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Tarango III 1

Rodrigo Tarango III


Dr Sharity Nelson


a) What did you learn about the wri ng process in this course? What ac vi es or homework

helped you understand the wri ng process and how to do it? How did this learning build upon

your knowledge of the wri ng process developed in other courses? Give examples, explain, and

be specific.

-While a ending this course I developed the ability to be er understand how forma ng as well as

scouring is properly done. I also learned that I did not need first of all, second of all when it came to

star ng off a new paragraph. Wri ng essay dra s and finaliza ons with feedback from my peers and

instructor helped me understand the proper forma ng and sourcing style for MLA as well as the

outline worksheets which had dedicated sec ons for sourcing, helping me even further. When

watching the demo videos that my instructor provided to me and my peers, I was able to learn that

you do not start off a new paragraph with first of all, star ng off in academic wri ng. For classes

besides this one I gained a be er habit of trying to use different words, mixing them up so that my

wri ng does not go stale so fast especially in debate, and other classes like history where I need to

write a lot in my own words. Assignments that helped me learn all of this and get be er at the ones I

already knew were the video demos such as the Visual Text Dra ing Demo Video, the Rhetorical
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Analysis Demo video. Other assignments and material that helped me was the

rhetorical analysis outline, Lunsford “Everybody’s an Author”.

b) What did you learn about analysis in this course? What ac vi es or homework helped you understand

the process of analysis and how to work through it? Give examples, explain, and be specific.

- I learned that through analysis I can gain a be er understanding of minor and key concepts belonging

to a wide range of material. The fruits of my labor can be illustrated in the following examples. Theirs a

scene in a movie with many visual elements that are placed in the foreground immediately drawing the

viewers’ a en on while there are smaller things going on in the background that have just as impac ul

meaning as the purposefully made apparent parts. Another example is understanding what type of

ac on or emo on that an author of a book is trying to provoke out of its audience and who that

audience may be. I u lized Material such as the “Lunsford, Everyone’s an Author, 4th edi on” which

contained proper terms ed to analysis and examples teaching me what analysis is. I also consulted my

professor in class mee ngs. By doing both of these things I gain this skill and a firm grip of what it is and

how to go about analysis.

c) What did you learn from the process of revising, once more, one of your essays (a unit wri ng

assignment)? Describe the choices you made when revising that essay. Iden fy 2-3 specific elements of

your final dra that you changed based on instructor feedback, in-class ac vi es, or overall course

concepts and explain why and how you made changes.

- by revising my essay once more for the last time, I discovered that I failed to comprehend who
the community was and portray the genre of my material properly as well as inefficient
formatting in certain areas such as heading. Two of the changes that I made to multiple of my
paragraphs to fix my portrayment of the community and their goal was stating how that the
community using the brochure booklet was Texas state University, why and how they used the
booklet to accomplish their set goal to increase the number of students attending their college
using the same evidence but reworking it to all blend together at the beginning and explanation
part of my body paragraph’s. To fix my formatting I searched the tool section to find the heading
option which I found inserting my name after doing so. There were other things within the essay
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that were missing but I didn’t know how to go about fixing it properly. There was a part where I
was missing the how statement. Not all of my evidence in my paragraphs was properly analyzed
failing to tie back to my controlling idea.

d) What was the most challenging aspect of revising this essay one last me? Least challenging? Give

examples, explain, and be specific.

-The most difficult sec on for me was trying to understand exactly what and how It was that I needed to

convey the community and its genre. On the other hand, the easiest sec on within this revision was the

forma ng. The community and genre was very confusing to me when first learning about it but as me

went on I thought I got a hang of it but I actually only had a piece of the puzzle which I soon learned as a

result of the first dra 1 following that I had failed to grasp it yet again in the first final dra . When

ge ng feed back from my professor She guided me in what genre and the community was as well as the


e) What choices did you make to communicate course concepts (like the wri ng process, analysis, genre,

rhetorical situa on, etc.) to a general audience on your website? In your unit wri ng assignment

explana ons, how did you make the genre analysis, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis

understandable to someone who is unfamiliar with these genres? Iden fy 2-3 specific elements in your

explana ons and explain why and how you used them to communicate effec vely.

In order to convey as clear as possible the courses concepts in my works throughout this course was

using words that were simple enough to understand while also using proper words fi ng the subject

ma er, another strategy I used was striving to word sentences the least complicated way possible so that
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they would blend well with each other and seem without sacrificing word count. An example of these

strategies are my reflec on essays. In all three of my essays that I worked on I worked towards making

them sound right and not overly extended, but because of the word count that was hard to do all the

me across the board. A second example is when it comes to wording. I’ve used words that are simple

but s ll remain appropriate for essays and other assignments like illustra ng or dissec ng, and many

more, especially for the analyzing parts in my essays.

f) What was the most challenging aspect of this course? What challenges did you face in the analysis and

wri ng processes? Give examples, explain, and be specific.

-The roadblock that I hit over and over again in this course was understanding the full concept of genre

and community to where I could convey both of them properly. Depending on which type of analysis and

wri ng such as image analysis and rhetorical analysis I did good but could have done be er if I managed

my me be er, as well as asked for more feed back from peers and instructors. I thought the image

analysis was simple once enough I got the rough idea of what it was about and just kept asking ques ons

to reinforce my understanding of the material which was a similar case at least when it came to
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rhetorical analysis. I already had a rough idea of what I thought about the concept of rhetorical analysis

but just needed to keep asking ques ons and reviewing any work that I believed would help me gain a

be er understanding of the material. Due to me management my work was not as good as it could

have been. The next course I take, my me management will be be er so that I won’t have trouble

keeping up with everything, and I’ll make sure to check my syllabus as soon as possible to try and get

ahead and not fall behind. As for peer and instructor feedback, I’ll make sure to have enough work

actually done to where I can get as much construc ve feedback as possible to be able to understand

what I’m lacking and where.

g) What was the least challenging aspect of this course? What strengths did you discover in your

analy cal and wri ng skill sets? Give examples, explain, and be specific.

- with all that I’ve learned in this semester, I believe that the least challenging part for me was image

analysis. I believe a strength that I discovered during the span of this course is just how much I can

interpret from an image or academic or nonacademic book. When going through this courses material I

was able to interpret images and other things such as text to understand what it was trying to

accomplish based on the type of words, formality, mood, tone, color and so much more allowing me to

gain an insight into the authors mind and what they may have been thinking or feeling when crea ng the

material. The image analysis was the easiest probably due to the fact that all I had to do was dissect

what was going on in the image which was really simple but the more complica ng but s ll easy part

was where I got to prac ce trying to read the mind of the creator, what was it that they wanted to make

the observer feel what did they want them to think. With the skills I’ve acquired form this essay I

can now be er interpret what images are trying to say which can enable me to create forms

adver sements with images and understand possibly understand what people mean when they

use art for emo onal support, or something related to an art therapist.
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h) Do you feel that this course prepared you to become a part of the academic wri ng community?

Explain and be specific.

- I believe that this course indeed did help me prepare to be a part of the academic wri ng community.

My grounds for this statement are due to all the prac ce and firsthand work I had within this class when

it came to researching, sourcing, forma ng, and the final steps rough dra ing, revising and finaliza ons.

Every assignment we did contained more than one single thing that I would prepare me for the academic

wri ng community. For example, when it came to the image analysis, I had to look for an image that I

was allowed for the assignment prompt a er finding an artworks and ge ng it approved I had probe it

to understand what the creator of the poster was trying to say besides sale the movie. A er some more

me and other in class talks, and feedback from my Professor I was able to grasp what image analysis

was and succeeded in ge ng a 75 on my essay vs my 68 on the first essay showing me that I can get

be er and work harder as I go on into the future classes and work with academic literature. Another

example is my rhetorical analysis because of that assignment I’m even be er at being able to tell what

type of audience that my material is meant for based of the way its wri en, where it was published like a

renowned research team, if it has sta s cs proving that it’s a factual, objec ve piece of material vs a

fic onal biased book about how bikes are be er than scooters published on random site where anyone

can post like Wikipedia. My last example being the genre analysis part of the course. The genre analysis

was the hardest part for me in a ballpark, I understood some components revolving around it but not

enough to be able to say that I am at least competent in it. With the new opportunity I have with the

final revision essay for the por olio assignment I believe I will see some amount of improvement at least

enough to be able to say I have improved.

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