jesus; and Who Is Jesus?)
3m100-2dl Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love –Volume 2 (11:06) $30.00
(includes Jesus: Companion on Our Journey; Jesus: Symbol and Reality; and
Jesus: “Bright Stranger”)
3m100-3dl Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love –Volume 3 (10:18) $30.00
(includes Jesus: “The Ancient Love”; Jesus versus Jesus-to-Destroy;
Jesus: Light in the Dream; and Walking with Jesus)
3m103dl Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (1:52) $7.00
3m164dl “And God Thinks Otherwise” (2:05) $7.00
DV137 The Happy Dream (2:15) $10.00 plus shipping

All of our publications can be ordered from our Web site:
Publications, other than downloadable MP3s, are also available by phone: 951.296.6261, ext. 30.

Browse our Web site, including our automated online bookstore where you are able to purchase Foundation for
A COURSE IN MIRACLES® publications as well as A Course in Miracles and the pamphlets; register for the Temecula Center
programs; add your name to our e-newsletter mailing list; read past articles from The Lighthouse, as well as the most
recent newsletters in their entirety; find program schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and
consult our teaching aids, including our online excerpts series.

YouTube is a free video-sharing Web site where users can upload, view, and share video clips. The Foundation now
has its own channel at: You can view Foundation video clips of Kenneth and
Gloria presenting workshops and classes at the Foundation, as well as never-before-seen mini-talks by Kenneth on
selected Course themes.

The current title in this series is “Special Relationships: The Home of Guilt,” from the workshop of October 2001. The
discussion focuses on how special relationships originate in, and are sustained by our need to defend against the pain of
our guilt coming from the belief that we exist apart from God. The insidious and painful dynamics of specialness are
explored as they develop on interpersonal and international levels. The undoing of our guilt through forgiveness is
explained in the context of our moving from separate to shared interests.


All of the Foundations books, CDs, and DVDs are available from Miracle Network, 6 Fazeley Court, Elmfield Way,
London W9 3UF • Phone: 0844 567 0209 • Website: • Email: to request
unlisted titles.


Non-US distributors for our Spanish titles are: 1) Asclepius LLC (our exclusive distributor for Mexico), working as a
partner company for the main office based in Mexico as Tarots del Mundo, Av. Oaxaca 71, Col. Roma Norte, Mexico
City (06700). Contact Orlando Asman or Patricia Chagoyan • Phone (52-55) 1998-3301 • Cell 52-1-55 2273-1277.
Email:; and 2) Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza, C/ Balmes 394 pral.1ª 08022 Barcelona,
Spain. Contact Jordi del Rey • Phone +34 93 417 38 48 • Email:

Most of the Foundation books and a number of CDs have been translated into German. For information, please con-
tact: Greuthof Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH • Kybfelsenstraße 41 • D-79100 Freiburg • Germany • Tel. 761-388 45 996 •
FAX 761-388 45 997. Many of the Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish including The Healing
Power of Kindness–Vol. 1: Releasing Judgment, The Healing Power of Kindness–Vol. 2: Forgiving Our Limitations,
and The Stages of our Spiritual Journey. Spanish translations can be ordered from our Web site (
store) or by phoning our order department at 951.296.6261, ext. 30.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv • Postbus 125 • 7400 AC
Deventer • The Netherlands; Ending Our Resistance to Love. Order from Miracles in Contact • Postbus 3086 •
3760 DB • Soest • The Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX Publishers •
Løvstræde 8 • 1152 København K • Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro • Zabnica 31 • 1357 Notranje Gorice • Slovenia.
French: The Talk. Order from Les Éditions Octave Inc. • 2065, rue Parthenais - bureau 282A • Montréal Quebec
H2K 3T1 • Canada
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron • 302 Monterey Bay Road • Mouille Point, Cape Town • 8005 South
Finnish: The Talk. Order from Pelquin Kustannus • Merivirta 19 E 35 • 02320 Espoo • Finland.

• Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and • Confirmation information will be given over the phone if
REQUIRED for the week-long Academy class taught your registration form does not reach us in time for a letter
by Kenneth Wapnick, as well as the Seminar preceding to be sent to you. In this instance, you may call the office
it. Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time to ver-
• We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone, and on ify your acceptance into a program.
our Web site at If you register online, • It is important that you double-check the registration
please submit your registration at least 3 days prior to information sent with your confirmation letter to
the event you plan to attend. ensure the accuracy of the information. In the event the
program you register for is filled, your registration form
• If you register by mail or FAX, please allow enough time and fee will be returned to you, unless you have requested
for your registration form to reach us and the confirma- that your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you may
tion form to reach you in return. be confirmed either as a participant or as being on the
• If you register by phone, please have your credit card waiting list.
• Payment for programs must be made in full at the time of • We charge a $20.00 fee for all registration changes, includ-
registration—by check, money order, credit card, or ing cancellations, so please review the program schedule
PayPal ( International students carefully.
may also use wire transfer, which will incur a $15.00
fee (call our office for information). Your check or • Five-Day Academy Class: To avoid a $50.00 cancellation
money order should be made payable to ITIP-ACIM fee, your cancellation must be received no later than 7
(in US funds only, drawn on a US bank). There will days before the start of a five-day Academy class.
be a $20 fee for any check returned to us for insuffi- WALK-INS
cient funds. • While walk-in registrations are accepted, pre-registration is
encouraged, as auditorium seating cannot be guaranteed.
• Payment by cash or US check only at the door.


Best Western Country Inn (1mile / 951.676.7378) offers students attending classes at the
Foundation discounted rates: Sun-Thurs $69.00, Friday $99.00, and Saturday $109.00.

La Quinta Inn & Suites Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites Motel 6
951.296.1003 (.4 mile) 951.587.9800 (.5 mile) 951.676.7199 (2.6 miles)
$75 weekday rate and Embassy Suites Hotel Extended Stay-Kitchenettes
$99 weekend rate 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles) 951.587.8881 (.9 mile)

Holiday Inn Express Quality Inn Receive a 10% discount when you
951.699.2444 (1.2 mile) (formerly Comfort Inn) identify yourself as a student attend-
951.296.3788 (.4 mile) ing class at the Foundation.

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(10-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please note that the book-
store will also be open weekend days when programs are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center • Faculty: Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and REQUIRED for the week-
long Academy class taught by Kenneth, as well as the Seminar preceding it.

Time: 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Fee: $30.00

Saturday, April 16 Saturday, July 9
Saturday, May 21 Saturday, August 20
INSTRUMENT OF SALVATION Saturday, September 17
Saturday, June 11

Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. • Free
An introductory lecture for those interested in learning more
about A Course in Miracles and what it says. The program format
will include a question-and-answer period.
DATE: Saturday, September 10

No Registration Required


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on
days when an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 7:00
p.m.–8:30 p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, Loral Reeves, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Dates: April 17 – 19 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-4D1 April 17 Fee: $40.00 A-4D2 April 18 Fee: $40.00 A-4D3 April 19 Fee: $40.00
This statement from Lesson 161 in the workbook succinctly reflects the inherent unity of the Sonship, both in truth and in illusion.
It is the basis of forgiveness and healing, for it undoes the core ego belief that the separation from our Source is real. When we learn
that by forgiving one brother we forgive all, we reinforce the Atonement principle that the separation is a lie, and that the oneness of
God’s Son in Heaven, and his sameness on earth are the only truth.


Dates: May 22 – 24 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-5D1 May 22 Fee: $40.00 A-5D2 May 23 Fee: $40.00 A-5D3 May 24 Fee: $40.00
Hamlet’s famous line that he can tell the difference between a hawk and a handsaw (read: heron) is the inspiration for this class on
discerning the difference between the ego and the Holy Spirit. There is no more crucial distinction that a student can make than this,
for the ego’s voice can sound so seductively spiritual. Through lecture, discussion, and readings, the class will address how one
learns the discernment that leads beyond dualistic choice to our non-dualistic home.


Dates: June 12 – 14 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-6D1 June 12 Fee: $40.00 A-6D2 June 13 Fee: $40.00 A-6D3 June 14 Fee: $40.00
Regardless of the many thousand forms of the universal course (M-1.4:1-2), what all true spiritualities have in common is the
explicit and implicit message to be kind. If God’s Son is truly guiltless (M-1.3:5), then his innocence must be in all, since the Son-
ship is one in truth and illusion. This all-inclusiveness must be extended to kindness for “Kindness created me kind” (W-pI.67.2:4).
The class will therefore explore the meaning of the loving kindness that embraces all people, in all circumstances, all the time.


Dates: July 10 – 12 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-7D1 July 10 Fee: $40.00 A-7D2 July 11 Fee: $40.00 A-7D3 July 12 Fee: $40.00
Making the body real in our perception is the consummation of the ego’s strategy of mindlessness, wherein it preserves its exist-
ence by denying the mind, the only power that can extinguish it. Pleasure and pain are therefore the same because they share the sin-
gle purpose of making true the illusion of separation, as well as its physical embodiment. This, the purpose of anyone who walks the
earth, can be undone through forgiveness, the gateway that leads from body to mind, hell to Heaven.


Dates: August 21 – 23 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-8D1 August 21 Fee: $40.00 A-8D2 August 22 Fee: $40.00 A-8D3 August 23 Fee: $40.00
Taken from Hamlet’s “The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king,” the classes will focus on the primacy of
the mind in both the ego’s and Holy Spirit’s plans of salvation. To the ego, salvation rests on denying the mind and its power, mak-
ing the Son of God mindless; to the Holy Spirit, on the other hand, salvation comes through the practice of forgiveness, wherein we
“catch” the ego’s strategy and reverse it so that we can return to the mind and choose again.


Dates: September 18 – 20 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-6D1 September 18 Fee: $40.00 A-6D2 September 19 Fee: $40.00 A-6D3 September 20 Fee: $40.00
This phrase from the text aptly depicts the insignificance of the ego and its thought system of madness. Yet it is to this mass of
nothingness we go for advice, counsel, and knowledge of reality. Learning not to take the ego seriously is the essence of forgiveness
and the return to sanity. This means giving it no power over us, for how can what does not exist affect our minds and our reality as


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Disc. Group

Study Group

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-4 Study Group S-5

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-4 A-4 A-4 Study Group A-5 A-5 A-5 Study Group

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31
Disc. Group

Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 1 2
Disc. Group

Study Group

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-6 Study Group S-7

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-6 A-6 A-6 Study Group A-7 A-7 A-7 Study Group

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group 31 Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Disc. Group

Study Group

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group I-2

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-8 Study Group S-9

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-8 A-8 A-8 Study Group A-9 A-9 A-9 Study Group

28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

• You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
• Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped. Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date


• Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.

Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
U Check or money order enclosed for $
U Credit card information: U American Express U Discover U MasterCard U VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®
41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117



Pre-registration is encouraged for all pro- AMOUNT HERE:
grams, and REQUIRED for the week-long
Academy classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick, Program
as well as the Seminar preceding it. Number

Program Program Person 1 $

Number Date
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Please use program numbers listed on page 11
when registering for portions of, rather than Person 2 $
a complete, Academy class. Person 1 $
A-4 April 17 – 19 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-5 May 22 – 24 $100.00 Person 1 $
A-6 June 12 – 14 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-7 July 10 – 12 $100.00 Person 1 $
A-8 August 21 – 23 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-9 September 18 – 20 $100.00 Person 1 $
Person 2 $
SEMINARS Person 1 $
(2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) • Fee $30.00
Person 2 $
S-4 April 16 S-5 May 21
Person 1 $
S-6 June 11 S-7 July 9
Person 2 $
S-8 August 20 S-9 September 17
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $


La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. • $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.
FOR ALL AND N ONE ” Dates: July 11 — August 1 (Mon.) OF ERROR ”
Dates: April 4 — April 11 (Mon.) July 12 — August 2 (Tue.) Date: April 3
April 5 — April 12 (Tue.) Fee: $20.00 plus CD set
Fee: $10.00 plus CD set Registration ends: June 30 FW-4 “THE CHOICE FOR COMPLETION”
Registration ends: March 24 Date: May 29
Dates: August 15 — August 29 (Mon.)
Dates: April 25 — May 16 (Mon.) August 16 — August 30 (Tue.) Date: July 3
April 26 — May 17 (Tue.) Fee: $15.00 plus CD set
Fee: $20.00 plus CD set FW-6 “YOUR BROTHER ’S SINLESSNESS”
Registration ends: August 4
Registration ends: April 14 Date: August 7

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MAY
1 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat JUNE
1 2 CD 3 CD 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
3 4 CD 5 CD 6 7 8 9
Study Study Lecture
FW-3 Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4
8 9 CD 10 CD 11 12 13 14
10 11 CD 12 CD 13 14 15 16 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 5 6 CD 7 CD 8 9 10 11
15 16 CD 17 CD 18 19 20 21
17 18 CD 19 CD 20 21 22 23 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 12 13 CD 14 CD 15 16 17 18
22 23 CD 24 CD 25 26 27 28
24 25 CD 26 CD 27 28 29 30 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 19 20 CD 21 CD 22 23 24 25
29 30 CD 31 CD
Study Study Lecture
FW-4 Study Study
26 27 CD 28 CD 29 30

JULY Study Study Lecture

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat AUGUST

1 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SEPTEMBER
1 CD 2 CD 3 4 5 6 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
3 4 CD 5 CD 6 7 8 9
Study Study Lecture
FW-5 Study Study Lecture 1 2 3
7 8 CD 9 CD 10 11 12 13
10 11 CD 12 CD 13 14 15 16 Lecture
FW-6 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 4 5 CD 6 CD 7 8 9 10
14 15 CD 16 CD 17 18 19 20
17 18 CD 19 CD 20 21 22 23 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 11 12 CD 13 CD 14 15 16 17
21 22 CD 23 CD 24 25 26 27
24 25 CD 26 CD 27 28 29 30 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
31 Study Study Lecture 18 19 CD 20 CD 21 22 23 24
28 29 CD 30 CD 31
Study Study Lecture
Study Study
25 26 CD 27 CD 28 29 30
Study Study Lecture

Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®
41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590-5668

The Foundation is located just off I-15.
• From the north: Take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road
exit and stay in the far right lane. Turn right onto Winches-
ter Road/CA-79, again staying in the far right-hand lane.
Turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the first stop
light. Continue straight on Jefferson (heading north) for
two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive. Turn
right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the second
building on the left.
• From the south: Take the CA-79N/Winchester Road
exit, turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far
right lane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is
the second stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (head-
ing north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking
Drive. Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is
the second building on the left.

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