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There has been a lot of research done for HPWPs in recent years where organisational

performance is one of the key factor. More specifically High Performance Work Practice has

been the centre of attention where a lot of work has been published on putting High

performance work practice into action because if this is not executed correctly it can cause

damage the reputation of organisation and have a negative effect on them. " particular,

research into high performance working

suggests that positive workplace outcomes can be leveraged through cumulative and

synergetic effects among reinforcing ‘bundles’ of practices. Results from some of these

papers indicate that the performance impact of bundles is likely to vary by sector and product

market strategy. Many of these positive results originated from US studies. However, similar

results are also found elsewhere. There are some names of some companies in diffrere

countries. Patterson et al. (1997), Guest et al. (2003), Thompson (2001) and Wood (2001) in

the UK; Betcherman et al. (1s997) in Canada; Tung-Chun Huang (1997) in Taiwan; Guthrie

(2001) in New Zealand; Guerrero and Barraud-Didier (2004) in France and Den Hartog and

Verburg (2004) in the Netherlands." This shows that this practice is a really intensive yet

important work for a company where one of the main concerns is employee. In order to get it

right one should question what is high performance work practice? How it should be

implemented? What is the perfect model for HPWP? Upcoming section gives a in-depth

answers to all these questions.

As mentioned above it has been stated that this topic is relatively new but important in lot of

research papers from every part of the world. There are lot of different types of definitions

out there for HPWP but most appropriate would be one which incorporate all the aspects of

the working system. "An analysis of data from the European Working Conditions Survey

2000 shows that high performance work practices impact positively on work satisfaction.

Autonomy in the workplace, participation in decision-making, and increased communication

with co-workers are key factors for workers’ well-being. However, team work, job rotation

and supporting human resource practices have only a limited effect." According to this

HPWP is a mix of employee, technology and infrastructure which forms a system which uses

all the organisational resources to achieve all goals. In order to make this system work there

should be a synchronisation between these three elements mentioned above otherwise it could

really go wrong. There are different elements in High performance work practice which can

lead to organisational successes. Image 4 illustrates all elements of High Performance work

Practice which all are derived by organisational goals to achieve High performance. all of

these elements are interlinked because of synchronisation requirement otherwise it will not

work properly. IS(information System) is one of the first element which is required in HPWP

system because information is a key factor in today's fast developing IT world one

organisation can't successful without IS. Information System holds the whole fort together by

having a continues flow throughout every part of process.

Secondly A stretchered organisation makes it easy to have HPWP system in place and also

makes it easy to implement and control. Task design is also one of the key factor which has a

important part in this system where every task should be designed in such way that persons

can relate to tasks instantly and act accordingly. This improves working efficiency. This also

outlines the job characteristics and team structures. People in other words employees are also

important because if people are not well prepared for the job it can cause disruption in

process. Furthermore Reward mechanism should be in place because now a days employees

do need rewards to keep focus on their job role. This plays an important part in HPWP

system because it makes employees to make more effort towards their job roles and

objectives. If all works properly at their place HPWP system out puts higher performance and

effectiveness towards work which leads to more profitability. HPWP gives not only good

performance and focused work force but also gives good quality, more customers and less

staffing costs.

The present study is helpful for the organization because of the governance of projects, it

gives the internal organizational control, and due to which organizations will be able to

ensure that they are following the right path, and externally it convinces the stakeholders that

their money is spent justly. The organizations will be capable of accomplishing the demands

of stakeholders that their money is spending justly. The organization will be able to fulfill the

demands of stakeholders because due to project governance the organization can be capable

of complying with the external rules, regulations, and legislations.


 High-performance work practices have a positive impact on project success.

 High-performance the relationship between high-performance work practices and
project success.
 Heritage Foods Ind Ltd work ethics moderates the relationship between high-
performance work practices and project success. And it highly moderates the
relationship between high-performance work practices and project success.


 The overall objective of the study is to examine the impact of high-performance work
practices, through governance on project success.
 The specific objectives of the study are stated below;
 To explore the relationship between high-performance work practices and project
 To examine the mediating effect of project governance on the relationship between
high-performance work practices and project success.
 To examine the moderating effect of Islamic work ethics on the relationship between
high-performance work practices and project success.

Step 1: Constituted the distributing of the questionnaire to the sample respondents.

Step 2: Constituted of collecting back the questionnaire from the respondents.

Step 3: Constituted of systematic analysis and the data gathering in the form of tables and

Step 4: Constituted of arriving of findings based on the study and giving suggestions they’re

Sources of data:

For the fulfillment of the study the student researcher has relied on two types of Data i.e.
primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data:

This study is almost based on primary data which is more acquainted for social science
research .The primary data has been collected by administering Questionnaire to the selected
respondents. Another sources of primary data is overall observations of companies working,
companies attitude on training and development. The student researcher has conducted
sufficient discussions with both the employer and employee to gather the information for the
aspects of Questionnaire.

Secondary Data:

The Secondary data has been obtained by studying existing training and developmental
program in heritage foods ind ltd. . Data is also obtained by referring to the earlier studies
conducted in smaller areas and also the annual reports, brochures, and other materials served
as secondary data.

Sampling plan:

The sample of 100 employees were chosen out of 121 New entrant managers which is more
than 35% of the universe for the purpose of the study on the basis of using simple random
sampling method. The selection of the sample includes all the departments and designations.
Tools and Techniques of data collection;

A Structured Questionnaire has been designed covering all relevant aspects of Training and
Development programs and administrated to the respondents for the collection of the data.
Whereas the information available from earlier studies, books, brochures, annual reports, files
and several other sources of secondary data. However, the data collection was painstaking
effort and endeavors were made to collect relevant information with missionary Zeal.

Data interpretation:

The data ventured to be collected through Questionnaire method the responses obtained are
then tabulated and analyzed and inferences are drawn. The statistical technique of percentage
method is used for the purpose of data analysis. Based on inferences drawn from the data a
suitable finding is made along with the necessary summary and conclusion.
Statistical tools used

Percentage method:
Percentage method is used in making
comparison between two or more series of data. This is used to describe relationship.

Percentage of respondents = No of respondents x 100

Total respondents

The method of study followed in this project (in brief):

Sample size : 100

Data collection method : Primary and Secondary.
Duration of study : 45 days.
Analysis : Through percentage method.

 Due to time constraints the study was limited only for 45days.

 Random sampling method has been adopted and all limitations applicable to that method
are applicable here also.

 The authenticity of information provided by the New Entrant Manager cannot be assured.

 Analysis of the data has been done based on the assumptions that the information
provided by the respondents is genuine.

 The sample size is small when compared to total universe, Hence the capability of study
to the whole universe is constraint.

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