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Background: [ Explain the current practice and the challenges]

In QA/QC Department presently everything done with MS Excel which is not having real time data shared
with the inter departments leads to missing data, re-work and loss of resources and time.
For example,
1. There is no real time problem identification in the weld rejects/ welding balance. By the time
finding the root cause of the rejects., many similar pattern rejects have been done which would
have eliminated in the beginning itself.
2. Production welds joint reports maintaining manually. It can be generated in software; welding
reports, calculated by inch Diameter wise and well wise welding production and Flow line length
completed (in Kilometre) it will help in the construction to finding the lagging of production / In
complete line in well wise which will eliminate in the duplicates(doubling weld joint) welding
reports and lagging of welding production.
3. In test pack weld history sheet, coverage sheet and welder performance sheet preparing in excel.
It generated by software to avoid human errors and save time and data entry manpower cost
accumulate the inspector cost.
4. NDT coverage cannot link properly with the weld history sheet which can be leads to release of
test packs with missing RT/ any NDT which cause re-pressure test. It is impractical to link the
various quality related requirements with multiple excel files. Following the multiple
requirements manually can cause human errors which can be easily eliminated by data base

Improvement Proposal: [ What are the changes and what is the expected impact to the business]

The implementation of data management software enables us to find the instantaneous reports. It will
give us the weld progress on the individual welders, line wise and well wise. If the well drawing data feed
to the system, it will help in the material required quantity and it tracking as well as the receiving the
material based on the work instruction to the construction. So that, it can give the clear picture of various
state of construction and with all the welding PQR, WPS and WQT feed into the system, it can control the
welder qualification without any possible mistakes. It will give instant progress of NDT status reports and
helps to select easily and raise the NDT requests.

Implementation Party: [Which department should handle the changes]

Data management software can be split into three modules Quality control, Materials and Construction.
It can be jointly implemented to get the good control.

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