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1395/03/20 ‫ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ‬


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 : ‫ﻋﻨــﻮان درس‬

    : ‫ﻛﺪ درس‬/‫رﺷﺘﻪ ﺗﺤﺼﻴﻠﻲ‬

1- The scholastic philosophy was too stiff and formal, slavishly following ……………., whose works had
been introduced to the knowledge of Europe in a great measure by the Arabs.
1. Socrates 2. Plato 3. Aristotle 4. all of them

2- With regard to medieval period, ……………………….. are without philosophy or science, except in the
case of the Moors or Arab invaders of the Peninsula, who translated and reproduced much in
Greek thought.
1. Scandinavia and Spain 2. England and France
3. Italy and Germany 4. Greeks and Romans

3- The only languages of the Middle Ages that have come down to modern times as living tongues,
without undergoing any great modification, are:
1. Italian and Spanish 2. German and Russian

3. English and French 4. Swedish and Greek

4- Anglo-Saxon had an entire mass of literature at the time of ……….. — including not only poems,
but even histories in prose and scientific works —it soon vanished under the influence of …………..-
speaking Normans.
1. Alcuin – German 2. Alcuin – French 3. Alfred – German 4. Alfred- French

5- Italian literature in the middle age has two elements: first, the ……………, connecting it with the
philosophy and spirit of the Middle Ages, in Dante. The second element is the ……………, a term
used to express the effect produced on Italian literature by classical models, particularly
exemplified in Petrarch and Boccaccio.
1. antique – allegorical 2. allegorical – antique
3. Scholastic – didactic 4. didactic – Scholastic

6- ……………. governor of Eeggio, and a statesman a+ached to the court of Hercules I. at Ferrara (1430-
1494), composed his "Orlando Innamorato" about the same 7me that Pulci gave forth his
1. Morgante 2. Rinaldo 3. Boiardo 4. Ariosto

7- In "Orlando Furioso" by Ariosto, The principal character of the poem ………………becomes mad
through love for Angelica.

1. Roland 2. Morgante 3. Politiano 4. Oriana

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1395/03/20 ‫ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ‬

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 : ‫ﻋﻨــﻮان درس‬

    : ‫ﻛﺪ درس‬/‫رﺷﺘﻪ ﺗﺤﺼﻴﻠﻲ‬

8- ………………….was antipodal to Metastasio, whom he accused of having corrupted the Italian taste
by his effeminacy. He felt a sort of personal hatred for Metastasio's system, which he charged with
the humiliation which had so long debased the Italians.
1. Carlo Goldoni 2. Count Vittorio Alfieri

3. Torquato Tasso 4. Niccolo Machiavelli

9- …………………….. by Calderon is as terrible an expression of jealousy and a high sense of family

honor as the Othello of Shakespeare. The wife of Don Gutiere de Solis, a Spanish noble, is sincerely
attached to her husband; but unfortunate accidents make her appear to be alienated from him.

1. The Physician of his own Honor 2. The Firm-hearted Prince

3. Worse and Worse 4. The Scarf and the Flower

10- The poet peculiarly deserving the charge of introducing and promoting cultism in Spain was
1. elder Moratin 2. younger Moratin 3. Cervantes 4. Luis de Gongoza

11- The culture and national literature of Portugal are closely connected with those of …………..; but it
is inferior in most branches of poetry, except the epic.
1. Italy 2. Spain 3. France 4. Germany

12- Camoens produced other works of considerable merit, particularly sonnets, but his fame and
greatness rest on ……………..
1. Orlando 2. Gerusalemme 3. Os Lusiadas 4. Mariana

13- ……………. unconsciously was the precursor of the philosophy of identity between man and nature.
The French fabulist sympathizes with all creation; all that lives, all that grows — the tree, the bird,
the flower of the field — has a soul and language for the poet. He is the only French one who links
the past to the future, and of all French writers he had the most English sympathy with nature.

1. La Fontaine 2. Boileau 3. Voltaire 4. Descartes

14- ………………… has made the only real attempt at a French epic, the "Henriade". At the age of
twenty, behind the bars and bolts of the Bastille, he had sketched out the first outline of his poem.

1. La Fontaine 2. Boileau 3. Voltaire 4. Descartes

4 ‫ از‬2 ‫ﺻﻔﺤﻪ‬ 1394-95 ‫ﻧﻴﻤﺴﺎل دوم‬ 1010/101043497

1395/03/20 ‫ﻛﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ارﺷﺪ‬

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 : ‫ﻋﻨــﻮان درس‬

    : ‫ﻛﺪ درس‬/‫رﺷﺘﻪ ﺗﺤﺼﻴﻠﻲ‬

15- ……………….. as President of the Peace Society, as an eloquent advocate of democracy, when orator
in the National Assembly, as exile at Jersey, and the author of a rather spiteful satire on the coup
d’etal, "Napoleon le Petit", has shown himself the consistent friend of liberty, though visionary, as
becomes a poet. It may be added that his fugitive pieces are, "Odes et Ballades", "Les Orientales",
"Feuilles d'Automne", "Han d'Islande", "Bug Jargal", and "Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamne".

1. Victor Hugo 2. Alphonse de Lamartine

3. Pierre Jean Beranger 4. Réné de Chateaubriand

16- Comedy may be described as criticism in action; it originated in Greece, …………….. being the first
and the greatest comic writer— the great master of the art.
1. Euripides 2. Aristophanes 3. Plautus 4. Aeschylus

17- Corneille was fond of portraying ………………… characters, and thought he knew the world well; but
his attempt is clumsy and unsuitable.
1. Machiavellian 2. Comic 3. Tragic 4. Catastrophic

18- ………….. is the author of sonnets in the style of Petrarch, and of a pastoral romance, "Arcadia".

1. Edmund Spenser 2. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

3. Sir Philip Sidney 4. Thomas Wyatt

19- Following lines belong to Shakespeare's …………………….

“Is this a dagger which I see before me?
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee;
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind; a false creation,

1. Hamlet 2. Macbeth

3. Romeo and Juliet 4. Midsummer Night's Dream

20- At the age of twenty-one he wrote his "Hymn to the Nativity"; then came his "Arcades", a mask,
written for the Countess of Derby, and "Comus", a mask composed at Ludlow Castle; and further,
"Lycidas", a monody on a college companion — Edward King — drowned at sea.
1. John Milton 2. Andrew Marvell 3. Ben Jonson 4. John Dryden

21- ……………., author of "Hudibras" a satirical poem directed against the Puritans, associated with a
wonderful amount of learning.
1. Alexander Pope 2. John Bunyan 3. Jonathan Swift 4. Samuel Butler

4 ‫ از‬3 ‫ﺻﻔﺤﻪ‬ 1394-95 ‫ﻧﻴﻤﺴﺎل دوم‬ 1010/101043497

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 : ‫ﻋﻨــﻮان درس‬

    : ‫ﻛﺪ درس‬/‫رﺷﺘﻪ ﺗﺤﺼﻴﻠﻲ‬

22- Byron's poet of a thousand years, was ………….., deformed, irritable, a Papist, and then a
freethinker, on whom the mantle of Dryden had descended, but who led Dryden's school to the
highest pitch of excellence of which it was capable. He is the author of "Dunciad".
1. Alexander Pope 2. John Bunyan 3. Jonathan Swift 4. Samuel Butler

23- …………………was a Unitarian parson and a dragoon, was a wild genius. He is qualified by some as a
philosophic theologian and a dreamy poet. England was too positive for his German views; he
finds or lends a sense to the smallest object; his philosophy appears behind all his ideas and
1. William Wordsworth 2. Lord Byron
3. S. T. Coleridge 4. Percy Bysshe Shelley

24- Which of the following classifications does NOT belong to the poetry of Middle Ages?
1. Rittergedichte 2. Minnegesang 3. Saga 4. Allegory

25- The glory of ………… poetic literature is Adam Ohlenschlager, born at Vesterbro, brought up at
Fredericsborg palace, taken in hand by an eminent poet of the day, frequenting the philosophical
society of the two Oersteds, and developed to maturity by a close study of northern mythology,
and by his travels.
1. Danish 2. French 3. Russian 4. Spanish

# $%& '()
26- The "Nibelungen'' falls into two parts, the first consisting of fable, the second containing , +$,
a fusion of history with fable. Give a brief summary of the substance of the first part.

27- Reagarding the French prose — from Pascal to Rousseau, describe what is Jansenism? , +$,

28- Name at least four tragedies and four comedies by Shakespeare. , +$,

29- Briefly explain the general moods of Milton's "Allegro" and "Penseroso". , +$,

30- With regard to English literature, who are "Blue Stockings"? What are their ideals? , +$,

31- The author of Vanity Fair (1848), whom has changed novel into sa7re, and no writer was , +$,
better gifted than him for bitter satire, adopting the passion and common sense leading-
strings of Englishmen.

32- The greatest work of this German author is undoubtedly "Faust", containing all that is , +$,
beautiful in poetry, with much wondrous philosophy.

4 ‫ از‬4 ‫ﺻﻔﺤﻪ‬ 1394-95 ‫ﻧﻴﻤﺴﺎل دوم‬  /  --

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