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12/14/2021 - 12/14/2021
Ms. Coston

Tuesday 12/14/2021

Morning Meeting 8:30am - 8:45am

• Read over the morning message
• Go over announcements
• Ask the question of the day:
◦ If you have to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?

Specials 8:50am - 9:40am


Focus 9:45am - 10:15am

Must Do:
• Lexia
• or
• Dreambox

May Do:
• epic
• read a physical book
With me:
Running Record with
• Antonyo
• Isaac

Word Study 10:40am - 11:00am

Interactive RA 11:00am - 11:20am
We will be continuing to read our class book The Unteachables chapter 22 (and 23 if there is time).

Reading Workshop 11:20am - 12:20am

Presentation Lesson
Objective: Students will be able to present and focus on using volume, pacing, expression, body language, and
eye contact.

• I will express to them that they have been working long and hard on there research projects and that they are now in
the stages to get ready to present.
• I will bring up the research presentations from before Thanksgiving and express what I noticed that they did well and
what I think we need to work on.
• Then I will get the thinking about what people expect when they ask you to present and what does it mean to present

Teaching Point: Today we will be learning about the do and don'ts of presenting and how to affectively present
to others. This will helps us be fully ready for tomorrow.

• I will be using google slides to teach the lesson
• On the first slide it talks about what to do in order to teach or present well
◦ I will have the students read each one to the class, as they read I will put a shortened version on our do and don'ts
• On the second slide it specifically talks about group projects:
◦ I will have a student read each question and we will go over each briefly.
◦ I want them to understand the difference between presenting alone and with others.
• A student will read the 'I can' statement.
• I have a video I will show them that goes over what not to do when presenting.

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12/14/2021 - 12/14/2021
Ms. Coston

◦ I will have them help me put it on our chart afterward.

Active Engagement:
• The students will then watch a video of a student who is presenting on a project they did.
• As they watch I want them to focus on what she did well based on what we went over.
◦ They will talk as a group and then we will go over some noticings as a class.
• The students will get in the natural disaster group and practice presenting.
◦ It will be a rotation exercise:
▪ a group will present to me
▪ a group will present to Matt
▪ the other 3 groups will practice presenting on their own but will get a chance to present to an adult.
Read for 20 minutes
4.W.5 Conduct short research on a topic.
• Identify a specific question to address (e.g., What is the history of the Indy 500?).
• Use organizational features of print and digital sources to efficiently to locate further information.
• Determine the reliability of the sources.
• Summarize and organize information in their own words, giving credit to the source.
• Present the research information, choosing from a variety of formats.

Lunch 12:25pm - 12:55pm

Math 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Objective: Students will be able to identify the types of quadrilaterals there are and the attributes that make them

Warm Up: 10 minutes

• The students will be taking their 1 minute addition test for progress monitoring and growth purposes.
◦ They will get 1 minute to do as many as they can in pencil and will then switch to a color pencil to finish the ones
they did not get done
• If there is enough time in the 10 minutes, I will have them do the subtraction one as well.

Lesson/Whole Group: 25 min

• We will be reviewing what makes a shape a quadrilateral and what shapes are considered quadrilaterals.
◦ The students have a notes sheet that has the types of quadrilaterals on it and their attributes.
• Looking at their notes, I will ask the students a few questions:
◦ Can a square be a rectangle?
◦ Can a rectangle be a square?
◦ If I wanted to know what quadrilaterals had right angles which shapes fit this rule?
◦ If I wanted to know what quadrilaterals had all sides that are the same length which shapes fit this rule?
• To wrap up the lesson I will describe a type of quadrilateral that we have gone over as a group. They will write the
type of quadrilateral they think it is on the sticky note given to them.
◦ Question: I am a shape that has 0 right angles, 2 pairs of parallel sides, and opposite sides are the same length,
what am I?
Rotations/Small group/Independent work: 25 minutes
• There will be 3 rotations during small groups, each one will be 10 minutes long, and they will have a minute or so in
between to clean up and switch.
◦ Dreambox rotation:
▪ The students in this group will be working on dreambox and should not be anywhere but in their seats working.
They are allowed to use headphones if they have some.
◦ Mr. Self's rotation:
▪ They are working more with shapes, polygons, and quadrilaterals.
▪ They will be completing a geometry flipbook to practice using their knowledge about polygons and quadrilaterals

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12/14/2021 - 12/14/2021
Ms. Coston

◦ Group with Ms. Coston:

▪ We will be working on learning about the different types of triangles there are based on the angles they have
▪ This is new material for the students and will be something we will go further with tomorrow
▪ I will use our knowledge of the different types of angles as a base for the types of triangles we will start talking
about today.
▪ I will give them a few examples and see how well they do with identifying them from the brief introduction
Identifying quadrilaterals worksheet
4.G.5 Classify triangles and quadrilaterals based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the
presence or absence of angles (right, acute, obtuse).

Recess 2:00pm - 2:15pm

Social Studies/Science 2:15pm - 3:15pm
Creating our own Wedges
Objective: The students will be able to understand the importance of wedges and explain what they can be used
for or why they are used.

• Recently we have been learning about the different types of simple machines there are and how or what they are
used for.
• I will ask the students to remind me of what simple machines we have learned about so far.
• Today the students will be learning about wedges.
• We will be watching two videos about what a wedge is and what they are used for.
• After the videos the students will answer these questions:
◦ What is the purpose of a wedge?
◦ What can wedges be used for?
◦ What are wedges that pull things apart? Wedges that hold things together?
• The students will be creating 2 different types of paper airplanes and testing how they fly.
• They will fly both paper airplanes twice to get an accurate test for which one drive a wedge through the air the best.
• They will write their conclusion on the wedge activity paper and do their best to answer the questions
Wrap up:
• We will go over questions 3, 4, and 5 together as a class.

4.PS.3 Investigate how multiple simple machines work together to perform everyday tasks.

Writing 2:15pm - 3:15pm

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