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SUBJECT- E.S. (2021-22) Classwork - 3

Ch.22 Living organisms and their interdependence Date: ________
Name: __________________ Std. V / Sec: __________ Roll No.: ______

4. How do animals help plants in pollination and dispersal of seed?

Ans. Many insects like bees, butterflies, ants, etc. visit flowers to collect nectar and
pollens. While moving from one flower to another the sticky pollen grains produced
by the male parts of the plants stick to their legs or wings. When they sit on
another flower to collect nectar the pollen grains get transferred to the sticky
surface of stigma (female part) of the flower.

Some seeds have hooks or sticky hair which attach to the body of animals visiting
the plant in search of food. Squirrels hide seeds and nuts in the ground which
result in growing new plants. These seeds are carried to distant places by animals.
Sometimes, the undigested seeds come out through the digestive tract of the
animals and get dispersed at far off places.

5. Write about the role of earthworm in increasing the fertility of the soil.

Ans. Earthworms feed on decaying matter of the soil and when it moves about in
soil, burrows are formed. These burrows make the soil airy automatically, enabling
the plants to grow more rapidly. Decaying leaves are eaten by the earthworm and
its faecal matter adds minerals and humus to the soil which increases the
productivity of the soil.

6. How do plants provide shelter and safety to animals? Give examples.

Ans. Many insects like beetle, wasps, moth etc. protect their offsprings by
depositing eggs on plant parts. The eggs develop a gall around them for protection
and ultimately immature insects come out of gall safely. Beetles live within leaf-
tents during daytime.

7. The process of respiration is opposite to photosynthesis. Explain.

Std. V/ E.S./ Ch. 22/Classwork-1/2021 – 2022

TEACHER’S NAME:- Simimol Jino
E-mail ID:- Page 1 of 2
Ans. In the process of respiration animals and plants take in oxygen and give out
carbon dioxide. On the other hand, in photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and
give out oxygen.

Std. V/ E.S./ Ch. 22/Classwork-1/2021 – 2022

TEACHER’S NAME:- Simimol Jino
E-mail ID:- Page 2 of 2

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