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Reading Text for Third Year

The Treasure
by Uri Shulevitz

There once was a man and his name was Isaac. He lived in such poverty that again
and again he went to bed hungry.

One day, he had a dream. In his dream, a voice told him to go to the capital city and
look for a treasure under the bridge by the Royal Palace.

“It is only a dream,” he thought when he woke up, and he paid no attention to it.

The dream came back a second time. And Isaac still paid no attention to it. When
the dream came back a third time, he said, “Maybe it’s true,” and he set out on his journey.

Now and then, someone gave him a ride, but most of the way he walked. He walked
through forests. He crossed over mountains. Finally, he reached the capital city.

But when he came to the bridge by the Royal Palace, he found that it was heavily
guarded by soldiers day and night. He did not dare to search for the treasure. Yet he
returned to the bridge every morning and wandered around it until dark.

One day, the captain of the guards asked him, “Why are you here?” Isaac told him
the dream. The captain laughed.

“You poor fellow,” he said, “what a pity you wore your shoes out for a dream! Listen,
if I believed a dream I once had, I would go right now to the city you came from, and I’d
look for a treasure under the stove in the house of a fellow named Isaac.” And he laughed

Isaac bowed to the captain and started on his long way home. He crossed over
mountains. He walked through forests. Now and then, someone gave him a ride, but most
of the way he walked. At last, he reached his own town.

When he got home, he dug under his stove, and there he found the treasure. In
thanksgiving, he built a house of prayer, and in one of its corners he put an inscription:
Sometimes one must travel far to discover what is near.

Isaac sent the captain of the guards a priceless ruby. And for the rest of his days he
lived in contentment and he never was poor again.
Name: ________________________________________ Yr/Sect: __________ Score: ___

The Treasure
Comprehension Check
Directions: Answer each question correctly. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
Strictly no erasures.

____ 1. Was Isaac could afford to sleep without taking dinner when he was still poor?
a. yes c. no
b. maybe d. cannot be determined
____ 2. Where was the treasure located according to Isaac’s dream?
a. under the stove c. under the bridge
b. under the tree d. under the throne
____ 3. How did other travelers helped Isaac?
a. He was given good. c. He was given water.
b. He was given a ride d. He was given direction.
____ 4. What is the connotative meaning when the author said that Isaac walked through
forest and crossed mountains?
a. He conquered obstacles.
b. He conducted mountain climbing activity.
c. He conquered the palace guards.
d. He followed his dream.
____ 5. What prevented Isaac from directly going to the bridge when he reached the city?
a. It was under construction.
b. It was replaced by another one.
c. It was transferred to other place.
d. It was under watchful eyes of the guards.
____ 6. Why was the captain of the guards laugh at Isaac?
a. Isaac cracked a joke. c. Isaac touched the captain.
b. Isaac revealed his dream. d. Isaac saw a funny thing.
____ 7. What was most precious material possession Isaac sacrificed in order to reach the
city and see the bridge in his dream?
a. bracelet c. anklet
b. shoes d. food
____ 8. How did the captain find his own dream of going to the house of a fellow named
Isaac because the treasure lied under the latter’s stove?
a. wise c. impossible
b. ridiculous d. marvelous
____ 9. Where did Isaac find the treasure?
a. under his stove c. under the bridge by the Royal Palace
b. under his table d. under the King’s throne
____ 10. Why do you think Isaac had to experience a kind of dream although it was not
pointing to the true location of the hidden treasure?
a. Because of his dream, he met other travelers.
b. Because of his dream, he saw the bridge by the Royal Palace.
c. Because of his dream, he experienced walking through the forest.
d. Because of his dream, he met the person whose dream held the key to decipher
the hidden part of the poor man’s dream.

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