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Im elsa as prime minister

This House would abolish the private ownership of (housing) property in major metropolitan
So on two practicalities of the model rights ? i think this looks like preparing the houses and the real
state with reparations on vase the commercial value, who is going to administrate these real estate
when its not privately owned. I think its likely that is going to be local government whereas for
example if were talking about expropriating Lagos, therefore the local government of lagos and not
the governmet of nigeria are the ones who are going to administer this? Why is this important because
i think the local govenment are more powerful and know the necessities better than any other
government or huge government in comparative. Look at Bogota in comparative with Colombia right
you involved . i dont have the same challenged of corruption or the same challenges of not being able
to fulfill the needs of the people or look like the difference between the government of New Delhi
whereas the government of India right, i think local governments have won the incentives to work
better for their people because there are primary voters but secondly they have more information to
know what the people need right, so what do this look and how does this look like in reality i think it
looks like expirating the whole metropolitan area of lagos of bangkok or bogota in columbia, why is
this important recognize that for opposition to win this debate they dont have to defend just private
property of real state on their own but we all property in large metropolitan area that have 2 key
challenges nowadays , firstly European planning, secondly pricing on real estate , i think highly likely
that the government is going to decide who get to live in each part of the area , im going to explain
why that is better in my point about european planning right because i was talking to you about 2
main challenges of metropolitan area , one european planning recognized that lack of european
planning leads two key points that affect the quality life of people , firstly bad public services such as
acces to water, acces to light , acces to gas that intrinsically makes people not able to fullfil their
needs and to be able to develop themselves and secondly it needs to gentrification right it needs to
people not being able to live in that place thay lived before because prices are getting higher and
higher , it gets to people not being able educate their children, secondly the second challenges we
have is pricing on real state cities such as , Barcelona , Paris, Bogota have prices of real state per
meter that exceedingly exceed what people in the area can pay recognize that an average citizen
bogota has not enough money to pay the meter and the amount that the miracles in reality who can
pay it? People from outside , so why do we have better european planning in our side of the house the
problem right now is that people have this idea that private property is the most important thing and
no one should take away their privilages that they have with it.

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