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Grade Level/

Name of Student: Peter John T. Cagurangan Strand and Block: Grade 12 PBMS Block 3
Subject: Work Immersion Teacher: Mr. Argy Cudal

TITLE: Work Ethics
Work Ethics are an important part of our personal and our working life. With
a positive work ethic, individuals can become more focused and
responsible regarding their work. The individual can also cultivate a sense of
achievement, and
this too, has positive effects on their career development.
The learners should be able to develop strong work ethics and be able to apply it in
their future careers.
LEARNING OUTCOMES Proposed solutions to situations/ scenario provided.


What is Work Ethic, and its Purpose?

 A system of moral principles is called ethics.

 They affect how people lead their lives, for life is an unbroken stream of decision-making and
ethics are concerned with what is the right moral choice, for individuals and for society.
 This is also known as a moral philosophy.
 The etymology of ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos, meaning habit, custom,
disposition or character.
 It is a standard of conduct and values for job performance

Expectations for Employees

What does an employer want? What are the traits of a winning employee?

Traits of a Winning Employee

 Limit Absences. Be at work every day possible. Plan your absences
 Doesn’t abuse leave time. Come to work on time
 Be punctual every day

 Be honest - “Honesty is the single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final
success of an individual, corporation, or product.” Ed McMahon
 Be dependable. Complete assigned tasks correctly and promptly
 Be loyal. Speak positively about the company
 Be willing to learn. Look to improve your skills

 Be a team player- The ability to get along with others including those you don’t necessarily like
 Leadership abilities- The ability to be led and/or to become the leader
 Be a contributing member- The ability to carry your own weight and help others who are struggling
 Accept compromise- Recognize when to speak up with an idea and when to compromise by blend
ideas together

 Dress Appropriately. Dress for Success! Set your best foot forward.
 Personal hygiene
 Good manners. (Hand shake)
 Eye contact
 Remember that the first impression of who you are can last a lifetime.

 Have a good attitude. Listen to suggestions. Be positive.
 Accept responsibility for ones work.
 If you make a mistake, admit it.

 Do the work correctly. Quality and timeliness are prized.
 Get along with co-workers. Cooperation is the key to productivity
 Help out whenever asked. Do “extras” without being asked
 Take pride in your work.
 Do things the best you know how.

 Make an effort to improve. Learn ways to better yourself.
 Time Management- utilizes time and resources to get the most out of both.

 Written Communications- Being able to correctly write reports and memorandums.
 Verbal Communications- Being able to communicate one on one or to a group

 Follow company rules and policies.
 Learn and follow expectations.
 Get along with co-workers.
 Cooperation is the key to productivity
 Appreciate privileges and don’t abuse them
 Privileges are favors and benefits

 Work hard.
 Work to the best of your ability.
 Carry out orders
 Do what’s asked the first time
 Show respect. Accept and acknowledge an individual’s talents and knowledge


They get laid off. Job loss not their fault.
They get fired. Job lost because of their actions.

Common Reasons Why Employees are fired

(Reasons that Law upholds as “just cause” for firing)

 Being late or absent from work
 Shows lack of responsibility
 Can hinder productivity

 Being dishonest- Trust, once lost, is hard to regain.
 Being unreliable- Dependability is an employee asset
 Abusing drugs or alcohol - Can create health/safety issues
 Bossing others around
 Giving orders is the boss’s job
 Not carrying your weight
 Not doing your part. Relying on others to do your job for you.

 Dress Code- This can be a safety issue as well a disregard for rules.
 Remember that you are a representative of your company how you dress and act can reflect
on the company.

 Being troublemakers- Stirring up dissent among others.
 Causing arguments and problems
 Being rude and using abusive language
 Inappropriate behavior is inexcusable

 Failing to do the task properly
 Costly errors hurt business
 Being lazy. It’s a form of theft
 Being careless Can lead to accidents/profit loss.

 Loosing Tools & Materials
 Unable to locate things
 Lack of Time Management. Not meeting deadlines.
 Unprepared Not ready for meetings or presentations

 Failure to communicate (written and/or verbal)
 Unable to properly express ones thoughts and ideas
 Unable to interpret instructions and directions

 Not getting along with others Co-workers, boss, and/or customers.
 Failing to follow rules and policies
 Not following instructions “Doing your own thing”

 Being disrespectful, argumentative and confrontational
 Making fun of, harassing, or discriminating against others, this could also land in court!

 Being dissatisfied all the time
 You agreed to the work/pay/hours
 Theft
 Incompetence- Lack of ability to perform assigned tasks


 Correct your faults, move forward
 Don’t repeat your mistakes, learn from them
 Think positively about your next job

Part I.
Instruction: The following are some common problems encountered in an establishment. Go over these
scenarios and give your proposed solution to avoid such conflict at the workplace.

1. Mr. Angelo got fired from his position because he did not do his responsibilities. He always
gives his workloads to his co-workers. What is the reason why he was fired?
-He is irresponsible in a way that he does not do or perform his duty as an employee.

2. Jinie is a beautiful employee with very impressive credentials. However, Michael, her boss
wants to court her even if he is already married. On the part of Jinie, what is the BEST answer to
decline the offer of Michael?
-With all due respect sir, I am here to do my work and none the less. I love my work and I love
my family. We just need to set aside any thing that can destroy you nor I.Thank You Sir.

2. Mr. Lee together with his friends decided to come to a club on Friday night. However, they still
have a work in a company. Thus, entering their workplace they already wear their party outfits. Is it
-No, because they should strictly follow rules like wearing the prescribed uniform in the company.If
that thing will happen, there should be sanctions for them.

3. Your lunch break is 12 noon up to 1:00 PM. However, you are already starving to death
because you did not eat your breakfast. The time is 11:50 AM. What is BEST thing to do?
- Try to ask for any cracker that can lessen your hunger since the waiting is only
10 minutes.

4. Ivy is a lover and a collector G-Tech Ball pen. In her office, there are a lot of G-Tech ball pens
in the storage room. What is the reason why she is not allowed to get those boxes of pen?
- She is not allowed to bring it home beacuse that’s her office property.

5. Ms. Pik Pak Boom is assigned in the Front Office Department as a trainee. Her work is to observe
what the other officers are doing. She found out that Ms. Mha Goo Lou secretly kept a
Php. 1,000.00 out of the cash box and placed it hurriedly in her pocket. What must Pik Pak Boom
- She must talk to Ms. Mha Goo Lou personally and might settled it to the superiors.
6. Every morning, Ms. Kha Loo Kha sees and stares at herself in the mirror. She’s telling herself that
she is beautiful no matter how flawed she is and that she loves every part of her body. What is the
most practical reason why she’s doing that?
- She needs to do it in order to boost her self confidence.

Part II.
Instruction: After the Pre- Immersion Orientation, list down at least 5 Do’s and Don’ts employed in the
workplace you are assigned.

Do’s Don’ts
1. Keep the positivity within you. 1.Don’t indulge yourself to negativity
2.Just focus on your work. 2.Don’t tend to wander in your workplace.
3. Act accordingly. 3.Don’t overpower your superiors.
4. Give your best out of 4. Don’t be late.
it. 5.Value the efforts of 5. Don’t forget to live on the mission and
everyone. vision of the work you have.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL “Kasama mo sa Iyong mga Pangarap.””

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