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I have always wanted to travel the world and learn about the different places that I have only

about. I strongly feel that studying abroad will be a powerful asset to me because it will give the
tools I need in life to make me a better student and a better person. I believe that going to this
university will help me with my people's skills and greatly improve my self-confidence. Why study
abroad? For most students, this time may be the only opportunity they ever get to travel abroad for
a long period of time. Eventually I will find a job and career, and the opportunity to study abroad
may turn out to be a once in a life time opportunity. Sometimes it might find that studying abroad
really brings out ourindependent nature. Students who study abroad become explorers of their new
nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbor.

A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to discover myself while gaining an understanding of
a different culture. Being in a new place by ourself can be overwhelming at times, and it tests our
ability to adapt to diverse situations while being able to problem solve. Most importantly, students
who have studied abroad show just how committed they are to their education. Graduate schools
regularly look for candidates who will bring a unique aspect to their university. Students who have
studied abroad have shown that they have the curiosity and educational acumen to be a leader in
graduate school.

Another reason that i consider about studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles
of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, I’ll have the chance to see a side of my major
that I may not have been exposed to at home. Studying abroad also can grants me the opportunity
to completely immerse myself in a new language, and there is no better way to learn than to dive
right in.

If you ask me “Why should we pick you instead of the other applicants?”

Well, I don’t know the other applicants personally, so I can’t say that you should pick me over them,
’cause it’d be a bit judgmental and egoistic of me to say that I’m better than them. But what I can say
is that I’m a pretty weird but unique person with a lot of passion and spirit inside of me. I strive to be
the best in everything that I do, and despite the countless obstacles or critiques that I receive from
other people, I never stop in my journey to the top.

In regards to me wanting to reach the top, I never wanted to achieve it alone, which is why I try my
best to bring other people to the top with me. One of my life goals is to inspire people, to help them
realize their potentials and help them reach their goals. Despite my sarcasm, I see myself as a
pusher. I push people to think outside their comfort zone, I push people to show them that life is not
an easy path, I push people to recognize their skills and talents.

I am a perfectionist. That can be both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about it is the
fact that once I get my mind onto something, I’d do whatever it takes to complete it. I’d go out of my
way to ensure that the task is completed to perfection (or near-perfection). I never cared how long
it’s going to take, how hard it is, how insignificant it is to other people, or how people say I’m just
wasting my energy. I just go on ahead and do it.
The bad thing about it is that sometimes, I do get caught up in the moment and forget my priorities.
Like, when a new project comes up, I get so caught up in it and tend to spend more time on it than I
should, which is in a way, a bad thing, of course. But I usually get back on the right track since I kind
of love to put up post-it notes and reminders up on my study desk to help me get my priorities

I wouldn’t change anything about myself. I acknowledge the fact that I have weaknesses, but that’s
just life. I have my weaknesses, and that’s where other people come in so their strengths can help
me overcome my weaknesses

I choose to study abroad rather than local universities because I strive in challenging situations. I do
not want my talents and skills to be limited by the Malaysian education and its society. I want to be
free, to be able to choose what to learn and when to learn them. I wish to break free of the typical
Malaysian society and put myself in a difficult situation in which I can’t relate to anyone in the class
at all. I want to push myself to the limit, to challenge myself to do better.

I know that this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and I don't want to have any regrets
for not taking this chance. I want to learn about another countries history, not from a book but from
going there and actually seeing where these historical events happened and how it affected that
country and its people. I want to make new connections abroad and hope that they will help me
understand and see a new way of living. Also this could help me strengthen my international ties
that can help me greatly in a rapidly growing job market that focuses a lot on international
marketing relations. Thats all from me. Thank you and stay safe.

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