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General Biology 8

I. THE CELL THEORY (15 points)

In 1665, ___________________________ was able to observe in a piece of cork specimen structures
which appear as tiny rooms. He coined the word __________ to describe a chamber-liked structures. Until in
___________, _____________________________ published his observations on tiny living organisms which
he named __________________.
Robert Brown in __________ compared diverse kind of plant. A few years later a German botanist
_______________________________ (__________) concluded that all plants are made up of cells.
______________________ (_______) stated that all animal tissues are made up of cells.
____________________________ concluded that all cells come from pre-existed cells.
The cell theory are as follows:
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________

II. CELL ORGANELLE. Identify the cell organelle being described below. Write your answers
on the space provided.(15 points)
___________________1. It controls what comes in and out of the cell.
___________________2. It is where DNA is located and controls how the cell functions.
___________________3. A jelly-like substance which is mainly composed of water with dissolved
substances such as salt and proteins.
___________________4. A sub organelle of nucleus.
___________________5. These are membranous system of interconnected tubules.
___________________6. It appears grainy in structure in the electron micrograph.
___________________7. It lacks ribosomes on its outer surface.
___________________8. Generally consists of stacks or piles of flattened sacs called cisternae, which
functions in the packaging, sorting and refining of products.
___________________9. It is the water storage in the cell.
___________________10. An exclusive organelle for animal cells which carries out intracellular
___________________11. It is the powerhouse of the cell.
___________________12. It is only found in the plant cell and other photosynthetic organisms.
___________________13. It is the green pigment in the cell.
___________________14. It is the flattened sacs in the thylakoid.
___________________15. It is the fluid outside the thylakoid.
III. CELL TYPES. State the differences between the Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells. Write
your answers on the box. (10 points)
Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Cells

IV. CELL CYCLE. Label the

diagram below. (15 points)
Phase Stage Description
V. A. GENETICS. (20 points)

B. Define the following terms. (15 points)

1. Genetics-
2. Heredity-
3. Gregor Johann Mendel-
4. Genotype-
5. Phenotype-
6. Dominant Traits-
7. Recessive Traits-
8. Principle of Dominance and Recessiveness-
9. The Law of Segregation-
10. Law of Independent assortment-
11. Incomplete Dominance-
12. Codominance-
13. Multiple Alleles-
14. DNA-
15. RNA
VI. Essay. (10 points)
1. How does cancer cells developed?
2. What have you learned in this course?
English 6
I. Identify the conjunction in the following sentences by encircling them. (15 points)
1. A high ranking official beckons the other officials and their candidates.
2. Eric and Bill were accused of being vampires.
3. Good works cost nothing, but they are worth much.
4. He is small but terrible.
5. He should come with us or I wouldn’t go at all.
6. I cannot decide whether I will order noodles or dimsum.
7. Lincoln was born a poor boy but he became the president of the United States of America.
8. Our comfort room is spacious and relaxing.
9. Reading classic novels and drawing teddy bears are my hobbies.
10. Rita laughed but Marie cried.
11. The doctors organize a free consultation and the patients line up.
12. The mother was trying her best but the baby still cried.
13. The names Pam and Sam rhymed.
14. The secretary calls out our names one by one and the applicants eagerly wait.
15. Which do you prefer, fruit juice or soda?

II. Encircle the adverb of time in the following sentences. (10 points)
1. We will meet the parents of Kuya’s girlfriend later.
2. Someday, I will own and run my own company.
3. Roda and Aiza went to our house last night.
4. They will join us now.
5. Can we schedule the meeting tomorrow?
6. Yesterday, Vic did not attend his classes.
7. Next week, our class will have a trip to Bohol.
8. Later, Diana will make her presentation.
9. We will go to Isabel’s place afterwards.
10. The team finished their report early.

III. Encircle the adverb of manner in the following sentences. (10 points)
1. Grandmother arranges the pictures meticulously in the album.
2. The children ran frantically after seeing the terrifying mask.
3. The firemen aimed their hoses steadily at the window of the burning house.
4. A man waited eagerly for his payslip.
5. The ballerina danced gracefully.
6. She crept silently across the hall.
7. I honestly think that you have still not finished your task.
8. Lee evaded the falling boxes skillfully.
9. The baby turtles quickly waddled into the water.
10. The clothes are arranged neatly on the shelves.
IV. Supply the following blanks with the appropriate prepositions. (15 points)
1. The grade that Cesar got was _____________ the passing mark.
2. Draw a line _____________ the wrong word in the sentence.
3. Which _______the following options are true?
4. Please move away _______ the yellow line.
5. The island can be reached _______ boat.
6. The dog ran _______ the barricade fast.
7. My mole is located _______ my right elbow.
8. In the word mile, the letter L comes _______ the letter M.
9. Please follow me to the principal’s office _______ten minutes.
10. The cat jumped _______ the window when the dog barked.
11. The Tooth Fairy took Tommy’s tooth _______ his pillow.
12. Halo-halo is popular _______ the summer season.
13. Give the gift to Noreen _______ you greet her.
14. The souvenirs were distributed to the participants _______ the program.
15. Do not forget to put the lid _______ the pan after you eat.
V. Encircle the complete subject and underline the complete predicate. (10 points)
1. Anita cried hysterically during the wedding.
2. Athena memorizes the poem.
3. John and Lloyd expressed their concerns to Mrs Lapuz.
4. Francesca prepared some snacks for the visitors.
5. Monique and Michelle invited us.
6. We met Ralph at the party.
7. Letecia and her brother inform the others about the incident.
8. An old man heard screams from outside the house.
9. Edna does not understand us.
10. Rowena and Elena works out at the gym.
VI. Write a simple dialog on the space blow. (10 points)
I. Define the following terms. (20 points)
1. The Beatitudes-
2. Mourners-
3. Meek-
4. Pure Thirst-
5. Mercy-
6. Desiderata-
7. Peacemakers-
8. Freedom-
9. Rest-
10. Boundaries-

II. Explain the Beatitudes. (15 points)

1. The poor in spirit-
2. Those who mourn-
3. The meek-
4. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness-
5. The merciful-
6. The pure in heart-
7. The peacemakers-
8. The persecuted because of righteousness-
III. Complete the sentences below to complete the thought. (30 points)
1. Some understand _____________________ as the state of being happy.
2. There is a promise of ___________________ for those who truly hunger and thirst for
3. The meek have a _______________ assessment of themselves.
4. ____________________ is not really a demonstration of weakness; rather, it is the display of
one’s courage to admit what he cannot do.
5. Your words and your actions reveal what you are most excited about and what has captured
your ________________.
6. You will do anything to satisfy your hunger and ____________.
7. Everything is ______________ but not everything is ________________.
8. Nobody should seek his own good but ___________________________.
9. Do not bow to ________________.
10. Do not use the name of God ____________________.
11. Each one of you must respect his ___________________________________.
12. Children, obey your _______________ in the Lord for ______________________. –
Ephesians 6:1
13. Children, obey your parents in everything for it ______________________. –Colossians 3:20
14. Honor , your ________________ and ______________, as the _______________ your God
has _____________________ you, so that you may _____________________ and it may
______________________ with you in the land the __________________ your God is giving
15. Exodus 20:13-17 – “You shall not _________________________. You shall not commit
_____________________. You shall not ____________________. You shall not give
________________________ against your neighbour. You shall not _______________ your
__________________________. You shall not covet your _____________________, or his
__________________ or ________________, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to
your neighbour.
IV. Answer the following questions carefully. (20 points)
1. Explain Jesus’ criteria of being blessed.

2. What are the rewards for the person who walks in the path of humility?

3. What do you need to instill in your life so that you can stay righteous?

4. Why should we observe boundaries? What are the benefits of observing it?
Character Education 1
I. Read each questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Long time ago, people wanted to build a very high tower named ________.
a. Eiffel Tower b. Tower of Babel c. Highest Tower
2. The tower of Babel will be a sign of their ____________.
a. Power b. Greatness c. Intelligence
3. God was mad at them because they were very ________.
a. Proud b. Good c. Bright
4. What did God made so that people stop making the tower?
a. Different languages b. Strong Winds c. Big Clouds
5. What did Moses saw when he was watching his sheep?
a. Roaring lion b. Great Fire c. Burning Bush
6. Whose voice did Moses heard when he look at the burning bush?
a. God b. Satan c. sheep
7. When Moses took out his shepherd’s rod on the ground it became ________.
a. Big earthworm b. live snake c. big lion
8. Which of the following is not a way God can talk to us?
a. Through the Bible b. through prayer c. over the radio
9. The Israelites pass through the ______________.
a. Jordan River b. Red Sea c. Nile River
10. Who was the king of Israel who does not love God?
a. King Ahab b. King Daniel c. King Matthew
11. He was a man of God who went with a fight with servant of Baal.
a. Matthew b. John c. Elijah
12. Who was the God of Elijah?
a. Baal b. Yahweh c. Asherah
13. How many false prophets does false god Baal have?
a. 400 b. 450 c. 500
14. Where did the battle between the prophets of Yahweh and Baal happened?
a. Mt. Carmel b. Mt. Olive c. Mt. Isarog
15. Who is the one true God?
a. Baal b. Yahweh c. Asherah
16. Who created the world?
a. Man b. God c. Parents
17. How many days did God created the world?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7
18. Who was the first man and woman created by God?
a. Adam and Eve b. Joseph and Mary c. James and Ana
19. What day does the land, mountains and valleys, desert and plains created?
a. 1st day b. 3rd day c. 5th day
20. Who was the wicked king of Israel who did not serve God?
a. King Ahab b. King Solomon c. King Saul
21. What kind of animals gave Elijah bread for food when he was in stream of Kerith?
22. the of the following are things a father must give to his child?
a. Snake, insects and worms
b. Fish, bread and fruits
c. Stone, gravel and cement
23. Who was the leader of the Israelites when they were travelling to their new home?
a. Elijah b. John c. Moses
24. God blessed His people. In the evening, God gave them flock of birds called
a. Ostrich b. Kingfishers c. Quail
25. In the morning, God gave them white flakes called __________.
a. Bread b. Manna c. Cakes
26. Why did the people bring their children to Jesus?
a. They want Him to bless the children.
b. They want to play with Jesus.
c. They want Jesus to take good care of their children.
27. What did the disciples of Jesus did to the children?
a. the played with them.
b. they gave them food.
c. they send them away.
28. How did the children felt when they were sent away?
a. happy b. sad c. excited
29. Who is our Master Teacher?
a. Teacher Raiza b. Ma’am Brenda c. Jesus
30. Which of the following is NOT taught by Jesus?
a. to be happy
b. to have a good life
c. do what is not right
31. Why is Jesus a good teacher?
a. He gives very high grades
b. He wants us to learn to know God
c. He smiles a lot
32. Which of the following tools helps us know Jesus more?
a. Bible b. TV c. Cellphones
33. In the story of the Lost Sheep, how many sheep does the shepherd have?
a. 50 b. 100 c. 150
34. How many sheep was lost?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
35. Who is our shepherd?
a. God b. Jesus c. Holy Spirit
36. Who was the Son of God whom He sent here on Earth?
a. Mark b. Jesus c. John
37. Why did Jesus die on the cross?
a. Because He committed a great sin
b. Because His mother and father want it
c. To save us from our sin
38. Who sent the children away from Jesus?
a. His disciples b. the Priest c. His mother
39. What did Jesus said to His disciples about the children?
a. Put them away
b. Tell them to play outside
c. Let them come to me. Don’t stop them.
40. What did Jesus do to the children?
a. He prayed for the children and touched them.
b. He played with them.
c. He read bedtime stories to them.
41. Who was the King of Judah who hires people to repair the temple of God?
a. King Solomon b. King David c. King Josiah
42. What did the workers found during the temple’s repair?
a. Gold stone b. Word of God c. Treasure Map
43. Who was the man who loved God and served Him but has no child?
a. Abraham b. Moses c. Joseph
44. Who was the wife of Abraham?
a. Mary b. Sarah c. Margaret
45. God said to Abraham that his family will be as many as ____________.
a. the sand b. the stars c. the stones

Character Education 2

I.Read each questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why did God created man?
a. To bring glory to God.
b. To use all the creation every day.
c. To live in the Garden of Eden.
2. In what book in the Bible can we find the story of the first family?
a. Matthew b. Genesis c. John
3. What was the name of the first man created by God?
a. Joseph b. Adam c. Moses
4. What was the name of the first woman created by God?
a. Eve b. Sarah c. Eden
5. Where did God place Adam after creating him?
a. Paradise b. Heaven c. Garden of Eden
6. What do you call the group of people which is consists of parents and children?
a. Church b. Colleagues c. Family
7. Who are God’s representatives on Earth?
a. Friends b. Parents c. Enemies
8. Who was the boy who was placed in the basket and set off to the Nile River?
a. Joseph b. Adam c. Moses
9. Who was the wife of Abraham?
a. Eve b. Sarah c. Eden
10. Who was the son of Abraham whom God asked to be offered?
a. Isaac b. Jacob c. Jesus
11. He was the boy who was crowned as king at the age of 7.
a. Jehoida b. Joash c. Jehosheba
12. Who was the grandmother of Joash who killed all the heirs to be the queen?
a. Atahliah b. Moses c. Jehosheba
13. God asked Abraham to take his son to _____________ as offering.
a. Mt. Carmel b. Mt. Sinai c. Mt. Moriah
14. Who found the baby Moses on the river?
a. The King b. The Princess c. The Guards
15. The name “Moses” means saved from the _______________.
a. Water b. Fire c. Earth
16. Who was Joseph's father?
a. Jacob b. Potiphar c. Pharaoh
17. What unique thing was Joseph given by his father?
a. pure white goat b. a small boat c. a tunic of many colors
18. Who did the Midianites sell Joseph to?
a. Pharaoh b. Potiphar c. a slave trader
19. Why was Joseph thrown in prison?
a. for stealing from Pharaoh
b. for killing an Egyptian
c. he was accused of attacking his master's wife
20. Why was Joseph released from prison?
a. because he was proven innocent
b. so he could interpret Pharaoh's dreams
c. God opened the prison doors
21. How many sons did Joseph have?
a. 2 b. 6 c. 12
22. Why did Joseph's brothers go to Egypt?
a. to spy on Pharaoh b. to buy food c. to bury their father
23. Who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams?
a. Jacob b. Joseph c. Potiphar
24. King Nebuchadnezzar was the king of __________________.
a. Babylon b. Egypt c. Israel
25. All of the following are friends of Daniel except for _______________.
a. Shadrach b. Meshach c. Mark
26. He was the person in-charge of Daniel and others.
a. Ashpenaz b. Jacob c. Israel
27. Why did Daniel and his friends don’t want to eat the king’s food?
a. it is forbidden by the Lord
b. it doesn’t taste good
c. they like chicken and meat more
28. Why is it that the king’s foods are forbidden for Daniel and his friends?
a. because they never washed foods before cooking
b. because it was intended only for girls
c. because it was offered to their gods
29. How did God bless Daniel and his friends?
a. they become favorite men of the king
b. they were gifted with more knowledge and skills
c. they married all women that they like
30. Why does King Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel and the Israelites as captives?
a. to work in his kingdom
b. to be the future king of the country
c. to be a soldier
31. Which son asked his father for the share of his money?
a. younger son b. the father c. older son 
32. What did the youngest son decide to do after his father gave him the money?
a. Gave it to his brother
b. Leave home to look for a more exciting country
c. Gave all his money to the poor
33. Once the son arrived in the new country, what did he do with his money?
a. He wasted all his money
b. He bought an ice-cream
c. He spent some on food, gave some to the poor and saved the rest for the future
34. Once the youngest son wasted all his money, what did he have to do?
a. Stole money
b. Stole food
c. Work for a farmer so he could eat 
35. What kind of work did the youngest son have to do for the farmer?
a. Take the slops to the pigs
b. Pay his bills
c. Teach his children
36.  What did the youngest son finally realize?
a. He needed new clothes
b. He needed to buy more food
c. He needed to go home and ask for forgiveness from his father
37. Was the Father happy to see his son?
a. He was angry and sent him away
b. Yes he was very happy to see him
c. He didn’t look at his son
38.  Once the youngest son returned, what did the Father do?
a. He sent him to his room
b. He gave him more money and told him to go to another country
c. He celebrated by dressing him in the best robes and killing the fattest calf to eat at dinner.
39. Was the oldest son happy to hear that his brother was home?
a. He was so excited that he rushed to his brother to hug him.
b. He was so happy
c. He was very angry and refused to go inside
40. What is the main message in this story?
a. Save all of your money, don't spend it
b. Spend all your money, don't save it
c. When we realize we have sinned we must ask God for forgiveness and he will forgive us.
41. Who was Jesus?
a. Son of God. b. Promised Savior c. both A and B
42. Who were the earthly parents of Jesus?
a. Abraham and Sarah b. Noah and Mary c. Joseph and Mary
43. Where was Jesus born?
a. Nazareth b. Bethlehem c. Egypt
44. She was the new queen who asks the king to save the Jews.
a. Queen Esther b. Queen Vashti c. Queen Elizabeth
45. He was the ruler of Medes and Persian Empire.
a. Mordecai b. King Xerxes c. Haman
46. He wanted the Jews to be killed so he got the king signed a new rule.
a. Mordecai b. King Xerxes c. Haman
47. What was the name of the son God had given to David?
a. Nathan b. Solomon c. Isaiah
48. Who was the prophet that God gave to send a message to King David?
a. Haman b. Nathan c. Solomon
49. Solomon, a man who loves God, offered his offerings to a place called __.
a. Nazareth b. Sinai c. Gibeon
50. Who is our heavenly Father?
a. God b. Abraham c. Moses
Character Education 3
I.Read each questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is our manual for living righteously in this world.
a. Bible b. English Book c. Teachers
2. What is the Bible likened to?
a. Glass of Water b. Table Cloth c. Treasure Map
3. All of the following can be found in the Bible except for __________.
a. How the Israelites got out of Egypt
b. Some poetry and music
c. How to get even with your enemy
4. If you want to be wise what Book in the Bible will help you?
a. Book of Psalms b. Book of Proverbs c. Matthew
5. What is true about the Lord’s Prayer?
a. Every time we pray it must be the Lord’s Prayer.
b. It is a pattern for our daily prayer
c. It is not important compare with other prayers
6. To what did Jesus compare the Kingdom of Heaven?
a. Bars of Gold b. Real Kingdom c. Hidden Treasure
7. What shall one do to be a part of God’s Kingdom?
a. Accept Jesus as your savior
b. Always do good works
c. Always pray.
8. Salvation means allowing God to _______________.
a. Guide your life b. make you rich c. give you power
9. It is the state of being bothered or uneasy.
a. Faith b. Worry c. Joy
10. What should we every time we pray?
a. Always ask only of the things needed.
b. Talk about everything our needs, wants, joys and even sadness
c. Say those prayers that I already memorized
11. When did Peter received the Holy Spirit?
a. Christmas Day b. Day of Pentecost c. Labor Day
12. Where did Peter waited to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
a. Jerusalem b. Israel c. Egypt
13. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a free gift from ______________.
a. Parents b. Teachers c. God
14. The Holy Spirit is our ______________.
a. Creator b. Comforter c. Savior
15. Jesus Christ is our ________.
a. Creator b. Comforter c. Savior
16. As a Teacher, the Holy Spirit makes us _____________.
a. understand the meaning of passages in the Bible
b. overcome our problems and we get advice
c. see the truth in what others say
17. Which of the following is not a work of the Holy Spirit?
a. He makes us happy even if we have problems
b. He gives us something to be sad about
c. He takes our burden away
18. There are so many things we need to pray for that we forget them. Who reminds us these
a. Jesus b. God the Father c. Holy Spirit
19. When a Christian received the Holy Spirit, he speaks in other _____.
a. tongues b. country c. minds
20. The Holy Spirit wants to help us live a __________ life.
a. lovely b. careful c. holy
21. The parable about the two servants and a king taught us the lesson of ___.
a. Forgiveness b. Peace c. Industriousness

22. Jesus said, “If you asked your earthly father for bread, what would he give you?”
a. Stone b. rice c. bread

23. Who saw the man sitting near the gate on their way to the temple?
a. Peter and John b. John and Eve c. John and Matthew

24. Peter said to the man, “I don’t have silver and gold but ________________.
a. I’ll give you many money
b. In the name of Jesus, Run and go home.
c. In the name of Jesus, Get up and walk.

25. The man sitting near the gate had been crippled for __________.
a. 30 years b. 40 years c. 50 years
26. It refers to the feast that the Jews had celebrated since the time they had been slaves in
a. Christmas Day b. Passover c. Independence Day
27. The bread represented His _______________ that would be crucified.
a. broken body b. His blood c. His spirit
28. The Passover is being celebrated today as the Lord’s Supper or __________.
a. All Saint’s Day b. Communion c. Fiesta
29. The cross is our symbol for __________.
a. salvation b. communion c. church
30. All the three Persons together are called the ________.
a. Trio b. Threesome c. Trinity
31. It helps us believe in Jesus.
a. God the Father b. God the Son c. God the Holy Spirit
32. What is the name of God the Son?
a. Moses b. Jesus c. David
33. God the Father is our ____________.
a. Creator b. Savior c. Counselor
34. Which of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
a. Faith b. Love c. Joy
35. Jesus leaves us a Guide to helps us discern what is right and wrong. It is known as
a. Map b. Bible c. Holy Spirit
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Read the following statements below. Write T if the statements
are correct and F if wrong. Follow the instructions carefully.
__________1. The Bible is our guide to get our spiritual treasures.
__________2. We can learn about God’s love when you read the Bible.
__________3. Only the Bible can show you the way how to live a godly life.
__________4. Sometimes we have to worry about our needs because God will supply our
__________5. God knows what is best for us and He watches and cares for us all the time.
__________6. Our most important need is salvation.
__________7. When we put our cares in God’s hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.
__________8. God doesn’t want us to forgive others.
__________9. God compared the kingdom of heaven to bars of gold.
__________10. First thing to do when accepting Jesus as Savior is to ask Him to forgive
your sins.
__________11. God expects us to forgive others as He has forgiven us.
__________12. Our temper doesn ’t affect others.
__________13. The amount of time we spend in prayer often reflects the level of expectations we
__________14. We should never give up in praying for something.
__________15. Our heavenly Father really wanted us to have good things.
__________16. God used His people to heal sick.
__________17. We don’t need to pray for healing because we can also be healed in hospitals and
by taking medicines.
__________18. When we pray, and God heals us, it is always for God’s glory.
__________19. When we pray, it must be done in Jesus’ name.
__________20. To be healed, we need to have faith.
Character Education 7
I. Read the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is possessing or demonstrating quiet, uncomplaining endurance under distress or annoyance;
long-suffering; tolerant, tender, and forbearing.
a. Love b. Patience c. Mercy
2. Who is/are our perfect example of patience?
a. our Parents b. teachers c. God
3. It is a strong surge of hatred or dislike about something or someone.
a. Anger b. Distress c. Hatred
4. All of the following can be the benefit of a patient person except for ________.
a. be considerate, loving and easily forgive
b. love with reservations
c. keep his self-respect
5. He popularized the song “Heal the World”.
a. Justin Bieber b. Lea Salonga c. Michael Jackson
6. Our good deeds in the world are a _________ that we are God’s people.
a. testimony b. evidence c. contract
7. Who are the stewards of God’s creation?
a. Adam and Eve b. God’s children c. All people
8. Who is our enemy?
a. Non-believers b. people who disobeyed God c. Satan
9. What is the first reason why we can fulfill God’s design in our lives?
a. Jesus had already won the victory over Satan
b. Satan will Jesus won this time
c. because Jesus and Satan will be friends from now on
10. Victory over sin is found in the ________________________.
a. obedience to Jesus Christ
b. doing good deeds to others
c. sharing God’s word to others
II. Define the following terms.
1. Family-
2. Manana Habit-
3. Meekness-
4. Community-
5. True Community-
6. Fairness-
7. Love-
8. Stewardship-
9. Envy-
10. Covet-
11. Greed-
12. Generosity-
13. Patient-
14. Temptation-
15. Respect-
III. Complete the following sentences.
1. Order in the society is based on the order in the _________________________.
2. The _________________ gives practical instruction to help the family build strong and healthy
3. The biblical husbands often received direction form _________________.
4. _______________ was directed by God to leave his home and go to a foreign land.
5. The husband is responsible for the ________________ needs of the family and for their
6. The husband should __________ his wife as Christ loved the ___________________.
7. The wife should follow the leadership of her ____________________.
8. The wife should place her husband in ___________________.
9. The ________________ is in the best position to instruct their children.
10. God’s blessing is upon those children who _____________ their parents.
11. _______________ is a gift of God which starts from birth to death.
12. The spirit of community is shown by ______________ and ________________.
13. God is _____________ and ______________.
14. Human justice is based on ______________.
15. Do not take what is not yours and never _____________.
16. God’s love (agape) is ________________ love.
17. One purpose why God created man is to put him in charge of _______________.
18. A Christian steward should earn money by _________________.
19. It is more blessed to ________________ than to _____________.
20. __________________ is our perfect example of patience.
21. ________________ is a strong surge of hatred or dislike about something or something.
22. It is alright to be angry, but do not _______________ in your anger.
23. The _______________ tells us the ________________ is our enemy.
24. Don’t always rely on ______________ impressions.
25. Authority provides __________________.
IV. Essay. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. What traits should be developed in order for us to become dependable?

2. How can we thank God for the time He is giving us?

3. What are some ways we can do to love beyond borders?

4. How can we develop patience?

Music 4

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