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A Victory for a Vet.


Judge James Boland. Good morning Mr. Boland.

James Boland Good morning.
Judge Good morning your honor. Take a seat.
James Boland Thank you.
Judge Can you hear me okay? Mr. Boland, you have two charges. One is a red light
violation, and the other is a speeding ticket.
James Boland I wasn't aware, until this morning, of the speeding.
Judge All right.
James Boland I don't make a habit of doing these things. I don't know.
Judge I don't know, we're checking on you.
James Boland Okay, put the handcuffs (borgol) on, go ahead.
Judge You have a speeding violation in a school zone. You were doing two miles over the
James Boland Yeah, two miles over?
Judge That's right, and it was at 5:19 in the evening in a school zone.
James Boland I think I was coming from the VA probably and
Judge Yeah, you were. It was on Charles Street, up near the VA hospital.
James Boland Yeah, which, I go there quite often.
Judge Yeah. We'll get to that in a minute. You know, this is the, now the school zones,
schools are usually closed earlier than five o'clock. But, the school zones, they
extend it because of the after school activities.
James Boland Ah.
Judge Until six o'clock at night. Now, I know they're not there until six every night, but
that's not going to exonerate (membebaskan) you, I know that. Now, do you
remember the red light on North Main and Branch?
James Boland You know, I don't know. I mean I guess I did. I'm sure I did, but I don't normally go
through it. I don't make a habit of it, okay.
If I see a yellow, I might, maybe, take a shot (mengambil/jalan terus) at a yellow
once in a while (jalan terus sesekali), but I don't do it often. So, I'm guilty, I guess.
Judge Well we're gonna find out in a minute. Okay.
James Boland All right.
Judge We have a video. Lets take a look at the video.
James Boland Do we have to? Do I have to see this?
Judge This is your car, it's in the left hand lane, the light is red, and then you made the left
hand turn.
James Boland I won't do it again. I can assure you that.
Judge Oh, I hear that excuse all the time. Now, I notice you have a hat there,
that says Vietnam Veteran.
James Boland Era, I was in during Vietnam. I was in Germany. I was stationed in Germany.
Judge You served during the Vietnam era.
James Boland Yeah.
Judge Yeah, now, Inspector Carrigan is a former Marine.
James Boland Okay, my son for 20 years and he retired.
Judge You were in the Army?
James Boland I'm a military type guy.
Judge You were in the Army?
James Boland Air force.
Judge Air force?
James Boland Air police.
Judge Yeah and you were in Germany. My brother served in Germany too.
James Boland Yeah, I was lucky, I didn't go, you know?
Judge My attitude is this. I have an enormous amount (jumlah luar biasa besar) of respect
for people that serve in the military, right? So, you were in during the Vietnam War.
And it doesn't make any difference, whether you were stationed in Providence,
Rhode Island, or California, or Germany, or anywhere in the world. But, you were
like one day away from being sent to Vietnam. Anybody that was in the service,
right, could have received orders to go to Vietnam. And you were in the service, you
volunteered your time for the sake of (demi) the country, and to me, that means a
great deal. So, I think that I can give you a break on two miles over the limit because
of your service. I'm not sure if you behaved yourself in Germany, but we'll check
your record anyway.
James Boland You don't see the halo (lingkaran cahaya) on my head?
Judge (chuckles/tertawa) All right.
Judge Inspector Carrigan, as a Marine, what do you want to do? You wanna give the Air
Force guy a break (istirahat)?
Inspector Carrigan Absolutely, your honor.
James Boland I like Marines, they're good people
Judge Oh sure, buttering him up now. (menggodanya sekarang)
James Boland The only thing is,
Inspector Carrigan They have, Air Force has great food and barracks.
James Boland That's right.
Inspector Carrigan I went and visited that a couple of times and what a difference. It's like a restaurant.
The barracks are like a hotel.
James Boland The Army! The Army used to come over too. They used to come over. I don't know
what, I don't know.
Inspector Carrigan Yeah, we used to sleep in 10 man hooches (tempat tinggal atau tempat tinggal
improvisasi) with diesel drip to heat it, nah. That's okay.
Judge Well, I love the Marines and the Air Force but get outta here so I can get the rest of
these people out. Okay?
James Boland Is that it?
Judge Get out. The case is dismissed (dibubarkan/selesai).
James Boland Thank you. Thank you so much.

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