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Getting a Good Education

Many of us take education for granted. We go to school every day, but we do not work hard
enough to learn what we are supposed to learn. We should value our education a lot more and work
harder, because it adds so much value to our lives.

There are so many positive outcomes of education, but most of them come under the two banners of
allowing us to develop personally, and improving our life chances.

Learning gives us so much that we otherwise wouldn’t have. Besides the obvious skills and facts that
we learn, we learn self-discipline and self -motivation, timekeeping skills, social and communication skills and
so much more. We also gain confidence and self-esteem through completing tasks and being praised for good
work, as well as learning right and wrong as we are punished for any wrongdoing from a young age. Being
educated is shown to increase people’s sense of self-worth , life satisfaction and overall happiness so
ultimately being a well-rounded person with lots of potential of happiness is a major outcome of education.

This development in itself increase our chances in life and our potential to do the things we
want to do, as social skills gained allow us to form good relationships, and all of the other skills will help
when it comes to getting a job. There is, unsurprisingly, a positive correlation between the level of
education that people receive and the amount of money they earn. People that are educated are less
likely to be unemployed or be on low wages with which they can barely feed their families. They are
more likely to afford a nice house in a good area, a nice car, and regular family vacations. Educated
people are also less likely to o to prison, because they will be able to provide for their families without
crime and are less likely to be violent as they can communicate better with language.

Getting a good high school education also improves our chances of being able to go to
college. This further study adds so many different skills to your arsenal what employment prospects and
learning potential become better again. Whatever level someone has studied though, a good education
will get them further than someone with little or no education.

This is because of the marketable skills that they have gained. Literacy and basic math skills
are at the foundation of independent living and being able to work. Good communication skills and
ability to work both with a team and independently are often a basic requirement for any job, and these
are developed in the education system through group and individual projects.

All in all, education gives us so many skills that it is necessary for the both happiness and
success in life. We should take our schooling more seriously and work harder to acquire the knowledge
and skills that we need to build a better life.

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