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Spitting Up amount with each feeding, parents may

be describing gas-troesophageal reflux, in

Almost all infants spit up, although
which a lax cardiac sphincter from
formula-fed babies appear
the stomach into the esophagus allows
to do it more than breastfed babies.
regurgitation of gas-tric contents into the
Parents who did not han-dle their infant
esophagus. This also requires medical
much in the health care facility where
their attention (see Chapter 45).

child was born may discover spitting up Burping a baby thoroughly after a feeding
only after they take often limits

the baby home. They may interpret this as spitting up. Parents may try sitting an
vomiting or think infant in an infant

an infant is developing an infection. Ask chair for half an hour after feeding.
them to describe Changing formulas gen-erally is of little
value. Reassure parents that spitting up
carefully what they mean by “spitting up.”
de-creases in amount as the baby
How long has the
becomes better at coordinating
baby been doing it? How frequently?
swallowing and digestive processes (the
What is the appearance
cardiac sphincter ma-tures). In the
of the spit-up milk? Almost all milk that is meantime, a bib can protect the baby’s
spit up smells at cloth-ing and the parent. After a few
months, the child will natu-rally stay in an
least faintly sour, but it should not contain upright position longer, and gravity will
blood or bile. help
A baby who spits up a mouthful of milk to correct the problem.
(rolling down the
Diaper Dermatitis
chin) two or three times a day (or
sometimes after every Some infants have such sensitive skin that
diaper dermatitis
meal) is experiencing normal, early-
infancy spitting up. (diaper rash) is a problem from the first
few days of life. It oc-curs for several
Associated signs such as diarrhea, reasons.
abdominal cramps, fever,
When parents do not change a child’s
cough, cold, or loss of activity suggest diaper frequently,
illness. If an infant is
feces is left in contact with skin, and
spitting up so forcefully that milk is irritation may result in
projected 3 or 4 feet
the perianal area. Urine that is left in
away, it may be beginning pyloric stenosis diapers too long breaks
(an abnormally
down into ammonia, a chemical that is
tight valve between the stomach and extremely irritating
duodenum), which re-quires surgical
intervention. If the spitting up is a large
to infant skin. Ammonia dermatitis of this weather or when babies are overdressed
type is generally a or sleep in over-heated rooms. Clusters of
pinpoint, reddened papules with
problem in the second half of the first
year of life, when an occasional vesicles and pustules
surrounded by erythema usu-ally appear
infant is producing a larger quantity of
on the neck first and may spread upward
urine than before. For
some infants, however, it is a problem
around the ears and onto the face or
from the first week.
down onto the trunk.
Frequent diaper changing, applying A&D
Bathing an infant twice a day during hot
or Desitin
weather, partic-ularly if a small amount of
ointment, and exposing the diaper area to baking soda is added to the bath
air may relieve the
water, may improve the rash. Eliminating
problem. Some infants may have to sleep sweating by reduc-ing the amount of
without diapers at clothing on an infant or lowering the

night to control the problem. room temperature should bring almost

immediate improve-ment and prevent
Whenever the entire diaper area is further eruptions.
erythematous and irri-tated so that the
outline of the diaper on the skin can be Infant Caries (Baby-Bottle Syndrome)

identified, one must suspect an allergy to Putting an infant to bed with a bottle of
the material in the formula, breast

diaper or to laundry products if a milk, orange juice, or glucose water can

commercially washed or result in aspiration.

home-washed diaper is being used. It also can lead to decay of all the upper
Changing the brand or teeth and the lower

type of diaper or washing solution usually posterior teeth

alleviates this


If a diaper area is covered with lesions

that are bright red,

with or without oozing, last longer than 3

days, and appear

as red pinpoint lesions, suspect a fungal

(monilial or can-didiasis) infection. This is
discussed in Chapter 43.


Miliaria, or prickly heat rash, occurs most

often in warm

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