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Past simple 8 – full review

When I was younger!

In this activity, you Will think about how different were things in
the past. You will tell us in an audio about those things that you
maybe didn’t have or didn’t do back in those days,for example,
“When I was a child, we didn’t have mobile pones, but we were
also happy with other games…” “When I was younger, we had to
walk until school everyday”.

Regular and irregular verbs – classify them!

Organize the verbs into the corresponding categories! How much
do you remember if they are regular of irregular?! Send the
answers as a screenshot when you click on “enviar respuestas”
My timeline
Think about the way of your life and highlight the most important
events in it. Try to find a picture that describes each evento to
place it in your timeline. You can’t write anything on the timeline,
because you will send an audio explaining your whole life. The
teacher will pay attention to how coherent are the pictures with
the information you are giving in the audio
Example of a timeline

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