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DAY 2 (FEBRUARY 21,2023)


Today is the second day of our work immersion. I arrived at our workplace at 7:36 am and immediately
logged into attendance. The people who work there and my classmates are gradually coming. When Nurse Mar
John arrived, he told us to go to our respective department. Me and Akira are currently assigned to the
laboratory department.

Nurse Shiena Roanne Baldoza guided us to the laboratory and assigned us to do the cotton rounding.
Nurse Shiena gave us a lot of advice about when we went to college. While we were making a cotton rounds, we
were listening to music because Nurse Shiena was playing music. I am happy because Nurse Shiena is very
approachable and she sings very well. What I will never forget is that she said that we should just enjoy college
because based on her experience, college is more enjoyable than high school. We were just having a chit chat
about her experience in college. Nurse Shiena also helped us in fixing the microscope glass slides. After that we
take a break at exactly 10:10 am to 10:45 am. We buy some foods and eat it. We came back to the lab and we
continue doing our job until lunch. My classmates and I ate lunch and passed the journal we made to nurse Mar
John. At exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, we returned to our respective department. Akira and I just
continued our work and later we were called by our classmates to witness the removal of the implant. At exactly
three in the afternoon, we all returned to the conference room to rest a little before nurse Mar John arrived.
When nurse Mar John arrived, he gave us a brochure about RABIES. he taught us about the knowledge about
rabies. He taught us about the symptoms of rabies and what to do when bitten by an animal. He taught us about
the knowledge about rabies. He taught us about the symptoms of rabies and what to do when bitten by an
animal. Also some information about laboratory. After that, we all went home after another tiring but
knowledgeable day.
I learned a lot this day. The knowledge imported will help us have some idea regarding our work
immersion. This was a great opportunity for us in order to gain knowledge and enhance our skills to be a better
immersion student in our assigned work places as well as a better citizen in the society.
DAY 3 (FEBRUARY 23, 2023)

BEmONC: Basic Emergency
Obstetric and Newborn Care.

Day 3 of my Work Immersion was really memorable for me because I got to try a lot of new things
and at the same time have fun while doing it. Today is the 3rd day of our work immersion. I went to school
early because our Principal call us all for a little reminder. After that we went to our respective
departments. We arrived at the health center before eight o'clock in the morning and we logged in at the
attendance. My partner and I went to the Surveillance or BEmONC department. We were just looking
around and we were really amazed at the things there. We haven't done much yet so we're just observing
the surroundings.
At 9:12 am we went to the ‘Bahay Tuklasan’ to attend the program "A Healthy Mouth, A healthy body, for a
healthy MIMAROPA community" Many children and parents attended the program and Nurse Mar John was the
speaker of this program. We learned a lot in this program such as the types of palates which are Hard Palate and Soft
Palate. The four stages of tooth growth led by 6 weeks of pregnancy, 3-4 months of gestation, and birth and baby
tooth. I was amazed when I found out that a child's teeth are growing even though they are still in their mother's
womb. We also learned the parts of teeth which are Incisors, Canine, Premolar and Molar. We also learned what are
common mouth infections, these are dental caries/cavities in mouth, hand, foot and mouth disease, tonsil stones,
fungal infection, tonsillitis, cleft palate and periodontitis. We also know that toothache can cause heart disease.
Possible diseases are Rheumatic Heart Disease, Coronary Artery Disease and Infective Endocarditis.
After the program we went to conference room to take a rest for some minutes before we take our lunch. We ate our
lunch and after that we went back to the conference room and just waited for 1 pm. By 1 pm Akira and I returned to BEmONC
and Nurse Myla Leonar Gamban guided us. We had a client from Pinagsabangan 1. She took a pregnancy test and had Nurse
Myla check the IUD. Nurse Myla assigned me to put the urine in the sample well using the dropper. She used a Vaginal
Speculum and Lubricant Jelly to check the client's IUD. A Vaginal speculum is a medical instrument that makes it easier for your
provider to see inside hollow parts of your body like your Vaginal. The IUD or Intrauterine Device is a tiny device that's put into
your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It's long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods out there.
Then we check the client's BP. I learned a lot at BEmONC such as checking BP and I also learned about the different tools used in
this department.
After that we went back to the conference hall to rest and we just waited for 3:30 pm because at this time Nurse Mar
John starts teaching. Nurse Mar John arrived and started teaching about TB and DR-TB. TB is a disease caused by germs that are
spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as
the brain, the kidneys, or the spine. A person with TB can die if they do not get treatment. How is TB treated? TB-DOTS is the
most effective way to treat TB. It only takes at least 6 months of continuous treatment. Medicines for TB will be taken daily as
directed by the health service provider. It is important not to stop treatment so that TB (DR-TB) does not become drug resistant,
because treatment will take longer (up to 24 months) or cause your death.
Petechiae are pinpoint, round spots that appear on the skin as
a result of bleeding. The tourniquet test is part of the new WHO case
definition for dengue. The test is a marker of capillary fragility and it
can be used as a triage tool to differentiate patients with acute
gastroenteritis, for example, from those with dengue. Schistosomiasis,
also known as bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic worms.
Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms
of the Filarioidea type These are spread by blood-feeding insects such
as black flies and mosquitoes. They belong to the group of diseases
called helminthiases. Individuals infected by filarial worms may be
described as either "microfilaraemic" or "amicrofilaraemic", depending
on whether microfilariae can be found in their peripheral blood.
Filariasis is diagnosed in microfilaraemic cases primarily through direct observation of microfilariae in the
peripheral blood. Occult filariasis is diagnosed in amicrofilaraemic cases based on clinical observations and, in
some cases, by finding a circulating antigen in the blood. The most spectacular symptom of lymphatic filariasis
is elephantiasis – edema with thickening of the skin and underlying tissues—which was the first disease
discovered to be transmitted by mosquito bites. Triple drug therapy for Filariasis (IDA) - ivermectin,
diethylcarbamazine, and albendazole. Lymphatic filariasis is caused by the worms Wuchereria bancrofti
Lymphatic What are the
filariasis is a side
human effects of caused
disease the medication?
by parasiticIt worms
is possible
known that you will
as filarial experience side effects such as skin
irritation, loss of appetite, numbness of the feet, and others. This is only temporary and there is no need to worry. It is
important 5 IPtoBarangay
let your health service provider know about your feelings so that they can be treated immediately. What
happens if you don't finish the treatment? If treatment is not completed correctly, your TB may become Multi-Drug
• Caburo • Paitan • Magtibay • Bunotan • Balite
Resistant (MDR). Once it reaches MDR-TB, the drugs you are currently taking will no longer be effective. The medical
standardThesefor active
are theTBlistis of
a the
shorttencourse treatmentplants
(10) medicinal involving
that athe
combination of isoniazid,ofrifampicin
Philippine Department (also known as
Health (DOH)
through its pyrazinamide,
“Traditional Healthand Program”
ethambutol hasfor the first All
endorsed. two
(10) herbsIsoniazid
or alsoisknown
an antibiotic used in the
as LUBBY-SANTA havetreatment of
been thoroughlytuberculosis
tested and have infections. This activity
been clinically proven describes
to havethe indications,
medicinal valueaction, and contraindications
in the relief and treatment offor isoniazid
as a valuable
various ailments:agent in treating both active and latent tuberculosis infection. Isoniazid can cause neurological effects, so
patients should be monitored for altered mental status, seizure and peripheral neuropathy. Rifampicin is used together
with other medicines to treat • L –tuberculosis
AGUNDI - For Asthma,
(TB) in many Cough & Fever
different parts of the body. It is also used by patients who have a
meningitis bacteria in their nose or throat who
- Skin do not
diseases show symptoms
(dermatitis, scabies,ofulcer,
the eczema)
infection to prevent the spread of the
bacteria to other patients. Rifampicin will cause urine, saliva, sputum, sweat, teeth, and tears to turn a reddish-orange to
reddish-brown color. This is to be expected - Headache
while you are using this medicine. This effect may also cause soft contact
lenses to become permanently discolored. Pyrazinamide
- Rheumatism, belongs
sprain, to the insect
contusions, family bites
of medicines called anti-infectives. It is
used, along with other medicines, to treat tuberculosis (TB). To help clear up your tuberculosis (TB) infection completely,
you must keep taking this• U – LASIMANG
medicine for theBATOfull- time
of uric acid (rheumatism
treatment, even if you andbegin
gout)to feel better. Ethambutol is a
medication used in the management and treatment of tuberculosis. It is a bacteriostatic drug that inhibits cell wall
• B – AWANG – Hypertension
synthesis. This activity outlines the indications, actions, and contraindications for ethambutol as a valuable agent in the
treatment of tuberculosis. •After B – AYABAS - For washing
the discussion wounds
we all say goodbye to each other and went home.


• Y – ERBA BUENA – For body pain

• S – AMBONG - Anti-edema, diuretic, anti-urolithiasis

• A – MPALAYA - Diabetes Mellitus (Mild non-insulin dependent)

• N – IYOG NIYOGAN - Anti-helmintic

• T – SAANG GUBAT – Diarrhea

• A – KAPULKO - Anti-fungal (tinea flava, ringworm, athlete’s foot and scabies)

My day 4 was full of new knowledge and I am happy because I had these new knowledge
that stuck in my mind that helped me to do better in my studies.
DAY 4 (FEBRUARY 27.2023)


Today is the fourth day of our work immersion and I feel mixed emotions because today I am
assigned to the pharmacy. I arrived at our work place at 7:51 am. Today is Monday so I expect that we will
have many clients. I am excited because finally I will know/learned the different medicines. Nurse Leizel
Elmido Guevarra guided us to the Pharmacy.
My partner and I wrote down the names, ages, address and the medications requested by the clients. She
also taught me about medicines such as:

Medicine for diabetes Medicine for High blood Medicine for Abdominal Pain

• Metformin • Amlodipine (5 mg/ 10 mg) • Hyoscine butylbromide

• Gliclazide • Losartan - Brand name: Cozaar • Dicycloverine

Medicine for cough • Metoprolol Antibiotics

• Lagundi ascof forte • Simvastatin • Paracetamol

• Guaifenesin Salbutamol • Co-trimoxazole

• Ciprofloxacin

• Clindamycin
During lunch, my classmates and I ate and then rested in the conference room before returning to our respective duties.
Akira and I returned to our duty, there were only few clients because it was noon. So, we just study the medicines that taught by
Nurse Leizel. By 2:30 pm we all returned to the conference room to wait for class. At exactly 3 pm, Nurse Mar John came to teach
us, the first thing he taught us was about Sanitation. These are Dengue, Schistosomiasis and Filariasis. He also discussed about the
LUBBY SANTA Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus)
mosquito. Aedes Aegypti – indoor mosquito Aedes Albopictus – outdoor mosquito Dengue (DENG-gey) fever is a mosquito-borne
illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever and flu-like symptoms. The
severe form of dengue fever, also called dengue hemorrhagic fever, can cause serious bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure
(shock) and death. Most people recover within a week or so. In some cases, symptoms worsen and can become life-threatening.
This is called severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. Severe dengue happens when your blood
vessels become damaged and leaky. And the number of clot-forming cells (platelets) in your bloodstream drops. This can lead to
shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and even death. Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue (ABKD) Synchronized Clean-up Drive


• search and destroy mosquito breeding sites

• self-protection like using of insect repellents

• seek early consultation at the neatest health care facility;

• say no to indiscriminate fogging and misting

• sustain hydration
DAY 6 (MARCH 2, 2023)


Today is day 6 of our work immersion. I arrived at our work place at 7:10 and immediately logged in the
log book. Today Akira and I are on registration duty. At 8:00 am there was an orientation in the conference
room and we attended the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Orientation. This orientation contains general
guidelines such as:

Areas of Implementation – Public and Private schools located in Naujan

Target of Vaccination – 9 – 14 years old Girls, No prior sexual activities, not immunocompromised

Vaccination Schedule – Dose 1: Upon contact with the person, Dose 2: Six months after the first dose

Vaccine Information – 2 types of vaccine: Bivalent – for females only; Quadrivalent – give to both females and

After the orientation we back to our respective duties. Ms. Mary Ann taught me what will I when we have clients. Just
like the OLD CART. This morning the check-up is not yet open so we have no clients. So we went to the laboratory to watch how
Ms. Shane do the test. The students of Naujan Municipal Highschool undergo a medical test for their immersion so there is many
clients of the laboratory. At 9:30 am we returned to our duty to wait for the incoming clients and most of those who arrived were
the ones who would inject anti-rabies.

This was the cycle of our morning until lunch. 12:00 pm my friends and I went to the restaurant to eat lunch and then
returned to our work place to prepare for our duty. 1:00 pm the 25 students of Naujan Municipal Highschool scheduled for
check-up arrived. I am the one whose asking question about the student’s birthday, address, religion and if they feel cough, cold,
fever, asthma and allergies. And Mrs. Crisell Lumanglang guide me of what I’m doing. It didn't take long for us to conduct a health
assessment on the students, so we were able to take a rest. Working is never easy. You need to have perseverance, diligence,
love for your work and most importantly, the knowledge of interaction. Although you are having a hard time, you still need to do
your job correctly because this is your duty as an employee.
DAY 1 (FEBRUARY 20,2023)


Today is the first day of our Work Immersion. Just from the time I have woken up. I would say that I
have really felt anxious about the things that may happen to me at the Municipal Health Office. Due to my
uncontainable excitement. I arrived in school at 6:30 am. I go first to our room and I saw my classmates and
then suddenly someone call us and tell to us that we need to go to the gym quickly. And there I saw all the
Grade 12 students from different strand who will also have work immersion. I’m so excited because this is
my first day of immersion and at the same time nervous because I’m thinking what If I cannot do the job
well. By the way I have a companion there, it is my friends and my classmates. Well, thanks God because
I’m with someone that I know for a long time then there is nothing to worry about.

On our way to the Municipal Health Office, we have the power of confidence to take the possible challenges we
might encounter no matter how hard it is. We arrived in Municipal Health Office at about 7:30 am. Together with my
schoolmates and Mrs. Venus V. Abarquez. We met our work immersion supervisor, Nurse Mar John Suarez. At first, He
introduced us to the doctors, nurses and other staff at MHO and after that we introduced each other one by one. He lectured
and oriented us about Schistosomiasis endemic in 7 Barangay in Naujan, Filariasis which is the disease that spreads from
person to person by mosquito bites. In addition to that he also mentioned the different department as well as the different
heads in each department. At exactly 10:10 am he gave us a break until 10:55 am. After that we go to our respective
department with our partner. My partner is Akira Eunice Mission and our department is in Dental Department. Doctor Raffy
Fabula Guaves, Nurse Jessica Mercado and Nurse Gerlie Garan are the one who guide and orient us in dental department.
We help Nurse Jessica in finding and arranging the records of some clients. After that, we ate lunch and went back to the
room. Nurse Mar John re-orientated us about STI, HIV and AIDS and gave us an exam. And I'm happy because I was one of
those who got a high score in the exam. I got 23/25. After the exam we went back to our department and nurse Jessica
assigned us to pack face masks, toothpaste and toothbrushes in a box. Akira and I packed a 50-piece box. After that, we went
back to the room and listened to nurse Mar John's orientation about Health Assessment.

Our first day is full of many FIRST. And this boost our eager to learn more and be very versatile to the environment
we are in now. With the orientation and knowledge that nurse Mar John imparted us this day, we are now able to begin to
assist and help in the work place. This is just the beginning and we will be experiencing a lot and after all of this, our skills will
surely be enhance“WE WILL BE MORE PROGRESSIVE AND GUIDED TO THE RIGHT PATH” All I can say is, our first day of
immersion was fun and a great thing that is charged to our experience.
DAY 9 (MARCH 7, 2023)


Today is day 9 of our work immersion. I arrived at our work place at 7:16 am. Today we are duty at
Sanitation. Sanitation refers to public health conditions related to clean drinking water and treatment and
disposal of human excreta and sewage. Preventing human contact with feces is part of sanitation, as is hand
washing with soap. Today we will have a long exam about what Sir Mar John discussed and what we learned at
the health center. 8:30 in the morning we went to the Bahay Tuklasan to take an exam. We finished our exam
at 9:13 am. After our exam, we took a break to rest and have a snack. After a break we went to our respective
duties. 2:30 PM we go back to the conference room to do the blood typing and Ma’am Shane is the one who
guide us.
Blood typing is a method to tell what type of blood you have. Blood typing is done so you can safely donate your blood or
receive a blood transfusion. It is also done to see if you have a substance called Rh factor on the surface of your red blood cells.

Blood is often grouped according to the ABO blood typing system. The 4 major blood types are:

Type A Type B Type AB Type O

A blood sample is needed. The test to determine your blood group is called ABO typing. Your blood sample is mixed with
antibodies against type A and B blood. Then, the sample is checked to see whether or not the blood cells stick together. If blood
cells stick together, it means the blood reacted with one of the antibodies.

The second step is called back typing. The liquid part of your blood without cells (serum) is mixed with blood that is known to be
type A and type B. People with type A blood have anti-B antibodies. People with type B blood have anti-A antibodies. Type O
blood contains both types of antibodies.

The 2 steps above can accurately determine your blood type.

Rh typing uses a method similar to ABO typing. When blood typing is done to see if you have Rh factor on the surface of your red
blood cells, the results will be one of these:

Rh+ (positive), if you have this cell surface protein

Rh- (negative), if you do not have this cell surface protein

We performed the blood typing activity by partner and Yrish became my partner. Yrish was the first to perform blood
typing and the result she got was O+. I followed her and my result was O+. Almost 5:00 pm we all finished our activity. After that
we all go home safely.
DAY 8 (MARCH 6, 2023)

Directly Observed Therapy

Today is Day 8 of our work immersion. I arrived at our work place at 7:10 am. Today I'm on duty at
TBDOTS. Many patients are already arriving because this Monday there are always many patients. At 8:00 am,
Akira and I went to our duty. At first, we were just observing around and learning about the medicines of TB.
Our clients this morning were those with new cases of TB, so Ma’am Myra's assessment was a long process.
And there was an agreement about TB treatment. Symptoms of TB:

 Cough for 2 weeks or more

 Sputum Expectoration
 Fever
 Significant weight loss
 Hemoptysis
 Chest and / or back pain

Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS, also known as TB-DOTS) is the name given to the tuberculosis (TB) control
strategy recommended by the World Health Organization. According to WHO, "The most cost-effective way to stop the spread of
TB in communities with a high incidence is by curing it. The best curative method for TB is known as DOTS."  DOTS has five main

 Government commitment (including political will at all levels, and establishment of a centralized and prioritized system
of TB monitoring, recording and training)
 Case detection by sputum smear microscopy
 Standardized treatment regimen directly of six to nine months observed by a healthcare worker or community health
worker for at least the first two months
 Drug supply
 A standardized recording and reporting system that allows assessment of treatment results

Before 12:00 pm we went to the restaurant to eat lunch. 1:00 pm we returned to our duty and were assigned to sort files of
clients. We have arranged the contact number of the clients per barangay. After that we distributed medicines to the
Cabinet. 2:30 pm we finished our work and we returned to the conference room to rest. Sir Mar John didn't have any
discussion so we just rested until we went home.
DAY 5 (FEBRUARY 28, 2023)


Today is day 5 of our work immersion. I arrived at my work place at 7:36 am and I was excited because
Akira and I had a check-up duty today. Little by little the clients arrived so we all got ready so we could go to
our respective duties. At exactly 8:00 am Akira and I went outside to assist clients. The person in the
registration gives us the paper of the clients and we are the ones who call the clients and assisting clients to Dr.
This is just the cycle of our duties until lunch. Sometimes we encounter nasty and rude clients, but there are also kind
and approachable clients. Most of our clients are Senior Citizens so I felt relieved because my heart is close to senior citizens. I
didn't falter and kept doing my duty despite a female client who was obstinate and didn't seem to like what I was doing. I
recalled what Nurse Mar John said, "If you really want to help others, you should continue to help even if other people think
badly of you," and I felt that. We were able to take a short nap before lunch because the check-up ended at 11:30. My friends
and I ate lunch at 12:00, and afterward, until 1:00, we hung out in the registration area before returning to our duty. In the
afternoon, we only had a few clients, so Akira and I had some time to relax. While we were doing nothing, we reviewed how to
perform BP. Few minutes later, two police officers with a woman who had been injured showed up to undergo a medicolegal

After a while, there was an emergency because a 6-year-old boy was brought to the health center because he was hit
by a tricycle. The child has scars and a gash on his head, it's not that big but it needs to be stitched up to close the gap on his
wounds. I feel like I’m in a roller coaster ride today because of so many things that happened today. We also became
emotional when we saw the child's condition and when we saw his mother crying. But we have to fight our emotions. before
we went home, we checked the condition of the child again. And we were relieved when we saw that he was getting better.
DAY 10 (MARCH 8, 2023)


The 10 days of immersion is helpful and a meaningful experience during Senior High School days. It is
amazing you can gain more knowledge, ideas, insight and background in choosing what course you are going to take
in college. This experience helps me on how to be a responsible, a better person and a successful professional

I gained a lot of knowledge during my previous work immersion, which I will undoubtedly use in the future.
One of those things is that you must continue working on all of your tasks because that is your responsibility. I also
gained social skills, especially with clients. Even though every patient has a different attitude that can be difficult to
handle, you need to maintain your positive attitude and smile constantly because, as the saying goes, "Patient Care"
and as an employee, you must abide by that rule. I also learned the importance of being well-behaved because you
should always be tidy and presentable when you interact with patients.

Another thing I learned is being a fast worker because there are tasks that have time and need to be
completed at a given time. In life, nothing worth having comes easy. This means that without hard work and
dedication, success is not possible. To become the best version of ourselves, we must all face the challenges life
throws at us and work to overcome them. We, people, should know that in life, consistent hard works is the key to
success. Success is something that every individual wants in life but in order to be successful, one must work hard
and put some effort in everything that he do. You can achieve anything if you work hard and put forth effort. I've
learned how to work hard and take everything seriously from my previous on-the-job training. I also discovered how
difficult it is to make money.

It takes effort to achieve. If you find it challenging to study, imagine how much more so if you are also
employed. I've got back pain and I've been sweating all day. I have come to understand and appreciate the
importance of hard work while working at the Municipal Health Office. As students, we must understand the value
of hard work so that one day, we will also practice it. It gives us a purpose and helps us to overcome laziness,
doubts, and fear of failure.
DAY 7 (MARCH 3, 2023)



Today is Day 7 of our work immersion. I arrived at our work place at 7:37 am. Today I am assigned to
the ABTC or Animal Bite Treatment Center. At first, Akira and I were just observing how they do the
vaccination on the client. After a while, we helped in writing the date or schedule of the clients. We only had a
few clients this morning so Akira and I just helped in another area. Akira and I went to the laboratory to help
Ms. Shane because he has a lot of clients today. After we went to the laboratory, we went to the dental office
to pack some face masks, toothpaste, and toothbrush. After we packed, we rested and had a snack.

10:45 am we went to the registration to help them in giving the client’s paper to our classmate who was on duty at the
check-up. 12:00 pm we went to the restaurant to eat lunch. Before 1:00 pm we returned to our work place and returned to our
duty. There were many clients at the check-up so Akira and I helped call the clients. Before 2:00 pm, the check-up of the NMHS
people was finished. We went to TBDOTS to try the skin test and listen to what Nurse Zeny teaches. The Terumo Syringe
with/without needle is intended to be used for medical purposes to inject fluids into or withdraw fluids from the body. Skin
allergy testing comprises a range of methods for medical diagnosis of allergies that attempts to provoke a small, controlled,
allergic response. Sterile Water is a prescription medicine used as an Irrigant. Sterile Water may be used alone or with other
medications. Sterile Water belongs to a class of drugs called Sterile Irrigating Solutions. It is not known if Sterile Water is safe and
effective in children. Intradermal injections (ID) are injections administered into the dermis, just below the epidermis, it is used
for anti-rabies.

The most site for venipuncture is the antecubital fossa located in the anterior elbow at the fold. This area houses three
veins: the cephalic, median cubital, and basilic veins. Subcutaneous (SQ or Sub-Q) injection means the injection is given in the
fatty tissue, just under the skin. A SQ injection is the best way to give yourself certain medicines, including: Insulin. Blood-
thinners. Fertility drugs. Epinephrine injection is used for emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions (including anaphylaxis)
to insect bites or stings, medicines, foods, or other substances. It is also used to treat anaphylaxis caused by unknown substances
or triggered by exercise.

Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in
my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. This day is one of the
most memorable because of the feelings I had when I experienced all those things, the opportunities that were opened up for me
and the long last benefits that I received from it that still exist today.

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