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Potential Lines of Inquiry with explanations:

a. How does Bong Joon Ho utilize symbolism to highlight significant class
differences in the movie Parasite?
i. The Stone that was gifted to Kevin by Min can symbolize the transition of
poor to wealthy. When Min gifted the rock to Kevin, he was given an
opportunity to gain money and allow his family to also prosper. When the
house floods, we see the rock floating to the surface and is picked up by
Kevin once again which gives him hope that he will soon be wealthy. But
sadly, Kevin places the rock in a river once he realizes it is impossible to
change one's class.
ii. The white dog represents purity. The rich are shown to be followed by this
dog everywhere they go. The rich are shown to be oblivious to what is
happening throughout the film. Whereas the poor are constantly either
being avoided by the dog, or pushing it away. The mom doesn't take care
of the dog which can be a nod to how she will never obtain true purity.

2. Potential Global Issues and Potential Extracts:

a. Poverty
i. When it was raining hard in the movie, the rich were enjoying the rain and
even choosing to sleep outside. The poor had their house flooded and
lost everything. They ended up sleeping in a gym with everyone else who
lost their belongings

b. Class Differences
i. There is a strong contrast between the rich and the poor when the mom is
looking through her large walk-in closet after the rainy night whereas the
poor are all fighting for free clothing at the gym.
c. Hierarchies of Power
i. The rich view themselves as better and superior to the poor. Especially in
Parasyte, the rich family are constantly commenting about the smell
coming from the Kim family. They are essentially disgusted and even do
actions that involve embarrassing the Kim family. For instance, when
driving the family around, they always cover their nose and even open the
window to get a breath of fresh air. They act as if they cannot breathe at

3. Intertextuality with Literary texts:

a. Born a Crime
i. The similarities between both these texts are shown in the struggle to find
one's identity. In parasyte, Kevin has a mind opening conversation with
his girlfriend questioning if he even belongs in this rich lifestyle. He has
been poor his whole life and after all the struggle to gain some extra
money, he doesn't believe he belongs. This is similar to Trevor Noah
feeling disconnected from not only white people, but his own community
of dark skinned individuals. Having a white father makes Trevor ponder
on where he belongs. Which culture to follow, and who should he
b. 1984
i. 1984 highlights a dystopian word on how people will blindly follow a
person they view as superior when the options are limited. Big Brother
forces his views and beliefs on the citizens and essentially creates a
society that worships him. The same is shown in Parasyte as the
husband trapped in the cellar not only respects Kim, but worships him.
Because of lack of knowledge, he believes Kim is providing for him and
even turns on the lights for him secretly as a sign of respect. Even at the
time of his death, he completely disregards his final moments and salutes
Kim. There is a significant sense of loyalty for kim similar to that of Big
brother as a result of lack of knowledge.

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