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5 way to celebrate Yule

Decorate your home with winter plants

Evergreens- life, reincarnated, and restoration.
Holly- The Holly King Himself, protection, and good luck.
Mistle Toe- reconcile, prosperity and fertility.
Birch- Rebirth, a bump of power, creativity, and protection.
Yew- Vitality, transformation.
Ivy- A beautiful reminder that life continues on.
Oak- Endurance, leadership, victory.

2. Create a yule song or chant with your family

a. Grab a pen, paper, a timer and sit down at the table with your family/friends. Set the timer for 30
seconds. The person who starts (the oldest or youngest) begins with either one word or a
sentence. Every member gets a chance to change one word from the previous person or write
another line within 30 seconds. Once everyone gets their turn with the notebook someone reads
out loud. Optional but fun Record and save the paper for the next yule to read!

3. Spread Yule Joy by volunteering at your local shelters or nursing homes

a. Every year thousands go hungry, alone, cold during the winter months. If you work and don’t
have time to volunteer make a Winter Solstice package! Collect a bag or an old cookie tin and
fill it with items. Some items you might put in:

Toothbrushes Silverware/Dinnerware
Gloves Pads
Snack Bars Chapsticks
Socks Safety Pins
Cotton Balls & Q-Tips Soap
Pocket Notebooks Toilet Paper
Something Sweet Razors
Candles Fishing Hooks And Line
Pens Hair Ties/Rubber Bands
Washcloths Sewing Needles And Thread
Hats Gift Cards
Matches Or Lighters Rope/Cording
Zip-Lock Bags (Good Quality) Print Out Of Local Resources
Woman Knee Highs Change Bag From The Car Or Bottom Of Your Purse
Toothpaste Envelops and Stamps
Donate or pass out old clothes BACKPACKS that have holes or no longer in use.

4. Create a family vision board for the new year

a. Planning for the year ahead is a wonderful family activity for all ages. Be creative and start the
year off with a vision! Check out this parent site for those with children!
5. Feed the Animals and forest
a. Animals and the forest need to be fed too. Take those leftovers before they get worse in your
fridge or that bag of feed to the forest. Layout an offering stone or spot for the items. Ideas
(Safe to put on the ground for earth and animals): leafy vegetables, old seeds or plants that
didn’t live through the year. This is a wonderful activity for children all ages and teaches how to
give back to mother earth.

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