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1. 用 30 公尺鋼卷尺測得二點之距離為 210.

00 公尺,事後與標準尺比較,該尺長為
30.01 公尺,則此距離之真實長度為
use a steel tape in 30 m to measure a distance 210.00 m, it is compared with a standard
meter, then the referred distance is 30.01 m. So the real distance after standardization
correction (尺長改正) = ?
30/30.01 = 210/x => compute x

2.假設某一電子測距儀之量測精度為±(5㎜+5ppm‧D),D 為距離,以該儀器量測一
段 800 公尺距離,請問下列何者為其量測精度?
Suppose the measurement accuracy for a EDM is ±(5㎜+5ppm‧D), where D is
measured distance. We use this instrument to measure a distance (800m), then how to
compute the measurement accuracy ? standard deviation = sqrt(5mm^2+(5x10^-
σ =√ 52+(5∗10−6∗800∗1000)2=¿
如所測距離為 500 公尺,而使用之全測站經緯儀之電子測距精度為±(2㎜+2ppm),由
儀器所產生之誤差(error)量為 sqrt(5)
1ppm = 1/1000000
5ppm =5/1000000

2. 某段距離經多次量得數據分別為
There are some observations for a distance are 90.125m, 90.123m, 90.130m, 95.236m, and
90.126m, respectively. Then the most probable value (best estimation) for the distance is ?
The value, 95.236 is an obs. with gross error due to the big difference between that
value and other obs., so we did not use this data to compute the best estimation.
The best estimate for the distance =
Residual v= obs.-mean
v 12 + v 22 + v 32 + v 42 =0.0029 m

90.1260.0029 m

一距離用鋼捲尺量四次,分別為 1.385, 1.387, 1.389, 及 1.393 m, 求最或是值及觀測值

(observation)之中誤差(root-mean-squares 均方根差)為何 ?
Use a steel tape to measure a distance 4 times, observations are 1.385, 1.387, 1.389, and
1.393 m, respectively. Solve the most probable value (or called the best estimation) and
the standard deviation for observation
Mean = (1.385+1.387+1.389+1.393)/4=1.3885=1.3885

4.經以電子測距儀(EDM)測得一距離 2,500m,而該距離觀測量(observations)中誤差
(standard error)為±0.005m,則其相對精度(relative accuracy)為
Relative accuracy = 中誤差/距離=0.005/2500 m =1/ 500,000
100 cm/1000 m=100/100000 cm=1/1000
經以電子測距儀測得一距離 1,500m,而該距離觀測量相對精度為 1/18750,則其中
Standard error=1500m/18750

5.以全測站經緯儀量測 A、B 點間斜距(slope distance),得其距離為 536.951m;如測

得垂直角(vertical angle)為 3°00'00",若忽略海平面歸化改正,則 AB 間水平距離(HD)
為何? (Slope correction)
536.951*cos 3=

6.稜鏡加常數 Prism additive constant = the offset between plumb line and effective
A、B、C 為同一直線上之順序三點,以電子測距儀設站於 A 量測 AB 為
30.506m、AC 距離為 61.000m,再設站於 B 量測 BC 距離為 30.506m,稜鏡加常數應

Point A, B, and C located at a same straight line, setup an EDM at point A, then
measure AB distance (30.506 m), AC distance (61.000m). Next, setup EDM
instrument at point B, measure BC distance (30.506), so prism additive constant is ?


Ans : Suppose prism additive constant is e,

AC distance = AB distance + BC distance
 61.000+e=(30.506+e)+(30.506+e)
 2e-e=e=61.000-30.506-30.506=-0.012m

A、B、C、D 為同一直線上之順序四點,以電子測距儀設站於 A 量測 AB 為
31.108m、AD 距離為 90.390m,再設站於 C 量測 BC 距離為 29.105m、CD 距離為
7. Propagation of uncertainty (or propagation of error)
When f is a set of non-linear combination of the variables xi (i=1~n), f(x), the Taylor
expansion would be:

If we know the standard error for variables x, the error propagation rule can be
used to estimate the standard error for function f as follows:

∂f 2 2 ∂f 2 2 ∂f 2 2
( )
σ 2f =
∂ x1
∗σ x +
1 ( )
∂ x2
∗σ x +
∂ x3
2 ( )
∗σ x +…

We use a tape to measure an rectangle, the length and width is 120.3750.005m,

40.0880.005m, respectively. Can you use error propagation rule to compute the
standard error of the area for a rectangle ?
Hint: Area (A)= length (L) x width (W) => A=L*W
2 2
A 2 =( ∂ A ) σ 2L +( ∂ A ) σ 2W =W 2∗0.0052+ L2∗0.0052
∂L ∂W

In the Question 2, when we derived the standard error for observations, can you
use error propagation rule to compute the standard error for the Mean ?

Hint: Ĺ= L1+ L2+ L3 + L4 = 1 ∗L1+ 1 ∗L2 + 1 ∗L3+ 1 ∗L4

4 4 4 4 4

2 2
∂ Ĺ 2 ∂ Ĺ 2 ∑ v 2i
σ Ĺ = (

∂ L1 ( )
) ∗σ L12 +
∂ Ĺ
∂ L2
∗σ L 22 +
∂ Ĺ
( )
∂ L3
∗σ L32+(
∂ L4 √1
) ∗σ L 42= ∗σ 2L=
4 i=1

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