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3b) various project management technique that has been used and utilized throughout the

The scope of project management is very wide and covers almost every industry in which it is
required. Therefore, a particular methodology is required by the project manager for
management of the project. Considering the project management methodologies, there have been
many project management methodologies available such as waterfall, agile, Kanban etc. All of
these methodologies use distinct techniques for the successful completion of the project. Each of
them has their own advantages and disadvantages. However, for this particular project, Agile
methodologies have been used as this methodology is best suited for those projects which require
flexibility. However, all these methodologies use some of the most useful project management
techniques that are essential for the completion of a project. The techniques that has been used in
the present project can be seen in the below points:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
As the name suggests this technique is used in a project to break a task into small manageable
divisions. In the present project WBS has been used to break down the work into small divisions.
By using this technique a graphical representation of the task that the project would initiate has
been shown (Ramadhanty et al. 2021). Since the work has been divided into smaller parts, it has
been very easy for the project manager to proceed with each task. The WBS has been created by
all the team members of this project where major deliverables have been identified collectively
and those deliverables have been divided into subdivisions (Busse et al. 2021). WBS has helped
the manager to allocate budget in an optimum way since tasks have been divided into subparts.
Gantt Chart:
This is another technique that has been used in this project. It is a visual representation of where
it helps in helping and managing the project. However, in the present project management, Gannt
chart has been prepared by using the application MS Project which makes it easier to execute the
task (Tereso et al. 2019). By making Gantt charts, timing for each activity has been decided
based on its importance. Since Agile methodology has been used in the project where a project
that needs flexibility suits this type of methodology, Gantt chart added further benefits to this
methodology where managers had freedom to adjust schedule. Furthermore it has also helped in
linking the dependent tasks. After That each task has been assigned to individual team members.
Figure 1: Gantt Chart
(Source: Self-created)

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)

It is another type of project management technique which has been used in this present project
management where it has helped the managers in time estimating. Time is one of the most
critical aspects of a project management as completing a project on time is very crucial for
project management (Ba'Its et al. 2020). It works on probability by using many statistical
methods. Therefore, it helps in reducing the project completion time so that low cost is incurred
in the business as much as possible.
Critical path method (CPM)
This method can be referred to as a cornerstone of project management. These techniques have
been used in the present project to prepare a model which includes the WBS of tasks that has
been preceded with allocated time. Therefore, this has helped the project in deciding the longest
path from project initiation to completion (Gozali et al. n.d.) It also includes the earliest and the
latest time each task can take in completion. Therefore, this technique has helped in identifying
the critical tasks of the project that needs to proceed with carefully. With just a click a project
manager can easily know the shortest path will complete the project at the earliest. The CPM
method also helps in decision making of the project. In the project an algorithm has been used by
CPM so that it has helped in the decision of the project (Alaidaros et al. 2020). This method also
helped in running multiple tasks in the critical path parallel. This has helped in reducing the
overall time of the project and made it possible to complete the project on time. It has also
helped in reducing time optimizing the work. Apart from that this method also allowed
visualizing dependencies which eventually helped in prioritizing tasks.
This is also one of the project management techniques that has been used in the study which has
allowed the project manager to visualize the workflow. Furthermore, this technique has been
used in the present project to monitor the tasks and activities for the completion of this task.
Apart from that this technique has helped in team working and work more effectively (Habibi et
al. 2018). The techniques of Kanban have been used in the project with the help of Project
Management software. This has taken the Kanban technique to a new level as it syncs with all
the project views and allows the team to work in a manner as they want (Razi et al. 2020). All
updates regarding the project have been updated through the tool. This helped managers in
transparency of tasks. This technique has helped in limiting the work in progress and helped
therefore, in balancing the workflow of the project. This technique supports a collaborative
4. Conclusion
In conclusion it can be said that, the methodology and project management which have been
used in the completion of the present project, has helped very much in the projects. Considering
the project management technique, agile method has been used where this methodology is best
for the project which requires flexibility. A number of techniques have been used in the
completion of the present project where it has been briefly described how these techniques have
been used in the project. WBS has been used to provide the basic structure of the project and
estimated time has been allocated for each task. It also helped in dividing each task into a
subtask. Apart from that Gantt chart also has been used in the study which assessed is
prioritizing tasks and also helped in budget allocation.
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