In Some Countries, Teenagers Have Jobs While They Are Still Students

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In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students


Lately there has been a great increase in the participation of adolescents in the
workplace, this in turn brings good consequences as long as the adolescent knows
how to value their effort and does not waste their earnings on meaningless things.

Firstly, we will talk about the good things that this brings to the adolescent, first of
all, it gives a sense of responsibility towards material things, since it begins or
rather we begin to value the value of things, go the redundancy, but as already It
costs the adolescent to buy his own things, values more, and even makes the
adolescent mature faster, since he relates to more people.

Actually, a large number of adolescents who work and study are more mature
people, and it is that circumstances are the ones that make them mature to a
greater extent, since most of them work and study out of the need to improve
themselves, since otherwise way they would not have the sustenance to be able to
cover all their expenses. And there are even teenagers who do it not only to pay for
their studies, but to support their families.

I do not think that a teenager working can cause negative consequences as long
as the teenager knows how to value his effort, although this also depends on the
person, because there are many people who, despite their own effort, do not value
and waste everything.

I believe that, based on my personal experience, that working as a teenager makes

you have a different way of seeing things, as I mentioned before, it gives you a
sense of responsibility, especially you value things more, no matter how
insignificant they are, but as you already know. It costs oneself to obtain our
belongings, we value them much more than when our parents give us everything.

To sum up, the fact that an adolescent works brings more positive than negative
things, although of course this depends on the person, since not all of us value
things or think in the same way, there will be people who, even if it is their effort,
will still continue wasting everything and of course causing negative

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