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Interactions of hard tissues, soft tissues, and

growth over time, and their impact on
orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning
David M. Sarver
Birmingham, Ala, and Chapel Hill, NC

The approach to orthodontic diagnosis has changed gradually but steadily over the past 2 decades. The shift
away from diagnosis based entirely on hard tissue evaluations has been a result of a broadened recognition
of the importance of facial and smile appearance to our patients, and how they change over time. The purpose
of this article is to describe and illustrate the integration of the new soft tissue paradigm into long-term treatment
planning, with a focus on the esthetic goals of treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;148:380-6)

he changes in approach to orthodontic diagnosis challenged, tested, and then eventually incorporated
have been gradual but steady over the past 2 de- into clinical practice as “what works.” Let's start with a
cades. The shift from diagnosis based entirely on look at the evolution of hard tissue diagnosis and how
hard tissue–based evaluations has been a result of a it became so centered in cephalometrics. Cephalometric
broadened recognition of facial and smile appearance radiography was originally introduced to gain under-
by our patients, and thus by the orthodontic specialty. standing of patterns of growth, development, and matu-
The current popularity of the “selfie” illustrates this ration. By the 1950s and 1960s, the combination
point. Last year, I had the experience of riding a gondola naturally led to a focus on hard tissue elements and
to the top of a Colorado mountain—a 30-minute trip. In treatment plans based on study models and “normative”
the gondola was a young lady whom I became fascinated cephalometric measurements, and clinicians drifted
in watching because, from the bottom of the mountain away from the clinical examination of patients.1 Evalu-
to the top, I counted that she took no less than 28 selfies! ation of the patient's soft tissues is now a critical step in
Different poses, some smiling (smiles are important!), orthodontic treatment planning.2 In problem-oriented
some not (so is resting lip posture), but frontal pictures treatment planning, the orthodontist identifies and
nonetheless. She might have suffered from a slightly quantifies functional and esthetic abnormalities that
excessive amount of narcissism, but many occupants need correction or improvement.3 Further evolution of
of this large gondola documented their experience in the concept of problem-oriented diagnosis and treat-
similar fashion. ment planning should now entail identification of
Orthodontics has evolved in many intellectual and both the normal and the positive elements of a patient's
practical steps. What develops intellectually naturally is appearance or smile that should be maintained or
enhanced. This is termed “problem- and goal-oriented
treatment planning” (Fig 1). When clinicians focus solely
Adjunct professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Alabama, Birming-
ham, Ala; adjunct professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of North on correcting the problems they see, they sometimes
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. overlook the patient's positive attributes and in doing
The author has completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- so run the risk of unfavorably affecting the patient's es-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: David M. Sarver, 1705 Vestavia Parkway, Vestavia thetics. The classic illustration concerns the Class II pa-
Hills, AL 35216; e-mail, tient with a normal midface and a deficient mandible
Submitted, revised and accepted, April 2015. treated with maxillary premolar extractions and maxil-
Copyright Ó 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. lary incisor retraction, resulting in flattening of the up- per lip and an unflattering profile. In this approach to
Sarver 381

examination of the soft and hard tissues, their resting

and dynamic (smiling) relationships, and the knowledge
of how they change over time.
At some point in my orthodontic experience, it began
to puzzle me that we would attempt to base our ortho-
dontic treatment on a 2-dimensional lateral headfilm,
taken in 1/60th of a second, and make the complex de-
cisions of orthodontic treatment that are expected to
endure decades of change. As a result of his research
into craniofacial development, AJO-DO Editor-in-
Chief Dr Rolf Behrents6 stated that “It is clear [that]
the ability of cells, tissues, and organs to produce change
in the craniofacial complex ceases perhaps only at death
and not at some developmental event along the way.”
Fig 1. Problem- and goal-oriented treatment planning This is the world of the contemporary orthodontist,
has expanded problem-oriented treatment planning so dealing with a continuously changing substrate in
as not to overlook the patient's positive attributes and both the adolescent and the adult, thinking far in
run the risk of negatively affecting esthetics. advance of the outcome.

treatment, the problem was identified as a dental Class II SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION AND TREATMENT
malocclusion, and the extraction sequence was quite GOAL SETTING
adequate to treat that problem. However, the facial Soft tissue changes occur over time, and it is usually
esthetic appearance was ignored and deleteriously the orthodontist who best understands the comprehen-
affected. In a more contemporary illustration, standard sive principles of dental and skeletal development,
approaches to orthodontic treatment result in flattening maturation, and aging in addition to the many other
the smile arc in about a third of patients, probably facets of dental practice.
because it was not a factor considered in the treatment The 12-year-old girl in Figures 2 and 3 came with a
plan.4,5 During the clinical examination, we should chief complaint of “the dentist said I needed braces”
document not only problems but also the positive because of her Class II deepbite malocclusion.
elements that need protection. It is difficult to clearly Although correction of her malocclusion was the
illustrate this approach to treatment verbally or in reason for seeking treatment, she obviously exhibited
writing only, so I have chosen to illustrate the an excessive amount of gingivae on smiling, and this
integration of the new soft tissue paradigm into long- was thoroughly discussed with her parents as an
term treatment planning. The focus will be on the esthetic objective of treatment. Gummy smiles like this
esthetic goals of treatment. patient's often have multifactorial etiologies, and
If our only goal is a Class I occlusion, treatment can diagnosis is often dictated by the background of the
often be efficient and even easy. On the other hand, pa- person making the diagnosis—“diagnosis by procedure.”
tients and parents are inclined to focus primarily on the Let me illustrate with this patient. If she was initially
enhancement of appearance. If our only goal is aimed at seen by an oral surgeon, the recommendation might lean
the “social 6,” then this treatment can also be efficient toward surgery and maxillary impaction when of age; if
and even easy. Contemporary treatment, of course, she was seen initially by a periodontist, crown length-
should have a broader scope, looking at both occlusion ening likely would be the treatment of choice; and if a
and appearance. Attainment of both excellent occlusion cosmetic dentist was consulted, crown lengthening
and excellent esthetics can indeed be quite difficult, but with the possibility of porcelain veneers would most
with the patient's approval, it is the goal that we should likely be recommended. The purpose of this article is
all strive to achieve. To treat only the occlusion treats to illustrate a more globally oriented diagnostic regimen
only half of the patient. If the same effort we have placed that requires a thorough knowledge of both craniofacial
almost entirely on occlusion for decades is now put into and soft tissue changes to better equip the diagnostician
enhancing appearance, we begin to be able to offer our to direct appropriate treatment. This comprehensive
patients treatment that promotes well-being on many knowledge is essential in a global diagnostic approach
levels, both functionally and esthetically. We will that includes both the functional and esthetic demands
emphasize in this paper the importance of the clinical of today's orthodontic environment. In our diagnostic

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382 Sarver

Fig 2. This 12-year-old girl has a convex profile and moderate mandibular deficiency, the etiology for
her Class II malocclusion. She has a slightly short lower facial height and significant lip incompetence.
When smiling, she demonstrated excessive gingival display.

4. Hypermobile smile: elevation of the upper lip on

smiling varies between persons. How do we tell
when someone has a hypermobile smile? Empiri-
cally, if the patient does not have an excessive
incisor display at rest and has normal crown height
and facial height, then excessive gingival display
would be attributable to excessive elevation of the
upper lip on smiling. Recent studies have demon-
strated that the average upper lip elevation is
around 23% of its resting length.8
5. Retroclined or supererupted maxillary incisors:
these are most often seen with dentoalveolar
compensation for a Class II skeletal relationship.
Fig 3. Her original malocclusion was a Class II deepbite. The patient's initial referral was prompted by the
dentist's suggestion that an orthodontic consultation
regimen, we have carefully attempted to document all was indicated because of her Class II deepbite—the func-
possible etiologies of, for example in this case, the exces- tional reason for orthodontic treatment. Her esthetic
sive gingival display on smile.7 These include the evaluation began with the global approach of macro-,
following. mini-, and microesthetic evaluations; we start from the
outside in.9 This must be done in order, and the reason
1. Vertical maxillary excess: the clinical characteristics will be illustrated later. With her lips in repose and
include excessive incisor display at rest, lips apart then in smiling, the systematic clinical examination for
posture, lip strain, and excessive lower facial height. this patient was quantified as follows.
2. Short crown height: short crown height has 2 basic
etiologies—gingival encroachment and incisor attri- Macro-esthetic evaluation
tion. Gingival encroachment in an adolescent can
include delayed active eruption or delayed passive 1. Short lower facial height. Having thirds of equal
eruption, and in both an adult and an adolescent, height is typically accepted as the most desirable
gingival hypertrophy. vertical facial proportionality. However, an impor-
3. Short philtrum height: depending on the patient's tant key for orthodontists is the lower facial third,
age, the ideal philtrum position is 2 to 3 mm shorter because this is the area over which we have the
than the commissure height. As we will demonstrate most influence and control.
later, this is highly variable with age. 2. Lip incompetence of 5 mm.

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Fig 4. With lips in repose, the philtrum was 15 mm, much

shorter than the commissure, with all of the maxillary inci-
sors displayed at rest. Fig 6. With age, the philtrum height increases at a greater
rate than does commissure height, resulting in a flatter
and thinner upper vermilion.

Fig 5. On smiling, she displayed a crown height of 8 mm

(a problem), a gingival display of 7 mm (a problem), and a
consonant smile arc (desirable, to be protected).

Fig 7. The increase in upper lip length also contributes to

3. Convex profile with mandibular deficiency. It is the the decreased incisor display at rest.
etiology of the Class II malocclusion.

Mini-esthetic examination (Figs 4 and 5) long term10 (Fig 6), because over the patient's life-
time, the philtrum's vertical length increases at a
1. Philtrum height of 15 mm. The philtrum height is greater rate than the commissure, contributing to
measured in millimeters from subspinale (the base the flattening and aging of the upper lip in repose
of the nose at the midline) to the most inferior and contributing to decreased incisor display at
portion of the upper lip on the midline. The abso- rest (Fig 7) and decreased gingival display on smil-
lute linear measurement is not particularly impor- ing (Fig 8).
tant, but what is significant is its relationship to 2. Maxillary incisor display of 8 mm at rest (Fig 4).
the maxillary incisor and the commissures of the 3. Maxillary central incisor display of 8 mm (100%) on
mouth. This relationship changes significantly smiling (Fig 4).
over time. In an adolescent, it is common to find 4. Gingival display of 7 mm on smiling (Fig 5).
the philtrum height to be shorter than the commis- 5. Retroclined maxillary incisors in compensation for
sure height. This difference can be explained by the mandibular deficiency.
the differential and vertical lip growth over the 6. A consonant smile arc (Fig 5).

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Fig 8. The increased upper lip length also contributes to Fig 9. Incisor crown height increases dramatically during
the decreased gingival display on smiling. adolescence and tapers off in later years.

Micro-esthetic examination 2. Short philtrum in relation to commissure height. Her

philtrum height of 15 mm was short compared with
1. Crown height of 8 mm. The expected crown height the 22-mm commissure height; thus, it shows up on
at her age should be about 9 mm, normally our macro-esthetic problem list.
maturing to an average of 10.5 mm at the comple- 3. Excessive smile curtain. Since her smile curtain was
tion of active and passive eruption (Fig 9).11 not significantly in excess of 23%, hypermobility of
2. Incomplete eruption or passive eruption. the lip is eliminated from the potential etiologies.
3. A thick periodontal phenotype. 4. Upright maxillary incisors. Her maxillary incisors
were upright in compensation for her mandibular
deficiency, thus resulting in an increase in gingival
TREATMENT PLAN display. We planned to use high-pull headgear for
In addition to correction of the functional issues of anteroposterior growth modification as well as
the Class II deepbite, the esthetic treatment plan is deter- vertical forces to aid in reduction of the gummy
mined by esthetic issues (primarily the excessive gingival smile.
display on smiling) coordinated with the protection 5. Short crown height. We measured her incisor crown
strategy (maintain the consonant smile arc). height at 8 mm. The expected crown height at her
Let's revisit the etiologies of the gummy smile in age should be about 9 mm. In her case, crown height
comparison with this patient's clinical examination. might improve with the continuation of passive
This problem-oriented and goal-oriented approach to eruption, but crown lengthening might be recom-
the esthetic problems results in the clinical examination mended if needed at the appropriate time.
and a biometric documentation to help determine our
At first blush, an orthodontist might naturally
treatment plan. The etiologies of the gummy smile are
consider opening the deep overbite through maxillary
the following.
incisor intrusion to decrease the gumminess of the smile.
1. Vertical maxillary excess. Our patient did have the But in our clinical examination, we noted that the pa-
clinical characteristics of excess incisor display at tient had a consonant smile arc, an ideal feature that
rest and lip incompetence but did not have a long we assiduously wish to avoid altering. The short philtrum
lower facial height. Therefore, vertical maxillary would be expected to contribute to an increased gingival
excess can be eliminated as an etiology. To intrude display on smiling, but as we have seen previously in this
the mandibular incisors does not affect the facial article, the philtrum increases in length consistently over
height, and to intrude the maxillary incisors may time. This change is reflected in a reduced incisor display
reduce the gingival display but will flatten her smile at rest and a reduction in gingival display on smiling. We
arc. Logically, since the face is short, the deepbite expect less gingival display as the patient matures, so or-
should be opened through posterior extrusion to in- thodontic treatment was directed to upright the maxil-
crease the lower facial height. lary incisors and reevaluate crown height at an

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Fig 10. Posttreatment photographs with lips in repose, Fig 12. Seven years after completion of treatment.
reflecting the change in philtrum height and reduced lip
incompetence, and with a full-face smile.

There are really 2 major points to be made here. First
is the importance of looking at the patient clinically at
the beginning of developing our diagnosis and treat-
ment plan. In fact, this assessment has been practiced
for quite a long time; clinicians have drifted back to it
in practice, and it has just slowly formalized. As a resi-
dent, I remember that many of my teachers referred to
the “window-shade diagnosis,” the act of holding an
actual cephalometric head film (not digital), untraced,
up to the window to eyeball the dentoskeletal relation-
ships. Using a systematic approach to the clinical assess-
Fig 11. The final close-up smile image. ment, we have quantified many aspects of the initial
examination. As a result, we are able to establish data
appropriate time in her treatment. Over the 2-year treat- on soft tissue maturation and aging in the perioral
ment time, the expected upper lip changes were occur- area and how it significantly influences our treatment
ring, but the crown height remained a problem. In the planning. The idea of soft tissue–based treatment plan-
final stages of treatment, we referred her to a periodon- ning has become an important part of teaching and clin-
tist, who determined that she had incomplete active ical practice. So, the second point is that it is not just the
eruption, and crown lengthening was performed with finish that is important, but also what is appropriate for
osseous and soft tissue surgery. Orthodontic treatment the patient's age and for achieving and maintaining it
was finished to an excellent esthetic and functional for as long as possible. The concepts and data we have
outcome. presented will serve the practitioner for the wide variety
of patients seen in contemporary practice.
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Nostalgia Advertisement from a 1986 issue of the Journal

September 2015  Vol 148  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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