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Synopsis The film The Last Airbender

A pair of brothers are busy looking for prey in the cold snow. They are one of the
villagers who tried to survive in the vast white continent that occur due to bad weather is very
cold. They accidentally found the oddity in that hardens underwater. Curiosity both sisters
eventually took them to a little boy and a bull flying.
Fate brings Katara (Nicola Peltz) and Sokka (Jackson Rathbone) finds Aang (Noah
Ringer) and a huge white bull and able to fly into space. Two sisters from the water tribe who
do not know Aang, eventually bringing it to their village sangAvatar. But unfortunately, the
discovery of Katara and Sokka in the know by Prince Zuko (Dev Patel) who was exiled by
his father which is actually a tribal leader of the fire. Prince Zuko was exiled because of
doubt about his ability as a tribal fire. And will be recognized by the father if he managed to
find sangAvatar that nearly 100 years to disappear. With the threat of tribal forces fire, Aang
finally willing to part with Prince Zuko to be brought into the country of Fire. But Katara and
Sokka who feel responsible for the life Aang trying to liberate these sangAvatar. The three
new friends were eventually able to escape and begin to find out the identity of Aang. Aang
who has been missing for 100 years did not realize that he is the hope of all the tribes who
had been oppressed by the state fire. Aang was angry when the monks who taught him the air
controls were killed by army fire country.
An Avatar is a person who can control all four elements. Air, water, earth and fire are
the elements that must be mastered by those who elected menjadiAvatar. Aang who fled from
the temple have not had time to learn the three other elements because it is not strong accept
his destiny as the Avatar. With the pursuit of state troops fire especially Prince Zuko, Aang,
Katara and Sokka finally began an adventure to learn the control of water which can not be
controlled by Aang. Spare water in the northern hemisphere is the third destination of this
new friend to learn the water control.
The story of The Last Airbender appointed pursuant to the movie adaptation of the
television series titled Avatar: The Last Airbender created by Michael Dante DiMartino and
Bryan Konietzko. Adventures of three friends is full of exciting action. Ranging from
sophisticated effects presented by M. Night Shyamalan film as captain, until the action
between Aang and Prince Zuko who each hold a different element.
One of which is stressful enough when Aang control sea water and creates very high waves to
repel the army of the fire along with their warships from the last bastion of the northern tribes
of the earth
The film begins with fourteen-year-old Katara and her fifteen-year-old warrior
brother, Sokka , near a river at the South Pole. They soon followed some tracks of a tiger
seal. When they looked beneath their feet, there was something glowing below. An ice sphere
appeared with a boy named Aang and a flying bison named Appa trapped inside when Sokka
hits the floor with his boomerang. Unknown to them, Aang is the long lost Avatar - a spiritual
figure that holds the world in balance through every incarnation. However, his disappearance
allowed the Fire Nation to declare war on the other nations (the Air Nomads, the Water
Tribes and the Earth Kingdom) in their attempt to conquer the world. Zuko , an exiled prince
of the Fire Nation, is on a quest to find the Avatar and bring him as prisoner to his father, the
Fire Lord Ozai . Seeing the light that appeared from Aang's release, Zuko and some Fire
Nation soldiers arrive at the Southern Water Tribe to demand the villagers to bring out their
elderly under the impression that the Avatar must be an old person. But Aang reveals himself
as he surrenders himself to Zuko on the condition that he agrees to leave the village alone. On
the ship Aang is tested by Zuko's Uncle Iroh to confirm him to be the Avatar. After being
informed that he is to be their prisoner for passing the test, Aang escapes using his glider and
flies to his flying bison brought by Katara and Sokka. Aang and his new friends visit the
Southern Air Temple and he learns that he was in the ice for a whole century and that the Fire
Nation wiped out all Air Nomads, including his guardian, Monk Gyatso. In despair, he enters
the Avatar state and finds himself in the spirit world where he encounters a dragon spirit that
tells him to make his way to the Northern Water Tribe to master Water Bending.

While at small Earth Kingdom town controlled by the Fire Nation, Aang's group is
arrested because Katara tries to help a young boy from a patrol. They incite a rebellion by
reminding the disgruntled Earthbenders that earth was given to them. Katara is given a
Waterbending scroll that she uses to perfect her Waterbending and help Aang learn
Waterbending as they make their way to the Northern Water Tribe and liberate more Earth
Kingdom villages in the process. During a side track to the Northern Air Temple on his own,
Aang is betrayed by a peasant and captured by a group of Fire Nation archers, led by Admiral
Zhao. However, a masked marauder, the "Blue Spirit", helps Aang escape from his
imprisonment. Aware that Zuko is the "Blue Spirit", Zhao arranges to kill the prince. Zuko
survives the attempt on his life. With Iroh's help, he sneaks aboard Zhao's lead ship as his
fleet departs for the Northern Water Tribe to execute the plan he and Ozai set up with the
scrolls from the Library detailing the spirits there.
Upon arriving, Aang's group is welcomed warmly by the citizens of the Northern
Water Tribe. Immediately, Sokka befriends the Northern Water Tribe princess, Yue. After a
few agreements, a waterbending master, Pakku, teaches Aang waterbending. Soon, the Fire
Nation arrives and Zhao begins his attack while Zuko begins his search for the Avatar on his
own, capturing Aang as he enters the spirit world to find the dragon spirit to give him the
wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation. Returning to his body, Aang battles Zuko before Katara
freezes him. As the battle escalates, Iroh watches Zhao capture the moon spirit Tui, which
with its water spirit counterpart had assumed the form of a fish. Despite Iroh's pleas, Zhao
kills Tui to strip the Waterbenders to lose all of their powers and abilities to Waterbend. Yue
explains to everyone that the moon spirit gave her life, willing to gave it back as she dies in
the process. With the tables turned, Zhao is drowned by Waterbenders after Zuko and Iroh
leave him to his fate. Aang uses the ocean to drive the armada back. Aang now fully
embraces his destiny as the Avatar as he, Katara and Sokka prepare to continue their journey
to the Earth Kingdom to find an earthbending teacher for Aang.

When news of Zhao's death and Iroh's betrayal reaches Fire Lord Ozai, he appoints
his daughter Azula to capture both her uncle and Zuko along with dealing with the Avatar
before Sozin's Comet returns.

See also: List of Avatar: The Last Airbender characters

 Nuh RingerAang Noah Ringer as Aang , who disappeared from public sight a hundred
years ago. While chronologically 112 years old, Aang still retains his biological age
of 12. He is the latest reincarnation of the Avatar. Though he is capable of bending all
four elements, at the beginning of the film he has only learned to airbend. It is also his
duty to maintain balance in the world, which conflicts with his easy-going, fun-loving
 Dev PatelPangeran Zuko Dev Patel as Prince Zuko , a 16-year-old Fire Nation prince
who travels with his uncle Iroh. The former heir to the throne, he was exiled by his
father, Fire Lord Ozai, and ordered to capture the Avatar (who had not been seen in
almost a century, making the assignment a wild goose chase ) in order to regain his
lost honor. He is the secondary protagonist of the film.
 Nicola PeltzKatara Suku Air Selatan Nicola Peltz as Katara , a 14-year-old girl of the
Southern Water Tribe and its last remaining waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe.
Since the death of her mother, Kya, she has served as the maternal figure in her
family, and is no stranger to responsibility despite her young age. She is Aang's good
friend and love interest.
 Jackson Rathbone Sokka Suku Air Selatan. Jackson Rathbone as Sokka , a 15-year-
old warrior from the Southern Water Tribe and Katara's older brother. He can be
condescending, and has no bending powers. He often takes up leadership roles by
virtue of coming up with most of the workable plans and tactics.
 Shaun ToubIro Shaun ToubIroh He is extremely easy-going and friendly, and often
acts as a surrogate father to Zuko. Formerly a great general of the Fire Nation,
personal tragedies led to his retirement, and the role of heir-presumptive passed to his
younger brother Ozai.
 Aasif MandviKomandan Zhao. Aasif Mandvi as Commander Zhao , a hot-tempered
Fire Nation Commander in pursuit of the Avatar. Dia adalah saingan utama Zuko's.
He is Zuko's principal rival. Hence, he serves as the primary antagonist of the film to
both Aang and Zuko. In the show, he is promoted to Admiral when trying to appoint
the Yuu Yan archers to capture Aang. In the film, there is no mention of Zhao's
promotion but he dies an admiral in the cartoon.
 Seychelle GabrielPutri Yue Seychelle Gabriel as Princess Yue , the princess of the
Northern Water Tribe, who was Sokka's first love interest. Dalam peristiwa tragis, ia
mengorbankan dirinya untuk menyelamatkan suku air dan keseimbangan bumi,
dengan berubah menjadi bulan. In a tragic turn of events, she sacrificed herself to save
the water tribe and the balance of the earth, by turning into the moon.
 Cliff CurtisTuhan Api OzaiCliff Curtis as Fire Lord Ozai , the leader of the Fire
Nation as well as Prince Zuko's father. He is a secondary antagonist of the film, and
the main antagonist of the cartoon series.
 Bishil SummerPrincess AzulaSummer Bishil as Princess Azula , appears once at the
battle where Zuko refuses to fight and again at the end where she accepts the role as
hunter of her brother and uncle, and destroying the Avatar. She inherited her father's
pleasure of killing which makes her father choose her to take over Zuko's previous
task. She acts as a minor antagonist in this movie.




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