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Has you child ever asked, "I'll take out the trash if you pay me 50 bucks."?

Or I
will be the topper amongst all if you pay me a bit more! How weird does this
even sound!!
A very warm…….against….parents should pay their children for good grades.
students shouldn't receive money for doing what is expected of them in school.
As students, they have a responsibility to perform well in their classes. Also,
students shouldn't need a motivation like being compensated with money to do
well in school.
Paying students for good grades leads to practical problems in their classrooms,
including pressure to inflate grades and conflict with students and parents.

But no matter how much we want it to, money can’t buy smarts, motivation or
school success.

In fact, it can’t even buy good grades for very long. Though you may see initial
improvement, numerous studies have shown that over time, rewards dampen
excitement about a task — exactly the opposite of what we’re going for.

Children who are rewarded for good grades start to feel entitled to a payout,
which robs them of the ability to cultivate a love of learning and a sense of
responsibility for their own education.
children’s success, on their terms, is not something we can put a price on.
Paying for grades without helping children cultivate life skills like dedication
and accountability will only prepare them to rely on payouts and other external
motivating factors down the road. Instead, when we inspire a love of learning,
cultivate good habits and allow them to plot their own course, they will truly
flourish. It’s true that money can buy a lot. Having money equates to many
advantagesLet’s instill the fact that effective studying produces skills like hard
work, determination, confidence, and a great set of habits–all of which enable
and increase long-term success. 
As long as we provide an atmosphere of encouragement, and never bribery, our
kids will be fortified by skills and motivations that are truly sustainable. 

So, I would now like to conclude by saying that We live in an increasingly

dynamic world. The earlier we introduce this, the better equipped the students
will be. This illustration can enable students to deal with challenges effectively
ending into a win-win situation for all. Academics with motivation interwoven
and we have a true winner.

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