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Subject Name: A 1
The academic day in which the activities take place is:

Days Hour
SATURDAY From 08:00 am to 10:00 am

By virtue of the health emergency declared by the National Government, the virtual
education modality has been adopted, until the Superior authority orders.

Under this modality, we will work with pre-recorded classes and meeting classes, which
will take place virtually through the Zoom platform.

The prerecorded classes will be available the previous week (at the address that will be
notified to them for this purpose), and they aim to introduce it in the class topic, so it is
your responsibility to review them and write down any doubts you have about the subject
or difficulties let them surge.
The classes - meetings that will be carried out by the Zoom platform, have the purpose of
clarifying the doubts of contents or tasks; help in solving exercises, etc.
- The student is responsible for solving connectivity and technological problems.
- Attendance at class - meeting is compulsory, according to the scheduled time (Saturday
from 08:00 am - 10:00 am), and will be equivalent to the number of class hours per week
of the subject. In this case, level A 1 has an equivalent of 6 hours per weekend of face-
to-face classes.

- The presentation must be according to a classroom (appropriate clothing)

- For the class - meeting, the student must keep the camera on (otherwise attendance will
not be recorded) and the microphone must be turned off.
- You must correctly identify yourself with your first and last name, not nicknames or
pseudonyms, icons, etc. Otherwise, attendance will not be recorded.
- It must be located in a suitable place (preferably a desk, work table, etc.), avoiding
external interruptions.
- In case of doubt, you must request the floor in an orderly manner.
- It is prohibited to carry out other activities while the class lasts.
- In case you have internet intermittences during the class, you must capture the screen
and inform the teacher

In case of absence for duly justified causes (force majeure or fortuitous event), you must
submit the request (digitally) with the respective supporting document to the Secretary of
the Institution by email

The percentage of absences with which the student loses the subject is 25% or higher.

The student will pass the level with the minimum of 7 out of 10
The rating out of 10 is broken down into the following activities

✔ 20% classroom management taking into account the student's performance in

conferences, workshops, seminars, discussion sessions and practical classes.
✔ 30% for the development of integrative tasks given by the digital platform and
research work.
✔ 50% between partial tests 20 % ( two tests) and final examination 30% on the
learning developed in the subject.
✔ The final examination will consist of a set of questions based on whole contents
that have been studied during the course, and it will measure students’ knowledge
of the four English skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
✔ The average grade of the subject must be 7 points at least to be promoted

Finally, and once the points have been analyzed, they must sign the subject frame, this
being the first activity that the student will complete in each subject. This process will be
formalized when we re-enter the classrooms
I, NAMENOF STUDENT , declare to know all the aspects related to the A1,
corresponding to this semester, I signed this document.

Student´s signature


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