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He sought to rewrite utilitarianism in such a way that he would be able to demonstrate that
Shakespeare outranked push-pins.

a. Plato
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. John Stuart Mill
d. Thomas Hobbes

Jeremy Bentham's advice on pursuing pleasure is called ______________.

a. Calculus of Felicity
b. Propinquity
c. Purity
d. Fecundity

It breaks down even further into two subcategories: necessary (food, sleep, etc.) and
unnecessary (sexual desires, etc.)

a. Utilitarianism
b. Vain Desire
c. Hedonism
d. Natural Desire

He is a psychological egoist – believing that egoism is merely a biological fact.

a. Thomas Hobbes
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Epicurus
d. Plato

It argues that every act is motivated by self-interest. Humanity doesn’t have a choice – we
simply operate this way.

a. Psychological Egoism
b. Egoism
c. Plato's Egoism
d. Moral Egoism

This is known as moral philosophy. It seeks to address questions of morality: right vs. wrong,
good vs. bad, etc.

a. Egoism
b. Ethics
c. Consequentialism
d. Professionalism

It includes things such as decorative clothing, exotic foods, etc.

a. Utilitarianism
b. Hedonism
c. Natural Desire
d.  Vain Desire

He claimed that no act should be undertaken except for the pleasure which results, and no
act should be rejected but for the pain it produces. 

a. Plato
b. Epicurus
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. Jeremy Bentham

He is concerned that a utilitarian might actually conclude that a game of push-pin really was
better than poetry.

a. John Stuart Mill

b. Plato
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. Jeremy Bentham

This theory asserts that the empirical consequences of any given act have nothing to do
with the moral worth of the act.

a. Egoism
b. Ethics
c. Non-consequentialist
d. Consequentialism

He believed no one would knowingly operate against their best interests, and those that did
were clearly ignorant of what their best interests were.

a. Plato
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Epicurus
d. Thomas Hobbes
It is a theory of moral philosophy that is based on the principle that an action is morally
right if it produces a greater quantity of good or happiness than any other possible action.

a. Utilitarianism
b. Hedonism
c. Vain Desire
d. Natural Desire

It says that no act is good or bad in and of itself; rather it is good or bad only in terms of its

a. Consequentialism
b. Professionalism
c. Egoism
d. Ethics

It argues that every act ought to be motivated by self-interest.  It concludes that acting in

self-interest is the best motivator.

a. Psychological Egoism
b. Egoism
c. Plato's Egoism
d. Moral Egoism

He is the father of utilitarianism.

a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Thomas Hobbes
c. Epicurus
d. Plato


Software engineers shall act consistently with the ______________ interest.

a. Product
b. client and employer
c. management
d. public

May be decentralized (perhaps temporarily) so that lower level managers can make more

a. Ethical Standards
b. Decentralized Organization
c. Ethical Performance
d. Centralized Organization

In what year did Board of Directors approve “IEEE Code of Ethics for Engineers”?

a. 1912
b. 1990
c. 1963
d. 1974

Orientation that requires that employees identify with and commit to specified conduct.

a. Ethical Programs
b. Compliance Orientation
c. Values Orientation
d. Strong Ethics

Orientation that focuses more on an abstract core of ideals such as respect and

a. Strong Ethics
b. Values Orientation
c. Ethical Programs
d. Compliance Orientation

In what year was IEEE Code of Ethics adopted by the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers (AIEE)?

a. 1990
b. 1974
c. 1912
d. 1963

This represents employee ethics with formal statements that describe what an organization
expects of its employees.

a. Statement of Values
b. Codes of Ethics
c. Strong Ethics
d. Codes of Conduct

Corporate or business ethics with the most comprehensive document and consists of
general statements that serve as principles and the basis for the rules of conduct.
a. Statement of Values
b. Codes of Conduct
c. Strong Ethics
d. Codes of Ethics

These are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in

performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles.

a. Code of Ethics
b. Amateur Ethics
c.  Immature Ethics
d. Professional Ethics

May be centralized (perhaps temporarily) so that top level managers can ensure that ethical
decisions are made.

a. Decentralized Organization
b. Ethical Performance
c. Centralized Organization
d. Ethical Standards

In what year did the Board fo Directors approve the revision to the IEEE Code of Ethic?

a. 2002
b. 1963
c. 1912
d. 2006

This serves the general public and addresses stakeholder interests.

a. Strong Ethics
b. Statement of Values
c. Codes of Ethics
d. Codes of Conduct

In what year did the Board of Directors approve the simplified IEEE Code of Ethics?

a. 1912
b. 1974
c. 1963
d. 1990

These are formal statements of what an organization expects in the way of ethical behavior.

a. Codes of Conduct
b.  Statement of Values
c. Codes of Ethics
d.  Strong Ethics

Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their _________
consistent with the public interest.

a. product
b. client and employer
c. public
d. management

In what year did IEEE endorse “Canons of Ethics of Engineers” after AIEE/IRE merger?

a. 1912
b.  1990
c. 1974
d. 1963

Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional

a. profession
b. management
c. judgment
d. colleagues

Software engineers shall ensure that their __________ and related modifications meet the
highest professional standards possible. 

a. client and employer

b. public
c. management
d. product

Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical
approach to the management of software development and maintenance.

a. profession
b. colleagues
c. management
d. judgment
It is a program that creates the firm's ethical climate and helps ensure that all employees
understand the organization's values and comply with the policies and codes of conduct.

a. Ethical Programs
b. Compliance Orientation
c. Values Orientation
d. Strong Ethics

Quiz 3

One of the responsibilities of a compliance officer is to suggest contents for the code of
ethics for approval of a higher official.



In developing a code of ethics, always disregard anonymous reports.



A copy of the code must be inserted in the Annual Report for the shareholders and the
public to know about the company's position regarding ethical matters.



Ethics training must increase the percentage of employees reporting incidents of




The Code of Ethics would be effective if distributed as an executive mandate.



A step in implementing a Code of Ethics wherein employees and others need to be aware of
the consequences of breaching the code.

Answer: Enforcement
A key area in code of ethics that is the process by which the code is issued and a means to
obtain advice on potential breaches.

Answer: Implementation

A step in implementing a Code where copies of the code are made available to business
partners including suppliers and customers and expect their compliance.

Answer: Distribution

A method wherein an organization reviews how well it is meeting its new goals for the
upcoming year.

Answer: social audit

This is one way which an organization can demonstrate its values in action and to make a
positive connection with its stakeholders. This is demonstrated by socially responsible
activities towards the community.

Answer: Philanthropy

This one provides an organization with vision and leadership in the area of business

Answer: Corporate ethics officer

A statement that highlights an organization's key ethical issues and identifies the
outstretching values and principles that are important to the organization and its decision

Answer: Code of ethics

The step in implementing a code wherein a procedure is conducted for managers and
supervisors regularly to state that they and their staff understand and apply the provisions
of the code.

Answer: Affirmation

These are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business

Answer: Professional ethics

Quiz 4
Anything you post online via social networks is temporary. You may delete it at any time
and any traces will be removed completely from the website.



This can be defined as the application of classical ethical principles to the use of computer

Answer: Computer Ethics


In what year was IEEE Code of Ethics adopted by the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers (AIEE)?

a) 1912 
b) 1974
c) 1990
d) 1963

He sought to rewrite utilitarianism in such a way that he would be able to demonstrate that
Shakespeare outranked push-pins.

a) John Stuart Mill 

b) Plato
c) Jeremy Bentham
d) Thomas Hobbes

Software engineers shall ensure that their __________ and related modifications meet the
highest professional standards possible. 

a) Public
b) client and employer
c) product 
d) management

He claimed that no act should be undertaken except for the pleasure which results, and no
act should be rejected but for the pain it produces. 

a) Thomas Hobbes
b) Plato
c) Jeremy Bentham
d) Epicurus 
It breaks down even further into two subcategories: necessary (food, sleep, etc.) and
unnecessary (sexual desires, etc.)

a) Utilitarianism
b) Vain Desire
c) Natural Desire 
d)  Hedonism

May be decentralized (perhaps temporarily) so that lower level managers can make more

a) Centralized Organization
b) Decentralized Organization
c) Ethical Standards
d)  Ethical Performance
It includes things such as decorative clothing, exotic foods, etc.
a) Hedonism
b) Utilitarianism
c) Natural Desire
d) Vain Desire 
It argues that every act is motivated by self-interest. Humanity doesn’t have a choice – we
simply operate this way.
a) Egoism
b) Moral Egoism
c) Psychological Egoism
d) Plato's Egoism
It argues that every act ought to be motivated by self-interest.  It concludes that acting in
self-interest is the best motivator.
a) Psychological Egoism
b)  Moral Egoism
c) Egoism
d) Plato's Egoism
In what year did Board of Directors approve “IEEE Code of Ethics for Engineers”?
a) 1990
b) 1912
c) 1974
d) 1963
In what year did the Board of Directors approve the simplified IEEE Code of Ethics?
a) 1974
b) 1912
c) 1990
d) 1963
It is a program that creates the firm's ethical climate and helps ensure that all employees
understand the organization's values and comply with the policies and codes of conduct.
a) Ethical Programs 
b)  Strong Ethics
c) Compliance Orientation
d) Values Orientation
He is a psychological egoist – believing that egoism is merely a biological fact.
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) Plato
c) Epicurus
d) Thomas Hobbes
He believed no one would knowingly operate against their best interests, and those that did
were clearly ignorant of what their best interests were.
a)  Jeremy Bentham
b)  Epicurus
c) Thomas Hobbes
d)  Plato
He is concerned that a utilitarian might actually conclude that a game of push-pin really was
better than poetry.
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) John Stuart Mill 
c)  Plato
d) Thomas Hobbes
Jeremy Bentham's advice on pursuing pleasure is called ______________.
a) Calculus of Felicity
b) Fecundity
c) Propinquity
d) Purity
May be centralized (perhaps temporarily) so that top level managers can ensure that ethical
decisions are made.
a) Ethical Standards
b) Decentralized Organization
c) Ethical Performance
d) Centralized Organization
It is a theory of moral philosophy that is based on the principle that an action is morally
right if it produces a greater quantity of good or happiness than any other possible action.
a) Vain Desire
b)  Utilitarianism
c) Hedonism
d) Natural Desire
Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their _________
consistent with the public interest.
a)  Product
b) client and employer 
c) management
d) public
This is known as moral philosophy. It seeks to address questions of morality: right vs. wrong,
good vs. bad, etc.
a)  Consequentialism
b) Professionalism
c) Ethics
d) Egoism
Corporate or business ethics with the most comprehensive document and consists of
general statements that serve as principles and the basis for the rules of conduct.
a) Codes of Conduct
b) Strong Ethics
c) Codes of Ethics 
d)  Statement of Values
In what year did IEEE endorse “Canons of Ethics of Engineers” after AIEE/IRE merger?
a) 1912
b) 1963
c)  1990
d) 1974
These are often established by professional organizations to help guide members in
performing their job functions according to sound and consistent ethical principles.
a) Professional Ethics 
b)  Amateur Ethics
c) Code of Ethics
d)  Immature Ethics
Orientation that requires that employees identify with and commit to specified conduct.
a) Compliance Orientation
b) Ethical Programs
c) Strong Ethics
d)  Values Orientation
An area in the Code of Ethics that emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction and
good faith in all agreements, quality, fair pricing and after-sales service.
a) Shareholders
b) Customer Relations
c) Society or the wider community
d) Assurance, reporting and reviews
It says that no act is good or bad in and of itself; rather it is good or bad only in terms of its
a) Ethics
b) Consequentialism
c) Egoism
d)  Professionalism
Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional
a) Judgment
b)  Colleagues
c) Profession
d) Management
Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical
approach to the management of software development and maintenance.
a) Judgment
b) Management
c) Colleagues
d) Profession
This theory asserts that the empirical consequences of any given act have nothing to do
with the moral worth of the act.
a) Consequentialism
b) Ethics
c) Non-consequentialist
d)  Egoism
Orientation that focuses more on an abstract core of ideals such as respect and
a)  Values Orientation
b) Ethical Programs
c) Compliance Orientation
d) Strong Ethics
He is the father of utilitarianism.
a) Jeremy Bentham
b)  Plato
c) Epicurus
d) Thomas Hobbes
In what year did the Board fo Directors approve the revision to the IEEE Code of Ethic?
a) 2002
b)  1912
c)  1963
d) 2006
This serves the general public and addresses stakeholder interests.
a)  Statement of Values
b)  Codes of Ethics
c) Strong Ethics
d) Codes of Conduct
Software engineers shall act consistently with the ______________ interest.
a) Product
b) Public
c) Management
d)  client and employer
This represents employee ethics with formal statements that describe what an organization
expects of its employees.
a) Codes of Conduct
b)  Statement of Values
c) Strong Ethics
d) Codes of Ethics
These are formal statements of what an organization expects in the way of ethical behavior.
a) Codes of Ethics
b) Strong Ethics
c) Codes of Conduct
d) Statement of Values


Disclosing referral fees to the client is up to the executive's decision.

When a patch is not aptly tested, problems arise.
Performing shortcuts when implementing a new system is not always a good idea, but
unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary in order to meet aggressive time constraints.
This involves controlling an integrated computer system and maximizing performance and
productivity of that system.
Answer: Networking
A crucial process for determining system integrity and business practice integrity.
Answer: Audit
The daily responsibilities of the administrator such as monitoring the system, managing
users and passwords, allocating system resources and installations.
Answer: System Administration
They possess great power in the corporate world. They have the ability to spy on fellow
employees as they can see the websites employees are visiting, monitor employee emails
and online chats, view data on personal computers connected to the corporate network and
much more.
a) System administrator
b) Black hat hackers
c) White hat hackers
d) Auditor
The process of broadly disseminating as much information as possible regarding product or
system vulnerabilities so that potential victims possess the same information as the
potential hackers. 
a) Full disclosure
b) Ethical duty to warn
c) Limited disclosure
d) Nondisclosure policy
Having this policy within a company means that whomever signs the nondisclosure
agreement agrees to keep the vulnerability information within that organization tightly
contained so that no one outside of the organization, especially the general public, ever
learns of the existence of product vulnerabilities. 
a) Ethical duty to warn
b) Nondisclosure policy
c) Limited disclosure
d) Full disclosure
They are responsible for finding vulnerabilities. They also have their own set of moral issues
to address when reversing engineering products for the protection purposes of discovering
a) Auditor
b) Black hat hackers
c) System administrator
d) White hat hackers

The main job of the postmaster is to retrieve an email from the legitimate sender to the
legitimate receiver.
Allowing the destruction of discoverable evidence is legal if approved by a higher official.
A cyberattack wiped the data from hard drives of computers in banks in South Korea. The
attack came from an email mimicking a South Korean bank. What type of identity theft scam
did they do?
a) Con Artists and Email Questionnaires
b) "Find Out Everything on Anyone" Scams
c) Account Verification or "Phisher" exams
This reveals surprisingly detailed information that is significantly private. It is suggested that
you keep this practice limited to authorized investigations and legitimate troubleshooting in
order to preserve the users' expectation of privacy, as defined by company policy
Answer: Traffic Analysis
A teenager requests for money from random people because of an email he received
containing instructions on how to make cash in the next few weeks. This scam is done in the
form of _______________.
a) Chain Letter
b)  Identity theft
c) Monetary Gain

Employers should search an employee's personal effects for the purpose of searching for
any suspicious conversations and unnecessary use of social media.
Answer: False
National security and individual privacy are both critical and important to consider.
Answer: true
A key area in code of ethics that is the process by which the code is issued and a means to
obtain advice on potential breaches.
Answer: Implementation
The process of collecting data about a person using false pretenses.
Answer: Federal Trade Commission
Amazon enables users to set and manage parental controls connected to devices used by
children such as Kindle. For example, a parent may opt to set a PIN on Purchase to authorize
purchases and rentals. This is an example of what kind of ethical dilemma in privacy?
Answer: Parental Surveillance
The process of using historical data to predict the future. This type of technology is used for
purchasing inventory, stock predictions, sales predictions and overall business assessments.
a) Data Forecasting
b) Data Modelling
c) Domain Hijacking
d) Using Back Doors
What type of coding practice emphasises the importance of the allocation and use of
memory for programmers?
a)  Correct Use of Memory
b) Staying Current with Coding Practices
c) Ethical Use of System Resources
d)  Redoing Code Due to Management Changes
This coding practice is done when the deadlines imposed on programmers force them to
find the best possible solution somewhere in the middle.
a) Pseudo Code
b) Correct Use of Memory
c) Staying Current with Coding Practices
d) Ethical Use of System Resources
What type of coding practice should be done when operating systems are upgraded?
a) Ethical Use of System Resources
b)  Redoing Code Due to Management Changes
c) Staying Current with Coding Practices
d) Correct Use of Memory
These are considered significant security risk, but not being able to get into an application is
a serious development issue when a problem arises.
a) Data Modelling
b) Database Administrator
c) Using Back Doors
d) Data Forecasting
The process of creating an architecture diagram that represents the entities and their
corresponding relationship within a corporate database.
a) Using Back Doors
b)  Data Modelling
c) . Data Forecasting
d) Domain Hijacking
This type of coding is done to have minimum reworking to do at the testing phase. 
a) Code Design
b) Code Review
c) Data Forecasting
d) Database Administrator
The process of stealing a domain name from another entity.
a)  Domain hijacking
b) Trojan horses
c) Computer virus
d) Cable modem hacking
A key player in information technology who is responsible for all of the data within a
a) Coder
b) Computer Programmer
c) Database Administrator
d) Social Audit
This process checks the basic vulnerabilities of the program. These tests probe and attempt
to penetrate the security of the program and system in which it is running.
a) Code Review
b) Database Administrator
c) Data Forecasting
d) Code Design
This aims to check applications, databases, networks, remote computing resources, and any
other system connected to the business that is vulnerable.
Answer: Penetration testing

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