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Melanin Pigments of Fungi

Tatiana A. Belozerskaya, Natalya N. Gessler, and
Andrey A. Aver‘yanov

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
2 Melanin Biosynthesis in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
2.1 The DHN-Melanin Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
2.2 L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine-Melanin Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
2.3 Glutaminyl-4-Hydroxybenzene Melanin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
2.4 Two Pathways of Melanin Biosynthesis in One Fungus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
3 Localization of Melanins in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
4 Properties of Melanins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
5 Melanins in Extremophilic Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
6 Fungal Melanin as a Factor of Pathogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.1 Evidence That Fungal Pathogenicity Depends on Melanin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.2 Mechanisms of Melanin Involvement in Fungal Pathogenicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Fungi possess all kinds of melanins found in nature. These pigments are products
of polymerization of phenolic compounds. Phenolic precursors determine
the polymerization products. Though formed via different precursors, polymer-
ized melanins possess common properties. Melanin multifunctionality is well
documented in fungi. Such functions of melanins as creating a tolerance
to harsh environments are fulfilled in both saprophytes and parasites.

T.A. Belozerskaya (*) • N.N. Gessler

Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
A.A. Aver‘yanov
Research Institute of Phytopathology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, Russia

# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 263

J.-M. Mérillon, K.G. Ramawat (eds.), Fungal Metabolites, Reference Series in
Phytochemistry, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-25001-4_29
264 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

But pathogenic fungi face double impact – hostile environment plus defenses of
their hosts. Fungal melanin affords remarkable protection from many such factors
and thus favors pathogenicity. Besides, pathogen melanins may act as an arm of
aggression through involvement in parasite’s penetration and suppression of
host’s responses. In outline, natural polymers of this group have irregular struc-
ture and perform effectively many biologically important functions related to high
adaptive flexibility of their carriers.

Melanins • Biosynthesis • Localization • Properties • Extremophylic fungi •

List of Abbreviations
Bq/kg Becquerel/kg
DHI 5,6-Dihydroxyindole
DHICA 5,6-Dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid
DHN Dihydroxynaphthalene
DOPA L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine
ESR Electron spin resonance
eV Electron volt
GHB Glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene
GDHB Glutaminyl-3,4-dihydroxybenzene
O2 Singlet oxygen
OH Hydroxyl free radical
PKS Polyketide synthase
ROS Reactive oxygen species
1,3,6,8-THN 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene
UV Ultraviolet
W/m2 Watt/m2

1 Introduction

In order to survive extremes of pH, temperature, salinity, radioactivity, and host

defenses, microorganisms have been found to develop unique protective mecha-
nisms. Melanization occurs in the environment and is important for adaptation to
unfavorable life conditions. The term “melanin” originates from melanos – a Greek
word for black. Мelanin is a class of compounds found in plants, animals, fungi, and
protists. The presence of various kinds of melanins in representatives of almost every
large taxon suggests an evolutionary importance of melaninogenesis [1]. In general,
melanins are hydrophobic pigment biopolymers formed by oxidative polymerization
of phenolic or indolic compounds. Exact structures of melanins are unidentified.
Fungi show successful examples of adaptation to extreme conditions, especially
toward two or more extreme factors. They demonstrate all the variety of melanins
found in nature: eumelanins (black or dark brown), pheomelanins (yellow or red),
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 265

and the most heterogeneous group of allomelanins, including soluble piomelanins

and melanins formed from dihydroxynaphthalene compounds (DHN) [1, 2]. Though
formed via different precursors, polymerized melanins possess common properties
[3]. The melanin is produced after cessation of active growth and is therefore a likely
secondary metabolite.
Melanin in fungi has been postulated to be involved in a range of virulence-
associated properties, including interactions with hosts, oxidative stresses, UV light,
and hydrolytic enzymes; resistance to antifungal agents; iron-binding activities; and
even the harnessing of ionizing radiation in contaminated soils [4–7]. The photo-
chemical properties of melanin make it an excellent photoprotectant. It absorbs
harmful UV radiation and transforms the energy into harmless amounts of heat.
These properties eventuate adaptations of fungi to stressful environments: high
insolation, low temperature, low water content, starvation, elevated ROS, and
increased radioactivity. Melanin protects fungi from presence of toxins [8–10]. Mel-
anin as an element of pathogenic mechanisms includes sequestration of host defen-
sive proteins, redox buffering, trapping of single electrons, dismutation of
superoxide anion radical, an osmotic role in penetration of the (plant) cell wall by
the appressorium, and protection against hydrolytic enzymes [4–6, 11]. Additionally,
melanin provides defense from environmental predation by microorganisms such as
the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, and the amoeba, Acanthamoeba castellani
[12, 13]. Thus, melanin has a protective role in fungi both in the host and in the
environment. Melanized fungi have been discovered in extreme cold, dry, salty,
acidic climate; deep-sea habitats; zones depleted of nutrients; etc. Moreover, quite a
wide taxonomic range of yeast-like and mycelial fungi have evolved potent radiation
resistance [14, 15].
This chapter highlights the properties of melanins allowing extremophilic fungi to
expand widely, in detrimental to the majority of other species habitats, even under
significantly different extreme conditions imposed as a consequence of human insult
of the environment. We have also touched on melanin types in fungi, their biosyn-
thesis and localization, melanin precursors in fungal cells, and role of melanin in
parasitic fungi, mainly the plant pathogens.

2 Melanin Biosynthesis in Fungi

Fungal melanin diversity is achieved through two biosynthetic pathways: acetate-

malonate pathway and shikimic acid one (scheme). High molecular weight melanins
are formed by oxidative polymerization of phenolic compounds (scheme). These
reactions are catalyzed by copper-based enzymes. Copper is important for the
production of melanin by both the DHN and L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)
pathways [16, 17] (Scheme 1).
Depending on the precursors, the resulting products of polymerization are the
brown-black eumelanin, the yellow-red pheomelanin, and a heterogeneous group of
allomelanins, including piomelanins and, a very common in fungi, DHN-melanin
formed via the polyketide pathway. Eumelanins are dark brown to black pigments
266 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

Shikimic acid pathway metabolites

Acetate-malonate pathway NH2
metabolites O
1,3,6,8- NH2
Tetrahydroxy- γ -Glu
naphthalene HO OH γ -Glutaminyl- NH
4-hydroxy- Tyrosine OH
Scytalone O
4-Hydroxy- − DOPA
phenylpyruvate O
Triydroxy- O
naphthalene HO Cysteinyl- O OH DOPA-
quinone OH

Vermelone γ -Glu −
Homogentisic O Indole-5,6-quinone Indole-5,6-quinone
HO NH acid OH carboxylic acid
γ -Glutaminyl- O O
3,4-hydroxy- HO
benzoate OH O O N N O
1,8-Dihydroxy- Benzoquinone O
naphthalene acetate

Allomelanins Pheomelanins Eumelanins

Scheme 1 Melanin biosynthetic pathway in fungi

with 6–9 % nitrogen and 0–1 % sulfur. They are the oxidation products of
5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA)
[5, 18]. In contrast, pheomelanins are reddish-brown pigments with 8–11 % nitrogen
and 9–12 % sulfur, composed of benzothiazine monomer units [18,
19]. Allomelanins show a heterogeneous group of pigments derived from metabo-
lites of homogentisic or p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (piomelanins), γ-glutamyl-4-
hydroxybenzene, and catechols [4, 20–24]. Melanins formed from DHN also belong
to allomelanins. They are very common in fungi and typically do not contain

2.1 The DHN-Melanin Biosynthesis

Most fungal melanins are derived from the precursor molecule 1,8- DHN and are
known as DHN-melanins. The way which furnishes DHN has been termed the
polyketide pathway and resides primarily in ascomycetes and related
deuteromycetes [23]. Recognized human pathogens which form melanin precur-
sors by the polyketide pathway include Aspergillus nidulans, A. niger, Alternaria
alternata, Cladosporium carionii, Exophiala jeanselmei, Fonsecaea compacta,
F. pedrosoi, Hendersonula toruloidii, Phaeoannellomyces wernickii, Phialophora
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 267

richardsiae, P. verrucosa, Wangiella dermatitidis, and Xylohypha bantiana

Malonyl-CoA serves as the starter and extender units for the polyketide synthase
(PKS1) catalyzing the first step in the biosynthesis pathway. PKS converts malonyl-
CoA to the first detectable intermediate of the pathway, 1,3,6,8-
tetrahydroxynaphthalene (1,3,6,8-THN). Following this, 1,3,6,8-THN is reduced
by a specific reductase enzyme to scytalone. It was discovered that a specific
reductase inhibitor, tricyclazole, produced the same defect as a mutation in the
reductase gene, namely the accumulation of flaviolin, a shunt product of 1,3,6,8-
THN [5]. Scytalone is dehydrated enzymatically to 1,3,8-trihydoxynaphthalene [27],
which is in turn reduced, possibly by a second reductase, to vermelone [27, 28]. This
reductase can also be inhibited by tricyclazole. A further dehydration step [24],
possibly also catalyzed by scytalone dehydratase, leads to the intermediate
1,8-DHN, for which this pathway was named. Subsequent steps are thought to
involve a dimerization of the 1,8-DHN molecules, followed by polymerization,
possibly catalyzed by laccases, phenol oxidases, peroxidases, and catalases
[29–32]. This is a general model for DHN-melanin biosynthesis, but the pathway
(and the resulting color) may vary in different fungi. Interestingly, several
by-products of the fungal DHN-melanin pathway have been shown to have
antibacterial or immunosuppressive properties [33].
In fungi, the melanin biosynthesis could begin through metabolites of shikimic
acid pathway.

2.2 L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine-Melanin Biosynthesis

DOPA melanin-synthesizing fungi include many model organisms such as Neuros-

pora crassa, Podospora anserina, A. nidulans, A. oryzae and also pathogenic fungi
such as Cryptococcus neoformans. A biosynthesis pathway for fungal DOPA-
melanin strongly resembles the pathway found in mammalian cells, though details
may differ [5].
Eumelanins are formed from tyrosine or phenylalanine oxidized by tyrosinase
(EC or laccase (EC into DOPA. Tyrosinase (monophenol:
diphenol oxygen oxidoreductase) catalyzes the formation of DOPA from tyrosin; it
was found in Agaricus bisporus, N. crassa, Tuber melanosporum, T. manatum, and
many other fungi [1, 29, 34]. The expression of this enzyme is closely related to the
developmental stages and pathogenesis of fungi [4, 35]. DOPA can also be converted
into melanin with the participation of laccases, for example, in Lentinula edodes and
C. neoformans [36].
The second DOPA oxidation step is manifested in DOPA quinone formation,
followed by the cyclization and building up DHI or DHICA with their following
oxidation to indole-5,6-quinone or indole-5,6-quinone carboxylic acid (scheme) [5, 37].
The latter compounds polymerize to form brown and black pigment eumelanins.
This pathway of melanin synthesis was found in Candida albicans, Paracoccidioides
268 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

The pheomelanin synthesis pathway involves sulfur compounds, the amino acid
cystein or glutathion, that liberate cysteins through the action of a glutamyl-
transpeptidase. In presence of cysteins, DOPA-quinones connect with cysteins to
form 5-S-cysteinyl-DOPA and 2-S-cysteinyl-DOPA which give benzothiazin inter-
mediates that polymerize to produce pheomelanins – brown, red, or yellow pigments
(scheme) [19, 38, 39]. The pathway shows biosynthesis of sulfur-containing mela-
nins in the truffle T. melanosporum [34].
One more DOPA pathway of melanin biosynthesis in fungi includes tyrosine
transaminase (EC, providing formation of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate,
which is subsequently converted into homogentisic acid by dioxygenase
(EC and is then spontaneously oxidized to benzoquinone acetate and
polymerized resulting in the formation of soluble brown piomelanins (scheme)
[1]. The formation of soluble piomelanins from tyrosine via hydroxyphenylpyruvate
and homogentisic acid was found in A. fumigatus, A. kawachii, Madurella
mycetomatis, and Yarrowia lipolytica [2, 39]. In fungal parasite Ustilago maydis,
polymerization of catechol dimers with the formation of melanin fibrils was
found [40].

2.3 Glutaminyl-4-Hydroxybenzene Melanin

There is good evidence that the basidiospore wall melanin of A. bisporus is gener-
ated from the precursor glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene (GHB), synthesized via the
shikimate pathway [41]. GHB is apparently converted to glutaminyl-3,4-dihydrox-
ybenzene (GDHB). Peroxidase and/or phenolase oxidize this compound to form
γ-glutaminyl-3,4-benzoquinone, which is polymerized later [20, 21]. It is the imme-
diate precursor to the spore wall melanin. GDHB is found only in reproductive
hyphae that form the melanized spores. Thus products of polymerization of
γ-glutaminyl-3,4-benzoquinone, benzoquinone acetate, and 1,8-DHN form a hetero-
geneous group of allomelanins (scheme).
Other basidiomycetous mushrooms contain GHB and GDHB [42], which leads to
the proposal that DHN melanins may be exclusively produced by ascomycetous
fungi, while GDHB melanins may be restricted to the basidiomycetous fungi
[43]. However, the black yeast Phaeococcomyces spp. shows all of the physiological
and ultrastructural factors for designation as being of basidiomycetous affinity, but it
produces DHN melanin [44] which enhances pathogenesis of fungi [4, 36].

2.4 Two Pathways of Melanin Biosynthesis in One Fungus

Some fungi have more than one biosynthetic pathway of melanins. For example, in
A. fumigatus, piomelanins, synthesized from homogentisic acid (L-DOPA pathway),
protect the hyphae cell wall from ROS, and gray-green DHN-melanins establish the
structural integrity of the cell wall of conidia and their adhesive properties [45, 46].
In A. bisporus, melanins are formed from DOPA by tyrosinase and from
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 269

γ-glutaminyl-4-hydroxybenzene by peroxidase and phenolase [47]. In Hormoconis

resinae and Aureobasidium pullulans, melanins were found in the cell wall, and
exogenous melanins were found in culture fluids [48]. The genus Aspergillus com-
prises many species, which possess pigmented conidia of various colors. Effects of
inhibitors on DHN-melanin synthesis (tricyclazole and phthalide) and DOPA-
melanin synthesis (kojic acid and tropolone) in a range of Aspergillus species
demonstrate differences in the amounts and types of melanins synthesized by related
species [49, 50].
Talaromyces marneffei (Basionym: Penicillium marneffei) is capable of synthe-
sizing DHN-melanins in conidia and DOPA-melanin in yeast cells and mycelia
depending on growth conditions and supply of precursors [51]. There are also
numerous enzymes, such as laccase, polyphenoloxidases, and perhaps peroxidases
and catalases that are found in the cell walls and environs of normally nonmelanized
fungi that will form black polymers from applied solutions of DOPA. This may lead
to erroneous assumptions about the nature of the monomer of fungal melanins. The
native melanin of the black yeast Phaeococcomyces, for instance, is known to be of
DHN origin [44, 52], but albino mutant colonies on agar will blacken when overlaid
with drops of L-DOPA solution. Numerous fungi now known to produce DHN
melanin were previously reported to produce DOPA melanins [24].
In C. neoformans, melanins are synthesized from various exogenous substrates, e.
g., D- and L-dopamine [53], homogentisic acid [54], catecholamines, and other
phenolic compounds [55]. Polymerization of exogenous substrates in
C. neoformans occurs as a result of laccase action. High concentrations of exogenous
substrates (above 1 mM) inhibited the growth of the fungus and the formation of
melanins, probably due to the toxicity of the substrates themselves [56].
Genes of melanin synthesis often assembled into clusters, thereby coordinating
their expression at different stages of development of fungi [32, 45, 50, 57].

3 Localization of Melanins in Fungi

Early works on melanin localization have shown that these pigments in fungi may be
detected in the cell wall or secreted into the environment [29]. Fungal cell wall
incorporates a mix of cross-linked fibers (the polysaccharides glucan and chitin) and
matrix components (primarily proteins and mannans). The outer layer contains high
levels of different types of mannoproteins. The inner layer is made mainly of
polysaccharides (beta-glucans and chitin) and small amounts of proteins [58]. Mel-
anin can be found in the inner or outer layers of the cell wall depending on the fungal
species [6]. In pathogenic fungi, melanins are often reported to be associated with or
“in” the cell wall [30, 35, 59–61]. However, there is variation between species: the
melanin may be located external to the wall, e.g., in P. brasiliensis [5, 62]; within
the wall itself; or as a layer internal to the wall and external to the cell membrane,
e.g., in C. neoformans [21, 56, 63].
In the halophilic fungus Hortaea werneckii at an optimal concentration of NaCl
(0.86 M), the melanized dark layer is on the outer part of the cell wall, but the whole cell
270 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

wall is melanized upon the increased salt concentration [64]. Dark melanin granules
were found in the fibrillar matrix on the surface of the cell wall in A. pullulans,
Verticillium dahliae, and Phomopsis spр. [65]. In the presence of a melanin precursor
DOPA, melanin granules are formed on the surface of conidia and yeast cells of the
dimorphic pathogenic fungi Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis
and the cell surface becomes rilled [62, 66]. According to electron microscopy of the
soil fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis, the melanin layer composes almost half of the
thickness of the cell wall and is located between the cell wall and the inner chitinous
layer [65]. In fungi, melanin is deposited in the cell wall and cytoplasm, and melanin
particles (“ghosts”) can be isolated from these fungi that have the same size and shape
as particles in the original cells [63].
A combination of SEM and TEM microscopy shows that melanin has an overall
granular structure. In various fungi, the granules are localized to the cell wall where
they are likely cross-linked to polysaccharides [6, 63, 67]. In C. albicans the melanin
clumps appeared as variably sized extracellular granules loosely adherent to the
pseudohyphae and yeasts, and chitin synthase enzymes are directly involved in the
synthesis of melanin. Thus melanin externalization in C. albicans depends on cell
wall chitin structures [68].
There are exogenous soluble melanins, for example, piomelanins of
Ophiocordyceps sinensis which parasitizes on insects [69]. The soluble melanins
are characteristic of A. bisporus and a number of basidiomycetes [70]. Exogenous
melanins are also found in culture fluids of Cladosporium resinae and A. pullulans
[48]. Soluble melanins are a significant part of the extracellular matrix of Botrytis
cinerea [71]. In Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, melanins are localized in the outer layer of
sclerotia, forming a solid protective cover [72]. In the multicellular conidia
A. alternata [73], melanin was localized in the outer layer of the cell wall and in
septa [74].
Evidence exists that fungal melanin precursors occur inside the cells in lipid
vesicles, analogues of melanosomes of animal tissues [6]. They are subsequently
transported to the cell wall. The existence of fungal melanosomes has been
suggested for Fonsecaea pedrosoi, where electron microscopy has shown electron-
dense cytoplasmic structures in melanized cells [74]. Studies in C. neoformans
suggest that melanin may also be synthesized in vesicles in this fungus. Laccase
activity is associated with extracellular vesicles secreted from C. neoformans [75].
It was shown that melanized cell walls are considerably less porous than
nonmelanized ones. Hence, melanin incorporation into the cell wall determines the
size of the cell wall pores [76]. In some plant pathogens, melanin accumulated in
appressoria again works as a diffusion barrier. It is located between fungal plasma
membrane and cell wall except for the pore where the penetration peg emerges.
Appressoria accumulate glycerol; its diffusion is restrained by the pigment to create
conditions necessary for host penetration (see the Sect. 6.2).
Therefore, melanin localization on the cell surface and its participation in cell
wall porosity makes these secondary metabolites an excellent defense system against
detrimental environments and antifungal drugs, as well as a factor of host-parasite
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 271

4 Properties of Melanins

Melanins represent a group of related pigments similar in physical and chemical

traits that allow them fulfilling their protective functions. Melanins are among the
most stable and resistant of biochemical materials [77]. Melanins have been exten-
sively studied and characterized as negatively charged amorphous compounds with
quinone groups, hydrophobic and insoluble in organic solvents [4, 5].
The polymer net structure of melanins formed by the enzymatic and autoxidative
polycondensation of various hydroaromatic precursors may additionally include
other organic molecules. Usually, melanins are associated with proteins
(melanoproteins) or with glycoproteins (melanoglycoproteins) [29]. The presence
of carbohydrates and fatty acids, covalently and noncovalently bound to melanin,
was confirmed by NMR methods [6, 67, 78–80]. It was demonstrated that in cells of
C. neoformans, the polysaccharides and/or chitin that are associated proximally with
lipid membrane constituents form a chemically resistant framework that could serve
as the scaffold for melanin synthesis. The pyrrole aromatic carbons of the pigments
bind covalently to the aliphatic framework via glycoside or glyceride functional
groups [67]. The results of X-ray analysis of four different fungi melanins suggested
that they are composed of planar structures that can differ in stacking distances. The
distance between monomers might be an important feature of melanin pigments
[6]. As melanins contain unpaired electrons, they can be detected by electron spin
resonance (ESR) [81]. A comparison of the ESR spectra of melanin in various fungi
showed that the g-factor of the signal was in the range 2.0036–2.0042 with a
halfwidth of 4–7 eV. Melanin pigments retain the ability to deactivate free radicals
and peroxides and absorb heavy metals and toxic electrophilic metabolites. Seques-
tration of iron ions has been identified as a major mechanism for the inhibitory
effects of melanin on lipid peroxidation [82]. Thus these pigments exhibit profound
antioxidant activity [83–85]. The gene expression of melanin synthesis enzymes
increases the resistance of fungi to oxidants [50, 86].
Melanins exhibit unusual electronic properties due to the presence of mobile
π-electrons [87]. It was proposed that due to melanin’s numerous aromatic oligomers
containing multiple π-electron systems, a generated Compton recoil electron grad-
ually loses energy while passing through the pigment, until its energy is sufficiently
low that it can be trapped by stable free radicals present in the pigment. Controlled
dissipation of high-energy recoil electrons by melanin prevents secondary ioniza-
tions and the generation of damaging free radical species [88].
According to Blois experiments in the 1960s, it was postulated that melanins were
electrical conductors showing photoconductivity in the solid state [89, 90]. Later, the
possibility of tunneling electrons between photoinduced paramagnetic centers was
shown [91]. Melanin chemistry is largely defined by its many ionizable moieties –
carboxylic acids, amines, and catechols in various states of oxidation within the
macromolecular structure [4]. One may therefore anticipate that melanin (like many
other functional biomacromolecules) will exhibit generic polyelectrolyte behavior in
which its weakly acidic nature plays an important role. Recent studies have demon-
strated that melanin’s ionic conductivity is facilitated by binding of water to the
272 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

pigment [92]. Melanins are supposed to be electronic-ionic hybrid conductor. The

presence of these unique properties makes melanin a promising material in
bioelectronics, especially when one takes into account its strength, resistance to
high temperatures, and biocompatibility [92].
Melanin pigments absorb light in a wide spectrum range enclosing
UV. Absorption intensity decreases slowly with increasing wavelengths [93,
94]. Melanins absorb light with the conversion of photon energy into heat [93,
95]. The mechanism of photoprotective action of melanins is of great interest. The
possible transfer of protons inside a monomer as a result of energy dissipation during
the photoexcitation of a pigment was confirmed in a set of experiments [96]. The
polymerization of monomers resulted in an increase in the lifetime of the excited
state of the oligomer from 100 ps to 3 ns [97]. Upon interaction with hard UV
radiation (240–300 nm), photoionization and subsequent partial destruction of
melanins can be observed [93]. Experiments on synthetic melanins showed that
their electron emission was far less than 1 % [94, 98]. This suggests that fast thermal
relaxation of absorbed radiation energy occurs in melanins, and the risk of dangerous
photochemical reactions decreases [93]. These properties allow melanins to be
effective protectors against UV- and solar radiation. However, the formation of
cytotoxic products during hard UV radiation cannot be excluded [98, 99].
Although the structure of melanins was unaffected by X-ray, γ, or UV radiation,
some signal changes were detected by the ESR, indicating an increase in
semiquinone radical number [88, 93].
Thus, the presence of unpaired electrons in the highly polarized structure of
melanin pigments and their ionic conductivity determines a wide range of properties:
the ability to convert all types of heat radiation, adsorb electrophilic compounds,
exhibit antioxidant properties, and, probably, to use the energy of radiation in the
redox reactions of living cells. These properties provide for survival of fungi under
extreme conditions, such as high insolation, low temperature, a low content of water
and organic substrates, high concentrations of reactive oxygen species, and
enhanced radiation doses.

5 Melanins in Extremophilic Fungi

Melanized fungi inhabit some remarkably extreme environments such as excessive

heat or cold, extreme pH or osmotic conditions, polychromatic radiation, simulated
outer space, desiccation, and it also seems to mediate tolerance toward metals,
hypersaline environments, radionuclides [100, 101]. Dominance of melanin-
containing fungal species has been observed around Chernobyl lately [101]. Mela-
nins ensure fungal survival in desert soils, uplands, and on plant surface [14, 101]. In
aerial environment, melanized spores prevail over soil ones [14, 101]. Melanins
provide high spore survival under hard UV radiation while nonpigmented forms
entirely die within a few minutes. Microcolonial yeast-like fungi are highly mela-
nized. They keep ability to grow on the surface of stones under marked temperature
differences, hypersaline environments, drought, low concentrations of organic
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 273

compouds [14, 101–103]. Viable cells of these fungi were found in the extreme
climate of the Antarctic [104, 105]. Inhabiting rock cavities and fossils under harsh
environment of Antarctic, the microscopic fungi Cryomyces antarcticus and
Cryomyces minteri showed high resistance to UV radiation (280–360 nm, 3 W/
m2), which they were able to sustain for few hours, whereas nonpigmented Saccha-
romyces pastorianus cells died after 30 min of exposure [102].
In the hypersaline waters, a surprisingly rich diversity of fungi was discovered.
Such waters in salterns offered natural ecological niches for halophilic black yeasts.
H. werneckii, Phaeotheca triangularis, Trimmatostroma salinum, A. pullulans, and
Cladosporium spp. were detected with the highest frequency in hypersaline water
(3–30 % NaCl) [64, 106, 107]. Among various adaptation mechanisms to
hypersaline environments is melanization of the cell wall as has been shown for
H. werneckii. The outer part of its melanized cell wall has a continuous layer of
melanin granules that minimizes glycerol loss from the cells, as this layer creates a
mechanical permeability barrier for glycerol by reducing the size of the pores in the
cell wall [76]. In terrestrial environments, extremophilic fungi form facultative
lichen-like associations with algae or cyanobacteria [100, 103]. 58 % of fungal
endophytes associated with leaves of Colobanthus quitensis, a dicotyledonous
plant that lives in Antarctica, were able to produce melanin in their hyphae [108].
Melanized microscopic fungi have an advantage to survive in regions of
technogenic pollution. In industrial and roadside areas, melanin-containing fungi
were the most abundant. In these habitats, they showed highest resistance to contam-
ination by heavy metals and unsaturated hydrocarbons [109, 110]. Cladosporium and
Alternaria spp. predominate in air and snow samples of the city settlement areas [111].
Fungi appear to be highly resistant to radionuclides in the environment. Many
(25 %) fungal species from the Nevada Test Site contained melanin or other
pigments [101], and up to 40 % of all fungi isolated from the Chernobyl 4th block
reactor contained melanin or other pigments [112]. These noticeably exceeded the
ratio of melanin-containing fungi, found in environments with background radioac-
tivity. The most frequently occurring pigmented species were C. sphaerospermum,
C. herbarum, H. resinae, A. alternata, and A. pullulans. Despite differences in the
habitat between sampling sites, there was a trend of change in dominance of fungal
species with radiation level [112–116]. Both Chaetomium aureum and
Purpureocillium lilacinum (Paecilomyces lilacinus) were indicators of high levels
of radionuclide contamination (3.7  106–3.7  108 Bq/kg) of soil in woodland
ecosystems. Though they were among the light-colored fungi, P. lilacinum strains
from radionuclide-contaminated soils had melanin content about 2–2.5 times higher
than its content in related strains isolated from the areas with background radioac-
tivity [117, 118].
Melanin has been shown to account for between 45 % and 60 % of 60Co and
Cs incorporation into fungal hyphae [119]. Thus melanized fungi are proposed to
be good candidates in bioremediation, since the organisms can potentially bind
radionuclides and many other toxic substances. The occurrence of melanized fungi
in areas with high levels of radiation undoubtedly reflects their advantage relative to
nonmelanized species. Fungal melanin subjected to ionizing radiation showed
274 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

changes in its ESR signal, which consists with changes in electronic structure.
Irradiated melanin showed an increase by four in capacity to reduce NADH rela-
tively to nonirradiated one [120]. Gamma radiation-induced oxidation of melanin
resulted in electric current production, especially in the presence of a reducing agent
[121]. These properties apparently explain the increased metabolic activity and
enhanced growth of fungal hyphae under different types of radiation, found in
melanin-containing fungi [122, 123]. Observations of enhanced growth of mela-
nized fungi under low-dose ionizing radiation in the laboratory and in the damaged
Chernobyl nuclear reactor suggest they have adapted the ability to survive or even
benefit from exposure to ionizing radiation [123]. Thus the possibility of participa-
tion of melanin in active electron transport in living cells leads to a hypothetical
mechanism of radiation energy utilization for the increase in metabolic activity.
Further research in this area can provide a better understanding of the nature of the
radio- and UV-protective effect of melanin [14, 15].

6 Fungal Melanin as a Factor of Pathogenesis

Indeed, melanin is not sufficient condition of fungal pathogenicity since saprophytes

contain it as well. However, for melanized parasites the pigment plays roles,
sometimes indispensible, in colonization of either plant or animal hosts.
Pathogenesis-related properties of melanins are well reviewed [4, 5, 24, 80, 124].

6.1 Evidence That Fungal Pathogenicity Depends on Melanin

Importance of melanin for pathogenicity is evidenced by complete or partial loss of

this ability when its biosynthesis is disturbed on several occasions.

6.1.1 Genetically Impaired Melanin Biosynthesis Attenuates

The role of melanin for blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (synonyms are
Magnaporthe grisea and Pyricularia oryzae) that affects rice leaves and panicles
is being studied rather thoroughly. The fungus accumulates DHN melanin in spores
(conidia), mycelia, and appressoria. Unlike the parental strain, its melanin-deficient
mutants are not virulent under natural conditions. Three such mutants were recov-
ered by Chumley and Valent [125], namely, albino (Alb ), rosy (Rsy ), and buff
(Buf ). Similar nonpathogenic mutants albino (alb-1) and rose (ros-1) were derived
from the wild-type strain H5-3 by Dzhavakhiya et al. [126].
The hemibiotrophic fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis causes a very harmful black
Sigatoka disease of banana leaves. Its mycelium contains deep green DHN melanin,
whose amount in infected leaves correlates positively with the disease stage. The
melanin content is very low in pink-pigmented isogenic mutants. They penetrate
leaves, but the infection is blocked soon probably due to hypersensitive response of
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 275

the host [127]. The fungus G. graminis producing DHN melanin causes take-all
disease of wheat and barley; its albino mutant is nonpathogenic [29].
Among human pathogens, yeast-like C. neoformans in the presence of DOPA
synthesizes the corresponding melanin detectable by ESR. Its mutant Mel does not
show ESR signal and is less virulent for mice than the wild type. C. neoformans
strains deficient in melanin survive poorly in infected animals [124]. In this fungus,
the genes of melanization contribute to dissemination of the pathogen over the host
and death of the latter [4, 128]. The similar genes of C. gattii are greater expressed
(in concert with the higher melanin production) in more virulent than in less virulent
strains. Melanized cells of P. brasiliensis affect animals more severely than
nonmelanized cells, and the infection is accompanied with the increased expression
of melanin synthesis genes [80]. The reduced virulence toward mice was reported for
Mel mutants of W. dermatitidis and A. fumigatus. Melanizing, but not
nonmelanizing, strains of Basidiobolus sp. are associated with human disease [4].
Opposite examples are known, namely, rise in (or appearance of) pathogenicity in
nonpigmented parasite after transfer of melanin biosynthesis genes to its genome.
Entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is amelanotic. Genes of polyke-
tide synthase, scytalone dehydratase, and 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene reductase
were transformed to it from A. alternata. The transformant was more virulent than
the wild type in killing diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) larvae [129]. Transfer
of A. alternata genes ALM, BRM1, and BRM2 to melanin-deficient nonpathogenic
albino (Alb ) and buff (Buf ) mutants of M. oryzae restores their mycelial and
appressorial pigmentation along with pathogenicity [130].
Melanoprotein complexes isolated from Venturia inequalis (causing apple scab)
and applied to apple leaves inoculated with this fungus increased the numbers and
size of lesions [131]. In general, there are few examples of increased virulence
achieved by exogenous melanin addition to inocula. Obviously, it follows (taking
melanin multifunctionality into account) that pigment involvement in pathogenesis
requires not merely its presence in the host-parasite system but depends on its
localization, stage of disease, etc.

6.1.2 Chemical or Physical Agents Altering Melanization Affect

The necessity of melanin for rice blast pathogenicity is witnessed convincingly by
usage of inhibitors of its biosynthesis tricyclazole, ftalide, pyroquilon, carpropamid,
etc. as effective commercial antiblast fungicides [132]. Strictly speaking, they are not
fungicides because they do not kill the fungus. It, despite the abnormal pigmentation,
develops normally in artificial culture like pigment mutants. But it is no more
infective [24]. Interestingly that sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, the known inhibitor
of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase, when added to the nutrient medium of M. oryzae not
only suppresses the enzyme but also alters the pigmentation. The color of colonies
and conidia shifts from deep gray to thin gray. The compound does not affect growth
of mycelium and germination of conidia harvested from it but deprives them of
pathogenicity. Such lightened conidia can infect wounded leaves but give rise to
276 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

lesions about 2–3 times smaller in size than in the untreated control. Spray of rice
plants with diethyldithiocarbamate expectedly controls the disease [133].
In the zoopathogen W. dermatitidis, tricyclazole decreases pigmentation and
virulence. The capacities of albino mutants of this fungus are restored by exogenous
scytalone, the intermediate in DHN melanin synthesis. Glyphosate inhibits melani-
zation in C. neoformans and improves survival of inoculated mice [4].
The consequences of pigment mutations and chemical inhibition are not always
the same as to pathogenicity. For example, an albino mutant of G. graminis is
nonpathogenic for plants. However, its wild type does not lose the virulence upon
inoculation in the presence of melanogenesis inhibitors [29]. Presumably, the inhib-
itor does not have enough time for the full effect.
In wild type fungi, the environment may shift, although less dramatically, melanin
content with significant consequences for the pathogenic competence. As known,
long maintenance of facultative phytopathogens on artificial media weakens the
spore aggressiveness. The latter, however, is regained after inoculation of the host
plant and re-isolation of the parasite. This was confirmed for M. oryzae, and its
aggressiveness changed in parallel with mycelium and spore melanization
[134]. The fungus grown on a carrot broth produced more aggressive and more
melanized spores than that from a potato broth. On the latter medium, both properties
of spores were stronger in illuminated than in blackout culture [133]. So, pigmen-
tation changes might be among reasons of aggressiveness changes under these

6.2 Mechanisms of Melanin Involvement in Fungal Pathogenicity

Modes of melanin action in fungal pathogenesis are diverse as well as general

biological roles of the pigment. Such functions of melanins as creating a tolerance
to harsh environment are fulfilled both in saprophytes and parasites similarly. But
some activities are specific to the second group, for instance, involvement in
pathogen’s entry into tissues of the host or impeding defense responses of the latter.

6.2.1 Intrusion into Host

Appressorium is an anchoring organ, and melanin present here may be implicated in
the parasite’s adherence to the plant surface. This capacity necessary for penetration
was evaluated for M. oryzae by count appressoria remained on inoculated barley
leaves after shaking with water. Appressoria began to adhere at the onset of their
melanization, and both features were reduced by leaf treatment with
tricyclazole [135].
At early stages of plant diseases caused by pathogens M. oryzae, Colletotrichum
lagenrium, C. lindemuthianum [24], and C. kahawae [80] melanin present in
appressoria plays a special role. Namely, it enables local accumulation of glycerol
resulting in high osmotic pressure inside appressorium. This allows the penetration
peg to prick mechanically epidermal cuticle and cell wall. The significance of this
mechanism is evidenced by the facts that pigmentless appressoria of M. oryzae
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 277

melanin-deficient mutants form penetration pegs, which grow poorly through either
plant epidermis or artificial membranes. Accordingly, the mutants are able to infect
mechanically damaged leaves. Wild type of M. oryzae treated with tricyclazole or
other inhibitors resembles the mutants: it loses both appressorium pigmentation and
capacity to penetrate plant cells or artificial membranes. Expectedly, such conidia are
pathogenic for wounded leaves [24].
Although zoopathogenic fungi do not seem to form appressoria, their melanin
might play the penetrative role. In fact, hyphae of W. dermatitidis wild type grow
through dense agar faster than those of Mel mutants. Moreover, tricyclazole slows
the wild type whereas scytalone accelerates the growth of the mutant [4].
Some phytopathogens are melanized and penetrate their hosts via appressoria but
without help of melanin. As mentioned above, pigment biosynthesis genes trans-
ferred from A. alternata to melanin-deficient mutants of M. oryzae restored their
appressorial pigmentation and pathogenicity. But appressoria of Alternaria itself are
colorless! Furthermore, its melanin-deficient mutants are as virulent as the wild type.
Melanin of this fungus is present only in mycelium and conidia. It is assumed to
contribute to pathogenicity as a factor of the parasite survival in nature [130].

6.2.2 Resistance to Host Defense

Melanin multifunctionality in fungal pathogenesis is illustrated, in particular, by
M. oryzae melanin-deficient mutants alb-1 and ros-1. In fact, they are still nonpatho-
genic upon inoculation by injection, which should bypass mechanical barriers
[126]. Correspondingly, the wild type depigmented by tricyclazole does not neces-
sarily infect damaged leaves. Actually, tricyclazole or ftalide still protect wounded
leaves of cv. Sha-tiao-tsao from the virulent strain H5-3 [136]. Therefore, the fungus
recruits melanin not only as an arm for penetration. In many cases, the pigment
protects the pathogen from adverse abiotic environment and antifungal responses of
the host.
The development of blast fungus is suppressed before its penetration on rice
leaves of certain cultivars. Here spore germination and appressorium formation of
melanin-deficient mutants alb-1 and ros-1 are affected stronger than those of the
parent H5-3 [126]. The suppression is driven by fungitoxic exo-metabolites of leaves
since leaf diffusates show the same effect on spores in vitro. Diffusates of infected
leaves are more toxic than those of healthy ones; the toxicity is higher in incompat-
ible than in compatible combinations [137]. The agents causing acquired disease
resistance increase the toxicity [138]. Therefore, this antifungal effect acts as one of
defense responses. Spores of the wild type H5-3 are the most tolerant to a diffusate of
rice healthy leaves of the susceptible cultivar while the albino spores alb-1 are the
most sensitive; the defectively pigmented ros-1 is intermediate. Inoculation with any
strain increases the leaf diffusate toxicity, to which the mutants are again more
sensitive than the wild type [139]. Therefore, the plant hinders ectophytic develop-
ment of the pathogen; melanin-deficient mutants are more liable to this impact that
may contribute to their nonpathogenicity.
Like the mutations, spoiling pigmentation of the wild type fungus by tricyclazole,
fthalide [136], or diethyldithiocarbamate also sensitize spores to leaf diffusates. On
278 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

the contrary, spores with melanization enhanced by maintenance on carrot medium

(as against potato medium), under light (as opposed to darkness) [133], or by
reisolation (in comparison with an old culture) [134] are more tolerant.
The antidotal action of endogenous melanin of blast fungus is confirmed by the
same activity of the exogenous pigment. Melanin extracted from the wild type H5-3
mycelium and added to albino spores alb-1 restores their germination in leaf
diffusates. The specimen isolated the same way from ros-1 protects weaker while
the stuff from alb-1 does not protect at all [139]. The aforementioned rice leaf
diffusate toxicity to blast spores is abolished or strongly diminished by antioxidants
destroying hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, or hydroxyl radicals; so it is mediated by
the reactive oxygen species [137]. Consistently, leaf diffusates generate chemically
assayed superoxide, and its level increases after inoculation, especially on the
resistant cultivars [140]. Since the defense is prooxidative in nature, the melanin-
mediated tolerance to it is apparently based on the well-documented (see the Sect. 4)
antioxidant action of the pigment.
The responsibility of this action for M. oryzae spore resistance to leaf diffusate
agrees with the higher (than that of H5-3) sensitivity of ros-1 and, notably, alb-1 to
hydrogen peroxide and model chemical sources of superoxide or hydroxyl radicals
[141] or singlet oxygen [142]. Any artificial ROS are detoxified by exogenous
melanin from H5-3, the preparation from ros-1 protects from .OH and 1O2 weaker
while that from alb-1 does not protect. In the experiments, singlet oxygen was
generated by illuminated photodynamic dies. The revealed difference in sensitivity
of the strains was not due to different amounts of dyes absorbed by cells. Melanin
added to spores after switching off the light did not protect them; hence, the pigment
prevented rather than repaired an oxidative damage. The protective ability of
exogenous pigment was not a result of light shielding by it [142]. These observations
are in line with singlet oxygen quenching by melanins [143, 144].
Antioxidant properties of M. oryzae melanin are shown not only by protection of
cells from oxidative damage but also chemically. The isolated melanin exhibits
superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, although their specific values are lower
than those of the corresponding enzymes. It also decreases yield of hydroxyl radical in
Fenton system (Fe2+ + H2O2). The latter effect, as well as cell protection in this
system, might be caused by scavenging of both hydroxyl radical and iron ions [141].
The intermediate position of the strain ros-1 poses a question of the nature of its
pigment. As stable free radicals, melanins possess paramagnetic properties assayed
by ESR (see the Sect. 4). Expectedly, the corresponding signal is found in spores,
mycelium, and isolated pigment from the wild type but not in the albinos. However,
the samples from rose mutant ros-1 also give a signal although weaker than that of
H5-3 [145]. In ros-1, the polykedide pathway of melanin synthesis is blocked at the
stage of 1,3,8-trihydroxyphthalen. This may lead to accumulation of scytalone or
3,4-dihydro-3,4,8-trihydoroxy-1(2H)-napthalenone. But both products are not para-
magnetically active. Presumably, ros-1 cells contain a polymer of earlier or side
intermediates of melanin biosynthesis or certain melanin with changed color like
animal feomelanin. Such product appears to have some paramagnetic but, all the
same, too weak antioxidant properties that leads to the infection failure.
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 279

Apparently, the lack of pathogenicity joined with a normal, at first sight, pigmen-
tation may also be related to the inadequate antioxidant activity of melanin. In
particular, the nonpathogenic strain H-9 is normally pigmented as H5-3 [139] and,
furthermore, shows the same ESR signal [145]. However, its spore germination and,
notably, appressorium formation on rice leaves are suppressed approximately at the
same rate as those of the strain ros-1. The pigment isolated from H-9 mycelium and
in excess added to leaf diffusates or Fenton system protects spores just weakly, at the
level of ros-1 [139].
Like the mutants, wild type blast spores demelanized by tricyclazole, fthalide, or
diethyldithiocarbamate are more sensitive than untreated ones to artificially gener-
ated ROS. Similar differences are also found in spores from cultures grown under
different conditions [133, 134].
Other fungi, for example, C. neoformans, W. dermatitidis, and A. alternata also
demonstrate increased sensitivities of their albino mutants to ROS and other strong
oxidants, and protection from these agents by the wild-type exogenous melanins
[29]. White mutants of A. fumigatus are about one order more sensitive to exogenous
oxidants than the wild type is [4]. C. neoformans resists the toxicity of artificial
oxygen- and nitrogen-derived radicals better, if it is supplied with DOPA enabling
melanin synthesis [128]. Chemical inhibition of pigmentation sensitizes the fungus
to oxidative damage. Another human pathogen, F. pedrosoi constitutively produces
DHN-melanin. The suppression of colony growth by H2O2 or S-nitroso-N-acetylpe-
nicillamine (a donor of NO) is stronger in a tricyclazole-treated culture [85].
Endogenous melanin renders zoopathogenic fungi tolerant not only to
phagocytosis-mimicking model ROS but also to phagocytosis itself. It is reported
for C. neoformans, P. brasiliensis, S. schenkii, and F. pedrosoi [85, 124, 128]. Mel-
anized strains of W. dermatitidis better than nonmelanized ones resist killing by
human neutraphils. Acidic growth medium, which inhibits melanization of the wild
type, diminishes its survival down to the level of albino strain. But the latter acquires
resistance if supplied with scytalone [4]. Nonpigmented mutant conidia of
A. fumigatus are more susceptible to killing by human monocytes and exhibit
more severe structural injury compared to wild-type conidia [124].
Conidial melanin of A. fumigatus inhibits apoptosis in phagocyting macrophages
[80]. Besides, the pigment damps the phagocytic oxidative burst. In the course of the
latter, macrophages produce chemically assayed superoxide radical in contact with,
for example, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is also valid for F. pedrosoi conidia
but only for the fungus demelanized by tricycazole [85]. Upon incubation of
A. fumigatus conidia with phagocytes, pigmentless mutants bring about eightfold
more ROS than the wild type. Pigment revertants regain resistance to oxidants and
suppression of oxidant production of phagocytes as well as virulence [4]. Thus, the
pigment can reduce both the yield of toxic products from the host’s immune system
and the parasite’s sensitivity to the intoxication.
The counteraction of microbial melanins to induction of phagocytic oxidative
burst may rest on fungal pigment-elicitor relations. Macrophages contain receptors
sensing glucans of fungal cell wall to promote the synthesis and release of NO and
ROS. Melanin is suggested to mask antigens/glucans, but this function is disturbed
280 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

in tricyclazole-treated F. pedrosoi, which elicits the macrophages’ oxidative

response [85]. In zoopathogenic A. fumigatus, deletion mutant conidia, unlike
those of wild type, activate human dendritic cells and the subsequent cytokine
production [146]. It is not excluded (but perhaps not yet tested) that melanin layers
could hide elicitors in fungal cell wall to prevent recognition by defense systems of
plants [29]. However, in animals, melanin itself is immunologically active: crypto-
coccal pigment elicits generation of specific antibodies in mice [124].
It is also possible that melanins detoxify not only ROS but also plant organic
defensive compounds, for example, phytoalexins [29]. The negatively charged
pigment of zoopathogenic C. neoformans neutralizes neutrophil defensin and other
cationic antimicrobial peptides [124]. The similar activity of melanin against anti-
fungal therapy is reported. The knockout of PKS1 gene of W. dermatidis inhibits
melanin synthesis and sensitizes the fungus to voriconazole and amphotericin
B. Melanized cells of Histoplasma capsulatum and C. neoformans are more resistant
to amphotericin B and caspofungin. This resistance can be accounted for by drug
binding and deactivation by melanins [80]. However, Mel+ and Mel strains of
W. dermatidis do not differ in their sensitivity to antifungals [4].
Melanin as a structural element of fungal cell wall plays different roles essential
for pathogencity. Pigmentless mutants of A. fumigatus have abnormally smooth
conidial surface [4]. It is suggested that the pigment is required for correct assembly
of the cell wall layers and the expression at the conidial surface of adhesins and other
virulence factors [46]. In this fungus, the melanin renders conidia immunologically
inert because of proper surface charge and hydrophobicity [146].

6.2.3 Resistance to Hostile Environment

In addition to host’s defenses, abiotic extreme environment impacts parasites so that
the fate of infection depends on survival of the causal agent. For example, diurnal
light is natural for plant shoot microflora. But the excessive insolation represses both
fungal pathogens and, in many cases, disease development [147]. The vulnerability
of pathogenic fungi to intense UV and visible light in consequence of altered
melanization is well known [4]. In many cases, photodamage is oxidative. For
example, photoinhibition of M. oryzae spore germination and appressoria formation
is rescued by exogenous superoxide dismutase or catalase pointing to involvement
of O2 and H2O2. So, melanin may photo-protect cells not only as a light shield but
also as an antioxidant. Photosensitivity of the wild type strain H5-3 and its melanin-
deficient mutants ros-1 and alb-1 are ranged in the same sequence [148] as sensitivity
to leaf diffusates or model ROS (see above). Similar differences in light sensitivity
are revealed for wild type fungus treated with tricyclazole or diethyldithiocarbamate
or grown under different conditions [133, 134]. Addition of melanin biosynthesis
genes from A. alternata to melanin-less entomopathogenic fungus M. anisopliae
increases its tolerance to UV-B together with its virulence [129].
Melanin protects pathogenic fungi also from other abiotic stressors, sometimes
complex. One example is water deficit. Microsclerotia of albino strain of Verticillium
spp. badly suffer from desiccation in comparison with wild type or albinos whose
pigmentation was restored by exogenous scytalone. The resistance of the wild type
8 Melanin Pigments of Fungi 281

may be essential for its overwinter survival. Tolerance of Phyllosticta sp. to desic-
cation is related with creation of turgor necessary for fungus penetration into host
tissues. Conidia of albino Monilinia fructicola perish faster than wild type under
desiccation as well as at high (40  C) temperature or under UV [29]. Exogenous
DOPA added to a wild type C. neoformans increases its heat tolerance [4].
Melanin of pathogenic fungi helps their withstanding unfavorable biotic chal-
lenges from not only hosts but also other microbes. Many examples are given in the
review of Butler and Day [29]. Scletotia of Botrytis cinerea depigmented by
tricyclazole acquire sensitivity to attack of mold and mycophilic fungi. After the
same treatment, scletotia of Sclerotinia germinate while untreated ones remain
dormant. The antilysis tolerance is another way of protection by melanins from
biotic damages occurring, in particular, in soil. It is reported for such phytopatho-
genic fungi as Rhizoctonia sp., Sclerotinia sp., Verticillium sp., and Cochliobolus
sativus. Presumably there are no microbes capable of damage the heavily melanized
sclerotia of Sclerotinia rolfsii. High resistance of Rhizoctonia solani to bacterial lysis
is probably due to melanin resistance to lytic enzymes. In agreement with this,
synthetic melanin protects casein from proteases. Rise in melanin content in
Alternaria kikuchiana treated with polyoxin accompanies the rise in the fungus
resistance to lytic enzymes. Albino chlamidospores of Thielaviopsis basicola are
more sensitive to enzymatic lysis than normally pigmented ones. In contact with litic
enzymes or soil, death of nonmelanized isolates of Cochliobolus sativa occurs
earlier than that of normally melanized. In preparing M. oryzae protoplasts, the
tolerance to hydrolytic enzymes correlates positively with melanin content
[126]. Albino conidia of Monilinia fructicola are several times more sensitive to
lysis than the wild type. Enzyme binding and inactivation by melanins may be
responsible for the cell protection from lysis [4].

6.2.4 Other Functions

Melanin seems to participate in pathogenesis by somewhat unusual way, namely, as
a source of oxidative damage rather than protector from it. There was a recommen-
dation in the 1940s to grow bananas under partial shade. That was because light
favors the disease of this and other crops caused by Cercospora species. The light
effect belongs to the fungal toxin cercosporin, which is a photosensitizer yielding
singlet oxygen and other ROS [149]. Black Sigatoka disease of banana is also
promoted by light but the causal agent M. fijiensis does not produce cercosporin.
Beltrán-García and coworkers [127] hypothesized that melanin of M. fijiensis
behaves as a light-activated toxin. They assayed singlet oxygen by IR emission
(at 1270 nm) in laser-excited (at 532 nm) samples. This ability was actually found in
whole mycelium as well as in melanin isolated from it; mycelia of albino mutants
were less productive. Photogeneration of 1O2 also occurred in the secreted fraction of
melanin and in the mixture of intermediates of melanin biosynthesis releasing into
medium amended with tricyclazole, tropolone, or pyroquilon. The authors suggest
the mycelial melanin protects the fungus by deactivating singlet oxygen and oxygen
radicals. At the same time, the pigment and its soluble intermediates may play the
282 T.A. Belozerskaya et al.

opposite, i.e., pro-oxidative role producing ROS that injure host tissues and resulting
in the destructive disease symptoms.
The idea of double faced melanins is not contradictory. ROS generation by
melanins in their autoxidation [82] or upon UV irradiation along with accompanying
cytotoxic effects [99, 150] are known. However, prooxidative role of melanin in
pathogenesis deserves detailed consideration. Because the IR spectrometry is rather
sensitive, one would wonder if naturally illuminated melanin produces 1O2 in
amounts sufficient for biological effects. It would be interesting to find out whether
melanin intermediates posses light-depended phytotoxicity; inhibitor-based studies
with appropriate antioxidants would also be desirable.
Another disruptive role of fungal melanins against host plant is related with a lytic
activity of the fungus. Cell wall melanin of the apple scab pathogen V. inequalis was
found to bind fungal extracellular hydrolytic enzymes RNAase, DNAase, acid
phosphatase, and phenoloxidase. The enzymes are released from melanin afterwards
and retain high activity that allows concentrating their action at particular sites
[29]. By the way, shunt products from DHN melanins may also be phytotoxic and
involved in pathogenicity. This is, for example, alteichin, a phytotoxin of Alternaria
eichhorniae: its synthesis is blocked by tricyclazole [24].
Properties of melanins are really unique, but they should not be overrated because
the pigments share certain functions (antioxidative, for instance) with other metab-
olites. It follows that once pigmentation is altered, this is not necessarily the sole
cause of accompanying effects. The inhibitors of melanin biosynthesis may have
auxiliary modes of action. For example, the antiblast fungicide carpropomide stim-
ulates host defense responses including lignification [151]; tricyclazole and fthalide
promote oxidative burst in rice leaves [136]. In general, fungal melanins act as
universal protectors from numerous antimicrobial factors, but the harm resulted from
melanized pathogens is not controlled universally by inhibitors of melanin

7 Conclusions

New fungal extreme ecosystems continue to be discovered and investigated includ-

ing the deep biosphere, new regions of technogenic pollution, and latest human and
plant parasites. Thus physiological characteristics of extremophilic organisms stated
in the twentieth century must be updated. Melanin pigments represent an important
point in this field. Achievements in melanin research, based on organic chemistry,
advanced spectroscopic and imaging techniques, theoretical calculations, and
methods of solid-state physics, unraveled unique structural and optoelectronic prop-
erties of melanins, their localization in the cells, intracellular transport of melanin
precursors and reactions of their polymerization. The ever-growing knowledge not
only gains insight into multifunctionality of melanins in extremophilic fungi but may
also be used in effective strategies for exploiting their properties to create a new class
of biologically provided high technological materials and new antifungal drugs.
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