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Name: Leizel B.

Candelaria BSED 3A Date: December 4, 2018

Proposed Title:

Effects of Motivation in the Reading Habits in 8 Graders of Pinaglabanan National High School

Related Literature

Reading is the basic skill in learning. It is the starting point of the growth and success of
the students. Reading is an interactive process consisting of inferring, knowing the correct
sounds and comprehension (Kamhi and Catts, 2008). It is active and needs an interaction
between the reader and the text. Reading enables the students to interact not only to the
knowledge it brings but also to the world around him. It is the way of studying related to
adapting to the society and being at peace with the self (Yakici et al., 2015). In recent years, the
knowledge that the students gained through reading, contributes to the success of every
individual who knows what they read. Reading helps the students to know better the world
around them and come to know better of themselves. Despite of its importance, reading serves
as one of the challenging task for the students as well as for the teachers. Students’ attitudes
regarding the purposes of the reading influence their ability to read. The success of reading
process is determined by variables such as reading attitude, reading purpose, prior knowledge
about the text, textual structure, vocabulary knowledge; comprehension is determined by the
interaction of the reader with the text(Yildirim, 2010). Reading needs a comprehension and
understanding. Most of the students view reading as decoding what the author’s intention.
According to Kose, 2006 the main purpose of reading is to make the invisible layer, the
underlying meaning, visible and clear.

According to Anderson, Heibert, Scott and Wilkinson, 1995 without the ability to read
effectively, opportunities for personal fulfillment and job success inevitably will be lost. There
are various factors affecting this process from beginning to end. One of these factors is
motivation. One of the earliest views of motivation is Frederick W. Taylor et al (1991) Scientific
Management Theory. Taylor (1911) with regards to employee motivation proposed a
paternistic approach to managing workers and argued that workers are “economic men” and in
order to motivate them, workers should be paid higher wages. The author also argued that the
higher is the wage rate, the higher will be the level motivation and productivity. In connection
with these, workers should be paid high in order for them to be motivated to work.
Furthermore, McGregor(1960) gave a theory of X and Y. Wherein X is people and Y is work.
There are two assumptions on his theory that X is lazy and therefore theory X suggests
that in order to motivate employees a more autocratic style of management is required. On the
other hand, theory Y assumes that workers enjoy work, committed to objectives of the
organization and will apply self-control and self-directed in the pursuits of organizational
objectives and therefore does not require external force. In connection, people who are
motivated and those who loved what they are doing are contented and does not require any
external force. It was supported by Locke and Latham (2004) that motivation refers to the
internal factors that impel action.

In addition, Bartol and Martin (1998) relate motivation to the force that stimulates
behavior, provide direction to behavior, and underlies the tendency to prevail. In fact,
individual’s motivation towards reading may affect the process of reading, comprehension, and
interpretation positively and negatively. One must be motivated and stimulated enough to
work and commit himself to achieve his goal with a clear focus. According to Badu, 2005
motivation is a human psychological characteristic that adds to the person’s degree of
commitment. It was supported by Vroom (1964) as a “voluntary action” meaning students
should not be forced on reading because they must commit themselves into it in order for them
to learn more. One will not learn if he is anxious and their attentions are distracted. According
to Ileri (2011), it is important that motivation should be direct to the individual and it has
continuity as well as significant in the lives of the students.

In general, Students were motivated if they are given an opportunity to understand,

comprehend and how to different strategies that will help them be motivated enough to
engage themselves into reading. They must view reading as an enjoyable habits rather than a
burden to take. This is a big challenge for the language teachers to incorporate reading as a
habit of the learners. A Child’s opportunity to succeed in life depends on the right to read
(Illinois State Board of Education 1997). Individuals reading and having positive motivation
towards reading constitute successful societies.

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