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Ultrasound Cases


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Anatomical variations
Left and right ascending vena cava with a venous structure on both sides of the aorta. The left ascending vena cava crosses to
the right and joins the right vena cava in the upper abdomen.

Anatomical variations
Double vena cava. The left ascending vena cava crosses to the right and joins the right vena cava in the upper abdomen.

Anatomical variations
Hypoplastic vena cava with collateral veins and thrombosis of the iliac veins on both sides

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombosis of the vena cava, left iliac and femoral veins and slow flow in the right iliac and femoral veins
Thrombus in the vena cava
Left iliac vein thrombosis extending in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava

Vena cava thrombosis and a leaking aortic aneurysm

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombosis VCI in a patient with B CLL

Thrombus in the vena cava

Thrombus in the vena cava with flow along the thrombus. Left renal vein dorsal of the aorta in a patient with common bile duct
obstruction caused by a distal calculus.
Cava filter
Thrombus in the VCI with cava filter

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Renal cell carcinoma with a tumor thrombus in the right renal vein and inferior vena cava and extending in the right ovarian vein

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Renal cell carcinoma on the left side invading the renal vein and inferior vena cava

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Large renal cell carcinoma with calyceal dilatation and tumor invading the left renal vein and vena cava

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Large renal cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma) with tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Renal cell carcinoma of the right kidney invading the right renal vein and vena cava
Tumor thrombus in the vena cava
Renal cell carcinoma with a large tumor mass in the inferior vena cava extending into the heart and hepatic veins

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Renal cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma) with tumor thrombus in the right renal vein and vena cava

Tumor thrombus in the vena cava

Metastatic prostate cancer with iliac lymph node metastases and tumor invasion of the iliac veins and inferior vena cava with
vascularity of the tumor thrombus

Vena cava and cardiac failure

Cardiac failure with dilatated vena cava and hepatic veins, ascites, pleural effusion, gallbladder wall thickening and a very slow
flow in the aorta causing internal echos

Vena cava and cardiac failure

Localized > 5,5 cm dilatation of the intrahepatic part of the inferior vena cava in a patient with cardiac failure

Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes impressing the inferior vena cava in a patient with chronic lymphatic leukemia that should
not be confused with thrombus in the VCI
Hemangioma protruding in the inferior vena cava

Slow flow in the VCI that should not be confused with a thrombus

Abdomen and "


1.1 Liver

1.2 Gallbladder and bile ducts

1.3 Pancreas

1.4 Spleen

1.5 Appendix

1.6 Gastrointestinal tract

1.7 Peritoneum mesentery and


1.8 Various intra-abdominal


1.9 Retroperitoneum and great


1.10 Adrenal glands

1.11 Abdominal wall

1.12 Miscellaneous

Urinary Tract and male +

reproductive system

Gynaecology +

Head and Neck +

Breast and Axilla +

Musculoskeletal Joints and +

Musculoskeletal, bone, +
muscle, nerves and other
soft tissues

Thorax +

Pediatrics +

Peripheral vessels +

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