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"Advancing Health Literacy for a Stronger and Well-Informed Filipino

As the world is changing, we are faced with problems that we have yet
made a solution to. Our main problem today and in our lifetime is Health. WHO
quoted, “Health is a fundamental right”, and yet many suffer in destitute and
health illiteracy. We know our problem but we are not resolving it. If the world is
changing, then what can we Filipinos ponder to help it? Will we be just dependent
on the eleemosynary works of other countries? I prefer that we should stand
together, as a Health Educated country, ourselves.
Health literacy should be an action that is served for free. Yes, the DOH has
provided free clinics in every barangay, but the main reason here on why we
cannot find the best remedy is because we are illiterate and we lack proper
communication. Doctors and patients talk differently, therefore one can possibly
perceive wrong information. When we teach people on basic health vocabularies
first rather than just saying things at the surface, we can promote an effective
talk. There should be seminars regarding health-related issues teaching our own
countrymen, especially the ones in poverty that cannot afford education.
We have the right to obtain health, therefore that accompanies the fact
that we are also privileged to be health literates. For us to also help our fellow
Filipinos then we must strive to be well-informed ourselves. When we learn
reliable information then we can spread it throughout everyone we know so that
we can create a strong bond in our nation. To be literate is a blessing but to teach
is a divine act. We cannot just remain futile, we must do something to help
ourselves and to help the majority. There is no better time to act but now.
To create change and to be a part of our country and the world’s
advancement is a merit we can all help achieve. If we teach what we know and
learn what we can then we can strive together. It is always the unity of everyone
that creates great change for us all.

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