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3 Final Exam: Semester 1: Written Exam

Name: Date:
French I Sem 1

1. Fill in the blank in the following expression with the word you would use in
French if you were saying goodbye to some friends but were going to see them

À bientôt!

2. Fill in the blank in the following greeting with the word you would use in French to
address an unmarried woman.

Bonjour, mademoiselle!

3. Fill in the blank in the following dialogue with the appropriate French word.

Merci beaucoup!

— Il n'y a pas de problème.

4. Write out the following number in French: 16. Seize

5. Fill in the blank in the following dialogue with the appropriate article in French.

Où sont des élèves?

— Ils sont dans la classe.

6. What is the plural form of le crayon? Les crayons

7. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the
adjective in parentheses.

Elles sont paresseuses. (paresseux)

8. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the correctly conjugated form of
the appropriate verb in French.

Elles ont 15 ans.

9. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate word in French.

C'est son anniversaire. Il a quinze ans aujourd'hui!

10. What is the word in French that answers this question: What would you use to
erase something you wrote with a pencil? Remember to include the indefinite

Une gomme

11. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate preposition.
C'est le cahier de ma soeur. C'est son cahier.

12. Fill in the blank in the following question with the appropriate form of the verb
faire in the present tense.

Vous faitez vos devoirs?

13. Lucie likes to swim. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the activity
that she enjoys.

Elle aime la natation.

14. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the verb
préférer in the present tense.

Ils préférent jouer au tennis.

15. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate noun meaning
vegetetables in French.

J'aime les brocolis et la laitue. J'aime les légumes.

16. What would you use to click on your computer screen? Remember to include
the appropriate indefinite article. Un souris

17. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the French phrase that means
"there are."

Il y a des livres dans la bibliothèque.

18. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate possessive
adjective in French.

C'est le livre de ma mère. C'est livre.

19. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate noun matching le
sel in French.

Je voudrais du sel et du poivre sur ma viande!

20. Fill in the blank in the following dialogue with the appropriate pronoun.

Est-ce que tu veux encore du pain?

— Non merci, je n'ai pas veux plus.

21. Compose a complete sentence using the cues provided. Replace the subject
(Julie et Marie) with the appropriate subject pronoun.

Julie et Marie/être/fatiguées: Elles sont fatiguées.

22. Compose a complete sentence using the words provided. Jules/être/sympa/très:

Jules est très sympa.

23. Rewrite the following sentence in the feminine plural form. Il est petit et brun:

Elle est petite et brune.

24. Compose a complete sentence in French listing the objects in the illustration
above. Use the French phrase that means "there is/there are."

Il y a une gomme, un stylo et un cahier.

25. Compose a complete sentence in French describing what is happening in the

illustration above. Use the verb jouer.

Elles jouent du piano.

26. Compose a complete sentence in French describing what is happening in the
illustration above. In your sentence, use the words "he", "does not like" or "hates",
and "horseback riding" in French.

Il détesté l’équitation et les chevals.

27. Answer the question below with a complete sentence.

J'ai froid aux mains (hands). Qu'est-ce que je porte? Tu portes des gants.
28. Look at the illustration of Marie above. Compose a complete sentence in French
indicating that Marie is wearing a skirt and a blouse. Use the verb mettre.

Marie met une chemisière bleue, une jupe grise et des chaussures noires.

29. Compose a complete sentence in French using the words provided. Pay attention
to noun-adjective agreement.

Mes chaussures / être / blanc et gris. Mes chaussures sont blanc et gris.

30. Rewrite the following sentence in the feminine singular form.

Ils sont tolérants et généreux. Elles est tolérante et généreuse

31. Complete the statement below using the cue in parentheses:

Quelle est sa nationalité? (U.S)

Elle est de New York. Elle est américain.

32. Use the 24-hour system to answer the question below. Write out the time in
French using words.

Quelle heure est–il? (4:20 p.m.) Il est seize heures et vingt minutes.

33. Rewrite the following sentence in the negative.

J'ai des crayons dans mon sac. Je n’ai pas des crayons dans mon sac.

34. Rewrite the following sentence in the affirmative.

Elle n'a pas de soeur. Elle a une soeur.

35. Compose a complete sentence using the words provided. Don't forget to
conjugate the verb!

Ils / aller à / le café. Ils vont au café.

36. Compose a complete sentence using the words provided.

Je / vouloir / manger à / le restaurant. Je vais mange au restaurant

37. Look at the illustration of Julie and Marie above. Compose a complete sentence
in French describing who is taller.

Julie est plus grande que Marie.

38. Answer the following question in the affirmative in French without repeating the
word pâtes. Replace the word pâtes with the appropriate pronoun.

Tu veux des pâtes? Oui, je les prends.

39. Answer the following question with a complete sentence in French saying that
you do like chocolate.

Tu n'aimes pas le chocolat? Si, j’aime le chocolat.

40. Compose a complete sentence in French using the words provided.

Ils / prendre / le train. Ils prennent le train pour aller au travail.

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