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1. It is an act of sharing God’s word to others.

a. Discipleship b. Praying c. Evangelism

2. Who was with Peter when they share God’s word to many people?
a. John b. Matthew c. James
3. What is the name of the gate where Peter and the disciples preached?
a. Faithful Gate b. Goodness Gate c. Beautiful Gate
4. Who hated the disciples of God when they share God’s word?
a. Religious leaders b. Mighty soldiers c. Good people
5. He was a teacher of Law who told the elders and rulers to leave the disciples alone because
God id pleased with them.
a. Joseph b. Gamaliel c. Solomon
6. Who captured the Samarians?
a. Assyrians b. Philistines c. Egyptians
7. They are mixed blood and the Jews hated them.
a. Hebrews b. Babylonians c. Samaritan
8. Where did Jesus rest when He was on His way to Galilee?
a. Near the well b. in the park c. near the town plaza
9. What did Jesus asked on the Samaritan woman?
a. Food b. Drink c. Blanket
10. Jesus explains that the living water springs to give __________.
a. Abundant life b. Pretty life c. Eternal life
11. It is the fruit of loving others.
a. Sharing b. Jealousy c. Pride
12. He took care the needs of the widows everyday--- gave them food, money and clothing.
a. Mario b. Stephen c. James
13. She was a disciple of Jesus who was known to share God’s love to others.
a. Tabitha b. Nobita c. Rabitha
14. He came and prayed to Tabitha and commanded her to get up.
a. John b. Mark c. Peter
15. They wept for Tabitha when she died.
a. Workers b. Widows c. Vendors
II. TRUE or FALSE. Identify whether the following statements are correct or wrong. Write
TRUE if it is correct and FALSE if wrong.
___________1. God wants us to share our talents, blessings and even burdens to one another.
___________2. Sharing and praying together is an example of fellowship.
___________3. We are tasked to make disciples or follower of Jesus.
___________4. Jews and Samaritans are friendly to each other.
___________5. Living water comes from the well.
___________6. Jesus taught about God’s love and forgiveness.
___________7. Samaritans didn’t believe Jesus after He shared God’s love.
___________8. The idea of sharing doesn’t come from God.
___________9. If we have God’s love in our hearts, we will surely want to give.
___________10. Giving is not a pleasant experience.
III. Read each sentences correctly and draw a happy face if the child below does what is pleasing
to God and sad face if not.
___________1. Nicole share God’s love to her classmates.
___________2. Russell doesn’t make friends with his neighbor.
___________3. Adrian always let his best friend copy his answers because he loves him.
___________4. JB puts his old toys on the donation box to be given to poor children.
___________5. Alex helped his classmates and asks something in return.
IV. Complete the memory verses below. (10 pts.)

“__________________ and make _______________________ of all nations.”

-Matthew 28:19

“For __________________ so loved the ___________________ that He gave his one

and only ____________________, that whoever ___________________ in Him shall not

_______________________ but have __________________ life.”

-John 3:16

“Jesus himself said, ”It is more blessed to __________________ than to


-Acts 20:35
1. It provides nuggets of wisdom for our daily lives.
a. Proverbs b. Ecclesiastes c. Psalms
2. It diffuses other people’s trust.
a. Pride b. Anger c. Dishonesty
3. When the evil tempted Adam and Eve

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