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- Have you ever wondered why the earth’s interior is hot? Then, let me explain something
- It is mainly because of its sources of heat, the primordial heat, radioactive heat and frictional
- Primordial heat is generated during earth’s formation which has not been loss, this heat is
accumulated by dissipation in a planet during its first few million years of evolution. The main
contributions to the primordial heat are accretional energy and differentiation.
- The radioactive heat which is given off by the Earth is generated by the radioactive decay of
elements such as uranium and thorium, and their decay products.
- The last one is the frictional heat, where the heat is produced between the outer core and
mantle, this is caused by force fields generated by tidal forces.

The heat in the earth’s interior is very important as it keeps the mantle to actively moving or churning
and the core generating a protective magnetic field.


- Also, if earth’s interior has a high temperature and have sources of heat then we can conclude
that the earth’s interior is hot. All planets generate their own internal heat and earth is one of
the planets then we can say that earth generate its own internal heat.

Aside from its sources, there are also some factors that affects the temperature of the earth’s interior
like the polarity of simple molecules or compounds and the degree of an angle in terms of depth in
earth’s layer.


- The polarity of molecules can influence the melting and boiling point of a compound, which
means it causes the temperature to be higher. The polarity of simple molecules in the Earth’s
interior rises, causing the movements of molecules to be faster and causing it to bump at each
other contributing to the heat of the earth’s interior.


- In terms of angle and depth in earth’s interior, the closer the angle to the center or source of
heat only means that it is higher in temperature and deeper in terms of its depth. For example a
rotation happened in the earth’s core, a clockwise rotation started in the inner core and ended
in 30 degrees, then a counterclockwise rotation happened in the outer core and ended in -330
degrees, another counter-clockwise rotation happened and it is located in the mantle, this
rotation ended in 390 degrees while in crust, a clockwise rotation happened and ended in 690
degrees. The 2 counter-clockwise angles are coterminal with each other because they share the
same initial side and terminal sides, same as the 2 clockwise angles.


But despite of all the information given earlier and all the studies or researches conducted, we still have
different beliefs and perspectives on why the Earth’s interior is hot. For me, I believe that the earth’s
interior is hot because of its three sources of heat the primordial, radioactive and frictional heat, they
have their own evidences and reasons to be the sources of heat on earth’s interior. Others might not
believe the other sources and neglect the other sources but I am sure that there are also others that
believes the three sources of heat of earth’s interior.


- While discussing and explaining our topic for today, feeling stressed, nervous and
uncomfortable is normal and unavoidable when we are doing some activities. Here’s where the
importance of physical activity assessments will enter, physical activities will help us to be more
comfortable and confident in every activity that we will do. This will also lessen the stress that
we are feeling or receiving, this will help us to deliver or conduct the activity effectively and

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