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Liberal humanism

One Liner of “Liberal Humanism”

 Liberal Humanism says that literature is timeless.
 The word “Liberal” means something away from political radically.
 The word “Humanist” means it is Non- Marxist, Non- feminist and Non- theoretical etc.
 It was a response to the Dark Ages when people believed in religion blindly.
 The content of literature is more important than the form it comes in.
 Literature is based on the human nature which is constant.
 It denies the context and focuses on the text.
 Individuality which is the core essence of everyone can not be transformed but changed
by the circumstances.
 The things that we established as our basic are actually unstable and fluid things.
 Liberal humanism has comprised the mainstream philosophies of the bourgeois
 Theoretical positions about literature were never explicitly formulated by liberal
 Aristotle as the first to promote the reader centered approach.
  All these our basic essence are contingent rather absolute ones.
 Its central concern is human being.
 The reader would not be preoccupied before reading a text. He should be disinterested.
 Language doesn’t record the reality, it shapes and creates it.
 Liberal humanins is concerned with morals of humans.
 The meaning in literature is not fixed. There is a word play.
 It assumes that humans have some extend created themselves on the basis of their
 Humans are not captured in the circumstances around them. They are free.
 The liberal humanism transcends our “self” and thus it transcends time and place.
(Immanuel Kant)
 The purpose of the literature is the propagation of the values.
 Literature denies the programmatic way of propagation of the values because it
influences our lives.
 Liberal humanism tells the role of the critic in the interpretation of the text as the
Mcq’s of Liberal Humanism
1. Liberal Humanism denies the
a) Content b) Context c) Literariness d) None
2. According to Liberal Humanism, literature is based on the -------- of Humans
a) Habits b) Society c) Nature d) Era
3. Human characters changes by the -------------
a) Society b) People c) Religion d) Circumstances
4. Liberal Humanism becomes fully articulated in the English Studies between
a) 1910 to 20 b) 1930- 40 c) 1930 – 50 d) 1960-70
5. Mathew Arnold gives the idea of
a) Metaphysical poetry b) Touch Stone c) Objective Correlative d) None
6. Liberal Humanism ranges its theories from Aristotle to
a) Mathew Arnold b) Philip Sydney c) F.R Leavis d) T.S Eliot
7. Life according F.R. Leavis’ term is called
a) Reality b) Worse experience c) Felt experience d) None
8. In 1960s, which two most popular theories were against the liberal Humanism
a) Deconstruction & Structuralism c) Modernism and Colonialism
b) Practical criticism & New Criticism d) Marxism and Psychoanalytic criticism
9. According Aristotle, the character is explained by the
a) Role b) Plot c) Action d) None
10. In the “Poetics” Aristotle gives major definition of
a) Tragedy b) Drama c) Novel d) Prose
11. Sir Philip Sidney expanded the definition formulated by the
a) Latin Poet b) German Poet c) British Poet d) His Own
12. According to the Sidney the main purpose of the literature is to give
a) Information b) Transformation c) Pleasure d) None
13. Romantics did not write traditionally so they did follow
a) Penta meter b) Meter c) Rhythm d) Foot
14. Coleridge blame on William Wordsworth’s---------- in Lyrical Ballads
a) Writing style b) Diction c) Publication d) None
15. The “fictive” qualities of the languages give ---------- effects.
a) Informative b) Transformative c) Aesthetic d) Literary
16. In the “defamiliarization” Shelley has distinguished the language which is not familiar
a) Aristocratic language b) Royal Language c) Common Language d) None
17. T.S Eliot has got the term “dissociation of sensibility” from----------
a) W.W. I b) Russian Revolution c) Civil War d) W.W. II
18. Liberal Humanism is also promoted by the “Victorian Novelist” who is he----------
a) Charles Dickens b) Joseph Conard c) James Joyce d) George Eliot
19. According George Eliot the poetry is not a pouring of personal emotions but -------
a) Transcential element b) Transforming element c) cultural element d) None
20. Liberal Humanism focuses on the
a) Objectivity b) Subjectivity c) Both a & b d) None

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