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My family is my mom, my dad, my brother, my pet, and me; my mom's name is Elvira
Gaviria, she is 63, she is a housekeeper. my dad's name is Cartos Trochez, he is 65, hi is
a retired, my brother's name is Robinson Trochez, he is 35, he is a civil engineer , my pet
´s name is Tyson, he is a pitbull, and is very crazy, and Finally, me, I am santiago
Santiago Trochez, i am civil engineering student. 


I remember that birthday. First, at noon, I went to get my hair cut, then, I bought a T-shirt
and shoes, and got home. There, my family, my friends and my girlfriend waited for me
and then we had cake, soda and snacks. Later, we had a special dinner. When we
finished, we went to dance to Sandunga.


My best trip was when I went to the Caribbean coast. First, I flew from Cali to Barranquilla
to watch Colombia versus Peru. The match was tied  2-2 and the next day I went to
Cartagena to be at the beach for my first time. There, I went on a boat to “oceanario
rosario islands”, to see the sharks and then I returned home.


1. How has your life changed in the last 10 years?

My life has changed a lot in the last 10 years because 10 years ago I was studying in high
school. Now, for example, I am a student at the University of Cauca and everything has
changed in many ways like my sense of responsibility, commitment and compromise with
all the things I do. Also, I am an adult person now and I have to account for many things

2. Where were you born?

I was born and raised in Popayan City.

3. How long have you studied English?

 I have been studying English since I was in 6th grade. It has been more than eleven years
now but now that I'm about to finish my studies at the University of Cauca I have been
focusing more on this. Since I consider it is very important to know a different language
than Spanish so in my opinion knowing languages is pretty relevant nowadays.

4. Have you ever  traveled to another country?

Some years ago I had a trip with my friends and we went to Ecuador. To be more exact to
the coast of that country. We visited Montañita and some other parts but that was the only
time. That was like 5 years ago. Actually it was a very good experience because when we
travel with other people we share expenses so it's not really expensive in general terms.
Perhaps if I have the chance of traveling one more time, I will do it because I learned a lot
from that previous experience.

5. Who is the most important person in your life?

 well the most important person in my life is my mom she's an incredible person I have
learned a lot from her because she's genuine, original, responsible, kind and full of many
different values so she's the person that I admire the most on Earth and I hope that I will
have my mom for many years although I know that that it is impossible, it's more than OK
to have utopies.
6. make a description of ____ him/ her? está incluida en la anterior

7. What's the most important event in your city?

The most important event in my city is the religious one that happens mainly in April. It is
called Holy Week. It is the kind of Celebration that we used to have year after year not only
with local people but also with foreigners that come not only from different parts of our
country but also from different countries. The tradition consist of having different parades
and people dress in a quite particular way walking around with different steps or figures
that showed what Jesus Christ did when he was alive with the apostles. So this is the kind
of tradition that I like the most when talking about religious ones.
8. Plans for the future?

9. Tell me about a good / bad experience?

10. What are you like as a person?

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