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Paragraph 1:

The purpose of this article is to introduce the Maine Lobster Festival and what it
is about, there is no current issue introduced.
The claim that was made in this paragraph was that the Maine Lobster Festival Is
a big deal, some of the minor claims is that the summer traffic is quite awful and
that the festival is hosted every summer in historic Harbor Park.
Not much is known about the audience so far given that this is the first
paragraph, or anything much currently for education. All that is given is that he
does not appreciate the Maine Lobster Festival, and I know that because of the
words used in the first paragraph, “Enormous, Pungent, and Extremely.”
As mentioned in the last paragraph the words that he used expressed his dislike
for the festival barely before the middle of the paragraph

-the claim/main idea of this paragraph is that “tourism and lobster are the midcoast region’s two main
industries.” These are what makes the money around their and that bringing them together will increase

-the purpose was to inform the readers about the Maine Lobster Festival. About all the attractions and
what different lobster themed ideas they came up with to bring in tourist

-the author made the paragraph seem kind of up beat in the sense that it is an exciting event for people
from Maine and other places.

Paragraph 3:
The purpose of this paragraph is to explain what lobsters are and what they look
The claim that was made in this paragraph are lobsters are weird, from what they
look like to how they act, there is no current issue introduced.
At this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the readers,
and nothing is known about interests or education.
The tone presented is disgusted, I know this because of the words used to
describe the lobsters such as, “benthic” there are not that many descriptive
words used in this paragraph. The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has
not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this
way and in fact they are pretty Gross.
-the main idea was to inform the readers about what a lobster really is.

--the purpose was to let people know what this festival is really worshiping and how complicated the
background of a lobster really is.

-the author used this paragraph to just inform, though people could easily look it up.

Paragraph 5:
The claim that was made is that lobsters are basically giant sea-insects and that
they are not nice to look at. The minor claim that was made those lobsters are
the garbagemen of the sea.
In this point what Is known about the author’s audience is that it is the readers
and the interest is the Maine Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about
education just yet.
The tone presented is still disgust, I know this because if the way the words are
phrased, “they might as well be from another planet.” The author’s feeling toward
this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters
are being used this way and that they are pretty disgusting.

-the claim/ main idea is that lobsters are now good eating, but they haven’t always been.

-the purpose was to inform about the past cooking of a lobster. Lobsters haven’t always been expensive
delicacies but rather a kind way of torture to inmates.

-the author kind of gives a dark tone in this paragraph, as lobster used to be “treated as a smelly

Paragraph 7:
The claim that was made is that, eating lobster’s is a delicacy and is described as
In this point what Is known about the author’s audience is that it is the readers
and the interest is the Main lobster Festival and there is nothing known about
education just yet.
The tone presented is neutral in this paragraph, he introduces the cultural
differences. The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has not changed, he
does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the claim in this paragraph is, “is to counter the idea that lobster is unusually luxe or rich or unhealthy
or expensive.”
-the purpose was to show that lobster is actually decently priced and a much healthier meal unlike most
things we get now like McDonalds.

-the author has a very “matter of fact” tone in which lobster is a healthy inexpensive option.

Paragraph 9:
The claim that was made is that the Maine Lobster Festival is really a midlevel
County fair with a culinary hook. One of the minor claims is that eating lobster is
messy and the type of people there are quite disrespectful
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is irritation, I know this because from the words that were
used such as, “the people who’ve somehow smuggled in their own beer in
enormous aisle-blocking coolers,” Or “Any one example Is no more than a petty
inconvenience.” The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has not changed,
he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is that lobsters are essentially a summer food. There are reasons that lobsters are harder
to catch in the winter like waves, warmth and possible hibernation.

-the author tone was sort of bumpy in this paragraph. It would say something kinda dark like, “new
England’s waters are highly trapped. anyway, hence culinary distinction…” then go to something a little
more upbeat.

Paragraph 11:
The claim that was made is lobster can be cooked in many different ways.
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is annoyed because he presents it as if we don’t know it and
it’s so obvious that we should. The words used such as, “A detail so obvious,” its
as if he’s speaking to us as if we were young children that didn’t know anything.
The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not
appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is that lobsters are supposed to be cooked alive. They are most fresh and easy to keep.
They are easy to catch and keep alive as long as you wrap their pinchers.
-the tone was a happy kind of dark. It talks about how good lobster is and how great it is being able to
keep fresh but also behind that is that they are live animals.

-purpose was that not everyone actually knows you must keep the lobster alive when you put it in
kettle. There are reasons behind that.

Paragraph 13:
The claim that was made is we shouldn’t eat lobsters just due to gustatory
pleasure because everything feels pain in some sort of way
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is adamant, mentioning that all creatures feel pain and that it
makes him uncomfortable to think about and that the reader should feel
uncomfortable as well. There were not many words to exactly convey this
besides “irksomely or gustatory” that portrayed his thinking. The author’s feeling
toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that
lobsters are being used this way.

-a lot of people are against the killing of lobsters, a cab driver shared his story about seeing these people

-the tone was kind of bland. It was hard to keep focused.

-the purpose was to tell about the kind of people who don’t agree with the eating of lobsters and how
they die in terrible ways

Paragraph 15:
The claim that was made is we shouldn’t boil them alive
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is ashamed, stating that they feel pain and that every living
thing does. Using words such as, “demonical and ungodly.” to express his
disapproval. The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has not changed, he
does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is the difference and feud like aspect of people eating/killing lobsters. People bicker
severely with each other over it during a long ride from the airport.
-the tone kinda tells the annoyance of the people who agree with killing of lobsters. They don’t believe
lobsters have pain receptors like people do.

-the purpose was to show how one side feels about the other in a kind of way.

Paragraph 17:
The claim that was made is there is no way lobsters can feel pain.
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is neutral stating that they have no prefrontal cortex which is
what simulates pain. The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has not
changed, he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea was what pain receptors are. It talks about what they are and where they are located

-the tone was more factual because all the paragraph was, was facts about the brain and certain parts of
it that reacts to pain and acknowledgement.

--the purpose was to talk about pain receptors to see if lobsters do or don’t have them.

Paragraph 19:
The claim that was made is that again lobsters don’t feel pain
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is again neutral, stating that mammals do not feel pain and
that we only have access to our own pain and not others. The author’s feeling
toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that
lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is that the whole animal cruelty part is uncomfortable and not very complex

-the tone was emotional in the way that he feels, he doesn’t feel comfortable when talking about animal
cruelty in food because certain parts of it are very hard to think about.

-as for the purpose, it is to talk about how certain people feel about certain topics, the author doesn’t
like the topic of animal cruelty.

Paragraph 21:
The claim that was made is that you shouldn’t eat or cook lobsters
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is adamant, stating reasons and more than one in fact, using
words such as slaughtered, the world largest killing floor. The author’s feeling
toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that
lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is about the steps to cooking a lobster and how hard they are to some people, because a
lot wouldn’t be able to handle killing an animal by boiling, they act the same way we would.

--the tone is pretty dark, by talking about the murder of the lobster into boiling water and how
uncomfortable it is.

-the purpose was to inform those who don’t know what it is like to do so, to tell what you would see and
hear in this process.

Paragraph 23:
The claim that was made is it’s wrong to kill an animal for our own pleasure
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is vehement stating that there are two main criteria that most
ethicists agree on when it comes to deciding if a animal can suffer. The author’s
feeling toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the
fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is that there are ways to kill lobster on site before boiling, by using a knife to their head.
And there are other ways

-the tone is very bland. It seems to lack emotion to this dark topic

-the purpose is to explain why the knife isn’t the best way to kill the lobster. Though boiling is
grewsome, when stabbing a lobster, it doesn’t completely kill the nerves.

Paragraph 25:
The claim that was made is the way lobsters are killed is absolutely terrible
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is disgusted, mentioning how lobsters are sometimes
microwaved alive and there poked as well, and that we are causing these
harmless creatures to suffer. The author’s feeling toward this entire subject has
not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are being used this

-the main idea is lobsters have few good sences, they have good tacticle sense. So they can feel pain like
us humans do. They cant see or hear well but they can feel.

-the tone is informative but kind of sad. Lobsters can feel like humans

-the purpose was to continue the debate on whether or not lobsters can feel the pain, the answer is yes.

Paragraph 27:
The claim that was made is that the reason they don’t feel pain is due to the
endorphin/ enkephalin hardware.
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is neutral, saying that lobsters nor like pain nor do they
dislike it, almost as if they don’t understand it. The author’s feeling toward this
entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the fact that lobsters are
being used this way.

-the main idea is that we don’t know if lobsters experience the same pain we do, when being compared
to a worm, it doesn’t feel preference. Though we find out it does.

-the tone is slightly more emotion. because how can you not feel anything when you see a creature in
pain and trying to escape.

-the purpose is to compare and contrast the lobster and a worm to see if lobsters are truly in pain.

Paragraph 29:
The claim that was made is that lobsters have preference
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is neutral, telling us about how they can detect changes in
the water. There are not many descriptive words to tell us this. The author’s
feeling toward this entire subject has not changed, he does not appreciate the
fact that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is to debate whether or not you are helping when you contribute to the MLF.

The tone is questionable because the other is genuinely curious when talking about how people feel
about what they put the lobsters through

-the purpose is to find out the truth about people who go and laugh at the lobster festival but still feel
bad about the lobsters

Paragraph 31:
The claim that was made is there is no more point discussing this anymore
because it becomes quite a bore to most people
In this point what is known about the author’s audience is that it is the reader and
the interest is the Main Lobster Festival and there is nothing known about the
education just yet.
The tone presented is somewhat frustrated, what makes me think this is when he
states, “it’s probably best to stop the public discussion right here. There are limits
to what even interested persons can ask of each other.” This tells me that he’s in
a way sort of exhausted because based on those recent events what he
preaches isn’t being taken into account or taken seriously. Throughout the entire
essay his feeling toward this subject has not changed, he does not appreciate
that lobsters are being used this way.

-the main idea is about what you feel while reading this, which side are you one?

-the tone is confused, the author is curious about so many things that the readers could feel during this

-the purpose is to ask yourself, what do you feel when learning all of this information. Think about the
questions he has asked and how are you going to live your life knowing this.

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