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Þ Research the company online before your interview, and seek information on the following:
o Purpose, vision, and values
o The business they are in, how they conduct business, and who their clients/customers are
o The size of the company and the size of the specific division/department you are applying to (bonus points
if you can find information on the different roles within that division/department, so you can better
understand the structure of the team)
Þ If possible, network with current employees to gain more in-depth insight
Þ If you know who will be interviewing you, visit their LinkedIn profile
o This is a great way to understand their career journey and current position within the company – and an
opportunity to come up with some questions you might want to ask them!
Þ Identify the format of your upcoming interview (1:1 vs. group interview; virtual vs. in-person), so you know what to
expect and how to prepare

Þ Take the time to practice your responses to common interview questions – you should be able to comfortably
answer questions such as:
o Tell me about yourself
o What do you know about our company?
o Why do you want to work here?
o What are your strengths/weaknesses?
o Why should we hire you?
Þ Be prepared to answer behavioural questions, which gauge how you’ve responded to specific situations in the
o Examples:
§ Give an example of a time you used analytical skills to solve a complex problem
§ Describe a time when you had to maintain professional relations with a difficult colleague – how
did you manage the situation?
§ Tell me about a time you demonstrated resourcefulness
o Use the STAR method to guide your responses:
§ (S) Situation: Describe the situation in which the event took place
§ (T) Task: Describe the task you were asked to complete (if there was a particular problem you
were trying to solve, describe that here)
§ (A) Action: Explain what action you took to complete the task or solve the problem
§ (R) Results: Explain the results of your actions
Þ This is easier said than done, but try to smile while answering questions!
o Not only will you look more confident, smiling can also make you feel more confident and encourage you
to engage with your interviewer as if this were a conversation – try it!
Þ Come prepared with a list of meaningful questions to ask the interviewer – the most meaningful questions are
those that either:
o Help you evaluate how suitable the role is for you, based on your interests, desires, and career
§ Examples:
• What does a typical day within this role look like?
• How often can I expect to travel?
• What does career progression look like within this company?
o OR provide you with an opportunity to further demonstrate your suitability for the role
§ Examples:
• What do you see as the greatest challenge or opportunity within this team? (allude briefly
to a similar challenge you’ve helped address in the past, if applicable)
• What’s most important to you in an effective working relationship? (give a brief example of
how you’ve demonstrated that in a past working relationship)



Þ Dress according to industry standards
o If possible, find out what the company’s dress code is
Þ When in doubt, aim for somewhere between business casual and business formal
o Make sure you feel good about yourself and comfortable in what you have chosen
Þ Watch the Power Stance Ted Talk – it can help with confidence the day of the interview:

Þ On time is late, so arrive 10-15 minutes early

Þ Bring an extra copy of your resume, a pen, and a notepad
Þ Do not chew gum, do not bring your coffee into the interview room, and remember to silence your phone
Þ Learn the name of the person who is interviewing you
Þ Do not be afraid to take your time when answering questions
o Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the question (rambling about something unrelated is not a
good look!)
o Remember that the person interviewing you is just that – a person


Þ Send a follow-up email (or LinkedIn message, if you don’t have your interviewer’s email address) within 24 hours of
your interview
o Thank your interviewer for their time and consideration
o Reiterate the top 3 skills/experiences that make you an exceptional fit for the role

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