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Belly Loss Water Infusion Detox Drink

Dr. Naseem Mariam, Ph.D. (Acu)

@naseemmacu 11 Oct 2020


Ingredients: 3 small sized carrots grated; 2 small sized beetroot grated.

2 healthy yellow lime cut into small pieces after de-seeding. One large orange de-
seeded and cut into small pieces. Half apple cut into small pieces. Greenery:
coriander leaves one handful, podina mint leaves one handful, some sirru keerai
(one handful) {next batch I have planned spinach leaves} wash well, cut into small
sized bits

red, orange green

one large guava would have been a good
addition to this (white, yellow): just 5 to 10 black paneer grapes would have
completed all 5 colors of the 5 elements OR a pinch of pepper powder

1. Mix all ingredients together. Squeeze out the lime and oranges a little and mash
the grated beetroot and carrots. Note the rich red color from the beetroots: if we
cook, this will go away or reduce. This color contains phytonutrients the nature’s
defense mechanism available in all fruits and vegetables until they are cooked.


2. Now soak in water overnight. Strain and bottle tomorrow morning. 1st day I prefer
to keep it outside.
3.SALAD: The grated carrots-beetroots are too tempting when soaked in orange and
lime juice. So, took out some. Added pepper powder and had for snack as salad.
Can add chat masala powder and salt too.

4. Easily you can use 2 liters of water to soak this quantity of ingredients. If water is
less, the drink will be very thick. Keep it covered outside overnight on Day 1. 8pm to

5.Then Strain and bottle it. Keep the bottles in fridge. We get 2 1-liter bottles of water
infusion detox drink with this quantity of ingredients. Drink as and when required.
6. Tomorrow morning after straining, some residue of soaked greens, vegs and fruits
will be there. Grind all this together. Fill up with water same amount as this first time.
Keep in fridge for 24 hours. Even 12 hours is enough but I do this task only in early
morning so I leave it in fridge for 24 hours

7. 3rd morning, strain the 2nd decoction and bottle in 2 more 1-litre bottles. So once a
week you can prepare for at least 6 days of detox water for one person.
{Oh, oh I forgot to purchase and include my favorite cucumbers :-(. Okay will add
next round of batching with the spinach leaves: Also curry leaves must remember to

Happy batching. Do share your mix of fruits, vegetables, greenery in the

Telegram group. How many people in your house have you motivated to take a sip
of your water infusion detox drink?

A family that detoxes together bonds with Vibrant Health 😊

P.S. Our Telegram group Belly Loss Oaks & Olives

is a sharing, caring family too. Do care to share.
Just take the pics, copy into a Word document, write the story, save it as pdf
and post the pdf here in telegram group {pdf takes up very much less space}

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