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Discover your dreams and motivations

Everybody has their own plans or expectations for the future. Although the
future is uncertain and often unpredictable, I believe that our future greatly
depends on our planning and actions. From childhood, I liked to explore the
different cities (I had a thirst for adventure ), my dream is to travel around the
world. While traveling, I will be able to get a chance to familiarize myself with
different castes, religions and cultures. (Moreover, my dreams motivate me)(không
cần cái này nha). The image that I get of myself, that I am going to make dreams
come true, it just makes me going on. --> Due to this big dream, it gives me a great
motivation to make it come true. (cho gọn lại vì đây là mở bài nha Lâm).

There are several reasons why traveling around the world is my dream.
Firstly, traveling is coming to see one’s native country in a different light, in a
different way. It is possible through making a comparison of your home and a
foreign location, going to unknown places create new perspectives and inspiration.
Secondly, another great benefit of traveling is a life experience. Many people do
not have the luxury of going to another country, or even to another city of their
own country (câu này nó phản cái mà ông nói :) kiểu ông tự phủ định cái argument
của mình :) nên bỏ nha). Traveling gets a person out of their comfort zone, away
from all their ordinary pleasures and comforts and way of doing things. Therefore,
people may have precious lessons from their failures or experiences. ( thêm câu
chốt hạ (conclusion))

Motivation is ((that)--> a) catalyst which is important for achieving

something/fosters human to achieve their goals . If you are not motivated enough
to carry out things, often it so happens/it may lead to the fact that you end up not
doing it or giving up. There are so many things that people derive their motivation
from, some derive from other people, others from quotes, and some from
themselves. My motivation for travel is curiosity about the world (từ curiosity hay
nha guddd). I am aware of a whole world which existed outside of my bubble, and
I was itching to discover it and explore, to experience a change of atmosphere and
reinvigorate my thinking, to challenge my perspectives and renew my spirit.

In conclusion, it's all about my dream and motivation to fulfill my life. Many
people are not privileged enough to do that. Those who do get the chance, it brings
excitement in their lives and teaches them new things. No matter how a travelling
experience may go, whether good or bad, it will definitely help me learn.

Nhận xét: Nhìn chung bài ổn chỉ là cấu trúc nên chau
chuốt lại xíu. Tui viết có khi không hay được như vầy đâu,
nhưng sửa bài với tư cách viewer thì tui thấy có vài chỗ
chưa rõ á. Ý viết thì có, follow structure cx có, nhưng
trình bày cho rõ hơn đâu là reasons đâu là benefits. Và
đặc biệt nên rèn luyện critical thinking nha để minhf tự
phản bác bài mình, một khi mình tự phản bác nát bài
mình được thì mình đã thành công rồi đó từ đó biết đâu
là lỗ hỏng bài mình mà sửa nè.

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