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(Writing level A2) Sandra Monserrat Jiménez Cervantes

General objective:
Express ideas and real-life situations in writing, these being accurate and effective,
through the application of the content seen in the course.
Activity no. 1: Write a postcard
Look at the postcard from San Francisco and write a postcard to a family member
or friend following the instructions in the example. Think about these questions:
Who will you write to? What’s their address? Where are you? Are you having a
good time? Where have you been and what have you seen? What haven’t you
done yet? What’s the weather like? What are you going to do tomorrow?
Write 80-100 words
- The main objective of this activity is to have a basic knowledge to describe
your vacation, mention some grammar about family and friends and what
have you done.
- Correctly using the contents that include the activity.
- Stimulate the writing process as an organized and systematic process.


- Present continuous 
- Present perfect 
- Future
Tips for writing
1. Start your postcard: Dear + name.
2. Use the present continuous to say what are you doing during the week in your
3. Use the present perfect to say what you have done.
4. Use going to for your future.
5. A good way to finish a postcard
6. Finish your postcard: Love + your name. xx are kisses!
Activity no. 2: Write a history based on pictures
Look at the 3 pictures. Write the history shown in the pictures
Write 80-100 words
- Stimulate the writing process as an organized and systematic process.
- Write a short text, where you can express ideas and real situations of the
- daily life.
- Use grammar and vocabulary appropriately according to the content
- of the course
- Prepositions
- Present simple
- Present continuous
Evaluation rubric

50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

Content All content is Performance Minor Performanc Irrelevances and
relevant to the task. shares irrelevances e shares misinterpretation
Target reader is features of and/or features of of task may be
fully informed. Bands 3 and omissions may Bands 3 and present.
5. be present. 5. Target reader is
Target reader is minimally
overall informed.
Organizatio Text is connected Text is Production
n and coherent, using connected using unlikely to be
basic linking words basic, connected,
and a limited high frequency though
number of cohesive linking words. punctuation and
devices. simple
connectors (i.e.
'and') may on
be used.
Language Uses everyday Uses basic Produces basic
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary of
generally reasonably isolated words
appropriately, while appropriately. and phrases.
occasionally Uses simple Produces few
overusing grammatical simple
certain lexis. forms with some grammatical
Uses simple degree of forms
grammatical control. with only limited
forms with a good Errors may control.
degree of control. impede
While errors are meaning at
noticeable, meaning times.
still be determined.

Writing in A2 the students can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her

background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need,
relate events from your past, including your weekend activities and interesting
stories, discuss your vacation plans and tell friends and colleagues about your
vacation afterwards.

This level in the exam evaluates the content, organization, and language. This
section offers to help you write short, simple texts, notes, and messages. Texts
include messages, forum posts, personal profiles, forms, and emails.

This test offers students to satisfy their needs based on the contents seen in the
level. Thanks to the available resources’ students can practice with activities, in
this activity an example of the postcard in which the students take as a reference
so you can make yours. The test will be administered in a place where students
have time and space to perform each established test, a comfortable place and
with all the necessary resources to complement their knowledge.

The exercise is coherent, it has clear instructions in which it mentions what to do

and does not need anything, it is fair because it is appropriate to the level and
content previously viewed.

The validity in this exercise shows that they are activities that the student can
implement and can carry out day by day in their routine since they are routine
things that they always do, when socializing, taking the phone, the computer, etc.
Test if the student will have the competence of the written exam developed for the

In the same way, it has the authenticity that the previously applied test will help you
with your daily life, in understanding the language, the final result must faithfully
show the performance of the student when using the language in specific

The topics that are handled are associated with topics already seen by the student,
that is why we must obtain good results because they are already familiar and will
have greater interactivity.

This test is highly reliable for students of this level as previously mentioned, it
meets the qualities described as authenticity, validity, reliability, practicality and
authenticity. The written exam is one of the tests in which the student must be
reviewed, his way of writing, the structure, that it meets the requirements and that it
is understandable for the students.

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