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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte



1. Look for one client that belongs to 1- 6 years of age.

2. Assess the growth and development using the MMDST. Attached here is the data you need
to accomplish and the MMDST tool. This will be your basis for doing the developmental task
for your client.
3. Write the data you have gathered in the provided table form. This shall be submitted on
your Canvas for evaluation.
4. Ask a consent from the parent/guardian by letting them sign. Set a time. Assure that all
information will be kept confidential.
5. Explain to the guardian/parent what they expect during the assessment. You need to inform
them that the whole task will be documented for educational purposes only.
6. Provide at least a maximum of five (5) documentation in each developmental task.
(Cover/blur the client’s face when taking photos).
7. Follow the health protocols (refer to health protocol advisory in your locality)
8. For your concerns regarding this activity, contact your clinical instructor.
A Simple Case Study on Toddler/Pre-Schooler Stages of
Growth and Development
A. Objectives
 General: This study aims to measure the developmental skills and capacity of the
child that is appropriate to the child’s age and to identify any developmental
delays so that appropriate interventions could be made as soon as possible.
 Specific
 To conduct the test which enhances child’s ability to participate and
 To let the child do the test items that intersect in her age line and observe
if she is able to do the said tasks.
 To determine the growth and development of the child using MMDST.
 To help parents identify child’s developmental delays and aid them to
resolve the delays.
 To enhance parents willingness in setting plans to resolve these delays.

B. Significance of the Study

 This study will help students to understand the importance of growth and
development through actual evaluation of qualitative and quantitative
changes seen in growth and development of children.


 The study of Metro Manila Screening Test is not an IQ test;
 It is sought to establish baseline information on the developmental characteristics of
Filipino toddlers / preschooler.
 It helps in determining as to whatare the developments and progress of child.
 This is a tool which will use to detect if there are delays on children age 2 weeks
- 6 ½ years of age.

Part I. Client’s Profile

Name of the client:
Adriecka Jade P.
Age: 1 year old
Sex: Female
Birth Date:
April 12,
Birth Place:
A. Present Health Condition – The child has a cough and cold.
B. Past Health History – According to the client’s mother the child did not experience any
illnesses in the past.
C. Family Health History
Birth order of the client:
1st child
Total number of siblings: 0
Number of living siblings: 0
Heredo- familial Disease:
Father side: Hypertension, Asthma
Mother side: Diabetes
D. Maternal and Prenatal History
 pregnancy 1st trimester – none
 Ultrasound during 1st trimester - none
 Term – 38 weeks
 Place of delivery – RHU Vintar
 Type of delivery – Normal Delivery
 Attendant – Herbel Ramos
 Infants Problem during 1st month - none

E. Developmental History


3 months
Rolled Over
4 months
Sat alone
6 months
Stood alone
9 months
Walk alone
1 year old
Not yet trained
Toilet Trained
Coordination Not yet trained

F. Nutritional History


Breastfeeding At birth 1 year and 9 months 4 hours

Mixed feeding

Bottle feeding
G. Immunization

Vaccines 1st dose 2nd dose 3rd dose 4th dose

BCG (at birth)
DPT (6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 June 17, 2020 July 15, 2020 August 20, 2020
weeks old)
OPV (6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 June 17, 2020 July 15, 2020 August 20, 2020
weeks old)
Hepatitis B (6 weeks, 10
weeks, 14 weeks
Measles (9 months) January 20,
Vitamin A (start at 6
Other vaccines (pls. specify)

Inactivated Polio Vaccine

(IPV) / (1 ½, 2/ ½ & 3 ½ August 20,
months) 2020

Pneumococcal Conjugate June 17, 2020 July 15, 2020 August 20, 2020
Vaccine (PCV) / (1 ½, 2 ½ &
3 ½ months)


H. PhysicalAssessment

Anthropometric measurements Results (cm)

Head Circumference 17 ½ cm
Chest Circumference 19 cm
Abdominal Circumference 18 ½ cm

Vital Signs Results

Temperature 36.8 C
Respiratory rate 19
Pulse rate

Weight 11.02 kg
Height 32 ½ cm

Parts Assessment
Skin is smooth and normal – no rashes or weird spots
Pinkish conjunctiva, eyelashes are equally distributed, the pupil
is color black
Ear position is all present and well formed. Round ear free lobe
in shape size and symmetrical. No tenderness and lesions
Nose position is aligned. For deformities, there is no
abnormality and appearance.
No deformities of thorax, normal breathing expansion,
Neck is symmetrical, no presence of lumps and hard masses.
No masses and tenderness noted.
Normally no any sounds are heard.
Posture is erect and movements are coordinated and rhythmic –
No presence of kyphosis and scoliosis noted
Normal bowel sounds are heard in all quadrants – no presence
of bruits.
No loss of extremities; Nails are properly cut and clean


Test Materials
 A bright red yarn / pom-pom – for infant
 A rattle with narrow handle – for infant
 Clear small glass with 5/8 inch opening
 Cheese curls
 Small Rubber Ball with 12.5 inches in diameter
 Pencil and Bond Paper
 8pcs of 1 inch colored blocks (red, yellow, blue, green)

Test Procedures
1. The toddler / preschooler may sit on the lap of her mother/ caretaker.
2. Set test materials on the table.
3. Put mother or caregiver at ease and establish rapport stating that the tester is
interested in knowing what toddler can do in a certain age.
4. Every effort will made to see what a toddler/ preschooler can actually do
rather than asking the parent.
5. Generally the test starts with personal sector: this gives the toddler a chance to get
use to the tester.
6. The fine motor adaptive follows: toddler / pre-schooler can perform the
task at hand without having the talk to the tester directly at yet.
7. The language sector comes next: toddler / preschooler will be more comfortable
with the task and much more likely imitates speech sound and noises that the
tester asks to imitate.
8. The gross motor comes, the toddler will allow three trials to perform each item
before a failure is scored.
9. Important considerations:
 Child’s age – is crucial step in test administration
 Test item will be dependent on age of child
 Age – will serve as a guide in the selection of test items and subsequent
interpretation of results.
10. Items may be scored either of 4 ways of scoring.

R- REFUSED NO –No opportunity (not considered in the total score)

FOUR SECTORS to be assess:

• Personal-Social – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to get along with
people and to take care of himself
•Fine-Motor Adaptive – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to see and use his
hands to pick up objects and to draw
•Language – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to hear, follow directions and
to speak; and
•Gross-Motor – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to sit, walk and jump.

Criteria in Interpreting the Scores

Criteria Interpretation
1. Two or more sector with two or more Abnormal
2. One sector with two or more delay or more Abnormal delay and in that same sectors no
sectors with one passes intersecting age line.
3. One sectors with two or more delays Questionable
4. One or more sector with one delay and in Questionable no passes intersecting age line.
that same sector
5. When refusal occurs in number large Untestable result to be questionable or
enough to cause test abnormal these were scored as failures.

Set A. Calculation of Toddler’s Age (13 month old – 2 years old)

 To get the chronological age of a toddler/ pre-school, subtract the birth date of the
client from the date of administration.
Year / Month / Date
Date of Test: 2022 01 18
2020 04 12
Date of birth (year/month/date):
01 09 06
Child’s Age

A. The Four Sectors

1. Personal-Social Skills

Item Used Results Analysis Justification

Intimates Housework Fail Not able to accomplish
what being mentioned.
Uses Spoon spilling little Pass The client can eat with a Helps feed self; enjoys
spoon and a little spilling carrying spoons and drinks
of food occurs while from glass or cup; not
eating is noticed. always exact in putting
utensils into mouth;
frequent spills are to be
Puts on Clothing Fail Not able to accomplish
what being mentioned.
Helps in House Simple Task Fail Not able to accomplish
what being mentioned.
Removes Garment Pass The client was able to A toddler may be able to
remove her clothes on her remove one or two pieces
own without the help of of loose clothes.
her mother or whoever
was with her.

2. Fine Motor Adoptive Skills

Item Used Results Analysis Justification

Tower of 4 cubes Pass The client was able to The 22 months old can
create a tower in just one make tower of four blocks.
Dumps Cheese Curls form Bottle – Pass Without demonstrating it, The kid is able to finish the
spontaneously the client was able to do task by simply instructing
what she was told to do: her to move the cheese curl
dump the cheese curls into to the other bottle. As a
the bottle on her own. result of moving items,
eye-hand coordination
Dumps Cheese Curls form Bottle - Pass The client made just one The kid is able to finish the
Demonstration attempt at the task by simply instructing
demonstration, which her to move the cheese curl
instructed her to dump the to the other bottle. As a
cheese curls into the result of moving items,
bottle. eye-hand coordination
3. Language Skills

Item Used Results Analysis Justification

3 words other than Papa and Mama Pass “Thank you,” “no,” and Uses 2 – 3 words other
“bye bye” are 3 words the than mama and papa at 12
client can say in addition – 15 months.
to Papa and Mama.
Combines 2 words Pass “No mama” and “ yes Combines two words
mama” were 2 words that between the ages of 16 and
the client was able to 24 months; there is a range
combine. of ages at which toddlers
are initially able to
combine words into
sentences; if a toddler is
unable to do so by the age
of 24 months, parents
should check with their
health care practitioner.
Points to one name body part Pass The client can point out The simplest things that a
the body parts to herself child can recognize at the
by asking or stating one of start of life are those most
them. commonly taught by
adults, such as alphabet,
body parts, colors, and
forms. These would then
move into the more
complicated details of
language and idea
expression development.

4. Gross Motor Skills

Item Used Results Analysis Justification

Kicks Ball Forward Pass The client was able to The toddler will most
kick the ball forward. definitely be able to kick a
ball forward around the age
of 18 months.
Throwing Ball Fail Not able to accomplish
what being mentioned.
Walks Backward Fail Not able to accomplish
what being mentioned.
Walks Up Steps Pass The client can walk up
Direction: Select what test directions appropriate to your client according to her/his age.

MMDST TOOL: Test Directions

1. Try to get the child to smile by smiling, talking or waving to him. Do not touch
2. When the child is playing with toy, pull it away from him. Pass if he resists.
3. Child does not have to be able to tie shoes or button in the back
4. Move yarn slowly in an arch from one side to the other, about 6” above child’s
face. Pass if the eyes follow 90o to midline. (past midline; 180o)
5. Pass if the child grasps rattle when it is touched to the backs or tips of fingers
6. Pass if the child continues to look where yarn disappeared or tries to see where it
went. Yarn should be dropped quickly from sight from tester’s hand without arm
7. Pass if the child picks up cheese curl with any part of the thumb and finger.
8. Pass if child picks up cheese curl with the ends of thumb and index finger using
an over hand approach.
9. Asked to draw or any enclosed form.

10. Which line is longer (not bigger). Turn the paper upside down and repeat (3/3 or 5/6)
11. Pass any crossing line

12. Have child copy first. If failed, demonstrate

• Note. When giving items 9, 11 and 12, do not name the forms. Do not demonstrate 9 and 11.
13. When scoring, each pair (2 arms, 2 legs, etc) counts as one part
14. Point to picture and have the child name it. (No credit is given for sounds only).
15. Tell the child to: give block to mommy; put block on table; put block on floor. Pass 2 of 3.
(Do not help child by pointing, moving head or eyes.)
16. Ask child: What do you do when you are cold? Hungry? Tired? Pass 2 of 3.
17. Tell child to: Put block on table; under table; in front of chair, behind chair. Pass 3 of 4. (Do
not help child by pointing, moving head or eyes.)
18. Ask child: If fire is hot, ice is? Mother is a woman, Dad is a? A horse is big, a mouse is? Pass
2 of 3.
19. Ask child: What is a ball? River? Desk? House? Banana? , Curtain? Roof? Fence? Street?
Pass if defined in terms of use, shape, what is it made of or its general category (such as
banana is a fruit, not just yellow). Pass 6 of 9.
20. Ask child: What is a spoon made of? A shoe made of? A door made of? (No other objects
can be substituted.) Pass 3 of 3.
21. When placed on stomach, child lifts chest off table with support of forearms and/or hands.
22. While child is on back, grasp his hands and pull him to sitting. Pass if head does not hang
23. Child may use wall or rail only, not person. May not crawl.
24. Child must throw ball overhead 3 feet to within arm’s reach of tester.
25. Child must perform standing broad jumps over width of test sheet (8 ½ inches).
26. Tell child to walk forward, heel within 1 inch of toe. Tester may demonstrate. Child must
walk 4 consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials.
27. Bounce ball to child who should stand 3 feet away from tester. Child must catch ball with
hands, not arms, 2 out of 3 trials.
28. Tell child to walk backward toe within 1 inch of heel. Tester may demonstrate. Child must
walk 4 consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials.
Part III. Summary

Part IV. Appendices.

 Photo of PSO Birth certificate
 Photo of Immunization Card (ECCD Card
 Photo during assessment.

Note: put caption in each picture

Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

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