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Tyra Richardson

Ms. Sara Haynes Cousin

21 September 2021

Course: English Value essay

Values: There are many different types of values but the value that I will be basing on in this essay are
my core values. Now, what are core values? Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or
organization by that as in the principle of behavior and differences between right and wrong. There are
many different core values but the core values I will be writing on in this essay are selflove, setting
healthy boundaries and responsibility. These three values are my main values that I want to be able to
improve/work on and to better myself.

The way I see values are how you determine on your priorities and the way you want your life to turn
out by that as in making life decisions/ changes. Values are very important it measures to tell if things
are turning out the way you want it to. Those things as in your life, your priorities and the way you make
changes to for the values you are working on to turn out the right way.

Selflove: Selflove is my number one main value because I do have a very hard time loving myself before
loving others which is what I am currently working on in order to better myself. There are different
stages that can be worked on in having selflove. For example, my happiness, allowing myself to make
mistakes and not beat on myself for it, stop comparing myself to others, being able to let go of toxic
people in my life or the ones that are slowly entering, making right decisions and not being worried
about others opinion towards me. Currently working on my happiness by that doing things I love making
myself happy. Stop comparing myself to others which has a big place with working on my selflove. I
know it won’t be as easy as it seems or a fast process but everything takes time and will fall into place.

Another value I want to better myself in would be setting healthy boundaries in my life by that as in
making changes in my life with the boundaries that I want to work on/ better myself. Standards> not
settling for less knowing what I should settle for and what I should not and having high standards.
Working on my personal needs and wants in life, valuing my own opinions no matter what any one has
to say about my opinions the way I see or understand things, having to accept when others tell me ‘’NO’’
and not having to make a scene but to have maturity and accept when someone says it. Working on my
sleep schedule because I am at the age where I have things that has to be done, waking up on time for
work and being able to go sleep on time and wake up on time. Having balance as in with everything I do,
working on my procrastination because I tend to always procrastinate on things that could have been
done on time, communicating with respect, working on my attitude and anger.

Lastly, being responsible is another value I want to make a priority and work on. Having accountability,
working on having respect with others around me, honesty being mature enough to be honest with
everything, taking control in things that has to be done, making sure that all chores are done, having
authority and power and always being on time knowing that I am growing up to be an adult comes with
a lot of responsibilities in life.

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