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KORUS'2005 3 77 E.B. Preobrazhensky, A N .


Electric Machine Control

of Starter-Generator Unit
E.B. Preobrazhensky, A.N. Reshelnikov
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Industrial Electronics Department
630092, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx prospect, 20, Russia
. Ph. (3832) 460 864

Absract New consumer requirements to modern cars begins to work as an active rectifier, and PMSM as a
have resulted in developing an integrated starter-generator generator. Vector control provides constant voltage on
unit. This multifunctional and multiconnected system is of the machine output terminals at a11 speeds (fiom 800 rpm
great interest for commercial application. The results of this to 6500 rpm) as well as constant voltage in C independent
starter-generator unit modelling in the starter and
generator modes are given In tbis paper. The realbation of
of the load (from 0 to 4 kW). It also makes it possible to
the proposed control circuit is described on a mathematical charge the capacitor and the battery pack. The load is fed
model. from the DC-DC converter.


With steadily increasing fuel prices and the consumer's The control of ac machines is not an easy task because
desire to have light trucks and sport utility vehicles, the of their nonlinearity. The most popular control. method is
automakers have decided to create electrically powered vector control based on various changes of coordinates
systems to reduce both he1 consumption and emissions. that partly Iinearize the motor equations. Let us consider
One of the ways to increase car safety, comfort and make the system of equations describing PMSM in a rotating
it environmentally fiiendly is to use a starter-generator system of coordinates linked with a rotor (1). The use of
unit (SGU). The integration of the internal combustion dq reference kame is caused by the fact that the electric
engine (ICE), the starter and the generator into a singIe machine is a stationary, though nonlinear, control object.
power unit allows one to implement qualitatively a new Hence, parameters that obviously depend on time or on a
concept of a car power unit with PL substantial rotor angle are not given in the system of equations [4].
improvement o f its ecological parameters [l]. An did
increase in power of the automobiIe electrical system [2] Ud =Rid +L--UILi,
is predicted in the nearest years, which requires an
increase in voltage of the vehicle electrical system up to
36 V 131. The SGU circuit and control algorithm of
electric machine operation in the starter and generator
modes are considered in this paper. The proposed control
algorithm has been verified on a mathematical model by 3
using the "Matlab-Simulink" software. The results of P = --(udid +U&)
1 2
modelling are aIso presented.
whereud and uq are dq frame stator voltages,
II. SGU SCHEME U; = U ; +U;,
The SGU block diagram is shown in Fig. 1 where: BP U, is a stator phase voltage amplitude,
is a battery pack, DC-DC is a direct current-direct current and ill are dq fiame stator currents,
converter, C is a ultracapacitor, VSI is a voltage source R is a stator resistance,
inverter, PMSM is a permanent magnet synchronous L is a stator synchronous inductance,
machine. The PMSM is a brushless machine, hence it is o is an angular fiequency ofrotating field, o =pa,,
expected to be trouble and maintenance fiee for a number p is a number of pole pairs,
of years. PMSM is mounted on the ICE shaft and is n.2n
connected to a 36 V electrical system via a three-phase oris a rotor speed, or= -
60 '
VSI, 8n intermediate increased voltage dc link (Udc= 110 @ is an ampfitude of the flux induced by the
V) and a DC-DC converter. Besides, it should be noted permanent magnets,
that an additional accumulator of energy C is used in an M is an electromagnetic torque,
increased voltage dc iink. P is a generator active power which equals to the
PMSM is fed by C via VSl and works as an engine in a load power PLDBd assuming that losses in the inverter
starting mode. As soon as ICE starts operating, VSI are equal to zero.

0-7803-8943-3/05/!§20.000 2005 IEEE Electric Power Engineering

E.g. Preobra~ensky,A.N. Resheinikov 3 78 KOR US’2OO5

r .

We can derive the id and ip currents fiom (1) which will PG-’is an inverse Park-Gorev change of coordinates (5)
be reference signals for currents of the conk01 system in a fiomdqtoABC; .
starter mode (Fig. 2): R is a resolver;
Or i s a rotor position;
p is a number of pole pairs.
Throughout this paper, the superscript* and subscript
ref are used to denote control and reference values of

variables respectively.
where E = wD, X= oL,Z’ = R’ + X2,
K, =mis the voltage transfer factor ofthe inverter (in

case of an inverter with space vector pulse width

modulation K,=0,577).
Let us assume that the stator winding resistance is
much less than its reactance in a generating mode, hence
it is possible to neglect it. Then we can derive the id and iq
2x 2n
currents fiom (1) which will be reference signals for f~ = fd cos(t3 -7)
-f,sin(9 - 7)
, (5)
currents of the control system in a generating mode
(Fig. 2):

.* J--E
Id = wherefis either voltage or current, 8 = cot is a electrical
X (3) rotor angle, 8 =per.
.* =-- 2P
Switching fiom one mode to the other is carried out
3E with the help of the virtual switch S.The switch is in the
The control diagram is shown in Fig. 2. top position in a starter mode, and when the speed of the
Scheme notations: machine amounts to nref= 800 rpm the switch changes its
VC is a voltage controller; position at the bottom. Hence, the system begins to
FCS i s a h c t i o n a l converter in a starter mode (2); operate in a generating mode.
FCG is a hnctional converter in a generator mode (3);
SC is a speed controller; JY.MODELLING RESULTS
S is a virtual switch;
dldt is a time derivative; The study of SGU operation has been carried out on the
CC is a current controller; “Matlab-Simulink” software. The inverter is presented by
VS i s a voltage sensor; controlled sinusoidal voltage sources in the model. Such
PWM is pulse-width modulation; a representation is quite justified since VSI i s
PG is a direct Park-Corev transformer (4) from the stator realized as the IGBT-inverter with pulse-width
reference fiame AEC to the rotor reference frame dq; modulation.

Electric Power Engineering

KORUS'2005 3 79 E.B. Preobrazhensky, A A . Reshetnikov

0.2 0,3 0,4 0,s 0,6 0,7 0.8 0,9 I *@)




-15 .

-20 .

70 -
10 .

Fig. 3. SGU characteristics.

The SGU modelling results in starter and generator the annature magnetizing reaction ('p < 0) in the range of
modes are shown in Fig. 3. Here: speeds from 800 rpm to 1100 rmp, and by the armature
V , and IC are capacitor voltage and current, demagnetizing reaction ((p > 0) in the range o f speeds
n is a rotor speed, from 1100 rpm to 8000 rmp.
M is an electromagnetic torque,
S is a full power, V. CONCLUSION
P is an active power, The results obtained c o n h the validity of the
Q is a reactive power, . proposed control method of the eIectric machine
cos 'p is a power factor, operation in starter and generator modes. The efficiency
'p is an angle between the stator current and voltage, of the algorithm is verified on a mathematical modei in
U,,, and I, are phase stator voltage and current at1 ranges of speeds and loads including an idle mode.
The capacitor was discharged by 2 % in a starter mode.
The first active power value of the load was P I = 1 kW in [I] D. Ladd, P. Klapproth, (Siemens Automotive) Siemens starter-
generator; better fuel economy and emissions without cost,
a generating mode. Then load increased up to P2= 4 kW performance penalties.
and decreased up to P3 = 0 at the moments t2 = 0,5 s and [2J D.Shield, The impacts of advanced control systems on automotive
13 = 0,8 s respectively. The characteristics indicate that dc storage technology. Product and technology development manager
link voltage stabilization in the range.of speeds from 800 diacs M R2001.
[3] D.Holt, 42 V update. Service Tech MagazindSeptember 200 I.
rpm to 8000 rpm is realized by changing a reactive
[4] R. Shrejner, Mathematical modelting of ac drives with semi-
component o f the stator current (capacitive or inductive). conductor frequency converters. - EkateriFburg: URB RAS,
Voltage stabilization in a generating mode is provided by 2000. - 654 p.

Electric Power Engineering

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