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What three portfolio entries best demonstrate my learning this quadmaster?

Entry #1:

Animal Cruelty Global Issue:

At the beginning of this english class, I wasn't very confident in my analyzing skill. I felt that I

was mostly just describing the poster, scene, or text, rather than deeply analyzing it. Therefore, in order to

try and better this aspect of my english skills, I practiced analyzing images on the internet specific to a

certain global issue and put it in my learners portfolio. I felt the need to mainly practice analyzing non-

literary works as that is what I needed the most improvement on. In this entry, I found two posters that

related to the global issue of animal cruelty. After looking at it and thinking about it for a while, I started

trying my best to analyze visual elements of the posters and how they related to the global issue of animal

cruelty. I decided to do this with two posters. The first one I analyzed titled “Don’t Worry It's For

Science”, was pretty challenging for me as I wasn’t used to doing these types of analysis. I didn't know

what to analyze other than textual elements. I knew I needed to practice more, and that's why I analyzed

another poster under that same global issue titled “Stop Whale Hunting For Humanity”. Even though this

poster, at first glance looks very simple, I found it increasingly easier to analyze. I analyzed both the

textual and visual elements such as the color of the text and why they are that color, the symbolism of the

drawn whales, and I even noticed the use of leading lines. These series of actions greatly prove my ability

to persevere on a task I once found very difficult. Now I can look at a poster and begin analyzing both the

textual elements and the visual aspects as well, to the best of my ability of course.

Entry #2:

Analyzing Sheperd Fairey’s Art:

The extract I talked about was at the beginning of english class. Therefore, I wanted to try

analyzing a poster again after what I have learned and my experiences with assignments and tasks in

class. I thought Sheperd Fairey was a good option for analyzing, due to the many authorial choices he

incorporates in his posters. I like how I was also able to deduce that he incorporates a lot of authorial
choices in the first place! So, I searched online for some of his most interesting art pieces and decided to

analyze the poster titled “GUNS AND ROSES”. I tried my best to analyze both the literary and visual

elements of the video and I honestly think I did a pretty good job at deeply analyzing the poster. I

primarily focused on two things; figuring out the authorial choice that was used by Fairey, and focusing

on the deep analysis aspect. I think I was able to show that I have improved in locating and better

analyzing non-literary texts. For instance, I talked about leading lines again but I feel that this time I

analyzed the leading lines better. Another example of my improvement in non-literary analyzing is the

fact that I talked about symbolism and positioning of aspects in the poster as much as I could. I think it's

clear that my analyzing skills have significantly improved throughout the class.

Entry #3:

Mock IO Script:

I had a very difficult time working on my IO as I didn't really know where to start. How should I

analyze the authorial choices in both literary and non-literary texts? How many points should I have?

When should I say each point? All of these questions occurred to me once I found my extracts and bodies

of work. I knew both my texts had many authorial choices to choose from, but I just didn't know which

ones to actually use. In addition to this confusion I initially had, I also kept forgetting the order in which I

would say my points etc. So, I decided to write a bullet point script for me that was not part of the outline

or any required IB work. It helped me organize my thoughts very clearly! I was able to understand my

points and therefore remember the order and the points themselves. I just want to preach how much this

script helped me get ready for my IO. It increased my confidence in saying the speech while practicing

and to my teacher. It was as if I had a mental copy of the script in my mind that I was just reading off of. I

didn't memorize my speech though, it was mainly my understanding of Malala’s speeches and UNICEF’s

videos that aided in my remembering of the script and points. I also really like the way I laid my

information out with my intro, then moving onto my speeches beginning with three extract points and

then two bodies of work points. Moving onto my next three points for the UNICEF extracts and then two
more points for their bodies of work and finally the conclusion. It helped in knowing roughly how long

each segment should be and the timing I was at. It is also important to note that I am the type to forget

small but significant details that elevate the analysis that much more so writing it down in my script as I

practiced greatly helped me. I feel that this learners portfolio entry not only shows my ability to practice

and organize my thoughts, it also shows the progress in my analysis of authorial choices of both literary

and non-literary texts.

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