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A survey on stress level and the factors that cause it was conducted involving the
students of the Technological University of the Philippines as the respondents. The
survey questionnaire is subdivided into three (3) parts. The first part of the survey
collected the socio-demographic variables of the student respondents such as their
personal information, course and year level, parents' educational attainment and
occupation, the estimated income of their parents, and their type of residence. The
second part of the survey asked them to check the possible causes of stress in their life
in school, money, relationship, and body, mind, and feelings. The last part of the survey
asked them to check the list of stresses and symptoms they are feeling at the moment.
These symptoms were categorized as physical, emotional, behavioral, and
psychological. This paper aims to factor analyze items under each stressor, compute for
the summation of the items under each indicator culling out insignificant items, and to
compute for the determinants of stress (DV).


There are 4 classifications of stressors involved in the questionnaire and these are
School, Money, Relationship and Body, Mind, and Feelings. Each of the stressors has
many factors. The data collected were tested using Factor Analysis to reduce the
factors of each stressor into a smaller number of components. Varimax with Kaiser
Normalization rotation method was used to extract the important components.
The School stressor is comprised of nine statements. Out of the nine statements
given in the study, only three important components were extracted. The 3 components
are classified by the researchers as classroom problems; class requirements; and class
attendance. Classroom problems are composed of four statements, while class
requirements and class attendance have two statements each.

The first component under the School stressor is listed in Table 1 which is referred to
as classroom problems.
Table 1. Factor Analysis of Items under Classroom Problems.

Stressor: School Factor Score

s1. I cannot pay attention in class. 0.665
s2. I study but have trouble passing tests/assignments. 0.684
s3. I do not understand what my teacher teaches. 0.731
s4. I am not sure if I am able to do well in school. 0.683
Average 0.691

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.691. The
four statements clearly show different difficulties the students are experiencing inside
the classroom, like not paying attention in class, trouble passing tests and assignments,
difficulty in understanding what their teachers are teaching, and having doubts if they
are doing well in school.

Table 2 shows that statements under the second component of the school stressor
which is classified as the class requirements.

Table 2. Factor Analysis of Items under Class Requirements.

Stressor: School Factor Score

s7. I have too many assignments. 0.844
s8. My teachers have too many requirements. 0.849
Average 0.846

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.846. The
two statements clearly show the difficulty being experienced by the student with
complying with class requirements like having too many assignments and too many

Table 3 shows that statements under the third component of the school stressor
which is classified as Class Attendance
Table 3. Factor Analysis of Items under Class Attendance.

Stressor: School Factor Score

s5. My attendance is poor. 0.847
s6. I am often late for class. 0.849
Average 0.848
The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.848. The
two statements clearly show the difficulty being experienced by the student with
attending classes like having poor attendance and tardiness in attending classes.

The Money stressor is comprised of 11 statements. Out of the 11 statements given in

the study, only three important components were extracted. The 3 components are
classified by the researchers as personal and school problems; debt problems; and
budgeting problems. Personal and School problems are composed of six statements,
while debt problems are composed of three statements and budgeting problems have
two statements.

Table 4 shows that statements under the first component of the money stressor
which is classified as personal and school problems.

Table 4. Factor Analysis of Items under Personal and School Problems.

Stressor: Money Factor Score
M1. I cannot get the money I need to pay for school. .805
M2. I do not have the money to pay for basic expenses. .833
M3. I do not have enough money for school requirements. .834
M7. I do not have enough money for food. .629
M10. I have no money for emergencies. .618
M11. I do not have enough money for entertainment, recreation, and .501
Average Score .703

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.703. The
five statements clearly show that each student has difficulties in paying for the fees that
it is being required by the school for the tuition fees, allowance, requirements for the
school, and food and emergencies.
Table 5 shows that statements under the second component of the money stressor
which is classified as debt problems.

Table 5. Factor Analysis of Items under Shortage Problems.

Stressor: Money Factor Score
M6. I am financially responsible for someone else. .659
M8. Someone owes me money .777
M9. I have transportation problems. .593
Average Score .676

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.676. The
two statements clearly show that each student has difficulties in paying for the debts of
the students to each other and having problems in transportation because of the
shortage of money in paying some debts and having a shortage of money they do not
have enough money for transportation to go home or even go to school.

Table 6 shows that statements under the third component of the money stressor
which is classified as budgeting problems.

Table 6. Factor Analysis of Items under Budgeting Problems.

Stressor: Money Factor Score
M4. My parents control how much money I spend. .818
M5. I have trouble managing a budget. .704
Average Score .761

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.761. The
two statements clearly show that each student has difficulties in budgeting their money
because they have so many expenses inside the school and outside the school.

The Relationship stressor is comprised of 8 statements. Out of the 8 statements

given in the study, only two important components were extracted. The 2 components
are classified by the researchers as socializing problems; and family problems.
Socializing Problems is composed of four statements; family problems are composed of
three statements.

Table 7 shows that statements under the first component of the relationship stressor
which is classified as socializing problems.

Table 7. Factor Analysis of Items under Socializing Problems.

Stressor: Relationship Factor Score
R2. I have difficulties with friends. .659
R3. I do not know how to deal with troublesome classmates. .794
R4. I have trouble meeting a boyfriend/ girlfriend. .651
R5. I do not understand the culture in TUP .592
Average Score .674

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.674. The
three statements clearly show that each student has difficulties in talking and being
socialized inside the TUP because each student has a different persona, standing, and
culture inside the school.

Table 8 shows that statements under the second component of the relationship
stressor which is classified as family problems.

Table 8. Factor Analysis of Items under Family Problems.

Stressor: Relationship Factor Score
R6. A family member/friend has been sick or have health problems. .570
R7. I am lonely, I miss my family/friends. .797
R8. I have problems with relatives at home .747
Average Score .705
The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.705. The
two statements clearly show that each student has difficulties in living with the dorms or
with the relatives needing that the students must be near in the school because there
are students that their homes are far from that they will be late if they stay to their

The Body, Mind, and Feelings stressor is comprised of 15 statements. Out of the 15
statements given in the study, only three important components were extracted. The 3
components are classified by the researchers as emotional problems; psychological
problems; and physical problems. Emotional problems are composed of five
statements; Psychological problems are composed of five statements; Physical
problems are composed of four statements.

Table 9 shows that statements under the first component of the body, mind, and
feelings stressor which is classified as emotional problems.

Table 9. Factor Analysis of Items under Emotional Problems

Stressor: Body, Mind, and Feelings Factor Score
B5. I feel sad/ depressed. .612
B6. I do not feel like anyone cares about me. .770
B7. I do not want to do things that I used to like to do. .761
B9. I find it hard to express my feelings. .529
B10. I feel I do not have enough personal energy .626
Average Score .660

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.660. The
five statements clearly show different difficulties the students are experiencing
emotionally. For example, some students are having trouble with their self-esteem while
others are not in the mood to do something.
Table 10 shows that statements under the second component of the body, mind, and
feelings stressor which is classified as psychological problems.

Table 10. Factor Analysis of Items under Psychological Problems.

Stressor: Body, Mind, and Feelings Factor Score
B11. I have too many things to do. .552
B12. I have troubling thoughts of the future. .591
B13. I am concerned of the meaning of life. .680
B14. I have trouble making decisions. .704
B15. I often forget a number of things. .632
Average Score .632

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.632. The
five statements clearly show different difficulties the students are experiencing
psychologically. For example, some students are concerned about life, some are having
difficulty making decisions and some are forgetful.

Table 11 shows that statements under the second component of the body, mind, and
feelings stressor which is classified as physical problems.

Table 11. Factor Analysis of Items under Physical Problems.

Stressor: Body, Mind, and Feelings Factor Score
B1. I have trouble relaxing. .544
B2. I do not know what to do for exercise. .589
B3. I have gained/lost some weight. .728
B4. I am tired and sleeping more/less than normal. .694
Average Score .650

The statements under this component have an average factor score of 0.650. The
four statements clearly show different difficulties the students are experiencing
physically. For example, some students are concerned about their weight while some
are having difficulty with their sleep.
This paper also aims to compute for the determinants of stress based on the result of
the factor analysis. The mean or the average of the factors of each extracted
components in each of the stressor were computed. The means were then added
according to the stressor where they belong. These are now referred to as S_TOTAL,
M_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and B_TOTAL. This were used as the independent variables (IV)
using multiple regressions to compute for the determinants of stress. There are four
categories of stresses used in this study and they are physical, emotional, behavioral
and psychological. Each of the stresses served as our dependent variable (DV) and
these were tested against the (4) factors using Multiple regression statistical tool.

Table 12 shows the regression of the physical stress given the 4 independent
variables S_TOTAL, M_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and B_TOTAL. The equation has an F value
for ANOVA of 18.308 with significance value of 0.000. There are 2 variables that appear
significant in the equation and these are B_TOTAL and M_TOTAL. Analysis of the data
showed that, for every 1 unit increase in B_TOTAL factor, it leads to .388 point increase
in physical stress. On the other hand, for every 1 unit increase in M_TOTAL factor, it
leads to .11 point decrease in physical stress. Hence, B_TOTAL (β =.357, p < .001) is
positively related to physical stress while M_TOTAL (β = -0.10, p = .026) is negatively
related to physical stress. The positive regression coefficients of B_TOTAL indicate that
as it increases, physical stress slightly rises. The negative regression coefficients of
M_TOTAL indicate that as it increases, physical stress slightly decreases. The R-square
= .109 signifies that about 10.9% of the variability of physical stress can be explained by
body, mind, feelings and money factors.
Table 12. Regression of the Physical Stress on the Independent Variables
Regression Coefficients
Independent variable t-value P
B Beta
(Constant) 0.994
B_TOTAL 0.388 0.357 7.496 0.000
M_TOTAL -0.110 0.101 -2.239 0.026
Study reveals that high financial stress levels and concerns over debt are associated
with increased risk for ulcers, migraines, heart attacks, and sleep disturbances,
according to the American Psychological Association (APA), and those conditions are
just the beginning of how your money affects your body and mind. (

Table 13 shows the regression of the emotional stress given the 4 independent
variables S_TOTAL, M_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and B_TOTAL. The equation has an F value
for ANOVA of 30.327 with significance value of 0.000. There are 3 variables that appear
significant in the equation and these are B_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and M_TOTAL. Analysis
of the data showed that, for every 1 unit increase in B_TOTAL factor, it leads to .391
point increase in emotional stress. Analysis of the data showed that, for every 1 unit
increase in R_TOTAL factor, it leads to .225 point increase in emotional stress. Analysis
of the data showed that, for every 1 unit increase in M_TOTAL factor, it leads to .113
point decrease in emotional stress. Hence, B_TOTAL (β = 0.366, p < .000) is positively
related to emotional stress, R_TOTAL (β = 0.142, p < .004) is positively related to
emotional stress while M_TOTAL (β =-.105, p = .025) is negatively related to emotional
stress. The positive regression coefficients of B_TOTAL indicate that as it increases,
emotional stress slightly increases. The positive regression coefficients of R_TOTAL
indicate that as it increases, emotional stress slightly increases. The negative
regression coefficients of M_TOTAL indicate that as it decreases, emotional stress
slightly decreases. The R-square = .179 signifies that about 17.9% of the variability of
emotional stress can be explained by body, mind, feelings, money, relationship factors.
Table 13. Regression of the Emotional Stress on the Independent Variables
Regression Coefficients
Independent variable t-value P
B Beta
(Constant) -0.509
B_TOTAL 0.391 0.366 7.475 0.000
R_TOTAL 0.225 0.142 2.913 0.004
M_TOTAL -0.113 0.105 -2.248 0.025

It shows that money can affect emotional stress because all of your debts and
payments will make yourself emotional because of the upcoming exams, rents, food,
clothing and many more that can make you sad or not being confident to yourself even
relationship can still affect your emotion because the person that stands beside you can
leave you on your own or you do not have your family to help you cope up with your
problems in life and the last will affect is your body that will make you feel weak if you
stay emotional day after day.

Table 14 shows the regression of the behavioral stress given the 4 independent
variables S_TOTAL, M_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and B_TOTAL. The equation has an F value
for ANOVA of 30.327 with significance value of 0.000. There are 3 variables that appear
significant in the equation, and these are B_TOTAL, M_TOTAL, and S_TOTAL. Analysis
of the data showed that, for every 1 unit increase in B_TOTAL factor, it leads to .397
point increase in behavioral stress. Analysis of the data showed that, for every 1 unit
increase in M_TOTAL factor, it leads to .135 point decrease in behavioral stress.
Analysis of the data showed that, for every 1 unit increase in S_TOTAL factor, it leads to
.141 point increase in behavioral stress. Hence, B_TOTAL (β = 0.437, p < .000) is
positively related to emotional stress, M_TOTAL (β = -0.149, p = .001) is negatively
related to behavioral stress, while S_TOTAL (β =.133, p < .002) is positively related to
behavioral stress. The positive regression coefficients of B_TOTAL indicate that as it
increases, behavioral stress slightly increases. The negative regression coefficients of
M_TOTAL indicate that as it decreases, behavioral stress slightly decreases. The
positive regression coefficients of S_TOTAL indicate that as it increases, behavioral
stress slightly increases. The R-square = .209 signifies that about 20.9% of the
variability of behavioral stress can be explained by body, mind, feelings, money, school
Table 14. Regression of the Behavioral Stress on the Independent Variables
Regression Coefficients
Independent variable t-value P
B Beta
(Constant) -0.577
B_TOTAL 0.397 0.437 9.027 0.000
M_TOTAL -0.135 0.149 -3.266 0.001
S_TOTAL 0.141 0.133 3.094 0.002
Many factors can change the behavior quickly but these factors are the main
reasons that a person can change his/her behavior because if someone bribe you some
money you will do the task of the person or the request of the person who need your
help because you are in need of money that your principles will change and behavior
even at the school if you go with the people who are bully and hurt others your behavior
will change too because of the environment of your friends and last is the body because
many people have different kinds of body maybe you are big then your ego will be big
because no one in your age is big enough of you so you feel superior to the other
person or if you are small then you will be servants of the strong that sometimes happen
inside the school because your body is a big factor for your own behavior or the
behavior of the person that will look at you.

Table 15 shows the regression of the psychological stress given the 4 independent
variables S_TOTAL, M_TOTAL, R_TOTAL and B_TOTAL. The equation has an F value
for ANOVA of 34.500 with significance value of 0.000. There are 2 variables that appear
significant in the equation and these are B_TOTAL and M_TOTAL. Analysis of the data
showed that, for every 1 unit increase in B_TOTAL factor, it leads to .424 point increase
in psychological stress. On the other hand, for every 1 unit increase in M_TOTAL factor,
it leads to .117 point decrease in psychological stress. Hence, B_TOTAL (β =.448, p <
.001) is positively related to psychological stress while M_TOTAL (β = .125, p < .006) is
negatively related to psychological stress. The positive regression coefficients of
B_TOTAL indicate that as it increases, psychological stress slightly rises. The negative
regression coefficients of M_TOTAL indicate that as it increases, physical stress slightly
decreases. The R-square = .192 signifies that about 19.2% of the variability of
psychological stress can be explained by body, mind, feelings and money factors.

Table 15. Regression of the Psychological Stress on the Independent Variables

Regression Coefficients
Independent variable t-value P
B Beta
(Constant) -0.481
B_TOTAL 0.424 0.448 9.524 0.000
M_TOTAL -0.117 0.125 -2.778 0.006
According to study, personal financial resources are among the top source of
psychological stress especially among adults and even college students. Problems
include too much living expenses, overspending, credit card debt, or student loan which
can result to a higher risk of psychological problems. Even rich people are at a higher
risk for psychological problems not because they have too much money, but because of
discontentment with their lives which lead to unhappiness. (Financial Stress, Social
Supports, Gender, and Anxiety During College: A Stress-Buffering Perspective, 2018)

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